Chapter Five
Authors message: Oh my… Xavier ran off again. What’s going to happen now?
Chapter five
I ran out of the house and ran all the way into the woods. I am just so scared, hurt, upset, angry and everything else. I just want to scream and get the hell out of there. I ran through the woods, my legs hitting every single branch on the ground. I stop in the middle of the woods crying. I couldn’t stop crying. Someone shouted my name. Who can that be? I am in the middle of the woods. I turn around and see Riaan standing there looking confused. “Are you ok?” She mumbled. I nodded and turned away. “You are not ok Xavier. What’s wrong?” She asked concerned. Will this girl just shut and leave for god sakes. “JUST LEAVE! I WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!” I shouted and screamed loud as I could. She flinched and started holding her ears. “JUST TELL ME WHAT’S WRONG?!” She tried to shout over my scream. But it was just like a whisper. I heard it loud and clear. “You want to know what wrong Riaan Huh?! I’ll tell you what’s wrong. I got rapped last night. Happy now?! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!” I shouted in her face. She lifted up her arms and clouds began to form through the sky. The rain started to fall. “When someone is depressed, they need rain. Rain is like tears.” She pointed out and She made it rain harder. “I am truly sorry what happened to you Xavier. But I know what it feels like. I know what you are going through.” She apologized. “What do you mean you know what I am going through? You have no clue!” I shouted. “I do Xavier…. Two years ago I was kidnapped and raped. I felt like my world was collapsing beneath me. I felt harassed. I felt like I was going into a shell and staying there. I cried for days, weeks, months. Then I finally learned that to get over it. The pain was done with already. I knew it was time to ignore the pain and move on from it. You need to do that also.” Riaan informed. She knew exactly what I am feeling right now. She was just like me. She knew the pain and the sorrow I feel right now. She knew everything. She walked closer to me and started hugging me. I just cried into her shoulder and she cried with me. She slowly made the rain fade away. “Come on, let’s get you home to Ryder.” She gestured and we walked back through the woods. Ryder… God I was so mean to him when I slapped his hand away. All he was doing was trying to comfort me through the pain. I shouldn’t have just pushed him away like that again. She drove me back home and made sure I would be ok. I nodded and she drove off. I walked through the door and Ryder jumped up from the couch. I ran over to him hugging him so tight and not letting go. “Never let me go.” I cried into his chest. “Never.” He promised me. He kissed my forehead and rubbed his fingers through my hair. He knew rubbings his fingers through my hair would comfort me. “I will find that guy who did this to you. I will kill that bastard.” Ryder added. I nodded and still hugging him. He picked me up and carried me up stairs. We laid in bed for hours and hours. My head still on his chest and his arm around me. I still remembered that I had Trey’s scent. I need to find him. I looked up and seen Ryder asleep. I gently slid his arm off of me and got out of the bed. I tiptoed downstairs and out the house. I ran through the streets smelling his scent. His scent is getting stronger and stronger as I reach a trail in the woods. Wait…. This is the trail to my father’s house….. This can’t be right. I reach the waterfall and hid behind a tree. I try to listen inside of the cave. “I am sorry Mr. Reed. I had to do what I had to do.” Trey informed. “I didn’t say to rape my son. He is an emotional mess because of you.” Dad pointed out. “You told me to do whatever it takes to get him under your spell so you can kill him and his friends. You wanted to drawl Xavier out. So I had to seduce him for that sir.” Trey pointed out. “True… But you hurt him. Only I can do that. Xavier is going to follow my footsteps soon and I can bet his life on that.” Dad informed. “You are always correct sir.” Trey said sincere. “Thank you. Go home and I will call you on what to do next time.” Dad demanded. Oh my god. Dad had been one step ahead of me the whole time. I ran from the woods and headed back home. I can’t believe this. It was really his fault. I unlock the door and walk into the house. I look over and Ryder is sitting on the stairs. “Where did you go?” Ryder asked. I gulped. “I followed Trey’s scent and it ended up being at my dad’s place. Turns out he is one step ahead of us and has been playing me this whole time.” I informed Ryder. His eyes widen and started to turn red. “You are not going to go after my dad. I have a better idea.” I smiled at him. His eyes turned back to the normal color and he turned to me. “Like what?” He questioned. “Why not play him harder. He can play hard, we just play harder.” I smiled at him. He started to frown. “And how you suspect us to do that?” He asked moving closer to me. “I will go make up with him first. That is the first step.” I winked. “Second step… Is getting closer to him. Third, that is when I drawl him out.” I informed and walked up the stairs. I began to think about what happened last night. Even though I can’t remember, I still feel the pain. The pain that will never go away, that no one can take over. I stripped down to wearing nothing and hopped into the shower letting the hot water roll down my back. Tears start to build up in my eyes again. Riaan was right. You just have to let it go and move on. Because this pain will take you down with it. Making you lose and the pain win. Because that is what the pain wants. The pain wants to win. It wants to take over your body. But I won’t let it. I push back the tears as hard as I could to stop me from crying. I get out of the shower and put on some clean boxers. When I walk out of my bathroom I see Ryder already lying in bed. I walk over and get in also. He opens up his arms and I scoot in laying my head on his hard chest. “Goodnight.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I smiled and everything went black.
Ryder wanted me to stay home today so I can rest. I agreed. But what he didn’t know I was going to go to see my dad and make things right. That is where I am on my way to now. I just wish he wouldn’t played me. I mean look what he made Trey do to me. That is just so wrong on so many levels. He is such a worthless father. I start walking through the path and make it to the cave. I knock on the door waiting for him to answer. He opened the door and stared at me. I faked crying and ran into his arms. It was a few seconds until he finally wrapped his arms around me.” I know you are just trying to be a better father. And I shouldn’t have blamed you like that. It wasn’t your fault. And I should have just stuck with the plan and not drunk anything at all. I love you dad. And I am so sorry for blaming you.” I cried out. I can hear is heart racing rapidly. “I love you too son, and I forgive you.” He said and I feel a tear come down onto my head. He is crying? What? What did I miss? “I’m sorry too.” He apologized. I pushed him away and looked at him confused. “For what?” I asked raising an eyebrow. “This.” He said and shoves a tranquilizer in my neck. Everything started to turn blurry. Then everything went black.
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