Warning: Mentions of crimes(?) This will have a number of POV changes. Thanks for reading!
Hua Cheng's
Days passed since their usual routine was restored and Hua Cheng couldn't be any happier. Xie Lian had no major assignments too which just added to the happiness he was feeling for the past couple of days. He knew how persistent and courageous Xie Lian was when ha had a task on hand and that man had a tendency to push himself just to achieve his desired result. It was both good and bad.
They were basically back to normal with a clingier Xie Lian who followed him around and asked a lot of questions whenever he had something to do. It made Hua Cheng happy. The clingier Xie Lian was, the better (or worse because he might just melt) for his heart.
Not that Hua Cheng was any better. If it was Xie Lian who was busy, he would never miss the chance to bother his gege.
However, there was a tiny change that Hua Cheng noticed. He didn't like it.
He noticed that Xie Lian was a little jumpy whenever he touched him without warning. It was worrying. He wouldn't touch Xie Lian if he knew his touches were unwelcomed and those touches were somehow friendly. So, he was bothered too. Nothing bad happened to Xie Lian while he was with him. Not on his watch.
But why the sudden change?
Xie Lian was washing the dishes after they were done eating and while Hua Cheng was feeding Ruoye. The cat had been quite attached to him as he was with Xie Lian. Well, it wouldn't be shocking since mostly, he was the one preparing his food.
There were even mornings when he woke up and Ruoye snuggled at the side of his neck sleeping soundly. Sometimes, the cat was on his tummy. And Hua Cheng himself was getting fond of the sassy cat.
With Xie Lian still washing the dishes, Hua Cheng felt the urge to caress Xie Lian's soft and bare shoulders. It wasn't something new since they had been used to each other's touches that Xie Lian hugged him to sleep. Xie Lian would pat his head. Xie Lian would allow him to brush his hair. So, Hua Cheng touching him wasn't something so new.
Before he could stop himself from doing so, his large hand softly touch Xie Lian's shoulder. His gentle warm palm was gently squeezed on his shoulder. But like being burned, Hua Cheng easily retracted his hand when the glass Xie Lian was washing fell into the pile of plates in the sink causing a noisy clatter.
"Are you okay, gege?" What is happening to my sweet gege? He hasn't been this jumpy before. He couldn't help but frown. He shouldn't have done that... Hua Cheng clenched his hand into a fist.
Xie Lian turned to the side to give him a glance. From Hua Cheng's perspective, he could see that the other was blushing. His cheek was rosy pink. "I-San Lang... I was just surprised," Xie Lian squeaked and went back to washing the glass.
"Just tell this San Lang if gege's uncomfortable. I wouldn't dare touch you again." But Hua Cheng was sure that Xie Lian was not scared of him. Even if Xie Lian had been quite jumpy, he never exhibited fear. Yet, it still worried him because he might have misread the other's expression and that Xie Lian might just be good at hiding his feelings. So, it was probably better if he stopped initiating touching.
But he is clingier these days.
Hua Cheng really had no idea how to deal with his attraction to Xie Lian any longer. It was growing inside of him, dark, possessive, obsessive. But he had been successful in keeping it in, keeping it to himself, no matter how he wanted to just overtake and move faster with Xie Lian. It was too tempting and the other was so oblivious to his struggle. (It wasn't Xie Lian's fault tho.)
How could he not struggle? When they were lying beside each other, Xie Lian would randomly touch his shoulder. Okay! It was a simple touch.
But Hua Cheng was a man deeply in love. He'd be hyperaware of every touch. There was also a time when Xie Lian lay down so close to him that the other's face was on his neck! One time, Xie Lian pressed and applied pressure on his bicep! It was too much!
There were many random things the man was doing that he had no idea it was driving him insane. How he still had control over his haywire emotions now was beyond him. The only thing he could do was to remind himself to put Xie Lian first above his own mess of emotions and whims.
Hua Cheng stepped aside and leaned on the sink counter. He was eyeing Xie Lian's reaction. But the man's brows just furrowed as he turned off the faucet.
He was done washing the dishes.
Xie Lian turned to him but didn't meet his eyes and said, "I-I'm fine, San Lang. You... You don't have to- It's okay if you want to touch me."
In what way is it okay to touch you?
Xie Lian walked away and sat on the bed. Hua Cheng followed him like a lost boy.
He sat beside Xie Lian. He badly wanted to hold his hand but he couldn't be so sure if that was too far. So, he simply sat down and kept his hands to himself. "Tell me, gege, what is bothering you?" He coaxed Xie Lian into telling him.
"There is nothing, San Lang. I'm just wondering if I'm disturbing you."
"Huh? Gege could never disturb me." Do I make him feel that? "How could gege say that? Does this one make you feel that?"
Xie Lian shook his head.
"Then, tell me, gege." Hua Cheng jutted out his lower lip and his eyes were pleading.
"I just- I just- I don't know. You've been staying here every day. I know you are busy." Xie Lian had a faraway gaze.
"Gege, is this a subtle way of driving me away?" Hua Cheng whined shamelessly.
"What!?" Xie Lian turned to him with panicked eyes. "No! Of course not! I'm just- Don't you have a family waiting for you? At home?"
"Is this what this is all about, gege? Let me tell you something." Hua Cheng willed Xie Lian to look at him by touching the tip of his chin. "My mother died when I was seven and my father when I was twenty. Gege, only Yin Yu and my dog, E-Ming."
"Oh." Xie Lian seemed to realize something.
Have I not told him about Yin Yu? I think I have. Yes, so that settles it now.
Xie Lian's
Xie Lian was horrified to know San Lang had someone. He even had a dog waiting for him at home and he didn't know about it. He didn't know that San Lang's parents already died too. He was horrified to know that there were a lot of things he needed to know about San Lang that he could've known if he asked.
And it was selfish, so selfish of him to think or feel a little bad that someone knew San Lang more than he knew him. He knew about him having a friend, He Xuan. But he didn't know he had a friend living with him.
"I see!" Xie Lian exclaimed. "Uhm~ Are you-" He distanced himself a little from Hua Cheng. "Are you and Yin Yu close?" Oh, god. What is this ugly feeling? It was eating him alive and he knew this feeling just now! He swallowed thickly. It seemed as if a bucket of cold water was poured on him. How could I be selfish? Keeping him here?
"Yin Yu..." Hua Cheng smiled fondly and Xie Lian just died a little inside. "He is a great person. We have been together for the longest time and it has been great with him. It's as if we grew together."
It was the first time he liked someone this way and he was already heartbroken. Perhaps, he was reaching too far when he liked San Lang. He was unreachable and Xie Lian would never fit in his world. He still had no idea why San Lang saved him that night. He also had no idea why he appeared on that market. He had no basis for why San Lang would want to stay with him.
But Yin Yu... He is a great person.
"Oh, I'm glad you have someone, San Lang." Xie Lian's smile didn't falter.
"Yeah, it's just that... I haven't told him." Hua Cheng chuckled. "I don't know if I have ever thanked him. He has been with me through ups and downs, you know."
Xie Lian stood up because he might just tear up and he didn't have the courage to explain it to Hua Cheng if he'd see him cry. How foolish of me to think that I could be his special someone. I am the only one who was truly alone until he came.
"I-I'll just wash my clothes, San Lang."
"Let me do that, gege." He felt San Lang stand up. But Xie Lian couldn't look at him. He knew that his eyes would betray him.
"No. Uhm~ I should be the one washing my clothes." He walked away without looking back. He walked quickly and shut his comfort room door.
Xie Lian covered his mouth as his tears silently fell from his eyes. He didn't have the right to feel this way. He didn't even know why he was feeling this way. It was overwhelming him. He thought that... What would Yin Yu think?
If that man... was in a relationship or if not, liked Hua Cheng, then, Xie Lian had been so terrible. Oh god, I was so selfish.
Xie Lian felt hot all over from embarrassment and that- that ugly feeling he couldn't name!
San Lang wouldn't spend so much time with me if he was in a relationship, right? That would be- that would be inappropriate. San Lang isn't that type of man.
But what if he really isn't in a relationship but still likes Yin Yu?
Xie Lian cried harder and he shouldn't be crying at all! He knew he shouldn't be crying!
Xie Lian whimpered. But he made sure Hua Cheng couldn't hear him.
"Gege? Are you fine? I can help with your laundry."
He didn't answer.
"Gege, please answer me. Are you fine? You're making me worry."
Xie Lian felt guilty. It was on him that he liked Hua Cheng more than he should. It was on him to feel this way. He was to be blamed for being heartbroken. If he just didn't have his hopes high, then, he wouldn't have felt this way.
Steeling himself, Xie Lian cleared his throat and loudly said, "I'm fine, San Lang." He turned the faucet on. "I'm fine," he added the words he alone could hear.
"I'll- I'll be right here, gege."
Throughout the day, Xie Lian tried his hardest to distance himself from Hua Cheng. He tried his best not to touch the young man.
Later that night, as they went to bed, Xie Lian positioned himself farthest from Hua Cheng no matter how he enjoyed the other's warmth and Hua Cheng didn't attempt to touch him too which was good for him. That way, Xie Lian wouldn't struggle with his urge in holding him in his sleep.
"Gege, have I done something wrong?" Hua Cheng was just staring into the ceiling.
"No," Xie Lian answered directly. It wasn't Hua Cheng's fault.
"San Lang, can I ask you a question?"
San Lang chuckled. "Gege already did. But go ahead, gege."
That made Xie Lian smile. "Do you have someone you like?"
Hua Cheng whipped his head and looked at him. "Why? Yes, gege, I have someone I like." The man beamed at him and his smile was sweet. Xie Lian wished it was for him. He badly wished it was for him.
He could feel the tears pricking his eyes and he thanked the darkness for hiding them for him.
"Oh, can you tell me more about them?"
"Hmm~" Hua Cheng nodded. "The person I like is great! He has seen me at my worst and saved me from the pits of hell. He's gorgeous. He's the kindest and sweetest person I know."
Xie Lian's tear slid to his temple. He made no attempt in wiping it off. And although he could feel a lump in his throat, he just swallowed it together with the pain of being rejected while not doing any attempt in confessing. "Goodnight, San Lang."
Hua Cheng didn't reply for a while. But eventually, he did, "Goodnight, gege."
Xie Lian forced himself to close his eyes and sleep. And he did after heavens knew when.
In the middle of the night, Xie Lian woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. He was quite annoyed but he was too sleepy to mind and so, everything was a blur.
Xie Lian could make out some of the words San Lang said to someone on the phone but for sure, he couldn't remember everything by tomorrow. He was too sleepy and tired. He was drained emotionally.
"Yin Yu, what is it?"
"What emergency?"
"Where are you now?"
"No. No... woke up..."
"I- leave Xie Lian?"
"The fuck?"
"...Go alone..."
"Take care..."
" about you..."
" you..."
Xie Lian was protesting inside his mind but it got all mixed up in his half-asleep state. He thought he was already doing something about what was currently happening. But, unfortunately, it was only in his dreams.
Then, it went quiet. Xie Lian fell asleep as if nothing happened.
A few minutes passed again. Xie Lian really had no idea if it took minutes or hours. He was so deep into sleep! Everything was a blur.
"Gege, gege."
"Hmmm?" His eyes were half-closed.
"I have to go somewhere."
"Hmmm~" Xie Lian nodded while dozing off to sleep again. In his thought, he was already wide awake and conversing with San Lang.
"Please, please, contact me if something happens."
"Okay." He tried to open his eyes and he thought he did.
"Is it okay if I put men to guard you?"
"No need." He thought he smiled. "Can take care of myself." He snuggled closer to the warmth.
"Okay. You don't like it?"
"Don't like it. Only San Lang."
"Gege! You like this one with you?"
Xie Lian nodded. "Hmm~"
"You're making this San Lang so happy... ...Yin Yu."
Xie Lian frowned at the mention of the name. "Yin Yu... Hmmm~ San Lang is mine," he mumbled and embraced that which he could reach.
"Haha, gege. You make it harder for me to leave."
"Don't leave."
"I have to, gege. Don't worry. I'll come back as soon as possible. I'm- Fuck, I'm sorry, baby." Something warm touched his forehead.
Xie Lian felt too comfortable that he was dozing back to sleep again.
Then, he succumbed to his sleepiness.
Hua Cheng
And damn, Hua Cheng was blushing! He wouldn't consider himself someone who could easily blush but damn, he was blushing when Xie Lian said San Lang is mine.
He couldn't even wipe the grin off his face and he didn't know how to face Yin Yu with this smile. Not that it was embarrassing to be so whipped for Xie Lian, but it didn't mean he wanted one of his best friends to see him like this.
Hua Cheng didn't want to leave Xie Lian alone but he had an emergency to attend to abroad and he'd take Yin Yu with him so that after assessing the situation, he could just leave right away. There was in no way he would leave Xie Lian for a day! He'd fucking lose his mind if something were to happen and he was too far.
He didn't search for him for decades just to lose him again. It would drive him to madness. He just knew. It did before. It would happen again and this time, he probably couldn't take it anymore.
Hua Cheng made sure to leave Xie Lian a message through SMS saying,
"Gege, I have to go somewhere with Yin Yu because of an emergency. Please, please, please, contact me if something came up no matter how trivial it may be. I'll have your food delivered to you. Please take care, gege."
"Take care of gege for me," Hua Cheng told the sleeping white cat.
It was still around two in the morning and he'd be back around one in the afternoon. He knew it was just a few hours but for Hua Cheng, it could mean a lot of things. He didn't know who among the people he had offended knew about his relationship with Xie Lian. They might take this opportunity to get to him.
Hua Cheng clenched his fists. He had to place someone far from Xie Lian's home just to monitor any unusual movements or suspicious people. He wouldn't really place a guard directly on Xie Lian's doorstep. But he would place people around the perimeter. Perhaps, really, really obscure placement.
Hua Cheng just needed to know anything. He needed to receive updates no matter how small they may be. He had the need to know somehow.
He pulled on a hoodie and zipped it up.
As soon as he stepped outside his phone rang again.
"What is it again?" Hua Cheng grumbled.
"I'm waiting for you outside the compound."
Hua Cheng rolled his eyes as he made sure the door was locked. "Do you miss me that much?"
"Hua Chengzhu, this is not the time to joke around. Your warehouse just burned."
"Yeah, yeah. Always so serious."
"Please hurry up."
As soon as he exited the small neighborhood compound, a black car was already waiting. "Yin Yu."
"Hua Chengzhu."
Hua Cheng grinned and shut the car's door.
"Why are you smiling? It's weird," Yin Yu said.
"Ahh~ Nothing, nothing." He was busy tapping on his phone right away. He needed to coordinate with the men he wanted to station around there.
"Your voice is an octave higher than usual," his friend remarked.
"Huh?" It really was! Hua Cheng couldn't believe how smitten he was just because Xie Lian called him his. Well, it was groundbreaking for him! He still wasn't quite sure what Xie Lian felt for him but it was definitely looking bright for him.
"You're funny, Hua Chengzhu."
His brows furrowed. "Call me Hua Cheng. We're in a car, dimwit."
He shot Yin Yu a glare. The other one was just looking straight ahead, trying not to smile at all.
Hua Cheng rolled his eyes and went back into messaging his people.
"I could say you're too smitten. You left all your workloads to me. Thanks to me that you're still rich." There wasn't humor in Yin Yu's voice. And Hua Cheng could understand that because this friend of his absolutely hated having all the works passed to him. Who wouldn't?
Hua Cheng chuckled with his full attention still on the phone. "You can't blame me, Yin Yu. I've waited for this my whole life."
"And I hate that I understand," the other slumped on his seat and punched his arm playfully. Earlier, Yin Yu was joking about caring for him and that he'd leave them alone if he'd say he loved him. It was gross!
Hua Cheng raised his brow. "Maybe, you're in love with me."
"Huh?!" Yin Yu's eyes were wide as saucers. "The fuck?"
"Your reaction seems to imply that being in love with me is the most disgusting thing ever." Hua Cheng huffed.
"Is it not?"
"Hey! Gege might be in love with me."
"How can you say that?" Yin Yu smirked. "Why would he be in love with you?"
"I-He said!"
"Not really." It was Hua Cheng's turn to slump on his seat. "But it was close to that. I just feel like I have the chance? You know that? I was content with just watching him from afar if he wouldn't accept me. But I'm here."
"Watching him from afar? That sounds stalkerish, Chengzhu."
"Fuck you. You know what I meant." This man was riling him up and Hua Cheng was giving in to his annoyance. "Anyway, stop talking about me and my budding relationship with gege or you'll not be invited to my wedding."
"I'm your best man."
"It could be He Xuan tho?" Hua Cheng smirked.
"The fuck? It's my sweat and blood that gave you more time to spend with gege and n-"
Hua Cheng's eyes narrowed into slits as he picked up the gun and played with it. "Why are you calling him gege now."
"You've got to be kidding me." Yin Yu stole the gun from him. "All I was saying is be grateful, Chengzhu."
"I would never."
Yin Yu was ready to smack him but held himself. "There's no point in arguing with you. By the way, have you already arranged the security around Xie Lian?"
Hua Cheng nodded. "Yes. Why do I have to go with you again?"
"Well, aside from your burnt warehouse, you have employees to deal with. They're making a lot of major decisions without your approval that resulted in more problems."
"And why can't you solve it yourself, mighty Yin Yu?"
Yin Yu deadpanned. "You know they're more scared of you."
"Oh, as they should." Hua Cheng's jaw clenched. "They just made me leave gege."
"For a few hours..."
"Still made me leave him alone in his sleep." Hua Cheng swore to never do it again. He felt awful.
"By the way, you told me to observe Li Jun's movements, right?" Yin Yu brought up the topic.
"Yeah, I did." Both of them arrived at his private hangar.
"Go out first." So, Hua Cheng stepped out of the car. "What about him?"
"Yeah, Li Jun has been MIA. I guess he was embarrassed."
"I thought the Mayor would teach him a lesson?" He scoffed. "I thought he was better than that."
"Why would he? I think, based on their deal, it was enough for him to cancel the venture."
"Hmm~ I think so too." Hua Cheng rolled his eyes. They were climbing up the plane. "It was just business after all." I should have punished him instead.
The blood of another criminal in his hands wouldn't be another spectacle.
"Perhaps, he was driven out of the city too." Yin Yu shrugged.
Hua Cheng didn't feel any better. "Perhaps."
Xie Lian's
Xie Lian woke up missing the usual warmth beside him. Usually, if he woke up without Hua Cheng beside him, it was either because the other was cooking or washing clothes. But right now, there was no movement inside his small house.
His brows furrowed.
He quickly took his phone to see what time it was. It was already nine in the morning but the usual sunny weather was gloomy. It didn't look like it was past seven even. It only made him want to stay in bed.
He saw an unopened message from San Lang. Xie Lian read it and immediately, his day went bad. Hua Cheng was with Yin Yu after all. Last night, although he could barely remember, wasn't really a dream. He didn't know which part of it wasn't a dream but he knew that Hua Cheng was really talking to Yin Yu.
A bitter smile appeared on his lips. He even heard Hua Cheng say sweet words such as love and care. Those were probably directed to Yin Yu and he could only wish to be the one to hear those words.
Not wanting to get up and do something for the rest of the day since the Mayor hadn't contacted him yet, Xie Lian set his phone aside and tried to bury himself under his blanket. He didn't want to message Hua Cheng too.
Hua Cheng had updated him about just having landed. But Xie Lian was too hurt to read every message. Maybe, he'd talk about that to Hua Cheng when he would return. He didn't want to be in the middle of those two's relationship.
Ruoye was nowhere in sight too. The cat probably got too hungry and went to the neighbor to get some food, hopefully, not off their tables.
Xie Lian was startled when he heard a knock on his door. Thinking that it was probably a neighbor who wanted help, he picked up his phone, stood up while grunting, and opened the door without asking.
But his heart raced and his eyes widened in horror when he saw that it was two men and that they were armed and looked suspicious. Xie Lian knew how to fight. But not against two larger men.
So as they quickly stepped inside his house, Xie Lian dashed to the comfort room while clutching his phone. He could feel his panic building up and there was no way in hell he wouldn't panic.
Just the thought of being taken again... Having his freedom taken away from him again. Xie Lian's heart constricted painfully inside his chest as he cried.
"Come out now..." Was what the man behind the door said. "Come with us peacefully so as not to involve your neighbors..."
The threat was real.
Xie Lian was trying hard to text Hua Cheng as the phone felt like slipping from his hands. But it seemed not to work. He was shaking very badly.
"Don't even try to involve someone by calling them. Our boss won't appreciate that."
Xie Lian cried harder. He was locked inside. Hua Cheng was not even in the country. Feng Xin and Mu Qing, he couldn't let them know. He might put those two in danger. He also had no time to explain to any emergency respondent if ever they would pick up his call.
The men knocked again. "Come out now while we're asking nicely."
"Help." He texted Hua Cheng. He had no choice.
Right away, as if San Lang was just waiting for his text all day, called, "Gege? What's-"
"San Lang- Ahh!" He let out a scream.
The door burst open.
See you! (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡
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