(chapter forty-three.) attention seeker
POET SAT NEXT TO DIEGO, biting her thumb as her leg shook up and down from nerves, the cheers of the kids there, bowling, making her more irritated. After making sure she was okay one more time, Diego was now holding her hand, feeling her tightening her hold on it.
"Look, I hate to be the one to say this," Luther started, "but everyone needs to prepare."
"For what?" Diego questioned, eyeing the girl who massaged her temples with her glowing fingers.
"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya," Luther answered. Poet snapped her head to glare at the man and watched with satisfaction when Allison smacked him on the chest with her hand. "We may not have a choice."
"Bullshit," Allison said.
"There's always options," Diego continued. Five looked at him.
"Yeah, like what?" He questioned meanwhile Klaus grabbed a newspaper in front of him.
"I don't know."
"Look," Luther started, standing up, "whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya. And fast, okay? She could be anywhere."
"Or... here," Klaus mumbled, eyes set on the newspaper in front of him. He placed in front of him in full display so they could all see it and everyone leaned in.
"That's right," Diego nodded. "Her concert is tonight."
"Hello," they all turned to see a woman with a fake smile plastered on her face. Diego, who was now on his feet, glanced at Poet who was glaring at the manager from across the room, having already read the girl's mind. "I hate to intrude, but my manager says if you're not gonna bowl, you gotta leave."
The manager harshly placed some pair of shoes on the counter with a glare. Poet hovered a shoe with her mind before she threw it to the manager's face, and smiled innocently when he looked at it with a shocked face. Diego, who saw what happened, gave her a look.
"Poet," he said, in a tone a mother would have when their child had done something bad. Poet scoffed and looked back at him.
"Shut up," she said. "You've done worse so don't give me that look."
"Yeah but that's my thing," Diego argued back softly. She gave him a blank look. "Let me get in trouble."
"But I want to get in trouble, too," she pouted and he sighed before gesturing with his hand to continue doing what she was doing. "Oh, I'm already finished. You want me to throw the other shoe, though? I can actually just—"
She was cut off by Luther who immediately threw a bowling ball from where he was standing, all the way to some bowling pins that she swore would yell if they were alive. He knocked them all out without looking and stared at Poet.
Opening his mouth, Allison cut him off before he could utter a word out. "She's our sister."
"We're the only ones capable of stopping this," Luther explained. "We have a responsibility to dad."
"To Dad?" Diego questioned, his hold tightening on Poet's hand. "No, I've heard enough about—"
"He sacrificed everything to bring us back together," Poet watched as Luther's eyes glanced at her. "Well, he didn't exactly sacrifice everything so Capulets can help us. You know how Dad feels about them."
Everyone ignored Luther's comment and Five sighed. "I'm with Luther on this one." Paris gave him a look and he cleared his throat. "Except on the Capulet comment. Disagree with that one. But, anyways, we can't give Vanya a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at stake. We're past trying to save just one."
"Hey, you know," Klaus started, turning to look at everyone, "guys, uh... maybe I could help."
"Now is not the time," Luther commented.
"No," Diego stopped his brother from talking by raising his hand up a bit, "let him finish." Everyone gave him a confused look. "He saved my life today."
"Really?" Ben questioned, giving his brother an annoyed face.
"Is that true?" Luther asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I did..." Klaus saw Poet raising an eyebrow at him and he looked away from her, "take credit for it. In fact, the real hero...was Ben."
The Hargreeves gave him a look and Poet and Paris looked at each other, feeling sad that they didn't believe Klaus at all.
"Today..." Klaus continued, "listen. Today, he punched me in the face." Now Poet and Paris couldn't believe that, but she searched through his mind and saw a vivid memory of Ben punching him. "And earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego's life, not me."
"You are unbelievable, Klaus," Luther commented.
Klaus spoke up, "You want proof, is that it?" He asked. He grabbed a bowling ball and Poet reached her hands out when he almost let it slip. "Alright. I—I'll give you proof." He sniffed. "Alright, it's showtime, baby."
Throwing the ball, Poet and Paris watched Ben reach his hands out to grab it, but it o it went through him. The ball bounced and everyone, except the Capulets, gave him a look.
"Is there any way to silence that voice in your head that screams out to be the center of attention?" Poet glared at Luther.
"You shouldn't be talking, dickhead," she told him. He looked back at her and she cleared her throat before mimicking his voice. "'Dad sent me to the moon for this...' 'Dad sent me to the moon for that' and 'I'm going to cry if you guys don't listen to every word I say or I'm going to smash you to the ground with my huge hands'."
She extended her hands and wiggled her ring-clad fingers, a feigned look of seriousness overtaking her amused face. He stepped closer to her and Diego glared at him, a hand on one of his knives while silently telling him to back off.
"You know," Klaus began, "I liked you a lot better before you got laid."
Luther froze, and for the first time ever, he didn't say a word. Poet looked at him and shook her head. She turned to look at her friend who was staring at the man with a look of shock and hurt, feeling agitated at the fact that Luther just hurt Allison.
"Which was a complete..." Klaus tried to explain. He looked at his sister. "It—It wasn't his fault, 'cause he was ridiculously high, right? And—And the girl, she thought he was a furry..."
"Stop!" Luther sternly said, closing his eyes.
Luther slowly turned to look at Allison, who scoffed and walked away. He called after her and Poet read her mind to not follow her. About to argue, she knew she needed to respect her wishes and let her leave while her mind told her to follow her and check up on her.
"Excuse me!" Poet, Diego, Paris, Klaus, and Five, all looked up at hearing another lady's words and saw a woman with her arm around a boy clutching a bowling ball to his stomach. "Excuse me, it's my son Kenny's birthday today and... Uh... wouldn't your sons be happier playing with kids their own age? Assuming it's okay with your two dads and mom."
Klaus glanced at Poet and watched the girl hold in her laughter. Diego gave the woman a glare and his girlfriend placed a hand on his thigh, squeezing it so he would stop giving the woman such a look.
"I would rather chew off my own foot," Five spoke. Paris nudged him and smiled apologetically at the woman.
"I'm sorry, miss," he spoke softly as Five stood up. "We're having a bit of an issue here and right now is really not the time, but happy birthday, Kenny."
The woman nodded and ushered the boy away. "Let's go, Kenny."
"If I was going to date a man," Diego started, "you'd be the last man I would ever date. Now, on the other hand," he looked at Piet and smiled at her, "if I was going to have children with someone, it would definitely be with this one."
"Chill, Diego," Poet chuckled. "We literally started dating and you're already thinking of having kids with me?"
"Can we go back to the topic of you not wanting to date me?" Klaus questioned, clearly offended by Diego's words. He shook his head slowly and stood up to grab a bowling ball. "You'd be lucky to get me."
"Yeah, right," Diego scoffed. "It would be a total nightmare."
"Poet," Klaus looked at his friend, "would you date me?"
"Klaus," Poet grabbed his hand, "I would leave Diego for you."
"Hey," Diego frowned. The two chuckled and Paris smiled before eyeing Five not so far from them. He left him alone, though, not wanting to seem clingy by bothering him.
"And I would marry you on the spot," Klaus sniffed dramatically, a soft smile on his lips.
"Yeah, just say that to each other while pretending I'm not here at all," the two pretended to ignore Diego.
"Do you hear something?" Poet questioned, looking around the room. "I swear to you I just heard a voice."
Knowing what she was doing, Klaus went along with her words while ignoring Diego's glare. "Yeah, a really annoying voice."
Diego rolled his eyes before hearing the two of them laughing. Poet stopped, though, when she saw her nephew looking around the room.
"What's wrong, babe?" She questioned the 14-year-old.
"Where's Five?"
They all looked around, too, and came up empty. Diego sighed and shook his head, a sarcastic chuckle escaping his lips. "That asshole left us."
"What a surprise."
They silent waited for Allison and Luther to come inside. While waiting, Klaus and Diego stayed quiet. One of them was holding Poet's hand while the other one was playing with her rings and nail polish, placing her fingers on top of their hand to check if the nail polish suited him.
In a couple of minutes, Allison and Luther came in.
"Alright, where's Five?" Luther questioned as Allison went to her friend's side.
"He left," Diego answered.
"Oh, for the love of..." Luther stopped himself, "where'd he go?"
Poet looked down at Paris who was holding his head, and ignored the conversation. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"I haven't eaten anything," Paris mumbled. "I don't have my backpack filled with snacks and speeding through states to another, it tired me out."
"We can get you some cake from Kenny's part—"
As if hearing them, Kenny's mom yelled over her shoulder while glaring at them. "No."
Paris sighed and his stomach grumbled. "I'm hungry."
"I know, I know," Poet breathed out before raising her hand and looking for the cake. She found it but sighed when she saw it was on Kenny's mom viewpoint. "I'll see what I can do without her finding out."
"What? Is that all you got?" The Capulets turned to look at the siblings and saw Diego staring at Luther, which wasn't much of a surprise. "Look, you wanna be Number One, fine, but you're gonna have to get us on the same page, because right now, we're all over the place."
"You're right," Luther agreed, nodding slowly. "We need a plan."
Before they could come up with a plan, gunshots were fired. Diego immediately grabbed ahold of Poet and Paris and drilled to the floor. The girl formed a shield around them and looked to see if the others were okay.
People screamed and Poet looked to see Paris holding his grumbling stomach.
"Who the hell are these guys?"
"Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!" Klaus shouted over the noise, covering his ears.
"No, I'm pretty sure they're here for us!" Luther yelled.
"Really? What gave it away?" Poet retorted back. Diego nudged her and she quickly read his thoughts before placing a protective shield around Paris. The man threw knives at the masked people and the lights dimmed to blue. Luther threw a bowling ball and to show off, Poet raised all bowling balls and threw them at the masked men. They all continued throwing stuff before eyeing Klaus who threw a whole cake.
"Cake," Paris breathed out, groaning.
"Sorry, babes," Poet sighed and looked around for other food. She came up empty handed and Luther looked at them.
"Why doesn't he just speed us away?" He asked, voice stern. Poet glared at him.
"Paris needs to eat in order to recharge," she answered.
"They're blocking the exit!"
"So, what's the plan now, Luther?"
Allison looked around the room before eyeing where the bowling pins were standing. She pointed at them. "The lanes!"
"Let's go!"
Quickly running towards the lanes, they made it to the other side. Klaus had quickly grabbed Paris who was panting heavily since he wasn't used to running like a normal person and Poet pushed them in front of her.
Making outside, Poet panted and looked at Paris.
"You two make your way to the concert," she instructed. "I'm going to take Paris to get something to eat."
They all nodded and turning around to leave, Poet placed an arm around Paris' shoulder. Just as they walked, Diego called for them. They turned around in unison and Diego sighed.
"Be careful."
"We will, Diego."
"Yeah, stop worrying. Chill."
"Hey! At least I'm worrying."
"Diego, c'mon!"
"I'm going!"
me? updating? where the
cameras at? but yes, im updating
because, i wanted to finish season
two to know how i can end season
one. so, here we are! here's what i have
(by the way, this is like half of my
ideas. i spent my time writing down ideas
for every episode):
also, I'm going to edit this
book since i see some who
are complaining 🙂
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