Chapter Eight
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Chapter Eight
I woke up early this morning, letting Ryder sleep. I got into the shower and walked down into the kitchen with only my boxers on. I started cooking breakfast. I put the eggs into the pan and Ryder wraps his arms around my waist and began to kiss my neck. “Good morning sexy.” I said and turned my head around to kiss him. “Well this is hot.” Shay says walking to the kitchen staring at the both of us. “How did you get in?” I asked confused “I have a spare key you know.” She points out and sits down at the island. Logan comes walking in from the bathroom. “Really how did you get in?” I shouted at him. “Shay let me in.” He smiles and sits down next to her. “You are getting muscular.” Shay points out. I look down at my stomach. Oh be damn. I am. Hell yeah! I turned back around and flipped the eggs. “Are we going to get food too?” Logan asked. Shay started laughing and so did Ryder. “I guess I am the kitchen bitch then.” I said irritated. I put eggs, bacon and toast on all of our plates and sat down. “Thank you chef Xavier.” Logan laughed. I rolled my eyes and started eating. “Yo bitchezzzzzz.” Jayden says walking in with Caiden. “How do people keep getting in my house Damnit? And why aren’t you all in school? I know I’m not going because of the competition but still!” I shout at them. “We had to see you race today. And make a complete fool of yourself.” Jayden winks at me. Stupid people keep coming into my house and I am going to scream. Very loudly. And we all know how that will turn out. Then here comes Sutton, Callum and Jeremy. I roll my eyes and walk out of the kitchen. “Who pissed in his cheerios?” Callum laughed. “I DIN”T HAVE CHEERIOS!” I yelled running up the stairs. “Here.” Caiden says and throws me a box. “What’s this?” asked confusedly. “Your outfit for the competition today.” He smiles and walks out. I opened up the box and a blue leather suit is folded nicely in the box. The same exact suit that guy was wearing but a different color. I put on the suit and it fits perfect but too tight. It shows off my scrawny body and my bulge. “No wonder girls love dirt bike racers. I heard a whistle from behind me. I turned around and Ryder is standing at the doorway with his arms crossed. “Does it look good?” I asked raising an eyebrow. “No it doesn’t look good…. You look sexy as fuck in that thing.” He winks at me. “Oh really?” I winked back. He walks over and pushes me against the wall. “Really.” He says and began to kiss me. I pull my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. I bit on his lip and pulled on it. He let out a giggle. “HEY!” Sutton jumps from the doorway. My heart literally just jumped from my chest and onto the floor. “Fuck you Sutton!” I shout. She starts laughing really loud. “I don’t fuck gay guys. Sorry. But nice offer though.” She winks and flips her hair and walks out of the room. Ryder starts to laugh. “What?!” I shout at him. “You get scared so easily.” He laughs harder. I gave him the death stare. “Well you know what? You don’t last that long in bed.” I shout at him and push him away. “That’s not what you said last night!” He shouted back. I put up my hand and flipped him off and walked down stairs. “Dang boy. I wish you was racing for me.” Shay starts to laugh. “Shut the fuck up and get out of my house.” I said sarcastically. She laughs harder. “What time is the check in?” I asked Caiden. “At 9. It’s eight right now. So we better get a move on.” He informed. “RYDER GET YOUR… Nice looking… ASS DOWN HERE!” Shay shouts while staring at me. I jumped off the couch and tackled her to the ground. “TAKE THAT BACK!” I shouted in her face. “FINE I TAKE IT BACK! Just because I like your ass better.” She winks and slaps my ass. “I hate you so much Shay.” I started giggling. “I know.” She smiles and walks out of the house. Ryder walks down the stairs and grabs his keys. “Let’s go.” I pushed everyone out and locked the door behind me. I got into Ryder’s car along with Callum and Sutton. “Where is your boyfriend out Sutton?” I asked looking back at her. “Yeah Sutton… Where is he?” Callum asked blinking rapidly at her. She reaches over and slaps the both of our faces. “He had business to take care of then he is going into school late.” She informed us. “Business?” Ryder asked looking confused. “Yes business. Ash is a business man.” She smiles and looks out of the window. “What are you not telling us Sutton?” I asked. “Nothing.” She says still looking out the window. “Sutton.” I kept calling her name until she answered me. “HE IS A DRUG DEALER! HAPPY NOW!” She shouts. “A WHAT?” Ryder shouts and slams on the break making all of us fall forward. “He is a drug dealer. He sells weed. His father is in this big business that grows and sells it. Ash doesn’t want to do it but his father makes him since he is young. He is less noticeable.” She informs us. Ryder shakes his head and starts driving again. “You can’t date someone who does that. You are only going to get caught in the middle of it Sutton.” Callum points out. Sutton ignores him and still looking out the window. I roll my eyes and turn back around. I reach for the radio and “I don’t mind” By Usher and Juicy J comes on. I reach for Ryder’s hand and he puts his hand into mine and smiles. His hands are so soft and warm. It’s like those doctors who hands are soft and cold. But his are soft and warm. He began to make circles with his thumb on my hand. His touch shoots electricity through my body making me have Goosebumps. We pull into the track and there is cars everywhere. Oh I hope I don’t get hurt today. We got out of the car and I watched all the people by their dirty bikes. Ryder grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him. “You’ll do well today. I’ll have Callum help out also.” He tells me. I smile at him and turn back to the crowd. “Is that him?” Shay asks pointing at the guy in all red leather. It must be him. I mean he has the same body style. “Let’s go sign in.” I told Ryder. We walked over to the tent to sign in. “Name?” Asked the lady sitting at the table. “Xavier Reed.” I responded. “Here you go. Get your dirt bike ready and the competition starts in less than an hour.” She smiles and hands me a sticker to put on my chest. I walk back to where everyone is standing by my dirt bike. “We have about an hour. Shay come with me.” I demanded and pulled her over to me. We started walking. “Where we going?” She asked. “Let’s go talk to arrow boy.” I responded. We walk to where he is standing. “Can I help you?” He asked turning to us. Does he have eyes in the back of his head or something? “I just want to wish you good luck today. I hope you win.” I frowned and walked away. “So you just wanted to say good luck?” Shay asked confusedly. I nodded. “Well alright.” She laughs. I stalk over back to Ryder. “What did he say? Ryder asked wrapping his arms around me. “I just said good luck and walked away.” I giggled. We all sat talking and laughing about everything until it was time to get ready. We walked my dirt bike over to the start line. “Good luck.” Ryder said and gave me a kiss. “Yeah good luck. You better win.” Everyone else says. “I’ll be helping….” Callum chuckled. “You are not allowed to do that.” I smacked his face playfully and hopped on. I put my helmet on and they all walked back to the stands. I look over and see that guy looking at me. I turned back and stared ahead. “Ready! SET! GO!” The guy with the flag yelled and I zoomed off. Everyone started to pass me. I let them all zoom past me and that is when I picked up my speed. I zoomed passed the 14th, 13th, 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th…. I went over the ramp and did a flip. The crowd cheered. I passed everyone else and right in second place next to red leather guy. I glanced over and nodded. We turned the corner and drifted at the same time. One more lap here we go. I picked up my speed and so did he. I went over the ramp and did a stunt. The crowd cheered louder. I finally passed him by going over top of him when I landed. I kept getting faster and cutting him off when he tried to pass. I zoomed across the finished line and people cheered. That was easier than I thought. First place. I took off my helmet and looked over at the red leather guy. He stared at me and drove back to his area. I got off and everyone came running. Ryder picked me up and kissed me. “I had no idea you were so good!” Sutton, Jeremy and Callum said at the same time. “I didn’t either.” I laughed loudly. The guy in the red leather suit came walking over. I turned to him and he approached me. “No one ever beat me before. You got skills. The name is Jace.” He said and put out his hand. I smiled and shook his hand. “Xavier.” I responded. “Let’s go grab something to eat.” I demanded. “I’ll be back.” I gave Ryder a kiss and walked with Jace. “Boyfriend?” Jace asked. “We are actually engaged.” I smiled at him. “Wow.” He looked confused. “What?” I asked. “I did not see you being a gay guy. I mean not being a stereotypical person, but I can’t believe a gay guy would beat me.” “Wow thanks.” I laughed. We sat down at the table by the food area. “Where do you go to school?” I asked. “I go to Heavens Woods High.” He responded. I looked at him in shock. “You go to my school? Why haven’t I seen you?” I asked. “I just started almost a month ago. Not many people know me or see me all the time.” “Oh. Now I feel like a jerk for not noticing you.” “Don’t be. I’m used to it. I’m usually the outcast. I eat lunch by myself and everything else.” “Well Jace… Not anymore because you are going to sit with me and my friends.” “I rather be a loner. I like it actually.” “I don’t care what you like. You are sitting with us.” I demanded. He nodded. “Oh FYI Jace, I know it was you who shot those arrows at the hunters.” I smiled at him. He looked at me in shock. “What do you mean?” He raise an eyebrow in confusion. “Don’t play dumb Jace…. We all know you are not getting anywhere with that.” “I don’t know what you are talking about Xavier.” “You are lying. One thing I know is when people lie. Don’t try to cover things up with a story. Now are you going to tell me what you were doing when you showed up?” I asked.
I can’t believe that guy beat me. I seen him around most defiantly yesterday when I saved there asses but how can he beat me? No one has never beat me before. How can he beat me? I walked over to where he was standing with his group. “No one never beat me before. You got skills. The name is Jace.” I said and put out my hand. He smiled and shook my hand back. “Xavier.” He responded. “Let’s go grab something to eat.” He say and turns around to his boyfriend I am guessing. He gave him a kiss and we start walking. “Boyfriend?” I asked. “We are actually engaged.” He smiles at me. I looked at him before saying wow. “What?” He asked. “I did not see you being a gay guy. I mean not being a stereotypical person, but I can’t believe a gay guy would beat me.” “Wow thanks.” He laughed. We sat down at the table by the food area. “Where do you go to school?” He asked. “I go to Heavens Woods High.” I responded. “You go to my school? Why haven’t I seen you?” He asked. “I just started almost a month ago. Not many people know me or see me all the time.” “Oh. Now I feel like a jerk for not noticing you.” “Don’t be. I’m used to it. I’m usually the outcast. I eat lunch by myself and everything else.” “Well Jace… Not anymore because you are going to sit with me and my friends.” “I rather be a loner. I like it actually.” “I don’t care what you like. You are sitting with us.” He demanded. I nodded into his demand. “Oh FYI Jace, I know it was you who shot those arrows at the hunters.” He smiled at me. I looked at me in shock. Oh shit. Act cool Jace. Act cool. “What do you mean?” I raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Don’t play dumb Jace…. We all know you are not getting anywhere with that.” “I don’t know what you are talking about Xavier.” “You are lying. One thing I know is when people lie. Don’t try to cover things up with a story. Now are you going to tell me what you were doing when you showed up?” He asked. I gulped. “You have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry to burst your bubble.” I responded and got up from the table. “I’ll see you around.” I said and ran off. He can’t know about my identity. I only save people from getting hurt. That’s all. I don’t want to tell him that. He doesn’t deserve to know. And that is the truth.
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