(chapter sixteen.) i'll be right back
POET RAISED HER HEAD UP SLIGHTLY WHEN SHE HEARR VANYA'S CONFUSED voice. She was anxious, scared of what might happen to Vanya if she didn't do anything.
"Guys?" Poet heard her say. "Is everyone okay?" Her footsteps got closer and Poet bit her bottom lip, hands immediately forming their natural scarlet color. Paris looked at them, in such awe as he took a closer look at the way her hands glowed. "Hello? Guys?"
Poet immediately raised her hand up as soon as Vanya turned to her side and the man was about to struck her. She pulled him away from her, getting closer to the two. But the man immediately stood up, pushing Vanya towards the table.
"Hey, asshole."
Poet and Paris immediately headed towards Vanya, the boy immediately healing her wounds. Poet placed her hand on her nephew's shoulder.
"Get out," she said in a stern voice. "I'm serious. I'm going to go help Allison with the other one. Alright? And don't disobey me Paris. I can't lose you."
Poet kissed his forehead and the boy sighed, helping Vanya stand up. He looked at the Hargreeve.
"I advice you to hold on," he said. "And please, if you want to throw up, just tell me. Don't throw up on me. I'm saying it in the nicest way."
With a last look at his aunt as Poet turned a corner and looked over her shoulder to see if he listened to her, he sped off, a blue streak left behind. Poet shook her head before coming to face with her brother.
"He got my powers," Julian mumbled happily. Poet nodded, running off to find Allison.
She headed towards the gunshots, just in time to see the person looking around for Allison. Poet watched amusedly as she saw a hand crawl up and grab a cue stick.
The person fell on the ground with a grunt and Allison looked at Poet as the girl came inside and stood by her side. They looked at each other, shaking their heads.
"Never saw us fighting side by side," Poet chuckled tiredly before it drifted away when the masked person headed towards the two with two cue sticks, twirling them around her hands. Poet twisted her hand to the side, the cue stick falling off the person's hand. But just because one fell off didn't mean that she wasn't going to struck off Allison with the other one. Poet raised her leg, kicking the anonymous person on their stomach, punching them in the chest later on.
"Think you want to rumor this psycho?" Poet heard Diego's voice. She kicked the person yet again on their stomach, squatting down when they were to hit her in the face and Poet punched them in the knees.
"I don't need to," Poet heard Allison answered, "because this bitch just pissed me off."
But as the person fell, she hit Poet in the stomach with the cue stick, causing the girl to groan in pain. Distracted by the pain that was just about to trail away, the masked person grabbed a fistful of Poet's hair and punched her across the face. Poet groaned frustratedly, feeling her split lip reopen again.
"We just want the boy."
"Oh, well, in that case..." Poet stood up, wiping away the blood from her lip. She lifted up her shirt the slightest, revealing multiple scars from getting stabbed and the big red mark from the woman that just hit her there. She shook her head.
"This bitch just fucking hit me," Poet chuckled, turning around rapidly when she heard Alligon grunt and a thud. She saw Diego look at her, nodding his head curtly as if to ask her if she was okay. The girl nodded, heading towards Allison.
Helping the actress get up, Poet saw a sharpened tool and picked it up. Allison stood up with the help of her, hitting Cha Cha. Cha Cha ran away and Poet handed the tool at Diego.
Diego grabbed it, throwing it after the woman. The grunt of pain told them that Diego hit her and Poet looked at the Hargreeves.
"Yeah, I'm gonna kill her for hitting me."
She stormed off and the siblings stared at each other.
"She doesn't like being defeated does she?" Diego sighed, looking at his sister. Allison shook her head. "Come on."
Heading towards wherever Cha Cha was heading at, the Hargreeves and the Capulet came to find Luther on the ground.
"Luther!" Allison yelled, immediately heading towards the man. Poet looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of the two masked people. "Come on, Luther, get up."
"Ah, you gotta cut down on that fast food, soldier," Diego commented, helping Allison pick up Luther.
"Poet!" She heard her name being called and she turned to look at the culprit. She came upon her brother and the other Hargreeve. "Klaus!"
She furrowed her eyebrows.
"Klaus doesn't know what's happening," Julian said. Poet sighed, putting up a finger to indicate to them to wait. She turned around to help the two from helping the bulky man. She stopped, though, when she saw that the Hargreeves were staring up at where Cha Cha was at, staring right back at them.
"I'll be right back guys."
Turning around, she immediately headed off to where the two men were standing and followed after them towards where Klaus was.
"Where is he?" Poet asked Ben and Julian.
"He's in his room," Ben answered. His eyes widened when he looked over her shoulder and came across one of the people that shot down the house. "Watch out!"
But forgetting that the two were simply spirits, their hands went through the girl when the woman hit the girl with the butt of her gun. Poet felt herself falling slowly and that was it.
Cha Cha defeated the girl. Again.
not really liking
this chapter.
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