Fem!ShiQingXuan. I should've made HeXuan fem too! But it was too late! :< Anyway, fem!ShiQingXuan. 🥰🥰
Warning// obvious female objectification in the casino-ish
Xie Lian was now standing in front of a secluded, dark, ominous, and yet elegant night entertainment compound. It was the largest he had ever seen in his whole life, not that he had been to many. The club he went to for his first mission was nothing compared to the grandiose of this place.
He didn't understand how he never had the knowledge of the existence of such a place at the very least. He should've known if this was something so popular. But, perhaps, the society's class was so divided that there were places only the rich knew and only the others didn't need to know. He had no idea that Gambler's Den would be so luxurious.
It was located on a hilltop that had a great view of the city.
Xie Lian had to ride a cab in order to reach there and the guards stopped the car from entering the place. He couldn't even see the building from the gate and he could only assume that it was far from the gate.
The gate was like that of a mansion and the design wasn't contemporary. It was rather elaborate and intricate with the steel curves and flowers on top.
How come I did not know of this? The investigator really had no idea.
When he researched about it, only the directions to the place were given. And he had to scour the web to find that information. Nothing said of its membership and rules. And there was no picture of it. It was amazing how they managed to keep the place exclusive.
He had to climb off the car. When he entered the gate there were no questions asked but he was thoroughly checked for any illegal paraphernalia he may have brought with him. Xie Lian pulled his coat around himself tighter. It was the only thing that could keep him warm and comfortable now.
He was cold and nervous.
He was surprised when a luxury car was open for him to ride freely to the place. The guards said the place would be a little far by foot and the road was steep.
When the car stopped, his eyes widened in astonishment. Still looking at the view, he climbed off the luxury car.
He was wearing the clothes he bought earlier and he was wearing the deep red long coat, that was most probably San Lang's, on top of it.
There was a little bridge he needed to cross before he could go to the entrance of the building. There was even a little river with lilies. The added lights to it made it look more magical.
Xie Lian was welcomed by tall women who were wearing blood-red body-con short dresses and stiletto heels that could pass as murder weapons. He might need those for later if the worst possible scenario would call for it. There were six of them lined side by side, three on each side smiling widely. These women were pleasing to the eyes but he had no interest in looking for too long.
He nodded at them curtly. He was trying to be confident and at the same time courteous.
He walked straight and in the center was a circular fountain lit with warm yellow light. A butterfly was the centerpiece which was quite unique because usually, it would be a dragon figurine and if it were leaning to western design, it could be others but not a butterfly. The butterfly seemed familiar.
He walked further. The walls were tall and were made of fine white granite bricks. The posts were big and the stairs were made of stone. It looked ancient and ethereal. And Xie Lian felt like he had been transported to an otherworldly place. The doors were made of black tinted glass and there were guards in black lined up to inspect.
Xie Lian was praying to whoever was listening that this place wouldn't require him a membership. But it most probably wouldn't, right? The guards from the gate already allowed him in and the ladies from earlier were accommodating.
He looked up and saw an engraving above right before the ceiling.
You will gain what you're willing to lose.
He swallowed thickly. All he had with him was the money he received from Mayor Jun Wu earlier. Would something not his count as his loss? The place looked magical for something that was a den for gamblers.
As he stepped on the stairs to climb his way up, the guards saw him and their eyes widened by a fraction. It seemed that fear flashed but it went away quickly that Xie Lian wouldn't consider it as fear. What's up with them?
There were no guests who arrived with him and understandably so. The night was young or perhaps, there were already people inside.
The guards who he assumed would inspect him and ask him of his identity, parted to make way for him. Hmm~ Strange. It was strange.
So Xie Lian awkwardly bowed a little to them and tried to smile a little. They were polite compared to that other club. With their hospitality, Xie Lian couldn't help but feel like he was a very important person when it was quite the contrary. He probably had the least money!
When he entered, he was again taken by surprise. There was another fountain in the middle and the floor was made of shiny marble. I don't think women can wear skirts here. I can basically use them as mirrors. He looked at his feet.
The lobby was huge and there were fancy people standing and talking with each other. So, there are people inside. It wasn't the usual casino set-up. It was far fancier than what he had in mind. The people in there looked as if they were going to an evening formal party. Xie Lian felt out of place but his appearance didn't betray him.
There was a fancy bar around the corner, a cafe. Xie Lian could hear noises from the different entertainment rooms. Though the place was big, Xie Lian could guess that it had only one floor but it was a wide and spacious one-floor building.
Led TV screens were everywhere in the walls announcing something he could not understand. It was showing some amount of money that he couldn't earn even if he will have to work for his whole life.
There were sofas everywhere where one could sit, but Xie Lian thought that he would just look like a lost child if he'd sit somewhere without doing anything. So, he decided to have a juice in the open cafe.
He sat and a lady waitress came to take his order. When he looked at the menu and the prices, he almost let out a cough. This is why Mayor gave a lot of money.
He straightened his back and ordered the juice which the lady recommended. He does not know half of the names of food and beverages listed there.
While waiting, he sipped the juice he bought, trying to savor it with every sip.
After 30 minutes, a group of old men came to sit on the other table across his. Xie Lian, of course, never meant to eavesdrop but their voices were loud. He just couldn't help but overhear and besides, he was there to observe. Who knows? He might just get something out of their talk.
"Rumor has it that he will be here."
"Ha! We came at the right time!"
"He is really good when it comes to that game."
"He is wicked."
"After all, he owns this place. No other."
"Cunning. So cunning at such a young age."
Xie Lian's brows knitted. The owner of this place is here? He owns? There is only one person who owns this place? This is not by some sort of a corporation? Who could it be?
He decided to continue minding his own business. He hoped there was a claw machine in one of the entertainment rooms. A slot machine would do too. Those were some of the things he knew how to play without a bad memory attached to it. As much as possible, he'd like to avoid playing baccarat or poker.
Xie Lian pouted.
On the other corner, he saw another al-fresco-style restaurant. The mantous were on display and looked really, really warm. Even though he was quite nervous and usually, he'd set aside eating, the mantou looked really appealing and he was hungry!
He stood up and politely told the lady not to take his juice away yet. The container was tall and he wasn't finished with the refreshment yet.
With mouth watering, Xie Lian went over to the cafe. The mantous looked so soft and delectable. He wanted to have two plain ones, one to be eaten and the other one packed. Good thing, it wasn't that expensive. Well, it was a little pricey but not unreasonably priced.
He paid for it and went back to his seat. A box of two mantous was on his hand.
He decided to eat the first one while sitting and waiting for Li Jun. He took a bite and he almost moaned at the taste. It was delicious, with just the right texture.
Around nine in the evening, more people came to the place and Xie Lian made sure he had his ears and eyes ready. He had to be more observant and attentive. Anytime now, Li Jun could appear. He had the man's face memorized.
"He's here now? Really?" He heard a woman's hushed voice. Was she referring to the owner of this place?
"Oh, great..." The other one giggled. "I want to have a glimpse of him. Maybe a chance with him?" What's with that owner?
"If he's here, he'll grant almost anything." Anything?
"He's quite generous if it's that game."
"Yeah. I heard it's such a rare thing for him to grace this place. He just shows up less than five times in a year and tonight is absolutely unprecedented. We aren't even sure."
Xie Lian frowned a bit. Whoever this owner be, he just hoped he wasn't that cruel. He just hoped it wasn't him. It probably was a little careless of him to go in that place without really knowing who owned it and without anyone to fight with him if ever it'd be that man.
But it could be just an ordinary rich guy who could be old and wearing a luxurious suit and with a can on his hand. Xie Lian wanted to flick his forehead for being so stereotypical when he was reminded that Hua Cheng was a young, rich man. Can't you get more artistic with your imagination, Xie Lian? He was too cliche.
Shrugging, his mind drifted to San Lang. The younger gave him food earlier again today but that food was obviously brought from a restaurant. It wasn't packed at home from the obvious brand plastered in its containers. He couldn't help but feel that San Lang had been somewhere or done something that caused him to give him restaurant-bought food, not that there was something wrong with it. It was just unusual.
His brows furrowed. Now thinking about it... That restaurant was along the way to his home. San Lang would never follow me, right? 'Cause if he did, I will really tickle him to death. How dare he see me and not let me see him? Foul and downright unfair!
Xie Lian didn't notice he was pouting whilst sulking at the thought. He pursed his lips sheepishly.
After another 30 minutes, at exactly half an hour past nine, Li Jun arrived. Xie Lian couldn't be wrong. The man had eyes like a hawk with a facade of mirth. The man was looking everywhere albeit subtly. And Xie Lian didn't like it.
The old man looked powerful and proud, rightfully so if he was rich, not that he was saying that all rich act like that. A lot do not. But the man looked unapproachable too. Some people approached him and he would smile a smile not reaching his eyes. And when the one he was talking to turned their back, he would frown and his face would morph into disgust.
Xie Lian forced himself to stop looking at these things. He felt as though he was looking too deeply when this observation was untelling of the man's moral. How many times did people judge wrongly for something as shallow as the physical appearance and mere expressions?
Besides, if any of it were true, then he was no different than other businessmen and certainly, this wouldn't affect the potential partnership he had with the Mayor. But he took note of it at the back of his mind.
He followed the businessman as he entered the casino, where a lot of entertainment machines were lit up and Xie Lian could hear a lot of noises that he couldn't distinguish them anymore. If anyone would scream from fear, he probably wouldn't notice it.
The people were wearing fancy clothes but their eyes looked at the screens like madmen. They licked their lips in anticipation as though a starving dog waiting for its share of bone. They rubbed their hands as if they were itching to hold that certain paper that made the world go round.
But who was Xie Lian to judge the deepest desire of men? If they desire more wealth than they already have, if this was what made them feel happiness at the moment, it wasn't his business.
But it was always good to reflect.
He kept his eyes on Li Jun who had the same hungry expression as theirs. He hopped from one game to another game and he seemed to be enjoying himself. And after careful observation, Xie Lian could conclude that Li Jun was a lucky guy. Hmm~ Good for him. Good for him.
The man went out of that place and went to a room exclusively designated for poker games. Xie Lian sneakily followed him. He couldn't help but wipe the palm of his hands on his pants. Although it had been uneventful, he couldn't just calm his nerves down.
The poker room was a lot quieter than the other room.
There were round tables and seated were men and women. Some were old and some were young. Some men were accompanied by beautiful ladies while others have bodyguards on their sides.
Li Jun sat with a group of men and a lady sat beside him. Xie Lian could only purse his lips in concentration as he sat by the bar counter drinking a non-alcoholic beverage.
He tapped his now cold mantou in his large pocket and whispered, "I will eat you later, okay?"
Li Jun was rubbing his hand on the lady's exposed shoulder. The lady looked way younger than the man! Xie Lian just huffed.
The man's table was the nearest table from the bar counter which was such an opportunity for Xie Lian.
"Guess whom I will have as an investor in my other business," Li Jun smugly yet very discreetly boasted.
Xie Lian's ears perked.
"Don't tell me..." the other replied.
"Yeah. It is who you think is." Li Jun smirked.
"That man's good in business?" The other said with total disbelief.
"You'd never guess how good he is with business." Li Jun drank.
"I thought he was too righteous."
"Hmm~" Li Jun chuckled. "He's good. But I'm better. I'll get what I can with our partnership he'd never guess I'd outsmart him."
Xie Lian frowned deeper.
"Oh, that ain't good. I know that look!" The other man laughed.
"Mayor's about to go down~" Another one commented.
"You should share what you'll get with us~"
Li Jun shook his head. "Knowledge is power. Aside from money, I'm sure there are more to take and I won't be sharing those for free."
Li Jun was playing dirty. They hadn't even entered into the partnership yet and he was willing to sell out the Mayor. But what a dumb move it was. If he knew that the Mayor was good with business, why was he even planning such a betrayal? Did he think that Mayor Jun Wu wouldn't be cautious enough when he was a Mayor? Xie Lian just made a mental note of the conversation because he knew it'd be relevant to the Mayor's decision.
Li Jun leaned into the man and whispered.
The man laughed and said, "I think I could never afford that."
"Your loss," he smirked proudly.
Xie Lian rolled his eyes.
The rest of the time, they played poker. Xie Lian didn't bother to observe the game. It was the least of his concerns.
It was already 11:45 P.M. and the men were still laughing and sometimes concentrating on the game. When will he go home so that I can go home too?
He was already tapping his foot at the stool, feeling bored. He rested his cheek on his palm. He was already contemplating eating the mantou but he stopped himself from doing so. He'd reserve it for tomorrow and that was nonnegotiable.
The bartender was no good too. He was avoiding Xie Lian like a plague and talked to other customers instead. From time to time though, he'd offer a drink, and thinking that he would be charged for it, Xie Lian declined. He already spent too much of the Mayor's money.
What is wrong with the people here? Do I look scary that they keep avoiding me? Do I look out of place?
He cast his gaze down and wrapped 'Hua Cheng's' coat tightly around his body. His hands were inside its pockets.
He also didn't want to talk to other people because he was trying to avoid them lest they'd be suspicious of him. But bartenders should be a little chatty, right? Or was he just so demanding? The final answer was he was bored, so bored.
When the ground finally stood up as if they have a common understanding between them, Xie Lian's whole being perked up. They walked towards the room's exit and after a while, not to be so obvious, the investigator followed them.
When he was outside the room, he saw a number of sophisticated people of different nationalities and ages. They headed out somewhere and Li Jun was one of them.
Curious, Xie Lian followed them as he could try to blend in the little crowd.
He walked on an empty hallway with tall walls and huge paintings hanging on each side. The paintings represented different ancient cultures and settings and of different eras of styles. He followed them walking quietly until they reached the stairs that led to an underground room.
What?! There is no second floor but there is an underground room! His heart skipped a beat in anticipation. Everybody had excited faces but nobody was speaking. Is this a library?
This time, he was trying to distract himself from whatever danger he could encounter there.
He never lost an eye on Li Jun.
The stairs going down were dimly lit and wide. It wasn't the normal stairs at home. Ten people could fit in a step, still with enough space away from each other. Xie Lian felt like he was going to hell but there was screening before he could even step his foot.
There was a fancy long table with ladies and men waiting for them. The people were lining up and were paying? Oh, an entrance fee? Or?
No, they were showing cards and the cards vary in color. He saw around four colors: grey, red, white, and black.
After presenting their cards, they were given a string bracelet corresponding to the color of the card they showed.
Oh no! What should I do?! He didn't have a card that looked like a membership card. And why would he present a look-a-like?
He was about to walk away when a hand stopped him.
"Hi? You're new here?"
He turned around and saw a woman, shorter than him.
She was smiling. "New here?"
"Y-Yeah." She looked beautiful and friendly enough.
"Oh, come with me," she giggled. "I have VIP access, you know. I'm friends with the owner." She pulled him and picked a bracelet for him without even greeting anyone. "I don't really know if he considers me a friend but he tolerates me! It's pretty amazing that he does! He isn't that welcoming and accommodating type of person. You're lucky I'm here and nobody noticed you! You'd be thrown out if they found out you have no ticket. They'd be suspicious too!" She was rambling and Xie Lian failed to understand some of what she was saying.
When they finally entered the place and sat in the furthest seat because that was what she said would be an optimal place, she breathed and looked at him.
Xie Lian took this chance to speak, "Who are you?"
"Oh!" She beamed. "How silly of me! You must've been scared!" She held out a hand. "I'm Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan's girlfriend! And I only know that."
Xie Lian smiled awkwardly and shook her hand. "Ah~ eh, I don't know who He Xuan is. Anyway, I am Xie Lian."
"Silly, silly of me. Yes, how could you know when you looked like a lost child! Poor you!"
They sat comfortably next to each other. "How come you came here?" The woman asked.
"Well, well, I-"
"Nevermind, I don't care. I just trust my guts that you're good. You're good. He Xuan probably hates my guts but I trust them with my life."
"I thought he's your boyfriend?" Xie Lian clasped his hands over his thighs. "Why would he hate you?"
She smiled widely. "He doesn't know I'm his girlfriend. Hhahaha!"
"Anyway!" Her eyes widened when she caught a glimpse of his coat. "Why do you have this?"
"What's about this coat?"
"Hmm~ Secret. Why do you have this? Answer me first."
Stubbornly, Xie Lian shook his head. "Nevermind."
"Hahaha! I like you!"
He smiled. "I like you too."
"Friends?" She looked at him hopefully.
"You won't kill me?"
"I would if I could, not that I have any reason to or I wanted to! Anyway, I think..." she eyed his clothes. "But I think I'd die first before I could even hurt you. So, I'll have you as my friend instead."
"Hmm~ Friends." He liked the sound of it.
Xie Lian took in the whole place. It was spacious with different rings and different games. He could hardly recognize some. He was sure some were not even like those ordinary games.
The chairs in the room for the audience were divided into four signifying the colors. Shi Qingxuan just pulled him where they were now,
Li Jun and other people were sitting on the black seats. It looked like they were VIPs.
"I don't like sitting there." Qingxuan pouted. "Because He Xuan doesn't like sitting there. He should've accompanied me here, but he canceled the last minute because his friend was panicking about what to wear!"
He just nodded.
On the right side of the stage had a red curtain draped diagonally. It was almost sheer but he really couldn't see through it. And Xie Lian was curious about it because the whole back curtain of the stage was velvet black, the walls and carpet too.
When it seemed that everybody settled down, the room suddenly dimmed and an unhuman voice spoke. It sounded like a demon speaking because of whatever voice-changing technology they used.
"Men and women build by power,
People breathing money,
Citizen craving pleasure,
The hungry and thirsty for wealth,
We welcome you to darkness."
It was theatrical, a bit cringy, but Xie Lian didn't focus on that.
"The owner of this place is built... differently," Qingxuan whispered.
The quiet place burst into cheers as women in skirts and very cropped tops walked on the stage.
That welcome address is an insult, right? Why are they happy about it.
Xie Lian shrugged. It's not me! He hid his hand on the coat and touched the little box of mantou nestled there. Don't worry. I will eat you later. He patted it one more time.
A male emcee came and welcomed everyone happily. The music was loud but not too loud. Just enough to make the place lively. Good.
The lights were turned on but just enough to light the stage up and the place dim where the audience could see each other.
Xie Lian could see Li Jun smiling from ear to ear and couldn't sit still on his chair.
"Who has something to bring to the table, something worth whatever your heart desires?" The man asked.
What is that question? What game is this?
"Oh, this is really interesting!" Shi Qingxuan giggled.
Before he could let the question sink in, Li Jun stood up happily.
"Ah, Mr. Li Jun. What a pleasure for gracing us with your presence." The emcee did not even smile a real smile. I understand you, brother.
"Please come on stage."
Li Jun came to the stage happily like a child on his way to get candy.
On the corner of Xie Lian's eyes, he noticed, from among the crowd, a man watching the whole scene at the edge of his seat. He seemed uncomfortable with what was happening.
The girls lined up far from the emcee and Li Jun. On each of their heads were three red apples piled on top of each other.
Xie Lian didn't know if it was for entertainment purposes but the girls looked scared. He leaned on the theatrical side of everything. The girls looked scared but it was all acting.
The red curtain now had a silhouette of a man sitting languidly as if he were sitting on his throne. And boy, Xie Lian could make up the outline and whoever was behind the curtain was scarily familiar. He could hear his heart pounding hard inside his chest and his blood rushing to his head. The only thing he wanted to do now was so silly and that was to run to the person behind the curtain to see if it was him... if it was the one whom his heart was longing for.
Yeah, my friend.
If the men and women inside this room hunger and thirst for power and money and fame, my soul only desires him.
Hmm~ My friend.
Is he really just a friend?
Xie Lain shook his head. At that moment, he was seriously considering that the person whose presence he was longing for was not just a friend to him.
"Are you okay?" Qingxuan asked him, shaking him away from his thoughts, bad thoughts.
"Y-Yeah. I am."
The emcee spoke again. "Aaah~ The man of the hour is here."
All the peopled stare at the man behind the curtain. They craned their necks and they squinted their eyes trying to get a picture of him.
Xie Lian raised his brow. There's nothing to see. Isn't it obvious that you can't see? Why try to look?
"Now, Mr. Li Jun. This is a gun. Choose one of the girls. You must hit the three apples with the three bullets you have."
Shi QingXuan acted like everything was normal and Xie Lian guessed it was.
The emcee held a gun with a silencer on it. Good. He didn't like the sound of violence. He wanted to steer away from it as much as possible.
Li Jun accepted the gun and twirled it smugly.
The audience howled and cheered.
Now Xie Lian was sure that everything was just for entertainment. He trusted him. Surely, he wouldn't allow this to happen just like that.
The man on the stage, Li Jun, smiled evilly.
"Mr. Li Jun, what is it that you want and what is it that you want and what is it that you can willingly give up?"
"I want a portion of his business. Uhh~ let me think." Li Jun paused and tapped his chin with his finger. "I can give you my daughter..." Li Jun had the audacity to smirk. "And any information I could get from you know who, my lord."
Xie Lian knew what he meant and almost stood up in protest, but QingXuan stopped him. However, the man who had been uneasy since earlier stood up and exclaimed. "What?!"
He was ignored at first.
Xie Lian could barely hear the crowd's cheers. They were so into the game. They were thrilled. The stakes were high and it made them feel giddy.
The man behind the curtain gave a curt nod and the emcee announced, "Accepted!"
Huh? It can't be...
"Ha! I think he knows that Li Jun can't even shoot the third apple." QingXuan squeezed his forearm. "Don't worry."
The crowd cheered again.
Now, Xie Lian was anxiously waiting for how things would turn out to be.
Their difference between him and the other man was that Xie Lian partly knew of the man behind the curtain. The other man had no idea.
Li Jun prepared himself to shoot the first apple on top of the woman's head. He rolled his shoulders and tapped his feet. He raised his gun and closed his other eye. After readying himself, he pulled the trigger and the apple fell.
Xie Lian was not sure if the bullet pierced the apple. It fell quickly to the box prepared behind the lady.
The crowd cheered.
The man who was still standing looked like he'd kill whoever was behind this whole game. He was obviously angry at Li Jun and the man behind the curtain. I thought I was the only one sent to investigate? Are there other people who were sent by someone to investigate too?
Don't do anything stupid, please!
Li Jun smiled menacingly, confident in his skill that he could earn that position.
He rolled his shoulders and focused on his target again. His tongue peeked out on the corner of his lips from concentration.
Collective gasped can be heard and the room fell into silence. The girls looked more terrified than ever. It was rather funny since they looked overdramatic for the theatrics.
Li Jun pulled the trigger.
The apple fell successfully.
The crowd cheered louder than before. It was noisy.
"Silence!" The deep voice bellowed.
Dumbfounded and afraid, the audience settled and it eased his nerves a bit. He was really getting his hopes high upon hearing the voice.
Now, everyone was on the edge of their seats with their eyes focused on the stage. They were consumed by the event that was unfolding before them.
He was as nervous as everyone else.
Li Jun was now smiling widely for the apparent success. Xie Lian could say that he was skillful in handling his firearm.
Again, the other man was looking at the scene angrily. Xie Lian's eyes gazed back to Li Jun. And back to the man. Back to Li Jun and just as Li Jun was about to pull the trigger to knock the third apple off, the man stood up.
"Stop this illegal nonsense! The law would not allow this. Why would anyone allow this?" His voice was loud for a quiet room and a room filled with people who were trying to focus on whatever was happening before them.
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.
"Oh, shit," QingXuan muttered under her breath. "This is bad. This is bad. She was texting someone on the phone."
The crowd gasped, shocked at the interruption.
The man behind the curtain laughed. The laugh was dark and it was far from the laughs he heard from him. He was 90% sure it was him.
The silhouette of a man stood up. He was a tall man with broad shoulders. Loudly and in disdain, with a dark voice not needing a microphone, he spoke,
"How dare you?!"
Oh no.
I promise! They'll see each other on the next ch!
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