"Kill the former prince and his fiancé!" Gabriel commanded.
That was the only thing that made sense to me when the guns started shooting. Tony pulled me down for cover and hugged me tight he whispered something to me but I didn't understand it.
"Get them!"
"We're going to escape this," he whispered.
The men on our side were losing and Gabriel was there with a smug look on his face. His face fueled my anger and I managed to stand on my feet.
"I hate you!" I yelled and took off my heels to prepare for running.
"Really? You do? Well guess what?! I don't give a damn!" He exclaimed and laughed.
I couldn't tale his gloating so I did the most satisfying thing in my life. I threw my heels to his face.
"Ah!" He yelled as one heel hit his eye and one went lower than expected. Yes, it hit him where the sun doesn't shine.
"Come on!" Tony screamed and took my hand.
But before we could escape, someone took both our arms.
"You aren't getting anywhere," General Firman said as she held onto my arms.
"Get off me!" Tony yelled and tried to shrug off the guard's hands. But it was one of the sergeants before so he couldn't do so much.
I tried to remove her hands off mine but she was stronger, "Let go!"
"What makes you think I'll do that?" She asked, "stupid girl."
She held me by my hair and pulled down. It was painful but I needed a plan. I looked everywhere for a weapon but I only saw limited places because pf the situation I was in.
My heels were gone so what weapon could I use?
Maybe I should just give up. I couldn't see any weapon. I couldn't escape.
I tried to wriggle free off her grasp again but she really is strong. Then, I heard some sound from beside me. From where Tony was.
Somehow, he managed to get out of his hold and take his weapon. He shot him at his leg and said, "One thing you don't know, is that I was trained to fight anyone. Even tough guys like you for self defense," he walked over to me and pointed the gun at the general, "being a prince doesn't mean I just prance around and sign papers."
The commander sneered, "Look around you. You're surrounded."
He looked around and shrugged, "Everyone is busy. They don't care about us." He looked at her intently with a fierce glare, "Now, let her go the easy way or the hard way?"
"I will never surrender!" She yelled and pulled me down more.
I screamed in pain. I could almost imagine myself bald and I didn't like it one bit.
"Dee!" Tony yelled in concern.
"Go!" I yelled, "save yourself!"
"Never!" He yelled and shot the general at the shoulder.
She yelled in agony and released me. Some of her blood splattered on my shoulder so I wiped it off with my dress.
"Let's go while we can," he said and pulled me to my feet.
Together, we ran to the exit, but unfortunately for us, Gabriel was waiting there clutching his eye.
"You'll never get away!" He exclaimed and got hold of my arms. He pulled me to him and clumped my mouth shut with his hand. He took out his gun and pointed it on my temple, "Take another step and her life ends."
I tried to scream but my words were muffled. Tony looked troubled. He had to get away but he didn't want me to die. Why can't he just let me die? The kingdom needs him.
"It's me you want right?" Tony asked, "take me and let her go!"
I shook my head furiously as I tried to tell him to get away. Gabriel laughed behind me, "Oh I will, but you should do as I say."
Tony looked at me with determination and nodded, "I will, but let her go, right this instant."
"Be on your knees first," Gabriel commanded and Tony obliged.
No! I wanted to scream, but I couldn't do anything except to cry.
Gabriel went closer to him, dragging me a long. Then suddenly, he pushed Tony down with his foot and stomped on him.
"Ah!" Tony yelled as Gabriel laughed maniacally.
"Scream more!" Gabriel exclaimed but this time, Tony didn't comply. Gabriel stepped on him harder, "I said scream!"
Blood spluttered out of his mouth followed by a painful scream. I yelled and yelled for Gabriel to stop but they couldn't understand anything I said.
"Shut up, b*tch," Gabriel scolded and slapped me. He kicked Tony's head and threw me to the side, "You two made my life horrible, you know? If only you gave the throne nicely, you wouldn't be in this at the first place."
Tony grunted and tried to stand but Gabriel took him down once again, "Never. I will never give you what you want, you spoiled brat," Tony said with difficulty.
Gabriel laughed, "That's the reason why I took it from you forcefully," he shook his head, "you people never learn."
This was my chance to fight, but I had my doubts. He was too focused on Tony that he forgot about me. I looked around me first to make sure that no one was looking. Indeed, they were still fighting. But bodies littered the ground. The guests were split into two. Some were on our side and some were on Gabriel's side. I could by the guests fighting themselves. But it could've been just a couple of dudes finishing their business with each other. I also saw two girls holding off about five palace guards on Gabriel's side. I was shocked that they could hold them off. Were they assassin?
Then I thought, if those girls can handle five guys, how can I not handle one guy? I tip-toed to a gun a few feet away. Careful not to make a sound. Though with all the ruckus that was happening around us, I doubted I made a sound.
"You think you'd make a good king?" Tony asked him and placed his hands on the floor in an attempt to bring him up.
"Of course I will! I already eliminated the disloyal citizens in the country!" Gabriel exclaimed.
Tony managed to stand up because Gabriel removed his foot from his back. He glared at him he breathed with difficulty, "You killed people who did nothing wrong! You think that's right?"
"Why? Doesn't your family also kill rebels?" Gabriel asked, "don't act all high and mighty in front of me, when you do the same thing I do!"
Tony was silenced for a moment. No! Don't listen to him! I wanted to scream but my voice didn't work, besides, screaming would disrupt my plan.
"We might've killed people too," Tony said, "but we never attacked first."
"Like that makes a difference," Gabriel said with spite, "face it, whatever you say now wouldn't save you."
I walked slowly towards Gabriel, holding the gun. Tony met my eyes and understood what I was doing. He quickly returned his gaze back to Gabriel, "It might not save me, but it will save the people here. If they hear my justifications, you're as good as dead."
"You're all talk and no bite, Zeke," he said and faked a laugh, "your bluff is all you have now, isn't it?"
When I got closer, I was already behind Gabriel and I said, "No it's not."
He faced me with a look of enragement. But before he could talk, I fired the gun at his face. I dropped it and grabbed Tony's hand, "Run!"
Gabriel screamed of his agony, but he couldn't see us so we ran as fast as we can. Tony pulled me to another secret passage outside the hall and we ran quickly inside.
When we were deep inside the passageway, I removed his hand from mine, quietly, I asked, "I thought you weren't going to do something rash again? You promised me."
"Dee, that was a backup plan," he told me and took hold of both my hands, "if we had not surprised them, they would've caught us already and have our heads."
"But you promised me," I told him.
"Would it have been better to be caught?" He asked, "tell me, who would save the country if that happened? Illéa is our country, Dee. Thousands of Illéans have died because they were loyal to me. I can't disappoint them."
"Then what about the people back there?" I asked, "they fought too! Some died. What about their families?"
"Dee," he said seriously, "they fought of their own accord. Don't dishonour their bravery by feeling guilt."
I took a deep breath and said, "You have a point, but what are we going to do now?"
"We're going back to the company," he stated.
"Alright, lead the way," I said and didn't talk after. I was still upset at him for breaking the promise but I couldn't do anything.
He led me through a lot of criss crosses and a lot of passageways. I didn't know how he could see with no light but I guess he just knew the way by heart. Soon, I saw a bit of sunshine and saw the same door we used to appear near Samuel's company.
"Let's get inside quickly," Tony urged and pulled me along.
No one batted an eyelash at us as we made our way to the entrance. Which I was thankful for. The last thing we needed was someone yelling, 'Look! It's the old prince and his fiancé!'
We managed to get inside the company and once we did. The staff that saw us quickly looked at anywhere but us. Did they think we were street kids? We went to the elevator to get to our dorms and fix ourselves up but when we were about to open it, the doors opened by themselves.
In front of us were the shocked faces of our teammates and Samuel and Denisse. Samuel stopped mid-speech when he saw us. Our teammates heads faced down when they realized who we were.
"Prince Thornton," Samuel nodded to Tony in acknowledgement, "Lady Haidee," he nodded to me too, "we have pressing matters to discuss."
What shocked me the most was Denisse's discreet smirk.
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