One day Steve was sailing in a rainbow sailboat. It was windy and steves hair was blowing everywhere. He was sailing for days because he got stranded and abandoned by his elderly parents. Who jumped out of the sailboat because he was claiming they were "imperfect". He finally found the shore but he was horrified at what he saw. Many people sunbathing with-tan lines. "NEIGH MY GOD!!! SUCH TERRIBLE TANNAGE! SUCH A DISGRACE! I SHALL FIX YOU ALL!!" So Steve drove his sharp sailboat and cut each sunbather at the tan lines and cut them out like paper. Then he put the untanned parts in one pile and the tanned people in the other. He got out some gorilla glue out of his man purse and put the people back together, without the untanned parts of corse, and he looked upon his work. "NEIGH, now they are lopsided. Ow well, I guess I'll just make the orphanage some food for charity. So Steve put all the body parts into a giant human blender and gave all the children bloodshakes. He gave a satisfied "NEIGH" and he ran off into the sunset.
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