(chapter thirty-eight.) the foreshadowing
POET AND ALLISON WALKED ON A CRIME SCENE AFTER BEING ABANDONED by Diego, who went to look at the other house where Harold Jenkins previously lived and t discover more about how he was going to kill the Capulets. The two walked along with each other, the two wearing sunglasses to not attract as much attention. But Poet, in her mind, knew that just because she and Allison were sunglasses it didn't mean that nobody would recognize the two. They were too recognizable.
Checking to see if there were cops in the police cars they passed, the friends walked immediately towards the sign where a scarf seemed to be at the very top. Allison grabbed the scarf and held it in her hands.
"Vanya," Poet simply let out as she recognized the pattern of the scarf. She heard Allison walk away hurriedly where the tape was and she turned to stop her before she could get in trouble. "Allison!"
"Hey," she sighed when she heard another voice as soon as Allison raised up the tape so she could go under. "Pardon me. Hey."
"Oh..." Allison shortly let out, stopping in her tracks as she passed the tape. Poet stayed behind, crossing her arms and checking closely at the scene.
"I gotta ask you to stay behind the line," a man said, his badge flashing beneath the sunlight. "We had an accident here last night."
"A... What kind of accident?" Allison questioned and Poet tilted her head to the side to see what was happening but she couldn't see much. Deciding using her powers was easier than trying to take a peak, Poet instantly felt a rush of emotions overwhelming her and words were heard in her head. She ignored the irrelevant ones and focused on the ones of the officers. Getting a clear image of what happened, she raised her eyebrows and shook her head.
"Ma'am," the officer let out sternly, sticking his hand out. "The line, please."
"Oh," Allison said. "Yes, sorry." She immediately headed towards her friend's side and the two watched the officer step closer.
"Got a lot of stuff on the ground, okay?" He continued, staring at the two girls. "To be wary of."
"What happened?" Poet questioned again.
"We're trying to figure that out," the man answered. "As soon as we do, you'll be able to read it in the newspaper with everybody else. So, have a nice day."
The man walked away and Poet took off her glasses, making a face as she muttered under her breath, "These glasses are killing me."
While she said so, Allison took off hers and called out for the man walking away. "Look, officer, if there is any way..."
"Holy shit!" The man let out as he saw who Allison was now, though, Poet wondered why he didn't recognize them sooner. Allison looked confused and looked at her friend. The officer took notice of Poet and started pointing at the two with a mouth slightly agape. "You're Allison Hargreeves and Poet Capulet, right? I saw you," he gestured at Allison, "on TV two nights ago in that Sandra Bullock movie about underpaid teachers that rob a bank."
"Yeah," Allison nodded with a smile on her face. "That's me."
"Oh! Wow. Hey," the officer breathed out, shocked at who he was standing in front of. "If I'm being honest, my wife and I, we prefer you in the romantic comedies."
"The Love on Loan trilogy," the man continued. "Oof! We can't get enough."
There was an awkward silence between the two and Poet winced, turning to her left to stare at her twin brother. He looked back at her and the two continued to stare at the officer staring at Allison with an awed look.
"Copy, Cheddar?"
"Yeah, what do you got, Fred?" The man questioned and Poet looked at Allison out of the corner of her eye, shrugging as they listened in into the conversation despite the fact that the officer continued to stare at Allison.
"Hospital called. Perp from last night just regained consciousness."
"Copy. I'll be right over," he stayed serious for a second and his eyes traveled themselves towards Allison. "Allison freakin' Hargreeves. Wow. Ah, my wife's not gonna believe it... Anyway, I... I... I... I gotta go."
"Um..." Poet watched awkwardly at the scene in front of her and turned to look at her brother. Knowing when the officer wasn't looking at her, she spoke softly to the blonde-haired man. "What do you think about all this?"
"I know you're going to protect him," Julian nodded, glancing at his twin sister from beside him. "You always took great care of him and the fact that he thinks of you as a mom, I know you've done your best to take care of him. Don't worry about what's going to happen because I know you're going to save him and promise me you're going to take good care of yourself. I don't want you to be on the other side with me."
"I'll promise I'll be careful," Poet nodded curtly before looking away and staring at Allison who was not in the place where she was last standing. She turned around and saw Allison by the police officer, talking with him.
'Go along with my lie. That's I'm doing this because of a new role.'
"In Jackpine Cove?" The officer asked with hands on his hips as he looked at the curly-haired woman with furrowed eyebrows out of confusion. "We haven't had a murder here in years."
"It's about a small-town cop, officer," Poet lied easily, the words falling off the tip of her tongue very easily as she has lied a large variety of her time thanks to her parents, "who takes down a drug cartel. Maybe she could talk along to see how you do your job so she can... get well into her role."
"I promise..." Allison started, nodding along her friend's words and Julian looked impressed, shocked a little by how easily his sister lied. She was always stuttering at times when their parents pressured her to lie or she had to lie in some cases, "I won't get in the way."
The officer looked unsure and Poet quickly added. "It would help her develop her character if she could live a day in the life. Maybe she'll even give you a shout out when the movie comes out."
The officer nodded slowly. "Day in the life, huh?" The two women nodded. "Eh... Come on. Follow me."
The two quickly walked away towards the car and Julian looked at his younger sister.
"Good job on the lie."
"Thanks. Learned from the best."
i havent updated in a
long time and im really
sorry for leaving this book
like that. but i didn't have
inspiration and honestly, this
book got boring and i could
notice the reads decreasing
and the votes too so i just
stopped. but here i am. again.
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