The girls stopped dancing and stared at me in confusion. I smiled awkwardly and gave them a little wave of my hand.
"Hi," I said uncertainly.
The one with violet hair smiled at me, "Hello. Are you new here?"
The girl with pastel blue hair asked, "Are you lost?"
"I'm new here but I am not lost," I replied.
"What? Then why are you here? This is our practice room. You might have opened the wrong door," the one with blonde hair said.
I bowed to them, "My name is Sophie Reese and I am a new member of the Muses."
I heard gasps of disbelief. The one with violet hair stepped up and asked, "I'm sorry. I am the leader of this group and I was not informed of a new member."
I smiled, "It was kind of an impromptu thing that your boss came up with."
"You will forgive me if I consulted our boss about this, right?" She asked.
I nodded, "Yes and I assure you that I am saying the truth."
She looked at me skeptically but she offered me a smile, "Fiona, accompany me please."
A girl with orange hair stepped forward and approached her leader. With a final stern look, the leader left with Fiona. The other girls stared at me in curiosity as we waited.
Finally not bearing their stares, I cleared my throat, "Um . . . Hi?"
One girl with gray hair offered me a smile, "Hey, um . . . Sorry if I was staring. You kind of looked like one of the selected."
I smiled and gripped my hands, "Oh, I get that a lot. I've also been told I looked like the Italian and Spanish princesses and one of my other companions at the selection named Julianne."
The one with pastel blue hair nodded but then stopped and stared at me, "What did you say? One of my other companions at the selection? You were selected?!" Then, she ran to me and shook my shoulders, "Oh my god! Did you actually meet the Lady Louise of Likely?" She pulled away and fanned her face, "Oh god, tell me all about it!"
I pursed my lips, "Um, sorry. Did I say my companions at the selection? I didn't participate there. I just . . . Pretend like I was selected."
The girl was obviously disheartened but she showed me a smile, "Oh? Okay. It would be really cool to have someone in this group that was a former selected," she sighed and took my hand and shook it, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sophie. I'm Nina."
I smiled, "Nice to meet you."
The girl with hot pink hair approached us while saying, "Stop scaring her, Nina," she smiled at me, "hey, I'm Psyche, and no, I'm not the real Psyche since she's a myth, but I do believe I'm as beautiful as her."
I chuckled, "I believe that too."
Her grin widened, "I am so getting along with this girl." She took my hand and motioned to the others, "Come on, guys. Introduce yourselves."
"I'm Penelope," the girl with a softer shade of pink said and waved her hand. When I look closely, she and Psyche look alike. Penelope must have noticed this and smiled, "Yes, we're twins."
Psyche flipped her hair, "But I'm much better."
The girl with mint green hair rolled her eyes, "Honestly, Penelope is much better."
Psyche snapped her head to the girl and glared at her, "You dare—"
"I'm Maxine by the way," she cut off.
The blonde girl was still practicing the dance steps as she said, "I'm Nichola."
The girl with black hair looked up from her phone and looked back down while saying, "Heather."
Well I guess she's the introvert in the group. Penelope approached Heather and they talked about some unheard things. Maxine took Nina by the arm and led her to Nichola. The three of them talked about the steps of the dance.
Psyche whistled, "Looks like it's you and me, sister."
I chuckled awkwardly, "So um, what were you practicing earlier?"
She smiled, "It's for our debut song. The title is Song of the Forgotten."
I looked at her curiously, intrigued by the title, "Why is it like that?"
"Heather came up with it. Most of the lyrics and tune. She said it was inspired by a greek myth she read about. Someone who was abandoned in an island for eternity. I did some research on it. It was said that her punishment was to lose every person she loves."
I frowned, "That's lonely."
She sighed, "Yeah and that's basically Heather."
"Can I listen to the song?" I asked, "It sounds amazing."
Psyche beamed, "Sure!"
"No," Heather stated.
Psyche glanced at her in confusion, "What? Why not?"
Heather stood up and dusted her pants, "She isn't a part of the group. Who knows? She might be a spy of those sirens."
My eyes squinted in confusion, "You aren't friends with them? They're nice."
Heather scoffed, "Yeah, right," she said and dashed out of the room. Penelope looked at us apologetically before running after her.
Psyche sighed and faced me, "I'm sorry for Heather. She just has . . . bad bearings with them."
I nodded and didn't pry. I understood that it was something personal. I looked at Psyche, "So . . . Do I get to listen to the song?"
She smiled at me sadly, "Sorry. Heather owns the song so I can't show it to you without her permission, and besides, she might be right. I'm nit labelling you as bad or anything, but . . . Our group has been through so much just to be wrecked and stolen from by the sirens. If you really are a spy, then get out of here, but I have a feeling you're not."
I smiled, "Thanks for trusting me. I can assure you that I am no spy. I may not understand the rift between you and the Sirens but I can say that fighting doesn't solve anything. If you have a problem with each other," I said and thought about the times Tony and I fought. This brought a smile in my face and a glimmer in my eyes, "Just tell them how you feel and it'll be fixed."
"Did you happen to be in a relationship?" She asked with a suggestive smile and a wiggle of her eyebrows.
My face heated, "Um . . . Yes? But I guess it didn't work out."
She pouted, "Really? What happened?" She said and led me to sit down on one side of the room.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell her, right? "Well I was engaged," and I still am, technically, "but things happened."
She gasped and hugged me tightly, "Oh my! I'm sorry for that."
I laughed and hugged her back, "It wasn't that dramatic. Just the regular party poopers who just butt in and wreck everything."
She frowned, "What was his name?"
I held my breath, "Um . . . Is it okay if I don't say his name?"
"Ah, okay. It's okay, I understand," she said with the look that said 'it must hurt to say his name'. "Tell me about this guy that stole your heart."
I smiled, "Well, he was a man of nobility."
She gasped, "Really? Omg! Was he a count? A baron?"
A prince actually, "Let's leave it at noble. So anyway, it was really complicated when we started out. A lot of girls liked him. Heck, maybe the whole country likes him."
She nodded, "You're a lucky girl to have him."
"I was," I agreed, "he was a great singer and dancer. He often drew sceneries he saw. He was so busy with his job that I thought he wouldn't have time for me."
Her eyebrows met, "How old is he?"
"Nineteen," I replied.
"Don't you think that's still too young to be a working age?" She asked.
"Well . . . He was a very independent man," I replied, "he liked to help anyone when he can. He was born to lead," the country.
"Hmm," she hummed, "a perfect man. What happened?"
Before I could answer--mostly evade her question—the door opened, revealing the lesder and the orange haired girl.
The violet haired one smiled at me, "Welcome to the team, Sophie."
Psyche beamed and hugged me, "I knew you were for real!"
I chuckled, "I told you, didn't I?"
"It was quite odd, actually," Fiona said, "when we asked the boss, he told us to take care of you and that you should be unharmed."
I rolled my eyes at that. I didn't need to be protected. I wasn't even a lady of Illéa anymore. I was wanted for treason to the 'real' heir of the throne.
Psyche nudged me and smiled suggestively, "Does the guy happen to be our boss?"
I looked at her in shock, "What?! No!"
Nichola shrugged, "I don't know what you're talking about but I'm assuming you were talking about boyfriends. So, Sophie, Mr. Samuel is your boyfriend?"
I groaned in annoyance, "He isn't. He's just a friend."
"A really close one," the leader said.
"A friend who cares about your well-being," Nina pointed out.
"But still a friend," I argued.
Maxine sighed, "Stop it guys. This argument is pointless."
"You're pointless," Psyche grumbled but only I heard.
The leader looked around the room, "Where's Penelope and Heather?"
"They went out," Nichola replied.
"Why?" She asked.
Maxine shrugged, "I don't know but don't you think you two should introduce yourselves first? We already had out introductions earlier."
The two nodded and shared a look that said that they just remembered this now.
"I'm Fiona," the orange haired girl said, "I'm a rapper but I can also sing. Just . . . not as good as Psyche and Penelope's voices."
Psyche smirked, "I do have a wonderful voice."
Maxine rolled her eyes, "Stop flattering yourself, Psycho."
Psyche glared at her, "Stop calling me that."
The leader cleared her throat, "I am Alyssa and I am the leader of this group. It's nice to meet you."
I smiled, "It's nice to meet all of you too."
Nichola clapped her hands, "Hurray for the new introductions," she said without enthusiasm, "but right now, we need a meeting with our producers and our dance coordinator."
"No need," Alyssa said, "Mr. Samuel already took care of that," she said and gave me a suggestive smile.
I groaned, "For the last time, he isn't my boyfriend!"
Just when I said that, the door opened. And there was Samuel who had a confused look on his face.
"Who isn't your boyfriend?" He asked.
The girls burst out laughing while my face flushed.
"No one," I replied.
He looked at me in disbelief, "No one's your boyfriend? I thought your boyfriend was—"
"No one!" I exclaimed quickly, "no one," I repeated with less volume.
Samuel raised an eyebrow at me then looked at the other girls. Then he nodded as if he understood the situation. Beside me, Psyche nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows with a suggestive smile.
Samuel cleared his throat, "Anyway, the reason I came here is that your group will be oriented tomorrow. Alyssa, show Sophie to her new room. Your manager will be with you in the morning so don't be late, or else you know what's coming for you."
The girls groaned at this while I looked utterly lost.
Samuel smiled at their reactions, "Sleep tight, girls!" He said and shut the door.
Alyssa sighed, "You heard the boss, guys. Go to your rooms and get some sleep—you'll need it. Sophie? Come on follow me."
I waved goodbye to Psyche before I approached the leader. The girls left the room with Alyssa and I on their tails. When we walked along the halls, the chatter of our teammates filled the silence. Some practice rooms still had their lights on.
When we reached the elevator, they pressed the 10th floor which I assumed to be where the trainees slept. My assumption was confirmed when I saw a T in the hallway. The left said girls and the right said boys. So naturally, all of us went left.
The doors of the rooms looked like those of hotels—but I wasn't sure since I haven't even been to a hotel—with numbers on top. On the side of each door was a black box that had a line at the bottom. When we reached room 19, Fiona said her goodbyes and swiped a card at the box. The door opened and she vanished inside the room. Psyche went to room 23. Nina entered room 26 while Nichola took room 27. Maxine was in room 30. We stopped walking at room 35.
Alyssa took a card out of her pocket, "Here's your card. The boss gave it to me earlier when I visited his office."
I nodded and observed the card. It was colored black with little lines of gold. On the top right corner was a small gold crown which I assumed to be the company's logo. In white printed letters was my fake name Sophie Reese and in smaller letters below my name was The Muses. On the bottom left corner was the number 35.
"Where's your room?" I asked her.
She pointed where we walked earlier, "The twelfth one is mine."
My eyes widened, "That's too far away from here! I'm sorry you had to show me where I should be. You could've just told me how to get here."
She smiled, "It's no biggie. Besides, I kinda have to do it since the boss told me to."
"But still—" i stopped talking when someone cut me off.
"Oh hey, Sophie!"
When I looked to my left, Ayumi was standing there and looked like she just left the room beside me.
I smiled and waved, "Hey, Ayumi."
"Alyssa!" Ayumi exclaimed and waved frantically at the obviously older girl.
Alyssa sighed and waved back, "Hey, Ayumi."
Ayumi grinned and looked at the card in my hands then at the number on my door. She gasped and squealed, "Oh my god! We're roommates!"
My eyes widened and looked at the door behind her. Then she showed me her card. It was indeed labeled 34.
I smiled, "I guess we are."
"Shouldn't it be hallmates?" Alyssa asked, "Because technically, you aren't in the same room."
Ayumi waved her off and linked her arm through mine, "We are so going to have fun! We'll have sleepovers, parties, eat lunch together, eat breakfast together, eat dinner together, walk to breakfast together, walk to lunch together, walk to dinner together, walk to the practice room together, go to the spa together, talk about boys together—"
"Stop!" Alyssa demanded and clutched her forehead, "you are giving me a headache."
Ayumi smiled sheepishly, "Sorry. I was just so excited!"
"Like that wasn't obvious," Alyssa rolled her eyes. She turned to me and said, "I'll leave you two now. And remember, wake up early tomorrow or you won't like what would happen to you."
"Bye, Alyssa!" Ayumi exclaimed and waved her hand.
Sorry for the late update! Wifi is uncooperative :<
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