Yesterday's lunch and dinner was spent in the dining hall. Louise was talking to me casually but I still felt a little bitter that time so I answered only a little. Claire didn't have the courage to talk to me which was unlike her. I guess she was really intimidated by me. As much as I want to talk to her voluntarily, I can't.
This morning, I wore jeans. Celestiana told me that Eldora often used these and I thought it would be nice to wear something comfortable. I wore a flannel shirt along with the jeans and I just wore the contacts. I didn't wear make-up and just put my hair in a pony tail.
I trudged down the halls, still wearing heels. Although it was ankle boots with heels so it would fit my outfit.
The room I was placed in was in the third floor. Tony refused to let me stay in my room so I took a spare room in the royal floor.
When I was descending the stairs to the second floor, I met Claire on the way to the hall.
I offered her a small smile, "Lady Claire." I said in greeting.
She was startled but she smiled and curtsied, "Your highness."
I waved off the title, "You need not call me by my title."
"Oh," She said, "Sorry."
"Let's go to breakfast, shall we?" I said and offered my arm.
She took it and we went to the hall arm in arm. Like what we used to do.
"So um . . . Eldora," She started, "How is your stay in Illèa so far?"
"Good," I said, limiting my words. "How is the selection going for you?"
She pursed her lips, "It's a great adventure. A lot of events happened recently and I don't even have my friends here with me."
I rubbed her arm in comfort, "They're with you." I said and pointed to her heart.
She smiled, "Thanks. I hope I see them."
"You will," I reassured as we entered the hall.
I unlinked my arm with hers and sat on the head table with the other royals. She sat down beside Celestiana. who was Beside William. Tony was at the head of the table with me on his right. Beside me was Louise and then Harriet.
We started eating and the only chatter was William, Celestiana, and Claire. But they were in hush whispers.
Tony cleared his throat, "Ladies, you will be having lesson with Eldora today."
My eyes widened as I looked at Tony in disbelief. He winked at me and I internally groaned.
"About what?" Harriet asked.
"On Spanish, Italian, and French. Any queen should know how to speak the language of the countries we are allied with." Tony explained, "Also, today, Celestiana and William will leave to their new home."
I snapped my head to Celestiana in shock, "You're leaving?"
She smiled, "I'll come back for the ball, Eldora."
I nodded, "I'm expecting that."
"Also, Eldora." Tony called.
I looked at him questioningly, "Yes?"
"Go to my office after breakfast." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Just go," He said and continued eating.
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."
"Zeke, why is there a little white paint on your hair?" William asked.
I contained myself from laughing but a smile appeared on my face as I fed myself. Beside me, Louise was giggling softly that only Harriet and I heard.
Tony touched his hair and tried to locate the paint. He didn't get it which made William take it out for him.
"Eldora happened," Tony answered while he checked his hair for remnants of white.
I gasped and put a hand to my heart, "I did no such thing."
He glared at me but I knew it wasn't serious, "But I have a witness."
"Don't," I whispered to Louise.
She just smiled and didn't say anything or do anything that made me understand that she agreed.
"Louise, kindly tell us what happened." Tony said and sipped his coffee.
"Well," Louise started, "Eldora poured a can of white paint on his head."
"¡Pero también arrojó pintura amarilla sobre mí!" I retorted. (But he also dumped yellow paint on me!)
"Pero lo hiciste primero," Tonh countered. (But you did it first)
"¡Solo porque te reíste de mí!" I exclaimed. (Only because you laughed at me!)
Celestiana laughed, "When are the two of you going to stop fighting?"
William smiled, "I believe you liked to insult each other the first time you met. Old habits die hard."
I rolled my eyes but my stubborn lips smiled despite my constant nagging to it to not smile.
"Ah yes," Tony agreed and nodded, "The stubborn Eldora. The one who doubted my talents."
"I am holding a knife, Zeke. Watch your words," I taunted as I sliced the food.
Tony put his arms up in surrender. Claire and Louise smiled at our argument but Harriet just rolled her eyes in irritation.
"You remind me of my friend, Eldora." Claire said.
I raised my eyebrow, "And who might that be?"
I didn't show my nervousness as I waited for her answer. I prayed that she didn't mean me.
She shook her head, "Never mind. I mean, the two of you have similarities but some are different."
I nodded and didn't pry. I mentally sighed in relief when she didn't say a name.
Breakfast ended a little while after the silence. William and Celestiana excused themselves to finish packing. The three elite prepared for their lessons which was unfortunately mine. All that's left inside the hall were me and Tony.
We rose from our seats at the same time. I gave him a smile as he offered me his arm. I took it and he escorted me to his office.
When we were out of earshot, I asked, "How was your date with Louise yesterday?"
He looked away looking guilty, "It was . . . Okay, I guess."
I raised my eyebrow to mask the unpleasant feeling bubbling inside of me, "You don't have to feel bad about it, you know?"
He looked at me in surprise, "You're not mad?"
I shook my head, just jealous and betrayed, "You kind of have to do that, remember? Besides, when I was still in the selection, you cheated on me with 34 women." I joked.
But he didn't laugh. Instead, he looked at me seriously, "Dee, you do know that you'reㅡ"
I coughed, "Let's go to your office now, shall we?"
He nodded hesitantly. For some reason, I didn't want to hear him saying I was the one. To me, it sounded more like an excuse. Like a husband caught cheating with his mistress. Seeing him with another girl was bad enough, but hearing his lie would kill me. Even of he won't admit it, I knew Louise meant something to him. Louise was this kind of girl that you couldn't possibly hate. She was nice and determined. She's a great painter and she acts like a lady.
I didn't talk to him when we walked to his office. I even slipped my arm off of his when we walked. He looked guilty, serious, and troubled all together. Why would he be guilty? It's not like we were in a relationship. And that mere fact put a dent on my heart.
People told me before that my heart was made of steel. Some said I had no emotions but at the same time, my heart was gold. I could only picture a steel heart painted gold. I didn't believe them. I thought mu emotions could be read easily but to them, that didn't seem to be the case. If only they knew what I felt inside.
He opened the door to his office to me like a real gentleman. I made my way to one of the couches inside and placed myself comfortably. He closed the door behind him and sat on his desk chair.
I felt a little uncomfortable with his staring. It was like he was debating on telling me something or not. Finally tired of being observed, I cleared my throat, "So why did you want me to come here?"
He snapped out of his trance and looked at me stupidly, "Oh, uh, what?"
Real, genius. I almost told him that but I just rolled my eyes at his idiotic remark, "I asked you why you wanted me to come here."
He ran his fingers through his hair, a sign that he was troubled, frustrated, or angry. "I made a plan to kick him out of here."
My ears perked up at this, "What is it?"
He took a deep breath and took a pen from his pen holder and started twirling it in his hands. "On the first of February, some Italian troops are coming. I've told the servants that are loyal to me to get him in the servant's quarters by morning. There will be an army of Italians and Illèans combined aiting for him there."
I nodded, "Why didn't you just kick him out of here yourself? No offense, you're the prince and you have soldiers at your aid."
He sighed, "I've been informed that some of the palace staff are rebels too. I couldn't make any rash decisions. If I kick their leader out, the guards who are on their side would shower me in bullets."
Finally understanding, I nodded, "So that's why you asked help from the Italians?"
"Yes. Also from the French, but they'll be guarding the way to the gates to make sure Gabriel gets out of here. There are also New Asian troops who will be escorting the rebels put of this palace on the same day."
"Why not just kill him?" I blurted. Only then did I realize that I just suggested to murder a person, too late. I put a hand on my mouth in shock.
He shook his head, "We aren't as brutal as those rebels. We need to set a good example to the people in this country. So they can see their wrong doings. A lot of Illèans are rebels, Dee."
"Wouldn't kicking Gabriel out cause an outrage to the people?" I questioned.
He nodded with a sigh, "Unfortunately. But there are still loyal citizens. We just need to hope for all the good things and be prepared for the worst."
Be prepared for the worst. That statement somehow rang in my mind. Then I remembered my dream. I debated if I should tell him about it. But if I did, what would happen? Nothing. But if I do tell him, would he believe me? would he try to prevent it?
Before I could finalize on what to do, however, there was a knock on the door. My head shot to the door and thought of who was coming. The door opened without Tony's permission and Claire came waltzing in.
But she stopped in her tracks when she saw me, "Oh . . . um. Sorry," She pointed to the door, "I'll just come back later."
"No, no." Tony said and rose from his seat. He approached Claire while saying, "It's okay. Have a seat. We weren't talking about anything important."
Ouch. As far as I remember, what we were talking about concerns the kingdom and he just indirectly said that I wasn't important.
Claire sat down on the couch opposite of me while Tony went back to his seat. I gave Claire a little smile and she returned it.
"So why did you come here, Claire?" Tony asked as he twirled his pen.
Claire fiddled with her fingers and glanced at me. She was hesitant to answer. Maybe it was because I was here.
"Go on," I encouraged. "Don't be shy."
She pursed her lips and looked at Tony then at me. When thwir gazes met, Tony understood what she meant.
He looked at me then said, "Eldora, please excuse us for a moment."
Oh. "Ah," I nodded, "Um . . . okay."
I stood hesitantly and made my way to the door. I looked back at them then went outsise. I closed the door behind me and leaned on it.
I really am not that important. Why did you even think you were, Haidee? Stupid.
I waited outside for about seven minutes then figured out that 'for a moment' meant an hour. I went to the Women's room but no one was there.
Then I remembered the stupid lesson. I sighed and made my way to the fourth floor where we held most of our classes. I heard voices inside and took a deep breath before entering the room with a stoic expression.
There were only two people in there. Harriet and Louise. The latter showed me a genuine smile and Harriet showed me a fake one. I made my way to the front and thought of what to do.
Should I speak in English? Spanish? Italian? French?
I groaned mentally aand cursed Tony. Why did he put me in this stupid job? I thought he said not to talk in english. And now here I am, assigned to teach the elite foreign languages.
I cleared my throat and looked at them with a stern expression, "Ladies, how about we start with Spanish first?"
Louise raised her arm, "Shouldn't we wait for Claire first?"
I pursed my lips, "SheㅡShe's busy."
Louise nodded but Harriet snickered. She crossed her arms and legs.
"She's with Zeke isn't she?" Harriet asked with a raised eyebrow.
I nodded, "Let's start."
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