The "beginning"
Crimson's POV
I was never really one to care. No matter what happened, I stayed off to the side. Heroism never really interested me. Not as a kid, not when my quick manifested, not even when I graduated High school. Although my quirk would be very useful in both combat and rescue situations, it never interested me. The whole "No killing" rule also bothered me. Wouldn't it make sense to kill a dangerous villain to keep them from ending more lives? I was only 15 when I had that epiphany. Not even in my Junior year. That was when I decided to teach those heroes a lesson that they'd never forget. Thankfully, I had the foresight to train with several different types of weapons before turning to a life of "Crime". My name is Crimson Blitzkrieg, my quirk is matter manipulation. I am................. the Black Blitz.
Age 18, USJ
Dark mist surrounds me as I enter Kuroguri's warp gate. With 2 K-bar knives strapped to my vest, two Mauser pistols on my waist, and a hunting rifle on my back, I'm ready for this operation. I appear in what looks like a ruined city with several other "villains", the thugs that can't even Rob a bank properly. I lower my bandanna to take a drag from my cigarette. What is the operation? Kill the number one hero: All Might, the symbol of peace. In a few minutes, the students from UA should arrive, and then the chaos will begin. All Might, Eraserhead and 13 should be here with Class 1-A. I heard that Endeavor's brat is in that class. I smirk beneath my bandanna. This should be easy.
The bandanna^
While Kurogiri and Tomura, or and Hand Fetish as I like to call him, promised that us criminals would be enough, I knew better. They have something up their sleeve. Something big. You know what, I think I'll quick run to the surprisingly flat area. The other thugs here can handle a few brats.
A few minutes later
Finally, they've arrived. 13 is talking to the brats, and some homeless man is with them as well. That must be Eraserhead. Seriously who comes up with these hero names? Now to wait for the signal. I adjust my goggles and prepare. A thug with a skull mask walks up to me. "Hey, I heard your quirk can manipulate matter. I need you to hide me underneath the ground so I can keep the alarm from going off without getting interrupted." He asks. I nod and make the ground underneath him into a quicksand like substance. He sinks up to his head, and I make a breathing hole for him, subtle enough that any heroes won't notice. Suddenly a warp gate opens above us and three teens pop out. Two girls and a guy. The one that instantly catches my eye in the first girl. Her costume is very revealing, her black hair is done in a spiky ponytail, and she is well endowed for her age.
The second girl looks like a punck rock chick with her jacket, shirt, boots and purple hair.
The guy. Has yellow hair with a black lightning bolt. He looks kind of normal, but he does have some style. Not a lot, but some.
(I own none of these pictures)
The guy clearly has some type of electricity quirk, the ahem, endowed girl probably created objects from her body, based off the sheer amount of skin she's showing. And the punk chick? Maybe it's sound amplification? I guess I'll have to find out. "Welcome, naive children!" I shout while twirling one of my knives. The three heroes in training turn to face me as the other "villains" gather behind me. I usually prefer not to attack kids, but business is business." I say. The taller girl, the one with the ponytail, creates a staff for herself and a katana for the punk chick. "Mines bigger." The punk chick quips. "Size isn't everything. It also depends on how you use it." I respond. The thugs behind me charge forwards at them while I roll my eyes. "Amatures" I mutter. Not surprisingly, the kids take down the villains fairly quickly. The punk chick plugs her ear jack into her boot and a loud thudding noise, like a very loud heartbeat subdues a good portion of the villains while the ponytailed girl fights off some others. The boy, on the other hand is mostly dodging, occasionally throwing a punch that electrocutes a villain.
With a well timed shove, the punk chick knocks tazar boy into another villain, knocking the poor thug out. You know what? I've had enough. I charge the girl with the ponytail and stab at her arm, hoping to disarm her. It works, but she whacks me across the face, knocking my goggles off in the process, revealing my blood red eyes. "C'mon those were expensive!" I say, annoyed. I continue stabbing and slicing at her, but she blocks and redirects my strikes. I try switching hands, tossing my knife to the other, but she doesn't falter. "Why are you doing this?" She questions in desperation. I slice her arm, eliciting a yelp of pain from her. "Believe it or not, I'm just here to make sure these lowlife's don't get themselves killed." I reply casually. "1.2 MILLION VOLT DISCHARGE!" I hear zappy boy yell. The girl I'm fighting kicks me back a few feet and creates a blanket that she throws over herself and the punk chick. Electricity shoots off Mr Power Line in all directions, shocking all the villains. 'Shit, shit, shit!' I think, before using my quirk to make a wall out of the ground, protecting me from the shock.
Once I lower the wall, I look towards the Heroes in training and notice 2 things. The boy has become retarded and the girl with the ponytail is....."Oh god!" I yell as I turn away, blood leaking from my nose. The girl's uniform is ripped and her breasts are revealed! "You know what, I'm out!" I yell before running away. 'Where the hell is Hand Fetish and Kurogiri? Eraserhead shouldn't have been that hard for them to take down!' Suddenly, an explosion shakes the ground. I look towards the entrance, and standing there.........Is All Might. And he's fighting a.........what the hell is that? A giant, pitch black hulking monster with a metal beak, and it's brain exposed. "Don't fear, because I am here." He says, his signature smile replaced be a look of anger. Quickly drawing my rifle I take aim at the Number 1 Hero. "It's now or never." I whisper. Before I can take the shot, the hero knocks out all the villains in the center of the facility with one blow each, before anyone can react. He picks up a broken and bloodied Eraserhead and brings him over to a group of students by the entrance. "C'mon stay still long enough for me to take the shot!" I mutter angrily. Suddenly, Hand fetish orders Ghetto Big Bird to attack All Might. The two Titans clash, and goddamn it I still can't GET A CLEAR SHOT!
After All Might suplex's Ghetto Big Bird, the dust clears and I see Kurogiri opening a warp gate to allow the bird guy to dig his claws into All Might's sides. "Wait, is that blood?" I mutter, I aim my rifle, and pull the trigger. A "bang" sounds out and the bullet flies and grazes All Might's forearm. "DAMN IT!" I yell in frustration, causing several of the heroes in training to turn in my direction while 3 boys jump at Kurogiri to attack him. A girl with pink skin and 2 antennae on her head starts running/skating on some kind of liquid. "Damn, time to escape!" I say, my smile covered by my bandanna. I use my quirk to make the ground rise up around me. "This won't be the last time we meet, heroes. But you won't know when I'm nearby!" I say, utilizing all the campiness I can. The ground swallows me up and I quickly create a tunnel heading towards outside the UA premisis. If I'm lucky I won't get caught. I fill in the tunnel behind me, just so I can't be traced. With any luck, they'll forget about me with those two monsters fighting back at the USJ.
After a few minutes of constant use of my quirk, my vision starts to blur. 'Shit, I need to find my way out.' I think. With my last bits of energy, I take off my bandanna and tuck it into my pocket before opening a hole above my head. The air could never smell sweeter. Climbing out of the hole, I notice that I'm in an alley way. "This seems like a nice place to rest." I say before passing out.
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