(𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗.) 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃
After Diego's failed attempt at saving the president and after Five and Luther failed to retrieve a briefcase, the group now stood in Elliott's place, watching the TV as the news reporter named their names.
"And finally, Klaus," the man lastly named, "the controversial cult leader and known tax evader. The FBI is asking the public to be on the lookout for this unidentified boy, who they believe is being held hostage by the suspected terrorist network..."
"Well, it's true," Five said. "I do feel like I'm being held hostage most days."
"Why didn't Poet and Paris appear along with us?" Vanya questioned, eyebrows furrowed together. "They were seen with us, right?"
"It's better that way," Diego mumbled, glancing down at his girlfriend who was chewing on her bottom lip. He sighed and placed an arm around her, though, his eyes were fixated on the TV. "God, I hate that photo."
"They're saying I instigated the riot?" Allison asked before scoffing. "That's unbelievable."
"Look," Luther started, "the good news is that we restored the timeline and we stopped doomsday. So—"
"Yeah, a bunch of real goddamn heroes," Diego commented. "We let Kennedy die."
"Yeah, and now we're officially the most wanted people in the world," Allison said. "The FBI is after us, the Dallas police, the Secret Service. It's only a matter of time before they hunt us down here."
"Well, where are we supposed to go?"
"I have this yurt outside Reykjavik," Klaus replied, ascending down the stairs.
"Or, I can take you to Aunt Poet's home country," Paris said before his eyes widened with realization when he realized what he said. "Um, I think I just told them—"
"It's fine," Poet chuckled, staring at her nephew. She turned to look at the others. "I'm not actually from here... I was born somewhere else but was brought to America around the age of 10. I was originally born in Sokovia since my parents were traveling there for business, though, my country was... the worst and we fled."
"I've never heard of a Sokovia," Luther furrowed his eyebrows.
"No one has," Poet continued. "It's a country in Central-Southeastern Europe, bordered by Slovakia."
"Or we could totally law low there," Klaus nodded.
"Hey, numbnut," Five called out. "Hiding's not gonna make a difference here. The Commission will hunt us down wherever and whenever we go."
"He's right," Diego spoke from beside Poet. "They'll never stop."
Five gave him a confused look. "I'm sorry, since when are you an expert on the Commission?"
"Since I got back from there," the short-haired man answered.
"Yeah, they headhunted me, offered me a job," Diego continued. "Full time with benefits, which I had to turn down."
"They headhunted you... the village idiot," Five slowly said. Diego jumped to his defense.
"What, am I not allowed to be headhunted? Only the almighty needs to be in demand?"
"Diego," Five started, "you're not Commission material, alright? Got an obstinate nature to ya'."
"Who do you think it was that figured out Vanya was the one that causes Doomsday and stopped it? Me," Diego said.
"Hey!" Klaus said from his position on the other part of the room.
"That's who," Diego continued, dropping his arm from Poet's shoulders and getting closer to his brother. Poet rolled her eyes and stood in front of Allison, who was sitting down next to Paris on the stairs. "I figured it all out on the Infinite Switchboard."
"You were on the Infinite Switchboard?"
"Hell, yeah. I made that machine my bitch."
Paris sighed and grabbed his backpack, unzipping it. He took out some sweets and looked at his aunts. "Want some?"
Allison and Poet grabbed some and Allison turned to look at her friend. "So, Sokovia?"
Poet nodded. "Yep. Good place."
But just as she was about to continue, she grasped her head and gasped, fingers glowing with their natural scarlet color. Paris sat up and walked towards his aunt, immediately placing his hand on her arm to erase some of the pain he knew she was feeling. Allison stood up, too, and frowned at seeing her friend.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, but didn't receive an answer. Poet nodded a second later, though, and panted, coughing a bit as an intense throbbing pain was followed by the flashes of thoughts she had read.
"Guys, we need to move, okay?" She heard Luther say. "That is more important here. That is our only option."
"No, we need to box those windows and stay here," Diego disagreed, but Poet looked at Vanya who stood now where Klaus stood and was staring at all of them.
"I'm leaving."
"What?" Allison questioned. "To go where?"
"Sissy's farm," Vanya answered. "Something's wrong with Harlan, and I need to help him."
"Vanya, we need to stick together, okay?" Luther stepped in. "Now more than ever."
"That's why I'm telling you this. Whatever's going on with Harlan, I think I might've caused it."
Vanya sighed. "He drowned, and, uh, somehow I was able to bring him back to life. And now it's like we're connected."
"Wh... What does that even mean?" Luther questioned, glancing between Vanya and the others.
"I don't know," his sister replied. "I can't explain, but... I know that he needs my help. I need your help, too. I'm scared. And for the first time in my life, I don't wanna do it alone. I want my family by my side."
Poet watched with a disappointed look as Diego stepped in, too, arms crossed over his chest. "Look, I'm sorry. We have other priorities right now."
"Diego's right," Five agreed. Paris scoffed. "For once. We need to make our stand here and now."
Everyone stayed quiet but the Capulets scoffed in synch and walked towards Vanya. Poet smiled sarcastically at them all. "Bye, losers. See you later."
"Poet—" Diego called out but was met with a middle finger as well as a glare from the 15-year-old boy who shook his head at everyone.
Poet and Paris followed after Vanya inside the car, Poet sitting in the front and Paris sitting in the back.
"Thank you, guys," Vanya smiled a little at the two, closing the door. She went to turn the car, and when she did, the car door opened and in came Klaus.
"So, so, so..." He started, sitting next to his friend. "Ben, huh? Gone forever. Isn't he?"
"He traded his life for mine... while he saved the world in the process," Poet looked down at her lap, not knowing where to look since she was sitting between them. She stood up and quickly moved to the back.
"Pfft," she heard Klaus say, plopping in the car seat. "Show-off. But did he... say something about... me?"
Klaus tuck some hair behind his ear and awaited for an answer. Vanya nodded. "He wanted me to tell you that he was too scared to go to the light. It wasn't you that made him stay."
Klaus chuckled. "Oh, that little shit-heel." He scoffed softly and continued. "All these years, and I thought it was my fault that he didn't take his ticket to heaven." He laughed but it quickly vanished in a second.
"Look," Vanya started, "I'm sorry, but... you should get out, 'cause we need to—"
"Oh, no," Klaus cut her train of thought, "I'm coming with. I can't let you face the unknown alone, right? And also, my buddy here," he turned to look at Poet and he reached his hand out for her to grab. She did so and he sighed happily, "can kick ass so, I wanna see that action."
"Hand, Klaus," Diego said as soon as he opened the door and saw his brother holding his girlfriend's hand. Klaus just gripped tighter and smiled at his brother.
"Got room for two more?" Allison questioned, shooing her friend aside.
"What about the Commission?" Vanya asked.
"Well, might as well do some good before we die horribly," Diego answered, grabbing Poet in the meantime so there will be more space for Paris since he was squished. While doing so, too, he also slapped Klaus's hand repeatedly until he let go of the brunette's hand.
"Woo-hoo!" Klaus exclaimed at hearing his words before rubbing his red skin and pouting. But he jumped when the door was opened on his side. "Oh!"
"Five, you... you don't have to—" Vanya began but was cut off.
"I know," Five said. "You owe me one, sis." He turned to look at Klaus. "Children ride in the back."
"Well, there's no space in the back," Klaus pointed out before he noticed the glare Five was giving him. He let out a long, silent "oh!" when he took the hint. "Paris, I trade places with you. I wanna be with my boo."
Poet chuckled and watched as Klaus jumped to Allison's lap and waited until Paris was sitting next to Five to sit next to the couple.
"Guys, I don't know what to say," Vanya smiled at her siblings before watching her brother open the back and go in. The car started freaking loudly and Poet held onto Diego's neck when she almost fell. Luther slammed the door shut and nodded slowly.
"Anyone makes a fat joke, and I'm outta here."
Driving off, Poet turned to look at Diego who smiled at her. "You didn't seem surprised when I told you that I was from Sokovia."
"I have a confession," Diego sheepishly smiled. "I snuck into your house one day, since Dad wanted me to, and I read the files your parents had. You have—"
"Yep," Poet cut him off. "And no, I don't know where she is. She supposedly died, but... I don't believe that. If Mother said she committed suicide, I don't believe her."
"I'll help you look for her," Diego mumbled. "Really. We can look."
"For you? Of course, sweets."
I had to use Sokovia.
I just had to, but I finally
updated. Feeling a bit sick
still, can't talk that much without
coughing my lungs out, but I'm
hanging there :)
also, i finally published my
klaus fic so if you wanna
check it out and give it some
love, it's published. I also am
going to publish a Julie and
the Phantoms book ❤️
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