Ch 24
Hua Cheng's
Hua Cheng blearily woke up. It wasn't uncommon for him to wake up in the middle of his sleep, and it was probably something that would forever be part of him. But there really was rest whenever he had his beloved beside him.
He had known true rest with Xie Lian. He'd feel sleepy. He'd fall asleep deeply. Overall, he felt safe around the man. It was not rocket science why he did.
With his eyes still closed, Hua Cheng reached out for his lover to wrap his arms around him, pull him close, feel his warm and soft skin against his, and just overall touch Xie Lian. When did they go apart in their sleep anyway?
However, his hand only felt the soft duvet. Where Xie Lian was supposed to be was empty.
It was even cold.
He frowned. How unusual. Hua Cheng opened his eyes; indeed, the room was empty and quiet. And cold. Too cold. Usually, he'd panic, but he tried to calm himself down. They were inside his room. They just made love. They were safe. Xie Lian was safe with him.
So, what could go wrong?
Hua Cheng rubbed his eyes and sat up. He decided to check the bathroom.
Just to check the time, he glanced at his clock. It was five in the morning.
"Gege," he called for Xie Lian.
He knocked on the door to his bathroom but nobody answered. So, he opened the door and was met with an empty space.
That was when Hua Cheng's heart started beating painfully hard against his chest.
No. He's supposed to be just beside me. He's supposed to wake up with breakfast in bed!
Not again. Not again.
Hua Cheng's mind raced back to the day when Xie Lian was forcefully taken right under his watch. It ended up so bad that he hadn't forgiven himself yet. And it couldn't happen again. It just couldn't.
He almost lost Xie Lian that day. If it weren't for some miracle, he would've lost Xie Lian, and it seemed that he hadn't learned his lesson.
Hua Cheng was pacing inside his room. His hands were numb. Maybe, he just woke up and was thirsty?
No, I prepared a pitcher of water.
Hua Cheng had no time.
The necklace! Hua Cheng ran to where his phone was. He quickly went to the app that helped him track his gege wherever. But it pointed him just inside his room.
"Fuck." Hua Cheng checked under Xie Lian's pillow and the necklace he gave him was indeed there. He walked back and forth again as he dialed Yin Yu's number.
There was no way this happened. No way. Having Xie Lian last night was bliss. It was heaven, but right now, he felt as though he was punished. He felt like his one foot was buried, dragged to hell, and if he wouldn't find Xie Lian within his property, he might be as well in hell.
One ring and Yin Yu answered. "What-?"
"Yin Yu, I need you to lock all the exits of the manor."
"NOW!" He bellowed.
"Right away," Yin Yu responded hurriedly, realizing how serious he was and how urgent his demand must be met.
Hua Cheng wasted no time. He threw his sweatpants and hoodie on. Jaw clenched and eyes determined, he opened his drawer and took out his guns.
Hua Cheng didn't even bother to cover his blood-red eye.
While he was brisk walking in the corridor, feeling the sweat roll on his back, he checked the CCTV footage from his phone. He rewound it and played it at 2x.
There. Fuck. He saw a woman, to which Hua Cheng paid no mind yet. He saw her bend and knock on the door. Then, he saw Xie Lian, just wearing a white silk button-up and shorts Hua Cheng put him in before going to bed. His baby had his hands clenched as he walked away with a tear-stricken face.
"Fuck," Hua Cheng cursed. His heart was beating way too hard inside his chest. He knew his gege was troubled. But what could be the reason why Xie Lian left?
What did that woman do? What did she want? Hua Cheng had a lot of questions, but before he must answer them, he must see Xie Lian first and make sure his gege was safe.
E-Ming emerged out of nowhere. As if sensing his distress, followed him closely. E-Ming looked like the nightmare of all of the people inside the manor.
Hua Cheng paid him no attention.
Yin Yu met him downstairs with their trusted men.
"Chengzhu, we've locked all possible exits," Yin Yu spoke.
Hua Cheng was breathing heavily, and even Yin Yu knew it was going to be bad if something happened to Xie Lian.
"And?" Hua Cheng clenched and unclenched his hand on the gun he was holding.
"And the gatekeepers told me that no one was seen going out of the manor. Xie Lian might still be here." Yin Yu pursed his lips before he continued, "He headed to the main gate, and that's where we lost him from our footage."
At that, Hua Cheng's eyes widened, and hope bubbled inside of him. "You," he looked at one of the men. "Gather all the house employees, especially the women."
"Yes, sir."
"Yin Yu, let's spread out," was the instruction Hua Cheng gave to Yin Yu. He trusted that Yin Yu would be quick, as he always was, in getting what Hua Cheng meant just from a few words. Yin Yu knew what to do.
Right after that, Hua Cheng jogged outside, still with E-Ming in tow. He made sure to follow the way to the main gate. His poor gege might have had no time to think well and was just thinking of getting away. Of course, Xie Lian would walk the familiar road.
But damn, everywhere Hua Cheng turned his head was filled with trees and thick bushes. But somehow, he had peace in his heart knowing that there was a high possibility that Xie Lian was inside his manor. However, he was dreading what condition Xie Lian might be in once he found him.
Surely, if Xie Lian were hurt inside his fucking property, all hell would break loose. It was slowly breaking every second he couldn't see Xie Lian was well.
Hua Cheng made sure to keep his senses alert. Small movements, silent noises, he noticed them all. E-Ming, on the other hand, was sniffing everywhere. His dog sometimes walked far from him or sometimes close to him.
"Gege, where are you?" he anxiously whispered. He pushed through the thick bushes and under the thick foliage. The sun was yet to rise.
"Gege!" He hoped Xie Lian would hear him and would respond to him.
"Gege!" Hua Cheng was sweating bullets. "Gege, please."
After a couple of minutes, meters away from where he was standing, E-Ming howled. Then, he proceeded to bark. Then, howled again.
Hua Cheng's heart skipped a beat. Trying his luck, exhausting his luck, he followed where E-Ming went.
When he was close enough, the dog met him halfway and bit his sweatpants, dragging him to where he was before.
E-Ming was acting strange.
"Easy, boy..." he whispered, yet continued walking. Faster.
When E-Ming stopped, the dog barked and circled.
Around Xie Lian.
"Gege!" Hua Cheng knelt right away, knees digging on the moist ground. Xie Lian's face had streaks of mud. His legs had light scratches. He wasn't even wearing slippers. But other than that, it seemed that Xie Lian was well, at least, physically.
"Gege." Carefully, Hua Cheng lifted Xie Lian's head and let him rest on his thigh before dialing Yin Yu.
E-Ming was whimpering on the side.
Yin Yu, as expected, picked up his call. "Yin Yu, I got him. Make sure a car's waiting as I reach the road."
"Got it."
Hua Cheng immediately hung up.
The relief he felt right at that very moment was so palpable. "I got you, love. I got you." Tears slightly blurred his eyes but he had no time for this yet. Right away, he carried Xie Lian.
Some of his men saw him as he was walking. But before they could even get close, E-Ming was aggressively barking at them. And they knew not to mess up with that dog.
E-Ming could surely kill them.
His dog made sure to walk beside him. Ever so alert and growling.
Hua Cheng made a mental note to thank E-Ming later, give him treats, perhaps? But most likely, let him snuggle close to Xie Lian more than he was allowed to. E-Ming deserved it this time.
As they were walking back to the main road, Xie Lian stirred in his arms. "S-San Lang?"
"Go away," Xie Lian mumbled sleepily.
San Lang just smiled a little, allowing himself to just be happy about the fact that he already had Xie Lian in his arms. "You can't get rid of me."
His gege pouted and punched his chest lightly, with no effect at all. "Go a-away..." His eyes were still closed. "Keep... San Lang safe."
Hua Cheng's smile didn't falter no matter how small his smile was. But his heart clenched painfully. How many times did he have to tell Xie Lian that he could deal with anything as long as he'd tell him what bothered him? As long as he knew what he would be facing? As long as he knew his beloved was safe?
He'd never get tired of telling Xie Lian though. Knowing what Xie Lian went through, he knew it'd take years. Hua Cheng was willing to remind him every day that all would be well.
He gripped Xie Lian's body tighter. Mine. Mine to protect.
Hua Cheng looked down fondly as Xie Lian's dirty cheek pressed against his chest. "Gege, what am I going to do with you?"
As soon as they reached the main road, Hua Cheng saw Yin Yu waiting for them with a car's door open.
E-Ming aggressively charged at Yin Yu when they got close. "E-Ming! Stand down, boy!" He scolded him.
"Geez. I was trying to help, pup."
E-Ming growled in response as they climbed into the car.
"Where to?" Yin Yu asked as he backed the car.
E-Ming growled.
"The house, of course," Hua Cheng replied.
"He doesn't need to get checked?"
"No. He's fine. No serious injuries." Hua Cheng tucked a stray hair behind Xie Lian's ear.
"Good. That's good." Hua Cheng could see how Yin Yu's shoulder sagged a little from relief.
"Cancel all my plans for today. I'll deal with that woman later. I'll see if she's in conspiracy with anyone else."
"Understood. He Xuan worried too."
"You told him?" Hua Cheng raised a brow.
"Yep!" Yin Yu was rather energetic. "Of course, I had to. This is Bai Wuxiang we're talking about."
"Mn." Hua Cheng nodded. With his crazed eyes still on Xie Lian, he spoke in a low voice, enough for Yin Yu to hear him, "I don't know what to do without him."
Once they were back in the house, Hua Cheng immediately went upstairs with E-Ming in tow. As they reached his room, he told E-Ming, "Go to Ruoye."
The dog was obedient enough to follow his command.
He was so relieved to have Xie Lian back inside his room. But came with relief was the sorrow of still not being able to protect Xie Lian better.
He laid lover on his bed.
Hua Cheng proceeded to some clean towels and a basin of warm water.
"Why, gege? Don't you trust this San Lang?" His voice was broken as he dabbed Xie Lian's body with a damp towel. "I know. I know. It's this San Lang's fault for not putting better security."
Hua Cheng's lips trembled. His eyes watered a little. "I'm so sorry, gege." He slowly cleaned Xie Lian's fingers. "This one is undeserving but I'm so selfish, gege. I want to keep you safe and all to myself."
"You have to rest a lot, gege. Look at you. You look as if you've been mauled by a beast." Hua Cheng smiled looking at the marks he left on Xie Lian's chest. It was a shame that they couldn't enjoy this day just as much because of what happened. "That beast is me. You need to rest. A lot of rest."
Once he deemed Xie Lian patched up and cleaned, Hua Cheng left a note telling Xie Lian to call if he ever woke up. He then went out and locked the door.
From the outside.
He couldn't wait to know what happened, and that was exactly what he'd do.
From across him seated a young woman with a tear-streaked face. "Hua Chengzhu!" She struggled against her restraints. "I'm not- I don't know what that letter contains! I really didn't know. Please! Have mercy!"
Hua Cheng, unfeeling, just sneered, "You should've known I don't show mercy."
"Please! Hua Chengzhu! Xie Lian-"
"Keep his name away from your filthy mouth, woman." Hua Cheng stood up.
"He-He is good to me! I wouldn't want any harm to fall on him! I promise!'
"Who are you working for?" Hua Cheng couldn't afford to consider excuses. He couldn't now. Not when he could've lost Xie Lian today.
"You! I am not working for anyone but you, Chengzhu!" She sobbed. "I-I like him! He's kind to me! I wouldn't wish to hurt him! Please!"
Hua Cheng's jaw clenched. "Then, why!"
"I was out to buy some food! I was on-on the way home- he. He put a blade against my neck and threatened to kill me. He-He said to just give a letter to Xie Lian. That he'd know if I've given it or not. Please believe me! I didn't know what the letter contained! I didn't know!"
"You fucking knew that man was dangerous. You should've told me!" Hua Cheng couldn't keep it together.
"I'm sorry! Forgive me!" She cried. "I didn't know any better! I was so scared. But I didn't mean it! I didn't know what was in that letter!"
"I don't believe you." Hua Cheng smiled. "All of you pieces of shit are out to get my Xie Lian away from me." He was going crazy. Truly mad.
"No! No! I have nothing to do with it! It was a man! A man with a mask. Half smiling, half crying!"
"Fuck!" Hua Cheng laughed. "Of fucking course. It's Bai Wuxiang-"
"But I don't know him!" Her eyes were wide, begging him to believe her. But Hua Cheng was far from believing now.
Hua Cheng wanted to kill her right then and there. But something told him not to until he'd hear what Xie Lian had to say as he seemed fond of her. Besides, he could extract more information from her later.
"I-" Hua Cheng's phone rang. Gege! He answered right away.
"S-San L-"
Hua Cheng stood up without sparing the woman a glance as he headed to the door. "Gege! I'm coming to you. Stay there please and relax."
"I'm sorry!" Xie Lian cried. "I'm sorry, San Lang! I was just- I was scared! I'm sorry for trying to leave. I was- I-"
Oh no. "It'll be alright, gege. This San Lang is not angry with you, okay? Breathe, baby. Breathe. Everything is fine."
His lover's breathing was still coming labored.
"Gege, focus on my voice. Everything is fine. You're inside my room. No one's there except you. You're safe."
Xie Lian was still sobbing.
"Are you listening to me, love?" Hua Cheng hastened his steps. He shouldn't have left him but he thought Xie Lian would be sleeping longer. He was foolish, so foolish.
"Good boy. I'm twenty steps away from getting you." He kept his voice light. "You won't get away from me!"
Xie Lian giggled, although one could hear how stuffy his nose was.
Hua Cheng pushed the door and was met with a red-nosed Xie Lian. "San Lang!" The rims of his eyes were red and his face puffy from crying. It was a pitiful sight, but beautiful nonetheless.
"Gege, what were you thinking, going out without telling me?" He scooped Xie Lian and embraced him tightly. He peppered kisses on his temple and his hair. "What were you thinking? I was going crazy when I found out you left. Why would you leave me?"
"San Lang..." Xie Lian petted his hair too. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was scared. Bai Wuxiang... He was here. He was outside the manor. Inside the manor. I don't know. He threatened me through the letter. I can't have him hurt you, San Lang. You're all that I have. What if you get hurt because of me? What if I lose you?" Like I lost everyone. Were left unsaid.
Hua Cheng groaned angrily. "And what?" He hugged Xie Lian even tighter. No way would he allow Bai Wuxiang to lay a hand on Xie Lian ever again. He'd rather die painfully in all the lifetimes to come than let him touch a strand of Xie Lian's hair. "We'll fight. I'll fight him to death if I have to. Do you understand that? I can fight him now, baby. Let him get out of the hellhole he's been hiding in so I can kill him."
"Promise me you won't ever be hurt?" Xie Lian pulled away and looked at him with teary eyes.
Hua Cheng didn't want to lie. He didn't want to promise knowing there'd be a possibility that he'd break it. But Xie Lian looked so fragile right now with determination swirling in his eyes telling Hua Cheng that he'd leave if Bai Wuxiang would hurt him the slightest.
Hua Cheng couldn't afford that.
So, he crossed his two fingers as he looked straight into Xie Lian's eyes. "I promise." He smiled softly. "Don't you trust your big bad boyfriend?"
"You're far from bad." Xie Lian sniffled.
Hua Cheng smirked. "You really think I'm innocent? After all, baby?" He mumbled against Xie Lian's temple.
"San Lang is kind to me," Xie Lian softly said. "Always so kind to me."
Of course, he'd be kind to Xie Lian! He was more than kind to Xie Lian, and only to Xie Lian. That was how he was. That was how he thought he was. "Only to you, baobei."
"San Lang is also kind to Yin Yu, He Xuan, and even Shi Qingxuan. San Lang just scowls a lot to hide his kindness." Xie Lian was tracing his finger on his arm. "But San Lang is kind. I'm so lucky to have you. Perhaps, I was deprived of all luck in the world to give me that very moment I met you."
His breath was knocked out of his lungs. "You-" San Lang's cheeks felt warm. He probably was blushing. There was no way he should be blushing right now, but he was! "Gege, you can't just say that."
"It's true, San Lang. How would I have met you then if it weren't for the universe paving the way to meet you?" Xie Lian snuggled more.
Hua Cheng frowned. It was not the universe. It was he who took advantage of the situation, of the knowledge of who Xie Lian was. "You've been thinking so hard, gege. Why don't you rest?"
"Hmm... I'm still so sleepy..."
"Then, sleep, my love."
"Will you be here when I wake up?" Xie Lian sleepily asked.
"I'll be damned if I leave you soon." Hua Cheng chuckled. His heart started to get heavy as Xie Lian fell asleep.
"I want you here as soon as I open my eyes."
Hua Cheng smiled tightly. "I will be here."
Xie Lian's
Xie Lian woke up with a headache and heavy eyes, definitely because of the stress and the crying. But he felt fine overall.
He felt hot, and the reason was Hua Cheng was holding him tight. His beloved's arms were around him as if to ground himself that Xie Lian wouldn't be getting out of his hold anytime soon.
And Xie Lian's heart hurt.
He shouldn't have done that. He should've just talked to Hua Cheng. The man assured him a lot of times, more than he needed, that everything would be fine, that he would be able to protect himself from Bai Wuxiang, that no one would take him away from Xie Lian.
But Xie Lian's fear got the better of him, and somehow he understood why that was. Bai Wuxiang was an evil, evil, and cunning man. He wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. If he wanted to hurt Xie Lian, that man knew how to hurt him best, and that was by hurting his everything.
But seeing Hua Cheng now, Xie Lian's heart bled. His man was holding him as if he was holding him for his dear life. His lips were pursed into a thin line. His eyes were dark and set hard.
Hua Cheng was tense.
"Love?" He croaked out. His throat was scratchy than he expected.
Hua Cheng snapped his gaze toward him. "Yes, baby? Anything you need? How are you feeling? Are you okay? Are you-"
"Sorry," Xie Lian's voice trembled as he hugged Hua Cheng's torso. "I'm sorry, San Lang."
"No, no. Don't be. It is that monster's fault. Not yours, never yours." Hua Cheng kissed the crown of his head.
It felt good to be told that it wasn't his fault. All his life, from the moment Bai Wuxiang killed his parents, he felt like it was his fault. Every time that monster hurt the child he considered his first friend, it felt like it was his fault. The first time he killed someone in front of that child, it felt as if he were to be blamed. When he couldn't protect that child, he was to be blamed.
Then, years later-
"Gege, that woman. That employee I have, the one you have become acquainted with, she was the one who dropped that letter in front of our door. Do you want me to kill her?"
"No!" Xie Lian propped himself up, unnerved by the fact that Hua Cheng just proposed to kill a person. "Bai Wuxiang is a very cunning man. He is manipulative. Can we go and ask her first?"
"Gege," Hua Cheng whined. "I don't want you to go near anyone yet." His petulant boyfriend nosed his neck. "So, probably, tomorrow, I'll let you meet her." He knew Hua Cheng couldn't say no to him, and it was the most reasonable thing to do anyway! This man shouldn't be too impulsive with other people's lives.
To soothe his man, Xie Lian combed Hua Cheng's locks with his fingers. "San Lang, I'm really sorry if I scared you a lot this time. I want to be honest. I really would have come out to meet him. I really would have left you. I would if it meant I could protect you."
Hua Cheng stiffened. Well, that didn't soothe him. "Gege, I-"
Xie Lian cut him off. "I know, San Lang. I should've known better. I tried not to be scared." He pulled away and looked at his boyfriend's handsome face. "I'm sorry. I just love you so much, and I don't want to lose you."
Hua Cheng's eyes softened. "I understand, gege. It's not your fault. But please, next time, reconsider. You have me now already. Someone is worrying for you. Someone will die without you." A warm hand cupped his cheek. "As long as you're safe, I'll be able to live."
He frowned. "He threatened you."
"I know it's not okay, but we can go through this together, okay? Like I said, you're not alone now and never soon. Your lover is a bit clingy." Hua Cheng sniff-kissed his cheek.
"A bit?" Xie Lian playfully raised his brow.
"A ton!" Hua Cheng giggled. He actually giggled, and it was too much for Xie Lian's heart.
Xie Lian felt a lot better now that his mind was clearer and his lover was beside him showering him with reassurance. But he couldn't just ignore the gnawing and looming fear from the past.
Every time Xie Lian remembered Hong-er and Wuming, the pain they had to go through because of Bai Wuxiang, everything those precious souls had to go through... Whenever he remembered them as he looked at Hua Cheng... He could see it inflicted on his lover. And it roused a fear inside Xie Lian like he hadn't experienced before.
He embraced Hua Cheng.
And he thought... no matter how strong his man appeared to be, Xie Lian would gladly lay his life down for him.
He wasn't sure if it was a blessing or a curse that Hua Cheng would gladly do the same for him.
But for now, he had him in his arms, safe and sound, and the problem about Bai Wuxiang still out there to get them would be something he would think of later.
For now, he had Hua Cheng.
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