Ch 11
Xie Lian
Xie Lian swallowed hard although his throat was parched from the heavy tension settling in the room. His heart was pounding and that was all he could hear.
The room was deathly silent. No one, not a single living soul made a move. But he could feel that those people in the room with high expectations for tonight's event were raging angry, just as angry as the man who just bellowed.
The people's eyes turned to the man who angrily protested and interrupted their fun.
In just a matter of seconds, two large men held the man up by his shoulders and he was lifted five inches from the ground. The man who protested was firm on his opinion. "This is illegal!" he spat the words out as if he weren't scared. But the paleness and the sweat forming on his forehead were a testament to the fear he was feeling. "You subject these women to harm and that man's offers are evil!"
The man behind the curtain laughed humorlessly. "You came here, in my territory, without any idea of what really is happening," he accused. "The government always plays me dirty, huh? Police Officer Lang Qianqiu" The Officer's eyes widened and he visibly gulped.
Oh. So, did the Mayor contact him, or was he sent by the police? Xie Lian couldn't know for sure and knowing the answer wouldn't matter.
Upon hearing what the man behind the curtain said, the people frowned even more and were killing him with their glares. Their glares were full of accusation and threat.
Slowly, the man stood up from his seat. They could even hear his footsteps. The people were holding their breath from anticipation and even Xie Lian did. He just couldn't stop his heart from beating hard against his ribcage. The thrill was eating him up. He wanted to see him too.
When the man behind the curtain stepped out to the light, there was a collective gasp. Xie Lian gasped too while Shi QingXuan just cursed under her breath.
He licked his lips as he felt his blood rising to his face. He didn't even know why his blood rushed to his face! Why was it even there on his face!
It was San Lang! It was his friend whom his heart was yearning for. The man was before him, in flesh. He wanted badly wanted to reach out to him. He badly wanted to close their distance and just say hello to him. It didn't matter if San Lang's clothes were different nor did it matter that he stood confidently, boldly, and intimidating to others. It didn't matter if his eye was sharp and that there was a patch covering his other eye. It didn't matter when even in all those things, all he could ever see was San Lang.
Xie Lian found him too handsome, not that San Lang before was short of that. It was just that how he carried himself and how the lighting hit his face made his jaw sharper and more accentuated. His lips were red as usual but it was drawn in a thin line from anger.
Xie Lian, at the back of his mind, wished he could see the childish pout on those lips. He missed that so badly.
San Lang was wearing silver pieces of jewelry, some looked heavy and some light. They went well altogether. Sure, San Lang did have a good sense of style. He was wearing a button-down red shirt with three buttons undone, exposing the expanse of his milky fair chest. Xie Lian partly knew how those pecs felt. Weirdly, he wanted to at least button up just one button. Hmp! Also, gone were the loose pants and shorts. He was wearing slacks that hugged his thighs well.
He looked as if he was walking down from his throne. And all were in awe that they forgot the game.
San Lang stayed on the stage as he spoke. "What am I going to do to you? Make you disappear forever?" A sick and barely noticeable smile appeared on his lips. So handsome. Xie Lian squirmed on his seat.
"Hmm~ Smitten, aren't you?" Shi QingXuan whispered.
"No! I'm not!" Xie Lian covered his cheeks because he could feel himself blushing even more. How could Shi QingXuan say that!?
The woman just hummed in response and relaxed in her seat. She was just amused at the whole fiasco while Xie Lian underwent all different types of emotions in less than ten minutes.
"Or shall I leave you to these people?" San Lang continued, gritting his teeth as he spoke the words out.
The man that was lifted up went limp and if he didn't know any better, Xie Lian would think that he fainted. Yet the officer was just tired and scared. And Xie Lian pitied him because even if San Lang were to let him go, those people in the room, who felt threatened and angered by the Officer's presence and knowledge so far, could still follow the man and dispose of him.
Probably, by disappearing, San Lang meant that the Officer would be forced to hide as if he really were dead. It was something along those lines although Xie Lian himself wasn't sure. He still didn't know the extent of what San Lang could do.
Conflicted, Xie Lian wanted to stay out of trouble but he also didn't want any harm to fall on that officer who might just be following someone's order. It was unfair. Other than that, he wanted San Lang to just go back to being his friend, like how it used to be in his home.
Xie Lian was fiddling with his fingers as the audience waited for San Lang's judgment as if the man had the final say in everything, and maybe he did have. But he is San Lang! He is a friendly and cuddly person. He is silly, stubborn, and sometimes, childish. And it wasn't Xie Lian's time to be childish. So, he braved himself up as he bit the inner of his cheek.
He was readying himself to gather all their attention. He knew San Lang would find a way or another to flip this whole situation up if he'd just have the courage to step out. He didn't know for sure how it would affect their friendship, but Xie Lian trusted San Lang and the bond they formed.
I think I know a thing or two in pulling the trigger off. It will do.
Xie Lian wanted to shift their attention and get on back with the game, entertain these people, finish this, and let them forget about the man. It was audacious and ambitious of him but that was all he knew he could do that wouldn't make these people see San Lang in a bad light and wouldn't force San Lang to decide in favor of Xie Lian. He was so assuming that San Lang would do that. But also, he had that small confidence in him because San Lang didn't show that he'd do otherwise.
He stood up.
"The fuck, Xie Lian?" Shi QingXuan sounded surprised.
"I want to play the game," Xie Lian said. His voice seemed unfamiliar from the confidence it held.
And just like that, all eyes were on him. San Lang looked at him with a determined stare and beneath that stubborn gaze, was an eye full of mirth. It held the same sparkle as those times San Lang laughed.
Xie Lian's heart skipped a beat.
Still looking at him intently, San Lang spoke, "What do you want and what are you willing to give up?" He smirked. "That is yours."
I can't gamble the money that isn't mine! That's not technically mine! He is smart to know that. I can't also offer him this coat! It's his!
Xie Lian took a deep breath and begrudgingly dipped his hand on his pocket and brought out a box. At least this he could claim as his. "I want his freedom and I am willing to give up my mantou!" He announced.
"What!" Shi QingXuan hissed and then giggled.
Xie Lian exhaled as his body turned hot from the embarrassment.
The crowd broke out in angry shouts.
"That is not enough!"
"What are you thinking?!"
"This is not a child's play!"
"This officer! He's a spy!"
"Spying on us!"
Xie Lian was a determined man. Although he was scared at that time from the attention he was getting, he got to do what he got to do. Besides, San Lang was there and he had faith in him.
San Lang's eye, in just a matter of seconds, turned murderous. His nose flared in anger. "Silence," he sounded calm yet authoritative. "Or..."
In less than a second, the deathly silence returned and Xie Lian started to calm down more.
San Lang looked at him again and this time, Xie Lian could see the tenderness in it. This was San Lang, the San Lang he knew and the Hua Cheng none of them knew of. "Hmm~ Accepted. Come up here."
What? He'll accept a mantou? For real? Xie Lian was baffled at his own doing but it also made him amused. Sliding the mantou back to the coat's pocket, he was hoping against all hopes that he'd win.
Xie Lian started walking to where San Lang was. His focus was on him and on no one else. His feet steadily carried him towards the stage. As he passed by the people and as they took a closer look at him, they murmured or gasped. It just got him confused. But he had a lot of things going inside his mind right now to even think of that.
San Lang went down from the stage to meet him and held an open hand to which Xie Lian happily accepted. San Lang's hand was cold from the room's temperature but it didn't matter to Xie Lian. San Lang was warmth. And so he felt warm. He was elated to now touch San Lang.
Still with eyes looking at San Lang, Xie Lian was guided towards the stairs. Li Jun stepped aside. The man was utterly shocked by what was happening but dared not to make a fuss.
"Choose which girl, gege." Xie Lian immediately blushed at the endearment. San Lang was just too close that he could smell the man's perfume. It was the same scent on the coat he was wearing and no, it wasn't that overwhelming scent.
There were new sets of apples on their heads.
"Just the center girl," Xie Lian answered.
"Hmm~" San Lang hummed.
Looking closer, Xie Lian could see that they were faking their fear. This was actually their job and they weren't scared! It was all a play. He was right. It was all theatrics.
"Does gege know how to shoot accurately?" San Lang asked in a soft voice but people could probably hear it because of the silence.
Hey! You know I can shoot! But to be fair, the man asked if he could shoot accurately and the accuracy could be a little questionable. He was also nervous and naturally unlucky! His skill might fail him when he needed it the most.
"A little," Xie Lian answered truthfully.
San Lang stepped closer and handed him the gun. "I guess gege could use a little help." Xie Lian just swallowed. He really didn't need help in holding a gun and San Lang knew that. But he let San Lang be.
The taller man held his hands and guided him on how to hold the gun. San Lang led his finger to the trigger. His other hand was firmly gripping the gun but San Lang held it tightly as if telling him to do the same.
So Xie Lian did.
He could feel the other's warm breaths on the tip of his ear and he knew he was currently beet red. Xie Lian's tummy felt funny. He liked it.
San Lang held his arm gently and raised it to target the apple. The large hands dragged themselves to his shoulders. Painfully slow. Xie Lian was about to combust.
He was trying to focus but San Lang was making it hard for him to do so!
San Lang leaned closer and bent a little more to his height. Their cheeks almost brushed and he could feel more of the other person's body heat. For a man who appeared so cold, San Lang was definitely warm. The man was seemingly hugging him as the toned chest touched his back. Xie Lian could feel those pecs even with a coat on.
"Relax, gege. You're too tense," San Lang whispered. His warm breath fanned over his ear to his cheek.
Xie Lian relished the moment.
But it was cut off sooner than he wanted when the taller man stepped aside. "Whenever you are ready," San Lang said firmly but Xie Lian could hear the playful undertone to it.
He didn't move a muscle and fired the gun with his eyes closed. His eyes closed unconsciously that was why when the crowd burst into fits of laughter, he was confused.
Opening his eyes, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
On the girl's forehead was a blue splattered paint and even the girl was stifling a laugh.
The gun's bullets were not made of true lead and alloy like the usual bullets were. Of course, after all, this was just the game. And although that bullet might be a little heavy, it didn't cause any harm from what he could see.
Xie Lian pouted a little. I lost.
San Lang chuckled silently with his back facing the audience. "Alright. That's just a trial, gege. Let's try again," he said, amused, and he came closer to Xie Lian again. "Come on," San Lang whispered again. The hairs on Xie Lian's nape stood up. But he tried to focus. "There... Relax your shoulders for me." Why is this place so hot? He probably was already sweating.
San Lang slid his hands to his elbows and gently caressed them. "Straighten your elbows." Then, his hands dragged to his hands. "Hold it firm."
Xie Lian swallowed.
"Now, focus on your target." How can I?!
Suddenly, San Lang pulled the trigger and the apple fell.
The crowd cheered and that was when Xie Lian remembered that there were actually people watching or anticipating whatever would happen. He was completely caught up in the moment. At that, Xie Lian blushed even more.
"Now, for the second apple, gege."
Xie Lian nodded a little.
San Lang repeated what he did by placing his finger over Xie Lian's and pulling the trigger and the apple fell again.
Now, when the crowd burst in cheers, it had Xie Lian reeling. The people were truly entertained and Xie Lian was getting uncomfortable.
"San Lang?" he whispered but enough for the other man to hear.
"Yes, gege?"
"I want to get out of here," he said.
Without any warning, catching Xie Lian off guard, San Lang pulled the trigger and successfully hit the last apple.
Once more, the crowd cheered. And with that, San Lang announced, "The game has ended. It's a pleasure to see you." The younger's voice was distant.
There were a series of thanks and praises from the people. So they really come here for entertainment and the chance to gain something.
"But-!" Li Jun tried to protest but San Lang beat him to it.
"Do I have to repeat myself?" he asked coldly.
Li Jun's face crumpled in annoyance and stomped his feet out of the room not before throwing Xie Lian a dirty look.
Everything was happening fast. People were going out of the room, including Shi QingXuan. The Officer was brought down. He looked relieved, confused, and a little embarrassed. "Speak nothing of this night or I will make sure you can speak no more. Go."
The Officer nodded, still with stubbornness in his eyes.
The girls, the emcee, the security left the place.
And the only ones standing in the room were San Lang and him.
San Lang smiled and nothing could ever warn Xie Lian of his perfection. He teared up. He wanted to let out his frustrations to the younger. Everything that happened this night and the days without San Lang now felt too heavy. And his adrenaline rush wore off.
Sensing his distress, San Lang's smile disappeared. He extended his arm to touch him. "Gege."
But Xie Lian moved before their skin touched. He shook his head. "You-" You were mean to this gege, San Lang. He wanted to say but San Lang was never mean to him. His eyes were filled with unshed tears. "You- I hate-" I hate you for leaving.
"I know, gege. I'm sorry," San Lang's voice cracked. "I'm sorry if this is who I am and you should hate me."
He gave the man a glare. It was not what he meant. "I hate you for leaving me."
San Lang's eyes widened by a fraction. "I-I didn't leave you. Gege, I never would."
Xie Lian felt all his strength disappear from what happened earlier. He sat on the ground. He felt too pathetic for feeling that way when clearly, the younger man didn't do anything bad to him. He felt pathetic for wanting to demand San Lang's presence in his life when practically, they just knew each other. For feeling that way even when San Lang never failed to make his presence known to him by sending him food.
San Lang kneeled in front of him to look at him in the eyes. "Stop crying, gege. I don't like seeing you cry. Forgive this San Lang's behavior and decision."
Xie Lian shook his head. San Lang looked heartbroken when he did nothing wrong. "No... I'm just... I'm sorry for this, San Lang. I'm just - I feel overwhelmed."
"I thought you needed time, gege. I know I'm not the one you expected to be. I wanted you to think about it clearly."
Xie Lian pouted. "I didn't need time, San Lang." He weakly smiled through his tears. "And-And thank you for giving me food."
The man before him sheepishly smiled. "You knew it was me?"
"It was so obvious, San Lang. Who would send me food? Feng Xin? Mu Qing?"
Hearing that, San Lang sneered. "Those fuckers."
Xie Lian heaved. "You should have told me yourself that you needed time. I would've understood." His tears fell nonstop. He wasn't hurting or frustrated anymore. It was just that he couldn't stop crying!
But San Lang didn't know this. So, the man implored, "Gege, let me hold you. This San Lang is so shameless to ask you but please. I hate seeing you cry~"
Xie Lian didn't think twice as he scooted closer to the man. Immediately, he was engulfed in a big hug and the comfort was immediate. He felt relieved. "I thought I'd never see you again," he confessed.
"Oh, gege. Do you not trust me?" San Lang chuckled and if he sniffled, Xie Lian didn't notice. "How can I stay away from you? I barely could control myself."
Not understanding the hidden meaning under those words, Xie Lian answered, "Then, you shouldn't have had," his voice was muffled by how San Lang was holding him tight. The younger was patting his head.
"I might've scared you."
Xie Lian shook his head. "You don't scare me, Hua Cheng."
San Lang laughed. "San Lang. I like you calling me San Lang."
Xie Lian nodded again. He liked calling him San Lang too.
They stayed in each other's arms for a while before San Lang broke the ice. "You like hugging me so much, gege?" He was so smug about it!
Xie Lian's face flushed. Ugh! He pushed the younger who just laughed at him.
He missed that. He missed laughing with San Lang.
Xie Lian smiled genuinely. "Is this place yours, San Lang?" he asked.
Hua Cheng nodded. "Do you like it?"
"It's amazing!" Xie Lian praised and it truly was. San Lang was now wiping his tears. His touches were so gentle. He couldn't believe that this man was feared by those people earlier.
"I know right, gege." San Lang beamed. "There, there. No more crying. Even though gege looks cute while crying, this San Lang doesn't like it."
Xie Lian just smiled at him sweetly and hugged San Lang again.
"I missed you, gege. So much it hurt."
"I missed you too, San Lang. You have no idea how miserable it was without you. Ruoye felt miserable too because he had to eat the food I cooked."
Hua Cheng
I fucked up. And I fucked up big time. It was not his intention to hurt Xie Lian. It was far from that. Yet, Hua Cheng felt that he still managed to do what he promised not to do. And he felt shit for making Xie Lian feel like he left him.
Hua Cheng realized that he should have called Xie Lian. He should have been there in the hospital with him. Instead, it was Mu Qing and Feng Xin who were present. It should've been him.
He fucked up and Xie Lian was just gracious enough to forgive him. What if Xie Lian didn't forgive him? What if it caused the older to hate or resent him? What if because of what he did, Xie Lian no longer wanted to see him? His hug tightened. I am sorry. I am sorry. Forgive me, gege. I will make it up to you. I promise, gege. I will make it up to you.
"Gege, are you tired? It's probably two in the morning now," he said while still embracing Xie Lian and stroking his head. As much as he liked it, Xie Lian needed to rest.
Xie Lian nodded.
"Would you like to go to my place? It is not my residence really. But it is the nearest from here and I will drop you off at the Mayor's Office tomorrow. How would you like that?" Please say yes.
Xie Lian pushed him to look at him. His eyes were a little red and his cheeks were too. But he was already smiling widely. "Really? You'll bring me to your place?"
Hua Cheng nodded, a lopsided smile appeared.
"Come on! What are we waiting for? I am so sleepy," Xie Lian said excitedly.
Hua Cheng breathed out the breath he did not know he was holding. He thought Xie Lian would insist on going home.
"Do you want me to carry you, gege?" He was serious.
Xie Lian, instead, giggled. "No! That's unnecessary, San Lang. I can walk!"
Hua Cheng scratched the back of his head. "I see. Come on now, gege." He stood up and offered his hand to Xie Lian.
Xie Lian accepted it with thanks. "I still can't believe you are Hua Cheng." They were walking towards the exit.
"You don't hate me for it, right?" He wanted to be sure!
"Of course not!" Xie Lian shrugged as they walked ahead. "I just can't believe I'm friends with Hua Cheng." Xie Lian was teasing him but something gripped Hua Cheng's heart.
A friend?! Is he like this to all his friends? Hua Cheng shook his head. Xie Lian had the purest soul out there. And it wouldn't matter. He was willing to accept anything he could give him. But damn! All those tears gege shed for a friend?! It was not that he expected anything. It was just that... he was surprised.
"Yeah," he managed to respond.
A car was waiting for him outside. It was his limousine which he didn't use often but he probably had prepared everything ahead for Xie Lian way before he'd know his response. He wouldn't let Xie Lian ride a cramped-up car when the day was too long for his gege.
A bodyguard was waiting by the car's door.
As he guided Xie Lian inside, Hua Cheng heard him ask, "Do you usually use this? It's not the most convenient car to use in the city."
Hua Cheng chuckled and settled beside him. "I just want to today." Because I probably want to show off a little to you too.
Xie Lian nodded and Hua Cheng probably was about to combust because what the fuck? Gege is in MY car. Xie Lian looked relaxed and perfect by just sitting inside his car. Hua Cheng thought that now his gege knew who he was, he could now spoil him rotten with a lot of things.
But first...
"So, gege, where's my mantou?" Hua Cheng forced himself not to laugh. He asked for Xie Lian's mantou with a raised brow and confident posture. He even brazenly opened his palm, expecting to receive it.
Xie Lian looked at him as he said something so offensive. His face turned red from annoyance. And if Hua Cheng's control over himself weren't any better, he would've laughed. "Hey, San Lang! I won the bet!"
"The second one, gege. The first one, you lost. But you see, I have to cover it up." He smirked at the now glaring Xie Lian. Where did he buy that mantou? "So where is my mantou?"
"You're so unfair!" Pouting, Xie Lian dipped his hand on his coat's pocket. He couldn't help but feel elated by the fact that Xie Lian was wearing one of his clothes again. What does he look like wearing my clothes in the morning? Hua Cheng's thoughts had him beat himself mentally. He shouldn't think that way!
Hua Cheng blinked a couple of times when a box was placed in his open palm. He immediately clasped it with his hand. "This San Lang thanks you, gege." He opened it excitedly. I earned this.
But when he looked at the older one, Hua Cheng saw that Xie Lian was pouting and looked like he was about to cry... over a fucking mantou!? "That's expensive," Xie Lian said.
"Did Mayor not give you any money?" Don't be sad, baby.
"He did, but I bought that one with my money. Although I said I am willing to give that up, can you at least, share it with me?" Then, Xie Lian smiled awkwardly while waving his hands at him. "Nevermind, San Lang. Nevermind! What am I thinking?" His ears and cheeks were tinted red.
And how could he possibly say no to that request? At first, he just wanted to eat the mantou since he was a little hungry and he could replace that mantou a hundred times. But it seemed that Xie Lian was attached to it. "Scoot closer, gege."
Xie Lian did as he was told.
Hua Cheng took the mantou from the box and placed it over Xie Lian's lips. Xie Lian just glanced at him shyly. "Go on, gege. Take a bite for me," he encouraged the other. Although hesitantly, Xie Lian took a small bite.
"Mmhm..." Xie Lian moaned from the taste of it.
Hua Cheng liked that sound. Fuck my life.
"Eat more, gege." He tried not to out himself like that.
Xie Lian looked at him for assurance that he could eat it. But Hua Cheng gaped when Xie Lian opened his mouth and took a bite while looking at him intently.
Hua Cheng's final answer was he hated himself. Xie Lian was just innocently eating a mantou yet he couldn't help but to feel drawn, attracted, and turned on. Fuck my life again.
There was a small piece of mantou left between his fingers and while Xie Lian wasn't finished chewing the food slowly, Hua Cheng pushed the remaining food into Xie Lian's mouth. The investigator took it happily anyway.
If earlier Hua Cheng looked calm, now, he was obviously tense. It was really nothing. It should be nothing. But he went on for days not having Xie Lian close to him. He just couldn't help it.
"San Lang? Are you okay? I ate all the mantou! You should've split it!"
Hua Cheng shook his head. "That mantou was yours to eat, gege." He beamed. "We're almost there," he said referring to his building.
When they went down the hill, there could be found a tall building of one of his many businesses. The vehicle stopped in the private parking space in the basement.
"Is this building yours too?" Xie Lian asked nonchalantly.
But Hua Cheng answered him truthfully, "Yes."
"Huh?" He's surprised, isn't he?
Hua Cheng grinned. "I wouldn't stay somewhere that's not mine, gege. I don't feel comfortable and safe for various reasons."
"But you stayed in my house." They were still inside the car. Xie Lian was looking at him waiting for his response.
"Because you are there, gege." You are home.
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