(chapter thirty-six.) you okay, peaches?
POET WAS LEVITATING FIVE AS HE STILL DIDN'T wake up despite Paris healing him. But Paris, who was still trying to heal him, noticed that Five wasn't accepting his help.
"He's denying my healing," the boy let out urgently. "I can't heal someone unless they let me. I've healed all of you because you all wanted to be healed. Five, stubborn as hell, won't accept."
"We should have taken him to the hospital" Allison said as she looked at Diego and Poet. Poet shook her head as she hurriedly went to go lie him down on the couch.
"Al," she started, "if we take him to the hospital, doctors would question what the hell happened to this kid with a shrapnel wound."
"Yeah, well, so does the murder shrine in Harold Jenkins' attic," Allison said back. As soon as Poet finally placed Five on the couch, Allison took off her leather jacket. "He's still losing blood. What do we do?"
"We gotta get the shrapnel out," Paris replied.
"You're gonna take it out?" Diego questioned as he placed his hand around Poet's waist, the girl rubbing her forehead. Paris looks at the man over his shoulder with a look.
"Oh, yeah, let a damn 14-year-old take something out of a damn grown up looking kid's wound," the boy replied sarcastically. "No, Diego, I'm not gonna take it out. Aunt Poet is going to help me. We've done this multiple times."
"Multiple times?" Diego turned to look at Poet as his voice was laced with confusement. The girl shook her head, taking off her red jacket.
"A story for another time."
Before he could open his mouth, Diego saw someone pass by and caught the attention of Allison and Paris as soon as he walked away.
"Diego, where are you going?" Allison asked. But Diego didn't answer and walked away even farther.
"Aunt Poet," the girl turned around to look at Paris as he had ripped a piece of his bright blue button up. "Can you take the piece out, please?"
He looked so urgent and Poet nodded, kneeling next to the boy on the couch. She stuck out her hand and closed her eyes, placing her hand on top of Five's stomach. Her hands glowed and as much as Allison had witnessed this happening, she was still in awe at her friend's powers.
"Got it," Poet said with eyes still closed. She grunted softly, taking out the piece as careful as she could. "There."
"We need to stitch him up," Paris commented as he placed the piece of his button up on Five's stomach. "And then bandage him."
"Got it."
Poet and Diego stood next to each other as they watched Paris and Grace bandage Five up, conversing with each other quietly. Feeling another person's presence behind them, Poet looked to her left and saw Allison there, arms crossed as she, too, stared at Paris and Grace.
"There's no answer at Vanya's house," she spoke. "And the receptionist at her school said she was a no-show for her lessons today."
Diego nodded and turned around without uttering a word. Poet and Allison stared at each other before the brunette grabbed a hold of Diego's arm.
"You okay, peaches?"
Diego stopped and turned around. "Yeah..." Noticing Poet's face and Allison's as well, he glanced at Grace. "I don't know, it's just surreal seeing her." Allison and Poet both turned to look at Grace as she smiled at Paris. "I just wanna tell her that I'm s..."
"Oh, no," Poet mumbled as low as she could, knowing that Allison and the other siblings didn't know what he had done. So she watched him shake his head slowly, changing the topic.
"We don't have enough time," he said. "We gotta go."
"I don't know, Diego," Poet stepped back and gave the siblings space, heading towards Grace and Paris.
"Hey," she smiled at the two, sitting down next to Paris on the bed.
"Hello, Poet," Grace smiled. "How are you feeling?"
"A little drained, but I'm fine," Poet replied. But she was slightly confused on why Grace was so nice to her; a Capulet. "Grace... how are you so nice to us Capulets? Surely you've heard terrible stories of us from Mr. Hargreeves."
"I have," Grace answered truthfully. "But I have heard from you from Allison and how great of a person you are. I have heard how you and your brother fought alongside and how skilled you two were. Their father was jealous of how you two were and he spread hate on your name. But, I have met you before when you were about 12-years-old, Monday at 3 pm, in the dining room. You and Julian Capulet, died after being killed on field, were treated as experiments and abused by your parents, who did not dare let you set foot outside the house. You and your brother had and still have an IQ of 160, smart children. You both quit fighting after your parents died when you were 16. Julian had a son at age 16 and lied about his age to join the marines. He sadly passed away at age 18. I really have no problem with you, Poet, and your brother and nephew. You guys were treated more as experiments rather than children and I get it. I do not hate you nor do I hate your brother."
"That means a lot Grace," Poet smiled.
The woman hummed happily and looked down at Five's wound. Poet felt a hand being placed on top of hers and Paris smiled at her before leaning in and giving her a kiss on the temple.
"I'm gonna stay here and look over Five," he said. Poet gave him a questionable look. "Dont worry about me, okay? I'll be fine."
"Sweets," she heard and turned to look at Diego who was smiling a little at her. "We found something. Let's go."
She looked at Paris, who sighed and the next thing she knew, she was standing next to Diego, hand in his. "I'll be fine."
"Okay. I'll be right back. Okay?"
i haven't updated in so long and im sorry. but my sister is leaving soon to oklahoma for basic training (she got recruited) and ive been wanting to spend time with her because she's leaving before my birthday. my little sister fractured her arm and ive been taking care of her. also, my mom was really sick so ive been cleaning around. oh and ive been working on my homework which is to read malcom x and i haven't read it (sadly) so yeah. im sorry and i hope you understand :)
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