CHAP 9: Grilbz and chill!
5-31-17, 6:54 pm.
HOLA MY DOODS!!!!is the chapter today when I was writing this down I guess it's kind of short so I'm adding two chapters in one ,lucky you guys!!!while you guys are on like chapter 9 I'm on like chapter 25 and it's so much fun getting all these cool ideas you have ,NOOOO idea whats coming... but you'll have to wait for that I hope this pleases you and keeps u busy and happy (papy) until the next ones come out! And like always I will see all yee dudes the end of the chap!!! Bah bOi!!!
Frisk's POV:
I woke up The next morning with a smile on my face as I recalled what happened last night.I remembered the smile sans gave me as he put his jacket around me,and at that moment I felt like the most special girl in the world.Coming back to reality, I blushed from the thought and noticed the position I was in.Sans had fallen asleep with his arm around me ,holding me to his chest with his chin on my head. I tried my best to not make any sudden movements so I wouldn't wake him ,but with my movement from waking up ,he opened his right eye lazily and turned blue as he got up."Oh-uh sorry 'bout that princess.. I guess I was just 'bone tired'"he apologized nervously and looked away."I-It's fine sans,and not to be weird or anything ,but it was kind a comfy."I stuttered and gave him a nervous smile.He looked back confused but looked a little bit more cheered up after I had said that ,as he gave me the signature toothy grin.
Snas's POV(yes I did that on purpose😏😎):
The moment she said that I felt my face burn like a blueberry as I looked over at her with her surprise look and gave her a goofy smile ,she giggled at my actions."Does am I thinking?She would never fall for a lazy bones monster like me,to her Im just her protector, her friend, her roommate, she doesn't think of me as anything more...
does she...?"I question myself in my mind.I was so spaced out ,I didn't even notice Frisk saying my name as she waved her hand in front of my face."Sans?Saans!SANS!"she already brought me back to reality."Wh-What!What happened!?!"I stuttered."I was asking you if we could go to that 'Grillby's' place you told me about?"she said remembering last night"...oh...last night"I smiled and went into another daze as I remembered last nights events ,it seemed like a dream that I never want to wake up from.I remembered the way she smiled up at me with that sweet smile and leaned into me as I put my arm around her..."Mabye I do have a chance with her, I just have to tell her at the right moment. I have to hope for a yes, and be prepared for a no-"(anyone get the reference?😏) I was snapped out of my daze yet again by Frisk."SAANS!!"she yelled with an annoyed tone."Oh sorry 'bout that kiddo,um uhh yeah,we'll head to Grillby's in 10 to 20 minutes,K?i'll give you time to get ready while I take another five-minute nap-"I joked."Saaanss, come oon."Frisk whined jokingly."OK fine,but just for you." I said with a wink.I could've swore I saw her blush as she hid in the hood of my jacket."oh right,ummm here's your jacket back..."she said sadly as she started to take my jacket off."No,no,keep it ?I have many more where that came from."I insisted.
TEM SKIP- to when they're ready to leave for Grillby's(because...Because...ketchup!)
"You ready Frisk!?!"I called out to her."Yup!"I heard a voice say behind me.I jump as I turned around to see frisk right in on my face. Our faces are close together now and I can feel my face turn into a blueberry again, I look away to hide my blush."Jeez princess, you almost made me 'jump out of my skin' there,heh. So uhhh l-let's get going"I stuttered."Why can't I just tell her...?"I question myself in my mind as we head to grillby's
HOLA MY DOODS!!!!!! I hope you guys like the chapter today I'm sorry that there wasn't much in it but I want to keep the suspense for next chapter because it's going to be a good I hope you guys are enjoying this book!I sure am I feel the suspense and on edge ness,and fan girls-ness, and I keep thinking to myself I wonder what's going to happen next ,and I'm the AUTHOR! If this is what's going through my mind personally I think I'm doing pretty well if that's the case.but enough about me this is about all of us!!! So let's finish this off with a bone-dum tssss..and like always....I WILL SEE ALL YEE DOODS IN THE NEXT CHAP!!!!bah bOi!!
Also shout out to my best friend Liam ,happy birthday on Sunday!!RIIICKK!!!
884 words!
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