Out of the car arose a kid, similar age to them. Nobody could see their face, it was covered by their hood. they had a black hoodie on and a purple backpack that looked worn and ripped. Everything they had on was ragged and dusty, as if they had been wearing the same thing forever.
Kelly placed her hand on their shoulder and they shuttered in fear, Janus noticed. Janus wondered on what they must have gone through to be scared of a touch.
The door opened and Patton's face lit up. They had been so excited for the new ones arrival, which only pissed off Janus. How, how could Patton and everyone else forgett what they've lost. Janus didn't want to met thid new person, or wahtever, they wanted them back.
In walked Kelly and the new kid, the kid was short but probally the same age as the twins. The new kid was sating at the floor, it was if they were depirate for non of them to talk or look at them.
"Hello everyone, this is Virgil Duff. Our newest member to the family." She still had their fack happy voice on, which all of them saw righ through. They all hoped Virgil could to, it would be easier that way. Everyone said their hellos to Virgil, which he didn't reply. Kelly just took him to the room he'd sleep in.In the house, Remy and Janus shareda room, so did the twins, then Thomas and Patton and Logan and Emile. Then there was the smallest room, where they use to sleep. Janus hated this even more, it was like Virgil was replacing them, something Janus wasn't going to take lightly.
"Well that was rude, they didn't even say hi." Janus complained as they all sat down in the living room. "Hey, come on now Kiddo. We are starngers to them, and w don't know what they have been through. " Patton pleaded.
"Oh, shup up! This is just Kelly replacing P-" Janus stopped his sentance as he saw Patton on the virge of tears. "Please Janus. I'm sorry, we all miss them, and I know you miss them the most, but." Patton started going back to that terrible memory.
"But, we can't dewl on the past, we are orphans and we have such bad beginnigns, lets focus on now and the future."Introupted Roman.
Patton was right, Janus missed them the most. The others seemed to pretend they never even existed, that their name was plague on the household.
"Whatever. I'm just trying to be honest." Janus said as he stormed out of them room.
"I feel sorry for Janus, their death really effected Janus." Thomas said once they all heard Janus's and Remy's room door slam shut. "It's because they blamed themsleves, janus thinks it's his fault." Remy said, Janus had been having nightmares back to that tragic day, and been talking in his sleep, and Remy and Janus sharing a room, Remy picked up on it. "Why though? None of us would have seen it coming."
It must have been two hours since the new kid arrived, and they hadn't left tere room once. "This is sooo boring" Remus said as he eat at the candel, he must have run out of deoderant. "I must agree with Beetlejusice here. I want to properly meet them." Roman added.
"What if we go to them?" Patton asked cheerfully, getting out of his seat and heading to the stairs. Roman, Remus, Emile and Thomas joined. Logan and Remu stayed bhind, they saw it as the kid being shy and didn't want to overwhelm them. Plus Janus is in a bad mood so, they will probly go cheak up with them.
The five of them made their way to the top floor, and to the smallest room, it was at the back of the house, it was always the coldest room. Nobody, but Kelly had been in there since that day. Patton know this, and sturggled to open, the door.
"It's okay Patton, it's been three months, we have to move on." Emile said giving Patton a hug. Patton opened the door. All of them were hit by the memories, but pushed it behind them, to foucs on the present.
On the bed was the kid. Virgil, he was curled up on the bed with his head phones on facing the wall. It was the first time they saw him without his hood up, but they could only see his back. Even his head phones were tattered and looked like they barely work.
"Hey, Kiddo?" Patton said steadly walking into the room, towards the bed. Virgil didn't turn around, they all fugured he didn't hear. Patton gently PATted on Virgil's shoulder. Virgil shuttered and quickly jumped up, he looked defensive and terriffied. This was the first time they could see his face and it was covered in brusies, scars and dirt. It was like he got out of a war zone. Remus, of cause was excited by that, imagining that this kid was some type of serial killer or terrorist. Roman elbowed him knowing exacly what Remus was thinking.
Virgil was breathing at a fast pass and Patton huged him. Virgil was tense and trying to calm himself down, "Hey, breath in for 4 seconds" Emile said as they sat beside Virgil. Virgil listened, "now hold 7 seconds."
"Well done, your doing great, now breathe out for 8 seconds."
Virgil repeated this exercise a few times before calming down. "Well done. You feel better?" Emile checked. Virgil justed nodded.
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