CW// Firearms, blood, injury
Xie Lian's
"Gege, gege." Xie Lian woke up to the gentle voice that was calling his name over and over again. The voice was not at all annoying. The way San Lang called him was soothing, almost as if telling him to go on sleeping, which was not really the case. He opened his eyes to see San Lang's face so close to him. All along, he was leaning on San Lang's shoulder. The younger man's sitting position looked even uncomfortable. With him being shorter than the other, San Lang had to slouch on the car seat.
"Hey, San Lang," Xie Lian croaked out as he adjusted himself to quickly sit properly. His cheek was a little numb and his neck kinda aching from the improper position. "Where are we?" He darted his gaze outside. The car was still moving at a fast but safe speed. The place looked deserted as they were no houses he can see even from afar and no street lamps
"We are five minutes away from the place, gege. I just woke you up so you would not feel that groggy later," San Lang said gently. San Lang was still wearing those dark shades. Xie Lian wondered if the man would ever take it off later as they walk later in the woods. Xie Lian wondered why he was wearing the sunglasses though but ignored the matter.
Was it to hide his eyes? For him, there was nothing wrong with San Lang's eyes. He rather found them unique and the scar... He wanted to know the story behind it, but he was willing to wait for the time San Lang trusted him enough to tell him things willingly.
Xie Lian stretched his arms. He was letting out a squeaky noise while doing so.
"Hey, shorty. Have you rested well?" Feng Xin asked and glanced at him briefly through the rear-view mirror.
"Yes, Feng Xin." Xie Lian softly smiled. "How far was the last house you've seen?"
"Thirty minutes away, shorty." Oh. That is too far. Xie Lian thought. In which case only makes it more a convenient place to conduct illegal business. Though far, it had a well-cemented road which looked newly built. Xie Lian thought that if they were to come across a civilian along the way, they would be lucky.
Now, Xie Lian's only wish was to never come across with the criminals themselves, if there were any because he wouldn't want to compromise San Lang's safety. Just what was he thinking earlier?
"Mu Qing, how are we going to navigate through the forest?" Xie Lian had to make sure they would not get lost in the forest. Seeing the deep woods at a distance, he felt a little scared. It reminded him of when... He was always reminded wherever he went. Xie Lian was almost everywhere then. The nature of that bastard's job required them to hide and transfer places as frequently as possible.
"Uhh~ About that. The Mayor gave us coordinates a while back. We are just hoping it is correct," Mu Qing thoughtfully mused.
San Lang scoffed beside him. "Where did he get the coordinates?"
"San Lang," Xie Lian hissed. He didn't want to offend the two officers with the way San Lang spoke. The man still had an offense to the two, especially to Mu Qing.
"Oh, shut up, fucker," Mu Qing seethed. "It is from the Mayor's acquaintance. There is no need to think too much about it. He is kind enough to give us this."
San Lang just shrugged and Xie Lian could see the little mocking smirk on the man's lips. He just shook his head.
"You don't have to explain a thing to him, dumbass," Feng Xin told Mu Qing.
Xie Lian just ignored the two who were now exchanging banters. "San Lang, do not get separated from me later. We don't know exactly what will happen or what's there ahead." Xie Lian frowned and continued, "I will do my best to protect you."
San Lang looked at him with determined eyes and it wasn't the youthful and playful stubbornness.
Xie Lian was also thinking about how he knew how to handle a gun. The problem was he didn't have any firearms along with him. The only ones who were ready were the two officers. Xie Lian sighed again. "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."
Of course, Xie Lian knew San Lang may or may not have an idea. Either way, he stood by the fact that San Lang knew a lot more than he would ever do. However, San Lang getting hurt in the process was a different matter and if his friend would be, it would be on Xie Lian.
He really prayed the other would stay safe. If there was still luck left in him, he'd be willing to share it with his friend. If Xie Lian were to consider things, it seemed like a badly planned mission. They still did not have an idea how guarded the place would be. Did they scatter goons in the woods? Did they install surveillance cameras on the trees?
San Lang smiled brightly at him. "Gege, you're so thoughtful to this San Lang."
"Feng Xin, Mu Qing, please help me keep him safe. I don't have any firearm to aid me," Xie Lian requested with utmost sincerity. San Lang chuckled while the two others huffed. "Pardon him. San Lang looks big, but can also be a little silly at times. I hope you'll get along well later on. Your first meeting is surely not the most ideal one, but we can try to fix that soon." Xie Lian is hard-selling San Lang right now. "You know we can hang out and have some coffee or drink!"
"Don't stress yourself, shorty. We'll do our best," Feng Xin kindly said, albeit with underlying sarcasm.
Feng Xin pulled the car to a complete stop on a shaded part under a tree and behind the thick bushes. The ground is dry from here and the road is a bit dusty. One by one, they stepped out of the car. The sun's heat is high up but the cool fresh breeze tempers it. Xie Lian could hear the birds from a short distance to the forest. The woods, indeed, look deep and thick.
"Okay, let's go." Xie Lian broke the silence.
"Xie Lian, Xie Lian, you need things with you. Do not go on headstrong," Mu Qing clicked his tongue in amusement and slight disappointment.
"Psh! Then, bring it on yourself, Mu Qing. You act as if you'll be able to contribute later. You are scared to die. You'll probably run away first," Feng Xin chuckled.
Mu Qing glared at the other man and threw him a liter of water, which Feng Xin seamlessly caught. "Thanks, dumbass."
Mu Qing had their supplies readied - the first-aid kit, water, flashlight, and some small biscuits. Xie Lian could not help but mentally praise Mu Qing because of his efficiency and initiative. Xie Lian stepped closer to Mu Qing. "Let me bring our share." Quickly, Mu Qing handed two liters of bottled water to him.
"Gege, let me carry those," San Lang offered help.
Shaking his head, Xie Lian beamed. "Just let me carry these, San Lang. I don't want to tire you out." In reality, San Lang was well-built and looked strong, even stronger-looking physique than Mu Qing and Feng Xin.
San Lang looked elated. Then, there appeared the silly mischievous smile. "Gege, you are spoiling me too much. Let me carry my own bottle and I will carry yours if you'd like."
"Oh, god. Just get on with it! This San Lang is really getting on my nerves," Feng Xin exasperatedly uttered.
San Lang scoffed. "Don't call me San Lang."
Xie Lian did not like how the two were treating his friend at all. He got it. San Lang did them wrong first. But he thought they were way past that and honestly, it wasn't the best time to argue over things. They had a mission to go. He masked his irritation with a tender smile because he couldn't blame them too. "I am sorry for troubling you, Officer." He gave the water bottle to San Lang. He walked straight ahead without waiting for the three.
"Look at what you've done, fucker. Why can't you keep your mouth shut and be a little gentle?" Mu Qing sounds disappointed.
"Coming from you?" Feng Xin huffed. "It wasn't meant for shorty, but for this intruder."
"Shorty," Feng Xin called him and jogged after him. San Lang easily caught up to him and was now walking beside him, quietly. "Do you even know where we are heading to shorty?" Feng Xin's voice was light and friendly.
Xie Lian turned slightly to Feng Xin. "I don't." He chuckled. "Am I walking in the right direction?" Relief washed over Feng Xin's expression.
"Why don't we just tell the Mayor that there is no one in the area and there is no one we can ask around. The forest looks dangerous. It is not worth the risk," Mu Qing grumbled, still walking towards them.
"Scaredy cat," Feng Xin really liked provoking and teasing Mu Qing. Mu Qing exhaled in annoyance. "You did not train for nothing, dumbass."
"Who said I am scared, fucker? I am cautious! I am trying to be the one sensible here. I can't expect that from you. I can't expect that from Xie Lian. He is too determined." Mu Qing threw a dirty look at San Lang. "And certainly not from him."
Xie Lian laughed and walked over to Mu Qing who was still following them. "It will be fine, Mu Qing." He placed a hand over the man's shoulder as they walked. Mu Qing looked at him with soft eyes and a small smile.
"San Lang, humor me. Why did you follow me?" They were now entering the woods and the shadows enveloped the surroundings. However, the sunlight was peeking through the gaps of the leaves, dancing with the wind. It was enough to light the place up. The birds were chirping and the insects were creating their own noises. These surroundings made him relax, but they mustn't forget that anytime, they could encounter a criminal.
Walking fast and with long strides, San Lang was now ahead of Xie Lian. Xie Lian was following the younger's path instead of the other way around. Mu Qing and Feng Xin were behind them, having their own world. "Gege, I followed you because I was bored, and I am glad I did."
"San Lang, you just can't come with us. This work of mine is not intended for others to just jump in. Plus, it might put you in danger and we do not like that." Xie Lian tried to make his voice sound firm but he actually felt safer and more secure this day and he could only credit it to San Lang.
"I am danger myself, gege," San Lang whispered, voice soft intended not to be heard; however, Xie Lian heard it clearly. Not really knowing the depths of the words, Xie Lian only added this to the things he was yet to find out and uncover from San Lang.
Xie Lian saw tools used for hunting as they walked further. There were also different walking trails and some footsteps where the mud was before and had dried into the form of a foot. These verify that there were actually people that go in and out of here. If they were real hunters, then, Xie Lian could say that this area was fairly safe. He had been observing the surroundings. If there was actually a place where illegal activities were going on, then, where were the men guarding the place from the outside? Why was the security so relaxed that it seemed that they did not install cameras around? Not that Xie Lian could expect much. The place itself seemed to have no electric power connection.
He wondered a lot.
They were already walking into the woods for twenty minutes straight. Still cautious, Xie Lian kept his voice low and just enough for San Lang to hear whenever he talked. While talking about a lot of things with a long silence in between, Xie Lian felt the need to share something with San Lang. "San Lang, I want to tell you something."
"Hmm? What is it, gege?"San Lang turns around quickly.
"The man who helped me to enter a bar one time was warm and you remind me of him." Xie Lian's eyes sparkled in fondness as he vividly recalled what transpired that night. It was still a mystery. Powerful? It couldn't be Hua Cheng, right? I am not that valuable to gain that person's attention.
San Lang scoffed which made Xie Lian frown a little. "Is he that warm, gege?" He could recognize the hostility in the tone.
"Yes. He was warm and he made me feel secure and safe at that time. If it wasn't for him, that night would have been a disaster," Xie Lian chuckled right after he finished talking. It was one of the rare times that luck was on his side. Often, the universe seemed to conspire against him.
"More than I make you feel secure and safe? He must have been so great, huh?" San Lang mumbled under his breath.
Now, Xie Lian was confused. What's with San Lang's attitude? "Is there anything wrong, San Lang?" Xie Lian raised his brow.
There was a slight pout on San Lang's lips. "You seem to really like this person, gege."
"And if I do?" What's up with him? Xie Lian had no idea how to deal with this San Lang. The man confused him.
San Lang pouted more. The upper part of his lips was pointy. "What about me? He seems so great. I can't compete with him."
Huh? Xie Lian closed the distance between them and bumped San Lang's shoulder with his. "There is nothing to compete, San Lang. You are closer to me and you're my bestest friend as of now. Besides, he probably already forgot about me."
San Lang brightly beamed, his eyes curving into beautiful crescents. "Hmm, fair enough, gege. You really know what to say. But, gege, you are short-selling yourself! You are unforgettable!" Xie Lian just shook his head in amusement.
"Xie Liaaan~" He heard Mu Qing whining behind him and he turns around. "Do you really wish to continue walking? The woods are getting deeper. It looks like there is nothing wrong here. We did not cross paths with a person. We cannot see any surveillance cameras around the area. No traps. No guards. Nothing." Beside Mu Qing was Feng Xin agreeing begrudgingly with him.
Indeed, the forest was getting darker. There were vines hanging on the trees and the ground was covered with grass and fallen leaves, a little mushy from the trapped dew.
"We are already thirty minutes away from the place, Mu Qing. We cannot give up now. If we walk in an hour and find nothing, then we will go back. Okay?" Xie Lian insisted on going through the mission. They couldn't return empty-handed. At least, if those people were really elusive, then, they did their part and there is nothing others could blame on them, not even the Mayor. The two officers nodded.
Xie Lian jogged up to San Lang. It seemed that the youngest was intentionally walking ahead of them, paving their way and securing that the ground they are stepping on is safe. For that, Xie Lian was quite impressed and worried too. "San Lang, let me carry your water bottle for you," Xie Lian was making himself feel relevant.
"There is no need for such, gege. San Lang is fine. This is nothing!" San Lang carefreely walked. His eyes were still covered with dark shades. His wavy locks bounced and swayed at times, looking good when the sunlight that peeked through the leaves hit them.
The walk was not tiring because Xie Lian was used to walking and besides, the environment was cool and fresh. The ground he was stepping on was soft because of the leaves, such a contrast to the rough and hard concrete streets in the city proper. San Lang did not show any signs of exhaustion too as if he was also used to walking. Behind them were two officers who were getting bored and agitated.
Fifteen minutes away from the supposed place and Xie Lian thought nothing could go wrong. So far, it was rather a peaceful and leisure-like walk. However, San Lang halted his steps, and just as soon, Xie Lian walked closer to the man with Mu Qing and Feng Xin in tow. What's wrong? Why did he stop?
A step closer to San Lang, the man extended his hand to stop him. "Do not panic. Let me deal with the matter."
Huh? Xie Lian's eyes scan the surroundings at eye level. He even looks up. But he found nothing that would merit that much concern. He really did not see anything until San Lang bent a little to pick up something from the ground. Xie Lian almost tripped on his feet without any reason and his heart pounded loudly in his chest.
There was a two-foot brown snake of distinct dark brown and chestnut brown hourglass-like patterns over its body. It was hissing right on San Lang's right foot. "San Lang, San Lang, do not move. Calm down, San Lang." Xie Lian was trying to keep his composure, but San Lang continued what he was planning to do.
"Be careful!" Mu Qing and Feng Xin exclaimed simultaneously. Xie Lian was too focused on his housemate and did not have the attention to spare them.
San Lang acted as if he heard nothing and it was starting to crawl on Xie Lian's nerves. San Lang had been making him worry since earlier. The younger moved his hands to get a hold of the snake which was already trying to attack the heel of San Lang's foot.
Xie Lian cannot recognize the snake. He knew a number of snakes, but this one, he did not know despite its common look. He really didn't care about the specific name. What he wanted is to know whether it was venomous or not and if it was, how lethal.
San Lang had successfully gotten a hold of the snake's tail part. Its head was still swaying down and it worried Xie Lian how San Lang acted as if it was okay. The man just gazed lazily at the snake, lifting it a little to examine it and lowering it down again. Xie Lian thought that San Lang was getting out of focus when the man dug something in his pants. Not really thinking things through and with the snake's head trying to move up towards San Lang's arm, Xie Lian's right hand grabbed half of the snake's body. Then, he tried supporting his right hand with his left hand and he attempts to grab a little below the snake's head.
Well, things happened fast. Just right after San Lang took his hand off his pocket to stop Xie Lian, the snake's fangs already dug into his left arm. It hurts. It was painful, but it was tolerable for now. "Ow!"
"Fuck, Xie Lian!" It was Mu Qing.
San Lang grabbed the snake's head quickly, forcing the snake to release its latch on his flesh. The younger, out of nowhere, pulled a knife from his waist and plunged it from the base of the snake's mouth through the head. Xie Lian's face was crumpling for a while from pain.
The pain was gradually increasing. Perhaps, it really was venomous, but not really that lethal. He could still move his hand and function well. He smiled through the pain, as always. Xie Lian had mastered that art. "I'm fine. I'm fine. Let's go." Xie Lian clutched his injured hand. San Lang threw the dead snake on the ground.
"Gege, let's go down. I will have you checked," San Lang's voice was distant, including his eyes. The man washed Xie Lian's hand and picked up strong twigs from the ground. San Lang tore a part of his own shirt and placed the twigs on each side of his wrist. He wrapped it up with the torn cloth. "Try to keep your hand from moving, gege."
"San Lang~" he called. "I would not go down. I," Xie Lian breathed in. "We have to finish this. We are just fifteen minutes away." His hand was numbing and he felt cold, but he knew he can still walk for another fifteen minutes. He was still very much capable. This pain. This pain is nothing.
"Xie Lian~" Feng Xin uttered his name in disbelief. "You're impossible."
"Fuck, let's go. We need to finish this quickly," San Lang dropped his hand and walked away, shoulders squared up, making his back broader.
"San Lang!"
"Stop it, shorty. Walk slowly. Had he been not that careless, you wouldn't have been hurt," Feng Xin spoke angrily. "He is bad news. What were you thinking? It seems that he had it under control."
"It is my fault, Feng Xin. Besides, I could not risk it," Xie Lian hissed, his heart clenching when San Lang did not turn to look at him. Xie Lian was not feeling that well, but he could manage himself.
"Oh, gods," Mu Qing lowly murmured.
The four of them silently tread the forest. No one spoke a word after the snake incident. Xie Lian's body was getting weaker each passing minute and he was getting dizzy. This is more than what I expected. But, he does not regret a thing. He was sweating profusely. San Lang, on the other hand, ignored him. Is he angry at me? Xie Lian did not know. He couldn't understand.
After more grueling minutes, they reached a clearing. There were no grasses or fallen leaves. There were no trees standing tall, and the ground was covered with gravel. At a distance, there was a seemingly abandoned one-story building. It was cemented and sturdy. Its walls were not painted so it was just the gray cement. There were black spray paints scribbled on the walls.
It was impossible to see anything inside the building. From the outside, there were no men, which did not make any sense if there really was anything suspicious happening inside. Crouching, they were currently hiding on a big rock.
"What do we do?" Mu Qing asked with his doe eyes. "Xie Lian, let's just tell Mayor that there was an abandoned building. Remember, we cannot cross the borders."
Xie Lian nodded in understanding. This was all he wanted. He just wanted to reach the supposed destination and report whatever they found out. They could also ask again some locals later when they get out from the forest. He was about to voice out an agreement when he heard someone screaming inside the building. "I heard a scream." He craned his neck to concentrate more and he heard it again.
Looking alarmed, Feng Xin shook his head. "No, shorty. We cannot go in there."
But how could he ignore the scream? What if that person was like him? Who would come to their aid? Nobody came to Xie Lian and helped him when he screamed his lungs out. He couldn't let that happen to another soul. It was awful. "I cannot ignore it, Feng Xin, or I can't sleep later." His brows furrowed when he heard another scream.
"Xie Lian, it's dangerous!" Mu Qing's eyes convey concern.
"Give me your gun." San Lang opened a hand at Mu Qing. "You observe the surroundings and guard Xie Lian with you." Xie Lian looked at the man incredulously. San Lang! "You two are taking too much time and I need to get Xie Lian checked right away." Still, San Lang was not looking at him, but the concern was enough for Xie Lian.
"Fuck, I will go with you," Feng Xin volunteered.
"No. Someone armed needs to look after him." Impatiently, San Lang asked for the gun from Mu Qing. "Your gun!" Mu Qing quickly surrendered his firearm to San Lang, which made Xie Lian gape in disbelief. What on earth? San Lang pulled another gun from his own waist. Why did I not notice that? Who are you, San Lang?
San Lang looked at Xie Lian, who is currently bewildered. "Gege, stay here. It would just take around fifteen minutes or so. You couldn't follow me." San Lang said the last sentence firmly.
"San Lang! What are you planning? You are acting impulsively again!" He heard another scream. San Lang was deaf to his words as he stood up and confidently walked towards the building's entrance. Both hands held a gun. His triceps flexing.
But, Xie Lian was stubborn. He stole Feng Xin's gun. "Hide well here." He ran quickly towards San Lang. He couldn't let the younger go into an uncharted place alone and the thought of him waiting for the man to come out of the building wishing him to be unscathed would surely drive him more unwell than he already was. He was feeling more ill than he was before but his adrenaline was pumping inside of him.
San Lang was the closest friend he has and he couldn't let him get harmed.
"I knew you would follow. You are too stubborn for your own good. Stay behind me, gege. If you stay safe, I will be safe," San Lang said words he could not fully understand.
"I am more than capable, San Lang." He would not follow the man if he would not be of much use, if he would just be a liability.
To be honest, this personality San Lang is showing him was not something he was used to. The San Lang he knew was carefree and a little silly, smiling and cheerful. But, this, this was a dominant one, asserting control and power to whatever crossed his path. But, this, this was still San Lang. There was nothing that could change Xie Lian's view of the man. So, Xie Lian just shrugged and rolled his shoulders.
"Just be careful, then, gege."
They barged right through the unlocked door. Xie Lian was surprised to see how unguarded the door was. There, Xie Lian saw the men surprised by their sudden intrusion. There was a dozen of them. It was indeed a drug den and very much does not look like an abandoned building from the inside.
The men tried to take their guns out. Their movements are not at all snappy, rather, they are lethargic and their movements slow. So, the two of them just disarmed them and if someone tries more extreme movements, they shot their legs to immobilize them. San Lang was extremely skilled. Just by looking at the way the younger man handled his guns, the investigator could tell how trained the younger was. Who are you, San Lang? Xie Lian tried to avoid shooting as much, but he couldn't just risk their safety too. So, he pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting where it was supposed to hit.
Xie Lian didn't like it. He hated violence. He had grown so used to violence and blood that he hated those.
There were equipment, microscopes, needles, powders. He had almost forgotten what a drug facility looks like. He and San Lang made sure there are no more weapons near the men who look either passed out or just immobilized. Someone screamed again. That was when Xie Lian noticed that the screaming was not literally from a man who needed help or was in pain. It came from a man who was having hallucinations and was taking excessive drugs. He breathed out a deep breath of relief. It was easier than he expected.
Adrenaline starting to wear off, Xie Lian felt worse. He was getting nauseous and dizzy. His hand was hurting like hell and he was sure it was swelling. His strength was getting drained from the venom, the exhaustion, the pressure, and worry, yet he was doing well in hiding it from San Lang. But his paleness and sweats were betraying him.
San Lang's attention was on the blue door. He stepped closer to it with a cautious, yet calm and collected stance and Xie Lian followed right behind him. A realization hit Xie Lian. This man had done things like this before that seemed easy for him. It was as if he was only playing a game and stepping into a playground. Xie Lian couldn't help but shiver at the thought. Who are you, San Lang?
But as strange as it seemed, Xie Lian's view and opinion of San Lang did not change. The man was just helping them and doing the Mayor a favor, and ultimately the city. San Lang was still San Lang. Whoever you are San Lang, you can be whoever you want with me.
San Lang pushed the door open. There was a short man wearing a fancy suit with a cigar on his mouth. He was bald and stout. He was holding a gun against them, specifically pointed at San Lang. He could see the fear in the man's eyes. "Why~ Why are you here? Why- You never bother us before!"
San Lang chuckled wryly. "Ah, Mr. Wang. I suggest you lower your gun down." Xie Lian could not really take things now. He placed a hand over San Lang's shoulder to support himself.
"No!" In Xie Lian's blurry vision, the man seemed to change his target. Xie Lian wanted to shoot the man but he was incapable of doing so now. He should have stayed back. "Hua Cheng, I'll pull this trigger on him if you step closer."
Hua Cheng? Xie Lian swallowed thickly. He wanted to go to sleep and just rest his body a little. He is Hua Cheng? San Lang is Hua Cheng? Is he sure?
"Spare me, Hua Cheng. Let me get out," the man pleaded. Hua Cheng was living in my house all along?
San Lang clicked his tongue. "I really would have wanted to spare you, Mr. Wang." San Lang embraced his shoulder and the man swiftly moved him to the other side just as he heard the gun firing off. "I would have spared you, but you cannot just point a gun at my gege." San Lang sighed. "You shouldn't have mentioned my name too." The man fell on the table with a thud as blood spilled and covered the furniture.
Is San Lang even a name or just a made-up one out of the blue? Xie Lian was leaning on San Lang to support his body. Feng Xin's gun fell from his grasp. "Gege? Gege?" His face was in San Lang's warm palms. Xie Lian badly wanted to lean on to the touch. All he could make up is San Lang's blurry face. Xie Lian tried his best to smile, to tell him that it was fine, that it was okay for him, that even if he was Hua Cheng, he was still a friend. He wanted to stay strong and not faint and even to talk, so San Lang would not misunderstand his weakness as fear.
"I am Hua Cheng, gege." But Xie Lian could not hold it altogether. His knees buckled as dark spots appear in his vision. His hand felt like someone is hammering it. "Gege!"
Xie Lian fell unconscious.
Poor LianLian
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