Ch 4
Xie Lian continued walking as San Lang followed behind him carrying the bag Xie Lian handed him earlier and insisted on carrying it until they reach home. They were through with buying some cooked food.
"So, San Lang, what brought you here?" he asked, kicking a pebble on the ground.
"Nothing, gege," San Lang answered.
Xie Lian knew there was something. Of course, there was a reason for everything.
Every action is driven by a motive or an intent.
San Lang did not look like a homeless person, but who was he to point that out. He still might be wrong.
Xie Lian shrugged.
If the man did not wish to tell him, then, he would not force him to speak. "Are you sure I am not imposing on gege?"
Xie Lian turned his head back and smiled briefly before returning his gaze ahead. "I am sure San Lang would not be a bother. I live with Ruoye. We can fit inside my small home."
"Ruoye?" The man asked, obviously unamused.
"You aren't allergic to cats, right?" Xie Lian chuckled hesitantly. He hoped San Lang was not allergic to cats because he genuinely wanted to help him and he did not even know why.
Weighing the situation, he was not the kind of person who easily welcomed a stranger in his home, but, then again, his gut feels told him San Lang was a good person.
"Oh, it is a cat. Of course, it is," San Lang more like talked to himself. "And I am not allergic to cats, gege. So, you have to take me in with you. After all, I saved your life." Xie Lian could hear the teasing in the man's manner of speaking.
Xie Lian scoffed slightly. "I would have not died from a bicycle crash, San Lang!" He heard the man laugh behind him. It was pretty. Pretty!? Xie Lian walked faster. He could feel his stomach protesting from lack of food since last night.
They walked further until they reached the compound-like neighborhood.
Xie Lian's neighbors were pretty nosy. Seeing him bringing a friend seemed like a mother seeing her child bring in a friend. Everyone looked skeptical, even granny did not greet them and just looked at the man behind him with squinting eyes. The women were ogling at San Lang, not that Xie Lian could blame them.
San Lang was such a sight to see anyway.
When they reached the doorstep of his home, Xie Lian made a disclaimer. "As you can see, it is not that big, San Lang. If you wish to go in an inn, I can take you somewhere." Before pushing the door open, Xie Lian looked at San Lang. In the man's eyes, there was no judgment, but only genuine concern. So, he opened his safe haven to the stranger. "Come in, San Lang. I don't have a sofa, so you can sit in one of the chairs or on the bed. I really do not mind it at all. The comfort room is here. The~"
"Gege, relax. It's fine. It really is," San Lang assured him.
Xie Lian relaxed a bit. He sighed. It was his first time welcoming someone inside his home. Of course, he would overthink if he was hospitable enough or if his guest needed anything. "Let's eat, San Lang. Ruoye will be here in a while."
"Eat, gege. I am not really hungry. Just eat and I will put to place what we bought from the market."
Oh. Xie Lian blinked his eyes a couple of times before preparing his and Ruoye's food, just in case the sassy cat walks in. "How old are you, San Lang?" he asked while taking a spoonful. The vegetable he ordered tasted good.
"I am 25, gege. You?" the man asked in return while stocking the food in the fridge. Xie Lian did not really know what he was doing with his life. But one person added in his home made it feel a lot more like home.
"I am 27 and my name's Xie Lian." Xie Lian saw how San Lang's back stiffened, then, relaxed in a split second.
"You have a beautiful name, ge," San Lang complimented.
"Thank you." And just after Xie Lian said that, his phone vibrated inside his pocket. He looked at the caller I.D. and it was the Mayor. He unceremoniously greeted. "Hello, Mayor."
Xie Lian wanted to bang his head on the table. Another person was there in the room with him who had no idea what his work was and who did not have to know about his work. He needed to be as discreet as he could.
But the man seemed uninterested when Ruoye came in from the window and Xie Lian's heart softened when San Lang gave the cat what he prepared.
"Xie Lian, good morning. This is such a short notice but I need you to come to my office later around one in the afternoon. Can I expect you then?"
"Yes, sure, Mayor," Xie Lian answered.
"See you, son." The Mayor hung up.
"Gege, Ruoye tried to scratch me," San Lang complained while checking his hand for scratches. The grown man pouted.
Xie Lian giggled. "He is a sassy cat. Maybe, you are just too near while he is eating. By the way, San Lang..."
"I have to go to work in a while." He checked the time and it said quarter to noon. Xie Lian's eyes widened and he quickly stuffed the food inside his mouth. He drank a glass of water to push everything in. "San Lang, I really have to go. I haven't even taken a bath." Xie Lian rushed to get his towel and went straight into the bathroom without looking at San Lang's reaction nor waiting for a response.
Xie Lian quickly took a bath. His bathroom was small. There was a pail and faucet on one side, a bowl in the other side and a sink from the door. After bathing, he dried himself up and placed the towel around his waist.
He was in a hurry and so, he went out of the bathroom without thinking a lot.
"Fuck." Xie Lian heard a low voice cursing when he reached his cabinet. Oh. I am not alone! Thinking it made San Lang uncomfortable seeing a full-grown man half-naked, Xie Lian turned to the man.
"I am s-" he was cut off when he saw the San Lang's unreadable eyes and as those eyes gazed at his neck down to his bruised back to his right ankle, which he really forgot about. Xie Lian smiled awkwardly while rubbing his neck. "Don't mind this."
San Lang snapped out of it and the man relaxed. "What happened to your back, gege? That is if you don't mind telling me."
Xie Lian was slightly relieved that San Lang did not ask about the tattoo around his neck and right ankle. He was not comfortable revisiting the memory lane. "Ahh~" He softly smiled as he took a white turtleneck long sleeves. "It's from this morning. Is it that bad?"
"Just this morning?" San Lang's lips pursed. Gone was the youthful gleam in his eyes.
"Yes, I got hit by a stool in an eatery, the one beside where we bought our food. But it's not a big deal, San Lang." The man averted his eyes when he was done wearing a shirt, meaning, he'd be wearing his undergarment.
"It looks bad. You can buy a cream later. I can help applying it and putting cold compress over it. The bruise is still starting to form." The man was thoughtful. Xie Lian could see that and he could hear the sincerity and concern in San Lang's voice.
We'd be great friends!
He let out a quiet grunt as he pulled his pants up. His buttocks have been quite a problem whenever he was wearing tightly fitted jeans. "That is considerate of you, San Lang." Xie Lian's eyes darted to his white shoes when he was done wearing his pants. "Oh~ I forgot to brush my shoes earlier," he mumbled absent-mindedly under his breath. The rubber part of his shoes has dried mud from last night.
"I will quickly clean it for you, gege." Without waiting for any confirmation from him, San Lang waltzed and picked his shoes up. Eh? Certainly, the younger was confident and sassy and Xie Lian did not mind a little attitude.
It made a person truer in his eyes. As a matter of fact, he was quite amazed at how the man is like an open book, as well as not, and they had known each other for only a couple of hours.
Xie Lian shook his head. There were more things to think about.
He already brushed his teeth, fixed his hair and wore socks when San Lang finished cleaning his shoes. A pink blush crept up his cheeks. "You didn't have to, San Lang," he shyly muttered with an awkward smile on his face. "Hey! What are you doing?!" Now, his cheeks became hotter than before.
The man bent down and gently took his foot on his hand and put the shoes on. "Ge, you are in a hurry. It is the least I can do for taking me in."
Xie Lian's breath hitched.
This was the first time someone showed direct actual care to him in such personal level. It was as if they have known each other for a long time when they really had known each other just now and the funny thing was Xie Lian was sure the man did not tell him his true name.
San Lang looked up to him with mismatched eyes full of wonder after he was done tying the shoelaces and Xie Lian is lost in his eyes. The scar. The scar still looks painful. "Ge!"
Xie Lian jumped on his seat.
"You will be late!" San Lang laughed.
Xie Lian huffed, a little flustered. "I will go back. Make yourself feel at home." There was nothing his new housemate could steal from his home, well, except some worn-out clothes and a fridge.
"Can San Lang come with gege?" San Lang beamed at him. It was quite tempting to tag the person along with him just for fun. It had been so long since he had a young friend or a friend in general.
"No. I will be right back. If you wish to go, just leave me a note." He swung the bag on his shoulder and it hit his back. Xie Lian flinched a little and San Lang's brow twitched; his lips pursed a bit.
When Xie Lian stepped outside of his home, he was happy that he did not have to lock it from the outside.
Hua Cheng
The smile in Hua Cheng's lips formed straight as soon as Xie Lian closed the door behind him, not that his smile was not true, but the reason for it just went out. Hua Cheng's fists clenched and unclenched as his eyes roam around the small place where Xie Lian lived. This was far was from what his gege deserved.
Hua Cheng sat frozen. The tattoo around his neck and ankle. He knew exactly who did it. He fucking knew who branded Xie Lian as his. Regrettably, Hua Cheng was not able to get his hand on him yet. Fuck him.
"Meow~" The cat circled around his leg.
Hua Cheng picked the dirty white cat. "Have you been taking care of gege while he was alone?" Each of his index fingers rubs the back of the cat's ears. "You didn't bring any headache to gege, right?" Hua Cheng squinted his eyes at the cat. "I would kill you if you did."
The cat stared equally fierce at him as if it knew what he meant.
Huffing, he set down the cat.
Hua Cheng had a hard time looking for Xie Lian after what happened before and although he could memorize the features of his face, he really did not know where to find him. Not until recently when Xie Lian became that Jun Wu's private investigator and that didn't sit well with him.
Why would the Mayor take Xie Lian as a private investigator and how did the old man got a hold of him? That was bizarre in itself. If Xie Lian was known, he would have known it. San Lang would have taken him out of this misery first.
For now, he could not trust anyone around Xie Lian. If the world was bad when he first knew Xie Lian, this time it was getting more and more evil and the person he badly wanted to protect was too kind for this world - too trusting, too good.
Hua Cheng rubbed his forehead in distress. There were too many things he wanted to do and too many words he wanted to say but he chose to tread on carefully and take his time. Xie Lian might not feel the same way he did, but that was not what mattered for now.
He brought his phone out to call someone. "He Xuan."
"Hua Cheng, for the nth time, I am not your errand boy." His other best friend complained.
"Someone hurt Xie Lian this morning. Teach the man a lesson. I will send you the location," his voice is cold and emotionless.
"Fuck you, Hua Cheng. Fuck you," He Xuan cursed crispily. "I will wait for the information. Just fucking message it to me. Your voice annoys me. By the way, I will have to see this Xie Lian who got you crazy."
Hua Cheng laughed heartily before hanging up. He gripped the phone tighter. Gege, you don't have to go through everything alone. My cute gege. He felt like his heart was going to explode anytime soon.
Xie Lian
"How did you enter the Club, son? I am really impressed." Genuine fascination was reflected on the Mayor's eyes, wondering how a club so strict got penetrated by an inexperienced investigator, and certainly, he did not have his hands over it.
Xie Lian beamed remembering the warm man whose identity still remained a mystery. Well, it happened quick and it happened just last night. "Ahh~ Mayor, there was a kind man who covered me and silently let me in. I did not get to see his face though." The corners of Xie Lian's mouth turned subtly down. He wanted to thank the man. He was grateful for every favor he got and most importantly for each favor he got without really asking for them.
Just like how San Lang 'saved' my life from the bike and how he tied my shoelaces. Xie Lian laughed inwardly at the silly thought.
Worry made its way to the Mayor's face as his forehead creased and some of his wrinkles became prominent. "Next time, be careful, son. That man, with how you describe him, seems powerful. If there is any man who reminded me of him, who could just get away in silence, it is the one with the name of Hua Cheng." The Mayor tapped his chin. "Be wary of him, alright?"
Xie Lian felt like he has been admonished by a father and he appreciated it. He could really see himself working for a long time with Mayor Jun Wu. But if it really was Hua Cheng, then, thank heavens for him. Nevertheless, Xie Lian said, "Thank you, Mayor. I will keep that in mind. Uh~ Mayor, if it is fine to ask, what will happen to the agency?"
Naturally, Xie Lian wanted the perpetrator punished and give those poor women the justice they deserve, especially those who were there against their own will.
"Worry not about it, Xie Lian. I will assure you that justice would not be delayed and that we are planning on it." The Mayor clenched his hands and his eyes determined.
"Thank you for your hard work, Mayor. The city of Wuyong is lucky to have you." Xie Lian felt more at ease with the Mayor now. Gone were the 'first time meeting' nerves and what remained were nothing but respect, honor, and kind thoughts to the Mayor. The Mayor was a naturally warm and welcoming man. It was no wonder that whoever is with him will feel at ease.
"I am just an ordinary citizen that is given a responsibility, son, and I want to be responsible for that," the Mayor said softly.
What a noble man, indeed! Clearing his throat, his curiosity got the better of him. "Mayor, I am curious about Hua Cheng. Have you seen his face?"
The Mayor nodded solemnly. "He does not hide, Xie Lian. Maybe, sometimes, he does. But he is too powerful to be afraid. How he looks like? A devil in disguise. One thing I always get from those who have seen him is Hua Cheng is an attractive gentleman. Devilishly attractive. You cannot look him up in the internet. He is that powerful."
Maybe I would see him when time comes. "Thank you for satisfying my curiosity, Mayor." Xie Lian smiled.
"That's nothing, son," the Mayor said. "By the way, I wired to your account your bonus for the first task. That is besides your monthly salary and allowance."
Xie Lian's eyes widened as his lips part in a big smile. His hands were clasped together in happiness. "You are so generous, Mayor! I can now repair my door knob or I can even buy a bicycle!" Perhaps, bicycle is so expensive for now. Probably, soon.
The Mayor chuckled fondly. "You are a good man, Xie Lian. Do whatever you want with your money and I like working with you. So, I think you will be working with me for a long time."
Yes, please! Xie Lian wanted to exclaim but he thought the Mayor got enough of his outbursts. Instead, Xie Lian beamed and formally muttered, "I would like that too, Mayor." A good, noble and generous boss. Who would not want to work with and for such person?
"Alright, son. I will call you if I have a task for you." Mayor said with a soft smile and that is Xie Lian's cue to leave. He stood up and bowed respectfully. "Thank you for your hard work, Mayor. I shall take my leave."
"Thank you, Xie Lian. Be careful on your way."
Xie Lian walked towards the huge wooden door and opened it. He was surprised to see a tall man in his mid-40s about to knock on the door. His eyes widened in recognition and he made a way for the man.
"Good afternoon, Councilor Zhu Shou." The Councilor looked at him and Xie Lian felt like those eyes and nose were familiar. The man nodded without greeting him back with words and entered the room.
Xie Lian slipped outside quickly as he assumed that they will be having a serious meeting with Mayor Jun Wu.
When the door closed, he exhaled the breath he did not know he was holding.
Councilor Zhu Shou was also a man the citizens of Yu Jun look up to. He owned a number of thriving businesses and was supporting various charities. Although he wasn't as warm as the Mayor, his political career was getting brighter and was flourishing.
Mayor Jun Wu and Councilor Zhu Shou were from the same political party. They shared the same vision and agenda for the City of Wu Yong, at least, that was how they show it to be and that was how it should be.
Xie Lian continued to walk towards the main exit of the City Mayor's Office. Across the street was an automated teller machine and he was excited to check his account balance. He really wanted to buy a bike or save it in the future for a bike, but right now, thinking about it, he may not want to. He'd just have to save it in case he got fired.
I don't want to be fired though.
He crossed the street, carefully looking side-to-side. He cannot afford to go to the hospital due to negligence.
Xie Lian was the third in line. While waiting, his mind wandered to the strange person who was in his house now.
San Lang. He was hiding something and that was none of his business. If San Lang would tell him more about himself, that was because he trusted Xie Lian, and if he would not tell him, Xie Lian would not fish for any information San Lang was not comfortable enough to share. If San Lang needed a home now, then he could share a roof with him. Just as long as he would not harm him.
I can take him down. He may be taller than I am. But I can surely take him down. He thought confidently but in reality, he was not sure.
When it was his turn to do his business with the ATM, he took out his wallet and card. He entered his pin. As soon as the account balance reflected on the screen, Xie Lian's eyes widened and he almost let out a gasp. It seems too much! Is this how generous the Mayor is?
The investigator was used to receiving a fourth of what he had received now. However, those were reasonable. The tasks assigned to him before were not that difficult. He felt that he was most likely an errand boy then.
Xie Lian took a deep breath and smile.
I can buy something with this money. Something to reward myself.
What is it again?
San Lang. Right! I need to buy clothes for San Lang. I cannot let him wear those worn-out thin clothes. He remembered that he really did not have that many clothes San Lang could borrow and those pants... San Lang was too tall to wear those.
I will also buy him a pillow and a blanket. That's it!
The bike and doorknob he really wanted were forgotten.
Xie Lian walked further to a department store just five minutes away from where he was. The place was a little crowded because it sells non-branded and inexpensive things. I hope he will be fine with whatever I can give him.
He started to look for comfortable clothes San Lang could wear while lodging in his house. Maybe two pairs of clothings he could use inside the house and two pairs for outside.
Xie Lian was just over the moon with the bonus he received.
He picked a tank top. I think this is too small for him.
This one. This is perfect. He got two. A grey and a black tank top.
Uhh... boxer shorts. He picked blue and red checkered shorts.
Oh, right! Underwear! How can I forget? Xie Lian blushed. It would be his first time giving underwear to an adult man.
How would I know his size? Maybe we have the same size? Or must I choose a size larger than mine to be safe? Xie Lian chose the latter and picked up three boxer briefs. San Lang would have to wash his clothes if he ran out of them.
Now, for the shirt. Xie Lian thought a plain shirt would look just fine on San Lang. The man was handsome anyway. Anything he wears would look good on him and he is sure of that. Not that Xie Lian finds San Lang attractive in a personal sense. He is just speaking in an objective manner.
Xie Lain picked up two plain shirts for San Lang. A white one and a black one. Since the man already had a red one, he thought it'd be better if he would give him different colored shirts. As for the pants, Xie Lian went for the safer ones since he did not know San Lang's specific waist measurement. Plus, it would hurt his savings more if he would buy San Lang good-quality jeans. So, he settled with sweat pants. Black and khaki ones.
He crossed his fingers. I hope all of these would fit him.
Xie Lian shrugged. If it will not fit San Lang, he could wear them anyway.
But I do not need more clothes!
He walked further to pick up a white bath towel, a pillow with a white pillowcase and a blanket.
All done!
His heart beat fast as he lined up to pay for the things he bought. He was excited to give them to San Lang as it was his first time to give something this much to someone aside from Ruoye.
When it was his turn, he gave his card. He ignored the total amount and how he spent a lot in one transaction. He had not spent that much in years. But I am happy.
Taking his card, Xie Lian thanked the lady as she gave him the items he bought packed in a bag. He was about to exit the store when he caught a sight of Mu Qing and Feng Xin heading the opposite direction.
Xie Lian jogged to them to say hi.
"Mu Qing, Feng Xin! Fancy seeing you here." He beamed at the two uniformed officers.
"Hey, Shorty!" Feng Xin greeted him. S-Shorty? Xie Lian's smile did not falter.
"Shopping are we?" Mu Qing said.
"Yes. These aren't for me anyway," Xie Lian said with a shrug. He just wants to share it to his co-workers.
"Ohh~ Then, for whom Xie Lian?" Feng Xin asked with a frown.
"That is not your business, Feng Xin," Mu Qing's brows creased and he looked at Feng Xin with mocking gaze.
"I am just curious, Mu Qing. If Xie Lian does not want to answer, then, I am fine with it." Feng Xin huffed.
Mu Qing rolled his eyes.
Xie Lian smiled softly and shook his head at the two who were starting to fight. "It is for a friend." Remembering his strange kind friend, Xie Lian couldn't help but share. "I met him in the public market earlier and he has nowhere to go. So, I opened my door for him."
The two arguing officers went quiet. "You let him stay in your house, Xie Lian? Just like that? What if he is a bad person?"
Xie Lian waved his hand at Feng Xin, dismissing the warning in his tone. "No. I don't think so. San Lang is harmless."
"Xie Lian, you have just known him for hours. You can't say that. And with the operation we had last night, you should be more careful." Mu Qing looked worried and he appreciated it.
Beaming reassuringly, Xie Lian bowed respectfully. "I will let you meet him if he will be okay with it. Next time! Thank you for your concern, officers. But I have to go. San Lang is waiting for me. Take care both of you."
"Take care, Xie Lian!" Both of them said simultaneously.
He happily walked outside.
After riding a bus, Xie Lian had to walk another ten minutes. Good thing, the sun already set.
His back was not bothering him that much. Although it hurt a bit, he easily shrugged off the pain.
He was used to pain.
When he got into the compound where his house was located, he passed by Granny who greeted him.
She was sitting on a small stool outside her house while embroidering something. "Hi, Xie Lian. That big young man you have at home is cute!" She smiled a toothless smile.
"Hello, Granny. He is, isn't he." Xie Lain stopped walking and indulging the old woman. "Do you think he's harmless, Granny?"
"Definitely, Xie Lian!" Granny giggled.
Seeing how fond the woman is to San Lang, he asked, "Woah! What did he do for you, Granny?"
"I asked him to put the thread in my needle. He was serious with his task!" The old woman laughed again. She was bewitched!
"Aww~ Granny! You are smitten by him!" He teased the woman.
Granny laughed again. "Hurry home, boy. He is waiting for you." She made it sound like he had a husband waiting at home for him. Brushing it off as something old people tend to do, Xie lian smiled and said goodbye. He happily skipped towards his house, excited to give the things he bought for San Lang.
He was standing in front of his house and he looked at the door. Something had changed.
He twisted the knob. Oh it can be twisted and it is shiny! Did San Lang buy a knob for my house? Xie Lian laughed a little. His new friend was really something.
When he completely opened the door and entered in, he found San Lang, still in the clothes from this morning, cooking. And it smelled good. "Gege, you are here! You said you will just have a meeting and you will go home afterwards." San Lang pouted at him while raising the big spoon he used to mix whatever he was cooking.
Xie Lian raised the bag with all the things he bought inside it. "I have something for you!" San Lang's pout changed into surprise, then, into a bright smile. His eyes turn crescent moons. The money spent was worth it.
San Lang then transferred the hot food to a plate and placed it on the table quickly. It was stir fry veggies with rice. And it looked so good and edible.
The man took few long stride towards Xie Lian and gently took the bag and peeked inside.
San Lang hand took something in the bag and raised it. He saw how his new friend's smile turned to a frown. Xie Lian's eyes enlarged as he hastily snatched the receipt. "Gege, thank you. But these are too much. You did not even buy a knob for your door, yet you bought me these?" His tone was hard when he said the last sentence and it bothered him a bit.
Xie Lian was naturally soft at heart. He projected a carefree and strong demeanor outside, a happy soul. But inside, he was mushy, soft and a bit sensitive, especially to those people he liked and he liked San Lang among others. He looked down at his feet. I forgot the doorknob. "But you already changed it for me." Out of nowhere, Ruoye circled and nuzzled on his leg, as if sensing his distress.
"Gege, don't be sad now. I am just surprised. Of course, I like these!" Xie Lian looked up and was met by San Lang's skeptical gaze. "Now, did you buy a cream for your back?"
Xie Lian shook his head no. His little sadness was forgotten now that he remembered that the man requested it earlier for his bruised back. "It's fine, San Lang. It's not that painful now. Come on, let's eat. This looks delicious, San Lang."
The taller one grinned and looked proud of himself "It is delicious, of course. How was earlier, gege?"
"Oh~ It's okay. I crossed paths with Councilor Zhu Shou." Xie Lian ate a spoonful of what San Lang cooked and his eyes closed in instinct as the flavors burst in his tongue. "Hmnnh~ This is so good."
San Lang cleared his throat and his eyes wandered somewhere. "Gege, be wary of him."
"Huh? Why, San Lang? Is there anything wrong with the Councilor?" Xie Lian scooped a spoonful of rice.
"He is not whom you thought him to be. Not everyone is." The man shrugged his shoulders.
Xie Lian's brows furrowed. "How do you know for sure?"
"You'll know, gege." San Lang grinned. "By the way, gege, where will I sleep later?" San Lang had his elbow propped on the table and his cheek lazily resting on his palm.
"On the bed. With me. Beside me. You don't mind, right?" Xie Lian casually spoke.
San Lang blushed cutely and Xie Lian was endeared.
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