Chapter 34
Terra summoned her canon as she keep shooting the creature she look around as she grunted, she glance at Stella who fighting with Lozes, she sighed and she look at the girl beside her " (her name)" she called her. The girl glance at her as she raised an eyebrow, Terra look at the creatures and she took a deep breath "I need you.... Let's do it" she say. (Her name) just smiled as she shook her head "I thought, you give up with it" she say. Terra raised her hand as she slightly shaking, she look at Terra and smile as she shook her head.
(Her name) slowly faded away as she turned into a gold aura ball. Terra absorbed her and she quickly opened her eyes "world shaking!" She raised her fist and she punched the ground as the ground cracked and the creature quickly fall down to the hole. Terra look at Crystal and she nodded Crystal look at her sister and she nodded as she aim her bow at the hole, she took a deep breath as she opened her eyes again as her bow glowed light blue. Around her appear a light blue aura as a girl appeared beside her.
The girl hold her shoulder as she went closer to her and she whisper "calm down, let go" she say. Crystal widened her eyes and she nodded as she took a deep breath as she quickly let go as the hole now covered with ice, Crystal look at Stella "Stella! You do the rest!" She say as Stella look at the ice and she look at Lozes. Lozes look at her and she nods as she flew down and she look at the hole, Lozes about to raised her wand as suddenly an earthquake happened, the sisters widened her eyes as they look on the ground.
Suddenly an voice echoed to them "sister! Don't worry! It's sister Ruby!" Say the voice which is Flora's voice. Terra give a sighs of relief. Ruby quickly jumped out from the Ice as lava appeared on the hole, she quickly look at her sister and she smirks "Terra! Do your thing!" She say as she jumped back to the ground and she close her eyes as Coco appear beside Ruby. Terra look at the lava and she kneel down as she touch the ground as the ground shook again and the hole slowly retrieved back to normal.
Ruby look at her sisters and she crossed her arm "well, I thought it might be hard for you to handle them" she say as she smirks. Terra smiles as she stood up "who say we can't handle them?" She say as she just smiles, Ruby shook her head and she look around "hey, Flora.... Is Sorra and Akane okay over there?" She say. Flora voice echoed as the others look up the skies "yes, they okay for now.... Hurry you have to go" she say. Ruby nodded, Crystal look at Ruby and she tilted her head.
"Is there something wrong sis?" She asked, Ruby look at her as she crossed her arm and she sighed "well, I don't want to tell this to you.... But, come we have to quick" she say Crystal look at Ruby confused and she look at Terra, Terra crossed her arm as she sighed "well I think we have to find out ourselves" she say. Crystal nod and they quickly ran towards the school.
Meanwhile with Akane and Sorra.
Akane look at the school gate and she look at the tall building in front of them "so, this is the place" she say. Sorra look up and she nod "it is, but... How we come in?" She say. Akane look around and she crossed her arm as se think of something.
To Be Continue.
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