Virgil's birthday, it was a monday. Great.
This meant he had to go back to that annoying school, all alone on his fifteenth birthday.
Yesterday, Patton and Janus decided on taking a slow pace relationship, Remy and Emile /argued/ about cartoons alot. Then, Roman and Virgil watched Disney movies and Virgil tried to explain the darker messageds he picked up. Then there was Logan and Remus. Logan had quickly gotten Kelly to her room and she fell asleep from being so drunk. when he came back sown it was just Remus in the kitchen. "You okay?" Remus asked, worried about the second eldest orphan. "I'm perfectly adaquite" (A/N: Idk why I even try to use fancy words, I can't spell shit)
Remus didn't believe him, but they did spend the rest of the day in the kitchen, and Logan ahd to stop Remus from going near the dinner.
But back to the present.
The mornings where to chaotic for anyone to have even noticed it was Virgils birthday. To Virge, this didn't matter. He hadn't celebrated his birthday in a while now. If everyone forgot it would be no differnet.
The point is, he was at school now, all of the others where at the high school.
"Well if it isn't the mine." someone said from behind Virgil, the school bully, Henry Jefferson. Virgil just carried on walking into the school.
He had the feeling someone was following him, he know that it would be Henry (though everyone refers to him as Jefferson)
"Oh! Don't ignor me!" Someone grabbed Virgil's shoulder and span him around, casusing him to fall over. "Ooh are you going to cry? Are you allowed to cry when your an mine?"
Virgil wasn't going to cry, he honestly couldn't remember when he last cried. Not because he was happy, definatly not that. It was becasue he had became use to his life and the horrid conditions he lived in. Plus he know crying would have only caused more issues.
"Guess their not." Jefferson said pulling Virgil up by his collar. "Your pathetic." Thats when Jefferson and his friends started charting, circuling Virgil "SPEAK! SPEAK! SPEAK!"
Virgil just stayed silcent and still, he was dropped to the floor once again and kicked in the side by about three different people. "Your worthless, you useless mine." Then group walked away.
Virgil got himself up off the floor and carried on. He hated school. He had only been here for a week and already being bullied.
Thinking back to Virgils past, he hadn't been to school for two years. This whole thing was different. Even when he did go to school, that was his safe space, now school and home can be dangerouse. At least he had freinds and a proper family at home.
Thanks to the insistant eailer Virge was almost late to lesson, thankfully he was there in time. But everyone was already there, staring at him as he walked to the back corner of the room.
The others where at the local high school. "I worry about Virge. He always seem extra depressed once he gets back from school." Roman said, unable to get his mind of Virgil. "I'm pretty sure Janus and Patton would kill anyone who hurt Virge in a heart beat" Remus said looking at Janus and Patton who were walking behind everyone hand-in-hand, trying out their new relationship.
"But it's Virgils birthday and none of us even got the chance to properly talk to him. And I am pretty sure there is somthing he isn't telling us, I mean we now nothing abut his pass or what happens at school." Roman began to ramble on.
"I bet his pass is really messed up." Remus then got distracted by bin and decided to jump in singing "Fuck this shit, I'm out."
"Remus! No!" Janus called at Remus as he fell into the bin "I'll go help him out of the bin." Logan said walking over annoyed at the youngest twin sat in the bin.
"I'm worried about Virgil too, I wish he would share more wiht us, and I feel really guilty about this morning." Patton said as Janus went over to help Logan.
Through out the day Virgil carried on getting bullied, even some of the teachers were horrid about his mutisum. "I will have to see proof of your mutisum, do you have a doctors slip or anything? Do I have to send you to the Head?" But he still never spoke.
While the Remy and Emile spent the day debating sruff about the Cartoons Emile force Remy to watch, Janus and Patton spenty all of their free school time together, and the twins, well Roman was worried about Virgil all day, Remus tried to help but mainly just did studpi things that ither Logan stopped him from doing in the first places or got him out of.
In all it wasn't a great day, and yet it was Virgil's birthday. So it's going to get better...
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