Without anybody noticing Virgil had slipped away. He hadn't gotten to the room yet, once Remus had talked about 'vocie things being eaten' Virgil slipped away. He know they were talking about him and his lack of speech.
There is a reason Virgil hasn't spoken, in all honestly he couldn't remember if he even could anymore. It had been years.
Virgil couldn't even remember the last time he talked, it has been ages. All he know, is that he wasn't ready to start talking again.
All of the others had effecting stories, their last have effected them.
Roman and Remus Prince, their perants abandoned them in a burning house when they were four. They are pretty sure their paenrts wanted to kill them. Both of them got trust issues from this, both consistantly trying to prove their worth, neither of then know why they were left for death.
Thomas's parents were murdered under mysterious situation, he has been her since he was about six months, and he has always wanted to crack the case on his parents murders. It can make him anxious that the murders will come for him.
Patton's father murdered his mother. She was a sweet and lovely person, and When Pat was eleven he came home to blood stained carpets. His farther was arrested, and his mother died. Patton became extremely depressed due to this, the main problem is, Patton represses thoses feelings. He remembers how hsi mther always smiled, even when she was hurt, and he follows in her footsteps instead of looking for help.
Logan. His single mother committed suicide when he was two. Logan has always strugged with emotions and his story doesn't expalin why, but his story does explain why Logan tries to not get cloe to people. He is scared they will leave him too, or that he'll end up being ignored, from the day his mother killed herself, he remeberd trying to talk to her and trying to waker her up, but no reasons, he felt forgotten. Lost. Ignored. And, betrayed.
Remy's parents' had adittion problems, and psychologically speaking addictions can eb genetical, just look at the Harvards Twin Study. And while Remy isn't addicted to 'coke' like they were, there are addicted to caffeine, as you probally could tell. Needless to say, Remy's arenst died from an overdose. Remy knows they need to be careful, but they just love coffee.They don't want to end up like their parents.
Emile is seen as the lucky one. Emile was nicknamed 'Annie' for a while. Emile was left at the doorstep of the orphanage, with a note. The note basically told everyone Emiles name, age, and that once Emile's sixteen, they will come back for him. Emile has hope, unlike the others, but sometimes that gets clouded by their fear of being forgotten. They worry that its been so long, what if their parents don't remember.
Then there is Janus. Janus was Janna, but he is trans, and it ook sometime for Janus to relises what that was and that he was a trans male. As soon has he fully understood, he want 'striaght' to tell his parents. Lets just say, they were transphobic amd refused to help get him hormone treatments. The one day they kicjed him out and got someone to attack him. Janus was attacked with acid and it burn half of his face. So when he arrived at the orphange, everyone, but Parker, was scared of him. This makes it hard for Jnaus to trust people or even let them in. He just doesn't want to be feared or hated for uncontrolible reasons.
Each of then has been effected yt their targic pasts, and there is always more detail taht only they can understand. Together they are stronger, they are all there for each other and they positivly effect each others lives. The problem is that none of them ahev reliseed that yet, and as soon as they do, things will get better. Promise
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