I mean, I guess...
I was tagged by Munginas to do this 13 questions thing. So here ya go.
1. Post the rules
2. Tag 13 friends
3. Answer 13 Questions & leave 13 new ones
4. You cannot say no
5. You can tag back
6. Gotta do it in a week
7. The title has to be unique
8. Must be in one of your published books
9. You answer the questions about yourself. Sounds easy enough yeah? Let's get this show on the road!
1. You get to marry one fictional character – who is it?
Professor Snape. I literally wrote Black Mist so that I could save his life. I love Severus and think he deserved someone to love him. I want to love him.
2. If you didn't have to worry about money or a job, where would you live in the world?
There are many answers to this question. a) New York b) San Francisco c) Santa Barbara/Carpinteria d) Chicago e) London there are many more but yeah.
3. What was the last book that you got so absorbed in that you couldn't put it down?
4. In your mind, what are your 3 biggest weaknesses?
I'm a gossip. I'm too nice to people who maybe don't deserve it. Ummmmm. I have hidden this fanfic side of myself from the people I know in real life when I should be able to be honest about it.
5. You only get 3 words to describe yourself – what are they?
Creative, intelligent, ... Funny?
6.Which is better to listen to – your heart or your brain?
Your brain. Your heart will steer you wrong. (You'll have more fun listening to your heart, though)
7. What's your weirdest pet-peeve?
I don't think any of my pet peeves are weird. My BIGGEST pet peeve is people wasting my time. I also can't stand when people chew their food loud, like smacking it, or like slurp soup or cereal. I'm tryna eat in peace, yo. Shut up.
8. Which is better: asking for permission or asking for forgiveness?
I'm a rebel. I never ask permission and rarely ask for forgiveness either. Fuck the rules. Shit I'm a terrible influence. Don't listen to me, children.
9. What would you do if you inherited 1 million dollars tomorrow?
Quit my teaching job and write full time for the next...ten years.
10. What's the most embarrassing moment of your life so far?
When I told my husband about THIS dirty Harry fanfiction. 😳
11. Ever have any trouble with the law or get arrested?
I have never. As much as I am a rebel...I've never been arrested. I was picked up by the police when I ran away to Boston (from LA) when I was 13 in search of New Kids on the Block (we found 3/5 of them, and Jordan Knight told us "go home!"). But I wasn't technically arrested. 😇
12. Which do you like more, a great book or a great movie?
A great book for sure. I love movies but I like my own imagination more than a director's and I like to picture things for myself.
13. If you had to change one thing about the world, what would you change?
I would change the way people hate one another for their differences. Whatever our differences, whether it be race, religion, gender, sexuality, economic status, we should love one another and live in peace.
13 Questions for the people I tag (or anyone else who wants to do it):
1. What's the one food/drink you can't live without?
2. Who is the most important person in your life and why?
3. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
4. What's your dream job?
5. If you could invite 10 people, living or dead, to a dinner party, who would it be and why?
6. Favorite author(s), published or on wattpad?
7. Favorite childhood memory?
8. What's the book or movie that makes you cry the most?
9. Ummm. Coming up with these questions is hard. If you could be any animal, what and why?
10. Where is one place in the world you've never been that you really want to visit?
11. Chocolate or fruity desserts?
12. What has been your scariest moment?
13. What tv show will you drop everything to watch?
Tagged to answer these qs:
ALL OF YOU. just answer in the comments. I wanna know you.
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