And he walks away again,as always.
When will he realize that walking away from problems doesn't solve the problems.
"Bela di..calm down,talk to him in personal when he comes back",Suhani said.
I rubbed my temples and sobbed,
"Tch..Bela don't cry",Vyom came and sat beside me.
"This is..it's not the first time he is walking away like this..he always does that.How will I talk to him...if he walks away like this?"I sobbed wiping my tears.
"Bela di..don't cry,jiju was just concerned for Mahira at that moment..he didn't mean what he said to you",Suhani said wiping my tears.
Vyom and Suhani were consoling me and I looked at Mahira who was silently standing and looking at me.I immediately wiped my teary face and smiled.
"Mahira..come to mumma baby..sorry..mumma had work",I said and she slowly walked towards me and climbed on me.
I made her sit properly on me and looked at her forehead,
"Is it paining now baby?"I asked caressing her little bump.
"No..dadda kissi..no hurr",she said touching her forehead.
"I'm sorry Mahira...mumma should have been careful",I sobbed kissing her forehead.
She cupped my face with her little fist and made me look at her,
"Mumma don..cry",she said.
More tears welled up in my eye's at her innocence.She is the first one to come and wipe my tears always.She never asks the reason for my tears,instead she just wipes my tears and kiss me telling not to cry.
I hugged her to my heart and sobbed,
"Bela..don't cry",Vyom said.
"Tch..Bela di",Suhani said hugging me and Mahira together.
I pulled back and wiped my tears,
"Mahira..you didn't take your nap,you are not sleepy?"I asked wiping her face off sweat.
She must be playing a lot.
"No mumma..no seepy..hulky..pay wid me?"she asked and I smiled.
"First I need to kick Mahir's ass for making you call me hulky",Vyom huffed and we both laughed.
"Dadda where...?"Mahira asked showing her hands.
"We will go to dadda and play..come on Mahira",Vyom said getting up.
"Vyom..where will Mahir be..and where will you take her?"I asked getting up.
"That bastard must be in the kid's playground downstairs,I will take care of Mahira over there.Don't worry",Vyom said taking Mahira in his arms.
"Wait a minute,I will get her shoe's",I said and went to our room.
I came back with her shoe's and saw Mahira sitting with Vyom and Suhani,laughing and giggling with them.
"Pink shoe's for Mahira",I said and she smiled looking at them.
I sat beside them and started making her wear her shoe's.I shopped them for her on her first birthday.By that time she started crawling.
"Mumma..pink..",she squealed and we laughed.
"OK..now off to playground",Vyom said and Mahira waved at me.
They both left,I and Suhani were left in our lobby.
"Bela di..first come and have your lunch,it's three already",Suhani said.
"No Suhani..I'm not hungry",I said.
"Just shut up and come with me",she said taking me to the dining hall.
She served me and I was eating slowly,
"Did..did Mahir eat?"I asked and Suhani smiled.
"You care a lot for him di",she said.
I do!
"He didn't eat,he will come around.Don't worry,you eat.We have to talk",she said and I nodded.
I had my lunch and we both sat in the lobby,
"Suhani..don't tell about our fight to mom and dad,they will be worried.And since three months..they were also not having any sane because of me",I said.
"Bela di stop saying that.You are their daughter,they do have all the rights to get worried for you.Stop thinking like that and yes I won't tell them anything",Suhani said.
"Bela di,you and Mahir jiju were so happy.You had a fight with him and came to us that day...you told the reason for your fight..but you never told the actual reason.What happened di?"she asked.
I muffled a sob and nodded my head as 'no'.
"No..he was not giving time to me and Mahira,ignoring us completely..that's it...that's it..that is the reason",I said.
"Bela di..I know something else must have happened.Did jiju say anything inappropriate?Because we know,you wouldn't give up so easily just because of a fight",Suhani said.
"I am not giving up on him Suhani...I am not..",I sobbed wiping my tears.
"Then what happened di?At least tell me",Suhani said.
Life has been so beautiful with Mahir.We were so happy with our day to day life,enjoying every moment with happiness.
And since we got to know that I was pregnant,his happiness had no bounds.We didn't plan for a child so soon,but we are glad that we are blessed with our beautiful daughter.
"Aww..she looks exactly like Mahir",Sumi maa said rubbing her nose tip with her's.
"I know...my baby will go on me only",Mahir said and I smiled.
"She is a mixture of you both jiju,look at her pout",Suhani said.
They all laughed looking at Mahira and decided which part she inherited from me and Mahir.Mahir held my hand and kissed my forehead,
"Thank you so much Bela",Mahir said.
"I love you",I said and smiled at him.
"I love you more",he said and took me in a side hug.
"Hmm..so newbie parent's,does our grand daughter have any name?"my dad asked and everyone laughed.
"Yeah..we are very excited to know her name",papa said.
"Mahir beta,as you wished you have a daughter.You must have decided a name for her already",mom said looking at Mahir.
"He must be having a list aunty,what say Mahir bhai?"Yuvi asked making everyone laugh.
"Actually I have many names in my mind,but Bela gets to choose a name for our daughter",I said.
"Ooohhh..always bowing for your women",Vish smirked and I blushed.
"OK..now please announce the name newbie mumma",Suhani said.
I looked at them all,they were waiting so eagerly to know the name of our little baby.
"God Bela..now you also don't say that you don't have a name in your mind",Vish said.
"No...I do have a name",I smiled.
"Hmm..then tell beta,we are waiting",Papa said kissing her little fist.
"Mahira...her name is Mahira Sehgal",I said and Mahir looked at me.
"Mahira..means quick,talented and an expert person,filling everyone around her with happiness.Mahira..my Mahir's Mahira",I smiled looking at her.
"Wow..such a cute name",everyone hooted.
Mahira moved a bit in her sleep and I giggled looking at her.Mahir circled his arms around me,
"Mahir's Mahira I see,her name is also beautiful just like her",Mahir said kissing her forehead.
"Yeah..my Mahir's Mahira",I smiled at him and his jaw must be aching because of a constant smile.
"Welcome to the family Mahira",everyone wished her,filling me and Mahir with happiness.
They all left the room giving me and Mahir privacy with our daughter,
"I was very happy hearing her name.I feel so..my heart is swelling with happiness looking at her",Mahir said taking her in his arm's and kissing her.
"My beautiful baby girl,my Mahira",Mahir said and hugged her to his heart.
"Thank you so much for Mahira,Bela.Thank you so much",Mahir said and leaned towards me.
I smiled and cupped his face,
"Thank you..for coming into my life",I said and he smiled.
He slowly joined our lips,starting off with a slow kiss.Full of love.
I moved my lips in a sync with his,sinking in the moment of pure love.
"I love you so much Bela..",Mahir breathed.
"I love you more Mahir,just don't forget me because now we have a daughter",I joked and he smiled.
"Are you insane?You think I will forget you?"he smiled and joined our lips again.
People mean their words and actions when they say it.But when it comes to prove them,they go all deaf and blind.
They never mean it!
Initial months were hectic for me and Mahir to take care of Mahira.Sumi maa was with us for two months and then she also left to US,as she was needed there.My parents helped us in taking care of Mahira for another month.
Both my parents and Mahir's parent's still work.I took a leave for few months during my pregnancy and still had a month of leave left.Yuvi and Vish were also staying in abroad for their studies.
They also got married last year and enjoying their life to the fullest.Having no choice,I choosed to quit my job for few year's for Mahira and Mahir.
Because Mahir can't quit his job,he was developing a project since last three months and he was needed in office.
By the time Mahira was four months old,we could take care of her all by ourselves.We got used to parenthood and cherished every moment with her.
But things started to fall apart slowly.Mahir was getting busy with his work,he was trying his best to give his time to me and Mahira.
In his work load,he missed many moments of Mahira.He was not there to cherish the moment when Mahira spoke her first word,when she started crawling slowly on the floor and many more moments which a father never wants to miss.
Mahira is connected to Mahir by heart,more than me.She stays whole day with me,but her heart longs for Mahir at the end of the day.
By the time he comes back to home,she falls asleep,even me.He used to leave even before Mahira wakes up,he used to give a good bye kiss to me and Mahira and leave.
He didn't knew how it was effecting me and Mahira!
"Bela di..",Suhani shook me.
"Nothing Suhani..I'll be alright",I said wiping my tears.
"Bela di..you can share with me..I won't say it to anyone",Suhani said.
"No..nothing,we will be fine.And tell me,did you and Vyom fixed any particular date?"I asked and a blush crept on her cheeks.
"We did decide a date for our marriage..and it's after three months",she said.
"Congratulations little sister..I'm so happy for you",I hugged her.
"Thank you di",she blushed.
"Di..come on,let's go downstairs.We came to tell you about this and you both were fighting by the time we came.Come on..let's go to jiju,he must be cooled off by now",Suhani said making me stand up.
I locked our door and we both got into the elevator,
"Did Vish call you?"Suhani asked.
"No..she called once after the court hearing.She said she will be coming the next month along with Yuvi",I said and she nodded.
I rubbed my temples looking at the kids playing in this playground.I was trying to calm myself by looking at them,which I'm doing since the time Bela left taking Mahira with her.
Sometimes Bela goes overboard.I know I snapped at her when there was no mistake of her's,but she should at least listen to me.She lacks that quality in her.
"Hey you dick head",I saw Vyom coming towards me along with Mahira in his arms.
"Dadda...",Mahira squealed climbing up on me.
"Ummahhh...",I have a long peck on her cheek and she giggled hugging me.
"Dadda you me and hulky pay...there..",Mahira was pointing towards the other children.
"Aww..we will play baby,what should we play?"I asked getting up and looking at all types of games in our apartment's playground.
"Hulky..we pay this..",Mahira shouted pointing at a small tunnel hut.
I laughed looking at it and Mahira also laughed along with me,
"You and your daughter are same",Vyom spatted making us both laugh.
Vyom,with a 6 feet height and hulk like body,do you think he will fit in a kid's tunnel?
"Dadda..there..we pay there..",Mahira said wiggling out of my hold.
She got on her feet and slowly walked towards the tunnel,I observed her pink shoes.I'm seeing them for the first time.And to my shame,I didn't even know that Bela purchased first pair of shoe's for our daughter.
"Dadda..see..",Mahira shouted coming out of the tunnel.
I smiled looking at her happy face.And at the same time,I felt a lump in my throat.
I missed many moments of Mahira.As a father I didn't even knew when my daughter started to walk,started to talk.But every time she calls me 'dadda',my heart swells.
Bela has taken care of her single handedly when I was drowning in work and ignoring them.
Regrets are very important for a person like me!
I saw Bela and Suhani coming towards us.They saw Mahira and smiled,Bela walked towards Mahira and played with her.
We three sat on the nearest bench and looked at them,
"Mahira is looking so happy",Suhani said.
"And I'm seeing Bela this happy after many days",Vyom said and I looked at him.
"What do you think Mahir?She will be happy without you?"Vyom asked.
"There was not a single day she didn't cry for you jiju.She cried because you affect her so much",Suhani said.
"I know I did a mistake Suhani..I'm trying to mend my mistakes.I also want to get back with her,I love her.But she has to change her attitude",I said.
"Don't talk about her attitude jiju.If she had shown attitude,you both would have already been divorced by now.The very next moment you both fought",Suhani said.
"You would not even get this second chance to get her back if she showed attitude Mahir",Vyom said.
"We all don't know what verbal spat you both had jiju,but now it's time you both should talk it out properly,instead of fighting like this",Suhani said.
The verbal spat!
The biggest thing which I will regret for all my life!
That day,not my actions but my words broke her.And she didn't say it even to her parent's about it.
I would feel so shameful if any of our family members got to know about it.
I'm sorry Bela,a thousand times!
"Mahir..we all know what you mean to each other.And we can see efforts from you also,but give her time to accept these things",Vyom said.
"Even she have six months Vyom.We both have eqaul time to mend things,she is not even ready to talk to me,she is flinching when I'm touching her also",I said looking at Bela.
She was laughing and playing along with Mahira and other kids.All other kids were making Mahira play and she was enjoying with her whole heart.
Bela looked at me for a second and then turned away focusing on Mahira.
"Jiju can I say something?"Suhani asked and I nodded.
"Perfect relationship is not that you never get angry,upset or irritated with each other.It's how fast you resolve and bounce back to normal",Suhani said helding my hand.
I looked at her and she nodded,
"Yes jiju,the faster you understand and forgive each other...the more healthy your relationship will be",Suhani said and I felt that.
It's not like I and Bela never fought.We did fight before Mahira was born,but they were small fights.Not a big misunderstanding like this.
"Yes Mahir,we know about you.You are an angry person,we agree.But when it comes to Bela..you were a teenage boy with no anger issues.Now don't push Bela into everyone's category and show your anger on her",Vyom said.
I nodded taking their words in.I and Bela have lot's of love in between us.But it slowly dissolved.I should make it back normal.I should make her feel loved again.
Just like our old days.
"Yes..I get it.I will talk to her again.I will not give up on her so easily",I smiled looking at her.
She laughed putting her hair stands behind her ear.Her peach color shrug hugging her,mixing with her skin tone where I didn't leave a spot where I haven't kissed.
I kissed and felt every inch of her body,kissed every mole on her body and same goes with her.We both had a very active sexual life before Mahira happened to us.
I blushed thinking about us and my cheeks warmed up.
"OK..angry bird is blushing",Vyom said and I smiled.
"Shut up.Why did you both come today?"I asked.
"What do you mean?We shouldn't come?"Suhani huffed.
"No..I didn't mean that",I said.
"Our marriage date is fixed Mahir,after three months",Vyom said.
"Man..congrats",I hugged him.
"Congrats Suhani..I'm happy for you both",I hugged her too.
"Thanks jiju,dad said he will call and inform you both.But we wanted to tell you both in personal..so we came",Suhani said and I patted her cheek.
"I'm so happy for you both",I said.
"And I just want to say one more thing jiju",Suhani said and I nodded.
"Never doubt her love towards Mahira,jiju.Remember that..she was there for Mahira when you were not",Suhani said.
"Suhani..stop",Vyom said.
"No Vyom..jiju has to know at least this.Jiju..don't go hyper on her regarding Mahira,she knows more than you about Mahira.So please..from.next time..don't snap at her for Mahira",Suhani said.
"You are right Suhani,I'm sorry for that",I apologized.
"Not me,apologize to your wife",Suhani said and I smiled.
I looked at Mahira and Bela,both clapping their hands.She held Mahira's hand and walked towards us.
We all got up and now we were walking Vyom and Suhani out,
"Suu..see..I payed with mumma",Mahira giggled and we laughed.
"My Mahira is very active",Suhani said kissing her cheeks.
I looked at Bela and she looked away talking to Vyom and Suhani,
"Yeah..I had mom's missed call.I will talk to her",Bela said.
"And yeah Mahir..did Yuvi call again?"Vyom asked.
"Yeah he did..",I was talking and I heard Bela screaming.
"Mahiraa...",she shouted and we snapped our heads in that direction.
Mahira stood still,a man with bike approached her and thank God he pulled a sudden break.
Mahira walked away from us when we were talking.
"Mahira..",we shouted and ran towards her.
"Mahira..baby",Bela said taking Mahira in her arm's.
"Can't you see..she is a little kid..and kid's are playing around here",Bela shouted on that man and started hitting him.
"Bela..Bela stop",Vyom and Suhani took Mahira from her.
"Bela..baby..stop",I said helding her hands.
"Are you mad?You have to take care of your kid and this is a parking area.How can she play here?"that man shouted.
"You rascal..she will play here only,she will play here only.What's your problem?"Bela shouted hitting that man again.
"Bela..Bela stop..",I said pulling her back and locking her in my arm's.
"She was walking here Mahir,can't he see her?What if something happens to her?"Bela shouted trying to get out of my hold.
"Bela..calm down..shhu..calm down",I hugged her tightly from behind.
"We are sorry..please look around and drive here",I told that guy who was looking angrily at us.
"Why are you apologizing Mahir?He should apologize to us,he was going to hit Mahira",Bela shouted,tears streaming down her face.
"Security",I shouted helding Bela tightly in my grip.
"Put the kid's zone board over here.Why do we pay for maintainance here?"I barked at him.
"Sure sir..we are sorry for this",he was scared to death.
"Please look around and drive,we are sorry for this.Please leave",I apologized to that man.
Mahira hid her face in Suhani's neck,closing her ears.
"Bela..calm down..Mahira is fine..she is fine",I rubbed her shoulders and kissed her head.
She came out of my hold and took Mahira in her arm's and kissed her forehead,
"Vyom..you both leave.I will take care",I said and they both left.
We were still standing in the parking lot along with that man,
"Look..I'm sorry,it was not intentional to run into a small girl.I'm also sorry",he apologized and I nodded.
"Get out from here..get out",Bela shouted rubbing Mahira's back.
That guy gave another look and started off his bike,leaving the area.
"Bela..stop..",I shrieked when she was going to throw a stone at him from behind.
I took Mahira in my arm's and held Bela's hand tightly,
"Bela calm down..he left,calm down",I said circling my hand around her shoulder.
"He tried to hurt my daughter",Bela shouted and I rubbed her shoulder.
"Bela he left,nothing happened to Mahira.Come on",I said and started walking towards the elevator along with her and Mahira in my arm's.
This is the love she has towards Mahira and how did I think Bela was irresponsible?
Hey guys!
Don't know,I personally liked this chapter.
Just saying!
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