You have never liked Lizzie Saltzman. Ever since you first came to the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted years ago, you and Lizzie have not liked each other. You always do what you can to avoid her, and you think you've done well enough for all the time you've been at the school.
However, there finally comes a time where you might not be able to avoid her. In one of your classes, your teacher puts you into groups of two for a writing assignment. To your dismay, you're paired with Lizzie. She looks just as unhappy about it as you are, but she doesn't say anything to you.
After classes, you follow her out to the grounds. You don't want to work on any assignment with Lizzie, but you know you'll have to do this if you want to get it done and get a decent grade.
"Lizzie, wait up," you call as you follow her.
"Why?" she returns. "I know you don't want to work on an assignment with me, so why should I act like I want to work with you?"
"Well, if you want to get a good grade at the end of the week, we're going to have get started," you point out. "I don't like you, either, but we have to get this done."
She scoffs. "I don't believe you. You haven't liked me from day one and I don't even know why."
"Why? Because you always act all snide like you're so superior to everyone else! Your sister barely even has her own life because she's always looking after you!"
"That's it." Lizzie begins chanting a spell you don't quite catch, and you're hit with a magical blast that almost knocks you off your feet.
"Is that how you want to play this?" you ask when you're standing straight again. "We can play that way." You send your own magical blast back at her.
This goes on between the two of you for a few minutes. You're surprised that no one shows up to break up this fight. Lizzie's magic is stronger than yours, so you soon give up. You walk up to her and say, "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that whatever I said started this fight, and..."
You break off there. Lizzie is giving you a very intense look that makes you stop talking. A moment later, you grabs you by the shoulders and kisses you very firmly on the lips. You're certainly taken by the surprise, but you soon begin kissing her back, feeling an odd sensation.
But you're soon broken up by someone calling, "Lizzie? Y/N?"
You know that voice, and it makes you instantly pull away from Lizzie. It's Dr. Saltzman, the headmaster and Lizzie's father, looking absolutely shocked.
"Sorry, Dad," Lizzie calls. "We're coming back inside." She takes your hand and says, "Let's go work on that report."
You follow her back into the school, trying to comprehend what just happened between the two of you.
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