(chapter eight.) act like my mother
POET AND DIEGO SEPARATED WAYS WHEN HE WAS HEADING SOMEWHERE HE didn't want to tell her and Poet got called by Klaus.
Just as she was about to knock on the door of the Hargreeves' house, despite the fact that she was given permission to just come in, she was bumped into by Five and Klaus. She steadied herself, raising an eyebrow at them.
"Stop being so annoying, Klaus," Five argued with his brother, who kept babbling about whatever popped in his head. Five turned to look at the girl. "Not you, Poet."
Poet nodded before she heard Klaus mention something that made her look at him with such confused stare that almost made Klaus laugh.
"Should we just make Poet that mom?" Klaus questioned. "You know, the one that sleeps with everyone and doesn't really care about her son and husband, or boyfriend, depending on what I am to you."
"Do we seriously have to act like we're your parents?" Poet furrowed her eyebrows. "Me and him? No offense, Klaus. But me and him?"
"You're right," Five mumbled. "It would've been great if Diego came. But, he's got a stick up his ass, so, nope. I only got you and Klaus. Also, you didn't meet me at Griddy's Doughnuts."
"I was drained!" Poet defended herself, raising her hands up in surrender. "I was drained because I used my powers too much."
"Not surprised," Five nodded. "You don't use your powers as much as you used to, right? Like those times when you killed 20 men with a pencil. That was cool."
"How'd you know about that?" Poet immediately looked down at Five, who was smiling excitedly. "No one knows about that other than my twin brother and my parents."
"Julian Capulet?" Five's voice was laced with happiness, excited over what he's heard about. "Dad hated your parents so he spoke about your missions and all that and thrived us to be just like you."
"Wow, no one loving the Capulets," Poet feigned a look of surprise, crossing her arms. "What a surprise. It's not the first time somebody doesn't like them. I mean, look how Romeo and Juliet ended up."
Yeah, and you and Diego are going to end up like that, Five thought, forgetting that the girl next to him could listen to his thoughts. But thankfully the girl was listening to everyone's thoughts and wasn't focusing on his.
"Wait..." Klaus mumbled to her, leaning down to whisper in her ear as Five was too preoccupied on finding the hospital he went at. "Your twin brother? Does he have silver hair?"
"How do you know?" Poet furrowed her eyebrows yet again. She didn't know how these people are finding stuff about her. The only person that knew of her twin brother was Allison and Diego.
"A suit?" Poet nodded before Klaus chuckled breathlessness. "I can see your brother, oh my God. You both are beautiful."
"What do you mean you can see him, Klaus?" Poet asked, a confused expression on her face. "Can you see dead people?"
"That's amazing."
"Alright," Five turned to look at Poet and Klaus. "You act like my father and you act like my mother. Got it?"
They both nodded, following after Five into the doctor's office. Poet was twirling her thumbs around and breathing in and out.
"We're gonna get caught."
They greeted the doctor, sitting down when he told them to do so. They watched him, analyzing him from head to toe, their gazes causing the man to squirm under their gazes. Especially the girls.
"Like I said to your son earlier," the doctor started, slightly clearing his throat when Poet leaned in closer. She was glaring at him and he thought that for a second there her eyes flashed another color. The doctor continued, "any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help you."
Clearly irritated by the information he was giving, Five stood up and placed his hands on the desk.
"Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name," Five said, his voice clearly laced with irritation.
"Well, that's not my problem," while the doctor was talking, Poet noticed the face Klaus made to the snowglobe placed in front of him. The brunette sighed, shaking her head. "Sorry. Now there's really nothing more I can do, so..."
"And what about my consent?" Klaus questioned while Poet tried to find his voice in her head.
"Excuse me?"
"Who gave you permission," Poet let out an "oh no" when she heard Klaus' thoughts. She heard him continue, "to lay your hands on our son?"
"What?" The doctor looked between them, staring at Poet and Klaus back and forth. He was trying to understand what he meant by that. Poet smiled apologetically.
"You heard me."
"I didn't touch your son," the man looked at Five, who held a confused expression, not knowing what his brother was going to do in front of the woman he admired.
"Oh, really?" Klaus smirked at Poet. He knew she read his mind. "Well, then how did he get that swollen lip, then?"
"He doesn't have a swollen—"
The man was cut off by Klaus. The man slapped Five across the face, the boy unaware of this. Poet winced at the feeling,
"I want it," Klaus said in a strong voice. "Name, please. Now."
"You're crazy," the man pointed at him. Klaus chuckled before his face turned serious again.
"You got no idea," Klaus turned around to face Poet. He apologized in his head and she heard it. But when she did hear it, she felt her face sting like a bitch. She groaned, rubbing her jaw as her bottom lip bled due to the fact that she bit it. Klaus turned to look at the Snowglobe he was staring at before. He grabbed it. ""Peace on Earth." That's so sweet." Poet, alongside the other two, winced when Klaus slammed the Snowglobe to his forehead, shards of glasses flying everywhere. Klaus groaned in pain." God that hurt!"
The man immediately grabbed his phone, calling security to escort the family out.
"I'm calling secur—" Klaus immediately grabbed the phone out of the man's hand speaking on it. "What are you doing?"
"There's been an assault," Klaus lied with a dramatic sigh and voice, "in Mr. Big's office and we need security, now. Schnell!"
Klaus shook his head, hanging up and Poet raise her hand behind her back, placing an invisible force to stop the bleeding in Klaus' forehead.
"W-what was that?" The doctor shakily asked, pointing at Klaus' forehead. Klaus dismissed him.
"Now, here's what's gonna happen, Grant," he started before the doctor commented his real name. "In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they're gonna wonder, "What the hell happened?" And we're gonna tell them that you... beat the shit out of us."
"You're gonna go to prison," Poet watched the man stiffen at the thought.
"But you're gonna do great in prison, Grant," Klaus said. "Trust me, I've been there. Little piece of chicken like you. Oh, my God, you're gonna get passed around like a... You're just... You're gonna do great. That's all I'm saying."
"Jesus, you are a real sick bastard," Lance said, looking in between the girl whose lip was still bleeding.
"Thank you."
"You hit your girlfriend!" Lance exclaimed. Klaus turned to look at Poet, who stared at him with a smile. Klaus waved it off.
"It's nothing."
Five leaned in. "Diego is gonna kick your ass, you know that right?"
"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of."
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