"What?!" Patton asked as Roman told him that Logan an Remus were nowhere to be found.
"They fucking left us." Remy said sipping some of his coffee. "No, no, no, I'm sure they are somewhere." Emile said anxiousely.
"We don't tolerate swear words in this house, only compilents." Patto said being optimistic, but against Remy's cursing.
"What if we swear while complimenting." Remy added.
None of them were great at focusing at one this for too long, plus they all were hopeing that Remus and Logan were somewhere in the house or had sneaked to the park like Parker uses to.
Virgil turned to Roman "You're so fucking talented."
And Roman replied "I'm so lucky to have you in my life, bitch." Roman and Virgil were lauging while the others just stared at them.
"What?" Virgil asked confused and scared. "They are just gazing at a fabulous prince." Roman joked.
"Sure princy." Virgil said, smuggly.
there was more silcence. "Virgil?" Patton and Janus asked almost in sink.
"Wha- Ooooooh." Virgil finally relised why he was being started at.
"You talk now?" Patton ask excitedly.
"Ha, yeah. It just started happeneing." Virgil said, not wanting to get into this much.
"Know what, we will talk about this in a bit, we need it focus." Janus said gaining back the groups attension.
"Yeah, okay. um." Emile said trying to think of a way to find them, but lack any ideas.
Night was arriving, Remus and Logan been walking for what felt like hours, but neither were sure. Remus was the one who knew the way to the centre and therefore Logan was putting his trust in the impulsive boy to take them there.
The sun was setting over the distant hills until the rocks and roots underfoot blended in with the mud and meant the two boys were tripping over the uneven footing.
"Remus, we should make camp for the night," Logan stated, stopping walking and sitting at the base of a nearby tree.
"Oh shit, you right. I call dibs on starting the fire," Remus grinned, digging into his pocket for a torch to look for firewood. He pulled the first torch-like object out of his pocket and shoved it back in after he realised it was a f*******t.
"Remus, you're gay, why do you own such an object?" Logan enquired, equal parts amused and disgusted. Remus did finger guns then pulled out the actual torch. Logan monitored the campfire building and restricted the size Remus wanted to make it.
"We're trying to stay warm, not trying to burn down the forest," Logan explained, talking half the firewood from Remus. Remus pouted but arranged the wood and set it aflame with paper and a lighter he found in his pocket.
"How big are your pockets?" Logan gaped, watching the array of items being pulled out of his pockets. Remus frowned.
"I can't find the raw steak I put in here a while ago," Remus sighed, sitting down against the tree next to Logan. Logan dismissed the fact that Remus kept raw food in his pockets and took off the backpack that he'd taken with him.
"Lucky for us, I took the liberty of raiding a few cupboards before we left," Logan said, unzipping the bag and pulling out two apples.
"That's it? Apples? Surely you have more in there," Remus groaned, leaning over and grabbing the backpack, rooting around the nutrition bars and neatly made sandwiches.
"When did you have time to make these?" Remus asked, pulling out the sandwiches and looking at them suspiciously. Logan explained that he'd taken them from the fridge - he had made some earlier and he knew they'd need them more.
"But we should save the sandwiches for tomorrow, otherwise our stamina will run low considerably quickly."
Remus rolled his eyes and stuck them back in the bag, taking a bite out of his apple. He looked over at the boy sat next to him and noticed that his jaw was clenched and he was biting into the apple with a vengeance.
"What's up?" he asked, not knowing Logan to be the sort of person to surpress his anger.
"Clearly it's the sky," Logan answered, glancing at Remus and wondering why he was asking such an impertinent question.
"No, Lo, you seem upset," Remus rephrased, taking Logan's hand that wasn't holding the apple and spreading out his fingers to unclench the fist Logan had made.
"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine. You know me, I don't get upset," Logan responded, snatching his hand back and dropping it by his side.
"Yes, I do know you. Too well. Tell me what it is that's bothering you, I can probably help," Remus offered, worried about Logan.
"It's nothing, I assure you. I'm only slightly exasperated that I take the hit for the majority of mess ups while we are in Kelly's care," Logan explained cautiously, not wanting to cause too much worry or to get too emotional on the subject. Remus took in the vaguely hurt expression on Logan's face and sighed.
"I just wanted to check you weren't too emotionally compromised before telling you... uh, something I have to confess," Remus frowned, for once not sure what words to use and trying not to be too gross.
"Whatever it is won't upset me, you need not worry," Logan replied, finishing his apple and throwing it into the shrubbery.
"Okay. Well. I am completely and utterly lost," Remus confessed, wincing.
"Pardon?" Logan asked coldly.
"I have no idea where we are," Remus reiterated, wanting to shrink into the tree.
"What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Mean." Logan seethed.
"Its not too big a deal, we can just ask for directions," Remus tried to calm him down.
"WE ARE MINORS! WHAT IF THEY ASK FOR OUR GUARDIANS INFO TO TELL THEM WE'RE LOST? THEN THEY'LL TELL KELLY. YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE GONE AND GOT US LOST!" Logan screamed at him, standing up and gesturing wildly, occasionally running a hand through his hair and pacing back and forth.
Then Remus noticed something odd.
Logan's eyes were glowing.
And not in the firelight, they were glowing an almost neon green and leaving traces of green as he moved his head.
"Logan, you-"
"No, Remus! I'm not done. I can't believe I trusted you. Who would trust you? All you've ever done is let us down, not to mention all the money you've made us waste on deodorant..."
Logan continued on like this until Remus was backed up into the tree, trying not to let tears spill out of his eyes as who he considered his friend yelled at him. As he continued to yell, his hands started glowing too. All different colours. The colors started to leak out of his hands and onto the ground surrounding him before growing and taking the shape of something that seemed to be pre-existing which built up around a figure. Many figures.
People built up out of the light spewing from Logan's hands took form and looked down at themselves in wonder, then up at Remus in anger. They all mouthed along with Logan's rant in unsion until they were all yelling and Remus' ears were ringing and eyes were stinging with pent up tears. Logan didn't seem to notice the army of apparitions surrounding him until he stopped yelling.
His eyes seemed distant and unfocused as though he wasn't in control of himself any more, and Remus looked on, terrified for once. He scrambled to his feet and went to shake Logan, but the people Logan had created let out a singular scream and dove into Remus.
He felt like he was being torn apart. Remus screamed and writhed as hundreds of souls entered his body and tried to destroy him from the inside. Before he blacked out, he saw Logan fall to the floor then look up to see his friend thrashing around uncontrollably.
"Quick question. What the fuck?" was the the first thing Remus said as he regained conscious. Logan had extracted his apparitions from his body and sent them back to where they came from and was now helping Remus to an upright position against the tree.
"I imagine I have some explaining to do," Logan cringed, not sure where to start.
"No shit."
"Okay... Well... I've been able to see and control ghosts since I was a child. My "power" runs out of control when I experience strong emotion, therefore I repressed all of my emotions and ignored my abnormality," Logan explained, sitting up opposite Remus and keeping his eyes downcast.
"Why would you ignore this boss power? It looks crazy cool," Remus exclaimed.
"It makes no logical sense!" Logan burst out, "ghosts shouldn't exist! It doesn't follow the laws of logic that they do, and neither do superpowers. I shoukd to be able to do the things that I do, it's not natural."
"It may not be natural, but it's fucking cool," Remus grinned, then noticed Logan's nervous expression.
"Hey," Remus said softly, taking Logan's clenched fists again and uncurling them, keeping their hands held together, "you're not unnatural. You're not crazy. You just have something cool that makes you unique... very unique. And that's not a bad thing! Sorry, I'm. not good at this inspiring shit."
"No, it's... it's fine."
"But it's not. You shouldn't be scared of your power because clearly it can be used for good. I do have a question though. Can you see ghosts right now?" Remus asked, looking down at their joined hands and tracing circles on the back of Logan's.
"Yes, I can. They come in the form of outlines, so when I colour them in with my power others can see them. I'm not sure why, but I'm guessing for intimidation purposes."
Logan seemed to physically relax as Remus traced circles on the back of his hands, so Remus continued to do so until Logan was ready to continue.
"My mum... she committed suicide when I was two fucking years old. I've never found out why, but I get the feeling it may have something to do with my powers being too much to handle. It did mean that I could see her from time to time, but I never wanted to. She abandoned me, I had no desire to reconnect with her. So I pretended my powers didn't exist. I pretended I couldn't see her, when one day it finally happened. I'd repressed my emotions so much I lost touch with my powers. It's only recently that it's tapped back in and I'm terrified as to why, but I think i know."
"Why?" Remus asked, hooked on the story. Logan's eyes drifted up from their hands to Remus' eyes and his voice caught in his throat.
"Its unimportant," Logan shook his head.
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