"Mumma..see quack...",Mahira squealed looking at the little ducklings.
Yuvi and Vyom and brought number of little yellow ducklings,stacking them in the open cabinet they made for her in this room.
"They are so cute like you only baby",I said kissing her cheek.
Yuvi,Vyom,Vish,Suhani and Mahir were preparing her room from morning.Painted the whole room yellow in color,fixed her bed,crib,pasted all stickers,glittery lights and her most favorite,ducklings.
I wonder what will she do with so many ducklings,
"See quack..yell..yell..",Mahira was saying.
I was making her eat while she was looking at them working in the room,
"Mahira..last one baby,come on",I said helding her.
"No..mumma..noo..",she turned her face away.
"Mahira..if you will complete that,we will play with all these ducklings",Vish said.
"Mumma..aaaa...",she opened her mouth and we laughed.
"Hmm..good girl",I said making her eat the last morsel.
She ran immediately towards them,
"Dadda..",she ran towards Mahir waving a duck in her hand.
I don't know from where she got these ducklings madness,all because of Suhani only.She used spend a lot of time with her,watching ducks videos and pictures.
"Careful baby",Mahir said taking her in his arm's.
I walked towards them and wiped her mouth,
"Don't you want water Mahira?You are running",I said giving her little water bottle to her.
She took the bottle and started drinking,
"Slowly baby",Mahir said wiping her mouth.
"Mumma..over",she said throwing her bottle across.
And these people bursted out laughing,
"Mahira..what is this?You and your excitement",I said.
"She is so excited for her new room,right Mahira?"Suhani asked and Mahira nodded smiling.
"And she is so small,how will she sleep alone from now onwards?"I asked them.
"Don't worry,we installed baby monitor.She won't disturb your romance from now onwards",Yuvi said and I was red.
"Yuvi..shut up",Mahir said.
After some final touch ups the room was completed,
"Wow..this is so beautiful",I said looking around.
"There are total 275 little ducklings Bela,keep a count on them",Vyom said.
"What?275?"I was shocked.
"Don't you think they are so less?"Mahir asked.
"Mahir..",I said and they all laughed.
"Come on Bela,she loves them.We did our best for her,and look.It worked",Yuvi said.
"Indeed,it's beautiful.You liked your new room baby?"I asked Mahira.
"My..my..",she was shouting in excitement.
"Such a beautiful room",they all sighed looking at it.
"Thank you guys,you people did all this",I thanked them.
"We love our Mahira,and we don't want her to disturb your romance",Vish said wiggling her eye brows.
"Vish..shut up",I said and Mahir looked at me with a smile.
Mahira was so happy that she forgot about our fight,she was normal again.Talking to me and Mahir normally again.
"Mahira..naanu and naani are calling,come here",Suhani said.
She went to Suhani and sat on her lap,
"Hello Mahira..",I heard my parent's voice.
"Naanu..naani..",she said.
"How are you baby?We are missing you so much",my dad said.
"Naanu..see quack..",she said coming out of Suhani's lap and we laughed looking at her.
She took her phone and walked to her new room,
"Dadda..duckkyy..",she shouted looking at Mahir,the room's door was closed.
Mahir smiled and went towards her,he opened the door and went inside,
"Naani..see..all quacky..Maiia's..",she squealed looking around the room.
"Wow Mahira..they all are so cute,just like you",my mom said.
"See..yell..yell..",she was trying to say.
"Say yell-ow..yellow",Mahir said taking her in his arm's.
"Yell-ow..yellow",she said and we clapped.
"Now tell naanu and naani,which color is it?"Mahir said helding the phone for her.
"Yell..yell....yellowww...",she said and we laughed.
"Yes,yellow color.Very good Mahira",my mom said.
She was talking to them,showing her new room in excitement.They hanged up after sometime and now she was watching rhymes in her iPad silently.
We all had lunch and were sitting along with her,
"So how's everything in the company going?"Mahir asked Yuvi and Vyom.
"You don't know?"Vyom asked.
"No,dad sends me only statistics.I won't work for some time",Mahir said.
"Don't worry,everything is going good Mahir bhai",Yuvi said.
"And mom and dad will be coming here next month,they said they will call you both today",Vish said.
"You guys didn't say anything about our fight na?They will be worried",Mahir said.
"They will be worried Mahir bhai,that's why we didn't say",Yuvi said.
"Bela di,we are not here to make you both feel guilty.You are understanding the situation right?"Suhani asked and I nodded.
"We thought you both were doing good,and then we saw you like that..boom",Vish said.
"And why were you both fighting that day?"Vyom asked.
"Bela was going to give cough syrup to Mahira,she was crying.And I was stopping Bela",Mahir said.
"Mahir bhai..why are you like this?"Yuvi said and I giggled.
"What?Did you say anything?"Mahir asked.
"Hmm..no,nothing",Yuvi said and I smiled.
"Ughm..Bela..we were thinking about fair na?"Mahir asked and I smiled.
"What fair?"Vish asked.
"That..there's a fair going on,we thought to take Mahira,along with you guys.Now you and Yuvi also came,we could go",I said.
"So that I can spend some time with Bela",Mahir said and I parted my lips.
Everyone were hooting for us and I was cherry red.
"Wohhoo..so that you both can have some alone time",Suhani smirked.
"Not alone time Suhani,fun time..Mahir bhai and Bela BABHI can have some..couple time",Yuvi said.
"Yuvi...",I was a blushing mess.
I forgot how to blush,and here I am.Blushing again.
"Yes..yes..when is this fair?"Vyom asked.
"It already started,we can go at any time",I said and Mahir smiled looking at me.
"Cool then,we will go tomorrow.Mahira we are going to fair tomorrow",Vish said.
"Fay?"Mahira blinked.
"Yes baby,we are going for outing tomorrow",Yuvi said.
"Yayyy...",Mahira squealed in excitement.
"OK then,we will come tomorrow again.Until then take care",they said getting up to leave.
"Mahira baby..we will come tomorrow again,bye",Yuvi said kissing her forehead.
She cupped his face and pecked his cheek,
"My baby",Yuvi said hugging her.
"Eyy..she is my baby",Mahir said.
"So what?That means she is my baby also,am I right Bela?"Yuvi asked and I nodded smiling.
"She is my baby,you can have your baby and kiss them",Mahir said possessively and we laughed.
"Yes madam,you can also have kids",I said looking at Vish,and this girl was blushing.
"Oh blushing?We can expect good news soon?"Mahir asked putting his arm around her shoulder.
"No..not now Mahir bhai,stop",Yuvi said.
"Yeah..not now at least",Vish smiled.
"Mahira..you need a brother or sister to play?"Mahir asked and Mahira nodded.
We laughed,making them both blush.
"See,Mahira also need a brother or sister,you better start working on it",I said looking at Vish.
"No thanks,you guy's can make another baby.Elders first",Vish said.
This girl!
"Shut up",I said and she was smirking at me.
"Don't worry Mahira,we will give you a sibling to play",Vyom said.
"What?"we all were shocked,making Suhani red.
"Vyom..what the...shut up",Suhani said and we laughed.
"At least wait till your marriage bastard",Mahir said.
"Jiju..stopp..",Suhani shrieked,making us all laugh.
"I was just kidding",Vyom said.
"Enough now,go.Mahira should sleep",Mahir said kissing her hairs.
"Yes yes we will go,make her sleep and continue your romance",Yuvi said and I smacked his shoulder.
"Bye bye,meet you tomorrow",they said and left.
We were happy today,Mahira was so happy.
"Mumma..quacky..",she was pointing towards her new room.
We smiled and went near her,I took her in my arm's and made her sit on my hips,
"You liked your new room na baby?"I asked.
"Yayyy...",she smiled nodding.
"Now time to sleep,in new room?"Mahir asked caressing her cheek and she nodded.
But I'm still scared for her,she never slept without me.
"Mahir..she never slept without me",I said looking at Mahir.
"Don't worry,we will make her sleep.Then in her room",Mahir said taking her in his arm's.
I nodded and went along with them,Mahir went to our balcony,sitting on the swing.
"Mahira is so tired today,sleep baby",Mahir was rocking her to sleep.
She hugged him and was slowly drifting to sleep.I sat beside Mahir and kept my hand on his bicep.
I stopped rocking Mahira when Bela kept her hand on my bicep,I gulped and looked at Bela.
This look on her face,I know it.The comforting she needs from me.
"Ughm..dadda..",Mahira groaned.
I snapped out and patted her back again,
"I'm here..go to sleep Mahira",I rubbed her back looking at Bela.
Bela smiled looking at me,a small smile.She rubbed my bicep and I sighed at her touch.
"I..I will make Mahira sleep in her room and come",I said and Bela nodded.
She kissed Mahira's head and I got up,walking towards Mahira's new room.
My heart leaped into my mouth just now!
I made Mahira sleep in her crib and a kept a blanket over her,until her neck,she was sleeping peacefully,
"Mumma wants to talk to me Mahira",I whispered looking at her.
I kissed her forehead and smiled,
"Good night baby,I love you",I said and switched on the baby monitor.
I closed her door and went back to balcony.I want to talk to Bela so badly,take her in my arm's and comfort her.
She was standing showing her back to me,her hair flying in all directions.I smiled looking at her back and stepped forward.
I tried my luck and kept her hairs aside,and now she was aware of me behind her.Her ragged breathes were telling me.
I sneaked my arm's around her waist and she relaxed leaning onto me.She kept her hands on my hands,which were on her stomach,
"You wanted to talk",I whispered in her ear's.
"Just stay like this Mahir",she said resting her head on my chest.
I closed my eye's and gave a small peck on her cheek.She had a smile on her face,eye's closed.
I made her turn towards me and held her chin,
"Bela..look at me",I said helding her jaw.
She still smiled,eye's closed.A smile automatically crept on my face.
I fell for this beautiful smile of her's.
"Baby..look at me",I said and she opened her eye's.
Being called BABY has a positive effect on female brain,causing instant emotional stress relief.
"I am not Mahira",she said and I smiled.
"I know,but you are Bela.My Bela",I said cupping her face.
She was blinking back her tears,I held her hands and walked towards the swing,
"Come",I said.
I sat on the swing,she was going to sit beside me but I pulled her on my lap and she gasped,
"Mahir..",she gasped.
"Comfortable?"I asked and she looked away,blushing.
"Yes..comfortable",she said looking at me now.
I smiled and made her sit properly on me,she circled her arms around my neck,resting her head on my chest.
"I..I wanted to be like this..from so long",she said doodling on my chest.
"I know,and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you",I said kissing her head.
"I went through a lot Mahir..alot",she said and I felt a pang in my heart.
"I know Bela..I know",I said rubbing her back.
"I needed you..I needed only you at that time,no one else",she said.
I was just listening to her.
"All those months,Mahira..only she was there for me.I didn't have you..I didn't have your shoulder to cry myself out Mahir",she said helding me tight.
"I know,I was stuck..I was helpless and I'm sorry for it",I said.
"Stuck?In between what Mahir?"she asked looking at me.
Her cheeks wet with tears,breaking my heart.
"Bela...",I wiped her tears.
She hugged me back again and rested her head on my chest,I was rubbing her back.
We were silently sitting,hugging each other.I missed her like this in my arm's.
"I missed this too Bela,having you like this in my embrace",I said.
"Really?"she looked at me.
"All these three months..I was in a living hell Bela.Without Mahira..without you,without you beside me..I was feeling dead",I said and she sobbed.
"And all those months,where you were with us just mechanically,but not emotionally.I..I felt worse",she said letting out a small cry.
She hugged me tight and sobbed in my neck,I was just rubbing her back to calm her down.I didn't know how to apologize more to her.
Because whatever I did,no one will forgive me ever.
Bela's love is now over powering her anger!
"Bela..look here",I said.
She looked at me,I caressed her cheek with my hand,
"Bela please..I am not able to see you crying like this..please..I can't see more",I said,my voice breaking.
She wiped her tears and rested her head on my chest again,
"You remember?During our collage time,when you were down with flu?"I asked rubbing her back.
"And my family was away,out for my dad's..dad's work",she said.
"And I was with you in your home for a couple of days,taking care of you",I said and she smiled looking at me.
"Lying in your home that,you were going on a trip with your friends",she giggled and I smiled.
"Those two days with you taking care of me,I never felt that better",she said.
"You..you couldn't stay without me even for a day,you used to sneak into my room daily",she giggled and I smiled nodding my head.
"Not a day,I couldn't stay without you even for a single second Bela",I said.
"Then how could you be all these months Mahir?Without me?You never thought about me?"she asked,her lower lip wobbling.
"I was in a fix,the project which my dad dreamt off,since many years.We got a chance to prove ourselves in that project,I had to do it.For dad,for our company",I said.
"And being away from you,my newborn baby..I knew how much I missed you both.I missed all Mahira's moments as a father..it was killing me",I said.
"It was not easy for me also Bela..it was not easy",I said and she cupped my face.
"The first time when I heard about you crushing on me..in collage..",I cut her off.
"It was not a crush,it was love at first sight Bela",I said.
Her cheeks made a pink a hue look.
"I fell in love with you...the moment I saw you,your eye's,your smile..they captivated me in your spell..and I'm still stuck there",I said and she smiled,blushing.
"Everytime I look at Mahira,she reminds me of you,only you.Like..a little Bela in front of me",I said.
"Lier",she said.
"No..I'm not",I smiled.
"Mahira,she is a carbon copy of you.She is your female version,she resembles more of you,not me",she smiled.
"She is a mixture of us both",I said and smiled.
"She has gone on you,completely",Bela said and I laughed.
"All these months,I saw you in her Mahir,she is just like you",Bela said.
I made her sit properly on me and cupped her face,I bought her face close to mine and she closed her eye's.
I kissed her forehead,her cheek and rested my lips on her cheek.She curled her hands around my arms and her nails pierced my flesh.
I dragged my lips on her cheeks to jaw,leaving a soft trial of wet kisses.Our hearts racing a marathon with the gushing sensation of our harmones.
I kissed along her neck and smoothly sucked on her sensitive spot,
"Mahir..",she gasped.
She opened her eye's and I couldn't control myself,I fisted her hair and pressed her face into mine,our noses clashing,our breaths heavy.
I rubbed her lower lip with my thumb pad and they felt so soft,
"Bela...",I groaned.
She nodded and that's it.I pecked her lips slowly,and cupped her face.I moved my lips on her's slowly and sensually.
I kissed her,I kissed her after months and I was feeling epic.
I kissed her hungrily,smooching and nibbling her soft kissable lips,
"Mhmm..",she moaned in my mouth,raking her palms in my hair.
I bit her lower lip and she opened up for me,our tongue's clashed,teeth clashed,tasting each other.
A kiss which was needed for us in all these months.
A kiss of love!
We pulled back due to lack of air and rested our foreheads against each other.We were panting for air,just looking at each other.
I took her in my arm's and stood up,she held me tight.I lifted her up in bridal style and walked towards our room,all the time our eye contact intact.
I closed our room's door with the back of my leg.I made her sleep on the bed and hovered above her,our chest's touching each other's.
Tears were flowing from her eye's,with love and pain.I entwined our hands and kissed her forehead.I closed my eye's and rested my forehead on her's.
She still didn't forget what I said to her,and I understand.
It's not easy for anyone.
I kissed her one last time and slept beside her,she kept my arm around her torso and turned the other side,pulling me close to her.
I hugged her from behind and rested my face in crook of her neck,giving a small peck.
"Sleep Bela,leave your past on my pillows as you drift to sleep,in my arms...and we wake up as one",I said kissing her shoulder.
"Mhmm..",she hummed and nodded,helding my hand tight.
We both drifted to sleep in each other's arm's.The sleep we both were in need of!
Hey guy's!
I'm just so disappointed with the silent reader's.This is my third story and still you guys are reading it like a silent reader.And as it demands,I'm giving targets.
I'm so sorry my genuine readers,I love you all.Your reviews matters a lot to me,but sometimes I have to do this,even when I don't want to❤
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