Chapter 7
Present day 20xx
Is been years after the tragedy, but the Shaman sisters finally started to moved on. They, finally let go of their oldest sister death, Amelia. And Akane now took the heir of the leader in their group now. They also started to have a normal life like what they wanted back on old days, even it's looks slightly different, but. Their world and Earth still have many things in common.
"Sis!! Wake up!!" Shout Terra from downstairs she just pouts as she crossed her arm "geez.... Those girls" she says. Then, she saw a Sora came down she still yawning as she rubbed her eyes. She look at Terra and she just smiles "morning Terra" says her. Terra still pouts as she stomping her feet "you know what day is it?" She says. Sora slightly tilted her head and she just look at her quite confuse.
"Uhh, today is Monday.... Why?" Ask her, Terra just sighs and she shook her head "why can you forget what day is it... Today is our first day of school!" Says her. Sora widened her eyes as he mouth are slightly opened "w-what!?" Says her, Sora quickly ran back upstairs as Terra can hear that she tried to get all her sisters to woke up. Terra just sighs as shook her head "sleepy heads" says her mumbled.
Meanwhile in Tokyo, in an apartment
A girl just woke up from her slumber she got up from her bed and she tidy it up. She look at herself in the mirror, she had a familiar faces but it's more paler than this person that referred as her. She sighs as she glanced at the window, as she look at the window she saw a boy with white hair and red eyes sitting the edge of the window "you think of something?" Says the boy. The girl just smiles as she walked near to him, she just look at the skies from her apartment "no, just missing them" she says.
The boy just sighs. Then he hears a faint knocked from outside, he look at the girl and slowly poke her cheek "she's coming.... I have to go" he says as he slowly disappears into thin air. The girl sees the boy disappear then, she decided to opened the door. She saw a girl about same age as her, she had long brown hair and red eyes. She smiles at her as he eyes are sparkled "morning! Breakfast ready!" Says her.
The other girl just smiles as she stepped out from her room "thanks Momo" she says. The girl named Momo just smiles and she left her, the blue haired girl just watched her walked away and suddenly another familiar figure appear beside her "you highness, how long will we keep pretending?" Says her. The girl look at the figure and she just smiles "as soon we found my sisters..... I will stop Tsukuyomi...." says her.
Tsukuyomi just sighs and she bowed her head at her "as you wish your highness" she says and she slowly disappeared. The girl smiles and she walked downstairs to have breakfast with her friend?
Back with the Shaman sisters
They just finished their breakfast, they already wear their uniform. Terra look at all her sister who just sat there silently staring on the floor, she sighs and she stood up. She slightly slammed the tables as she make all her sister shocked and they look at her "what the heck Terra!" Says the orange eyed girl. Terra just sighs as she crossed her arm "how long will you all sitting there? Come on! We will be late!" She says as she took her back and she left. All her sister just look at her quite confused and they just shook their head as they took their back and left the apartment too.
To Be Continue
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