Chapter Sixteen
“Can you really talk and you’re not some kind of alien experiment? “ I heard a girl ask from behind me and I let out a sigh of annoyance.
“She can, now buzz off.” Becca said coming to my rescue and I gave her a small smile as the nosey girl walked away.
It’s been a week or so, the rumors eventually died down when they found something else to gossip about. Typical high school teenagers.
Still, random people kept trying to talk to me or get me to talk to them. Knowing I could talk didn’t change the fact that I didn’t want to, so like every other day, I ignored them. The only exception being Becca and Christian. The latter, I didn’t have much of a choice anyway.
“I will lose it if anyone else comes up to me.” I said shutting my locker.
“It’s the price you pay to be popular, especially with everyone thinking you and Christian are dating.” Becca chuckled.
“Don’t even get me started on that, I can’t count the amount of threats and death glares I’ve gotten from his fan girls.” I groaned.
“It’s not my fault how I’m so irresistible.” I heard Christian say as he came up to me slinging his hands around my shoulder.
“And he’s not helping matters, he’s just raising their suspicions even more.” I glared at him as I pushed him away.
“They already suspect so why bother hiding it.” He shrugged.
“Oh maybe because we aren’t actually dating!”
“Keep telling yourself that Gatita.” He winked.
Sighing, I gave up and turned to Becca who was watching us with amusement twinkling in her eyes.
“I don’t want to be late for class, see you later love birds!” She smirked before walking to class.
“I’ll get going too.” Christian said taking his books from his locker before he turned to me with a serious look on his face. “Seriously though, If anyone is bothering you tell me. They’ll have me to face.”
My heart warmed and I smiled. “I think I can handle on my own.”
He gave me a small smile before walking towards his class.
The bell rang from class and everyone rushed out of class. I took my time to pack my things up since I usually never go for lunch.
I spend my time in the library instead catching up on my novels. The cafeteria was usually too crowded and rowdy anyway.
Just as I walked out the classroom, I saw Christian waking towards me.
“What are you doing here?” I asked.
“I was looking for you, you always disappear during lunch.”
“I was in the middle of doing that.”
“I’m right on time then. Let’s go.” He took my hand.
“Where are we going?” I rose my eyebrow.
“Cafeteria, for a lunch date.” He replied.
“No way.” I said attempting to pull my hand back.
“And to meet my friends too.” He said his hands not budging as he started pulling me towards the direction of the Cafeteria.
“I don’t want to meet them.” I argued.
“They want to meet you. Besides, now you’re no longer the mute girl at school, we’ve got to bring you out of your shell and introduce you to society!” He said dramatically and I rolled my eyes.
“I’m quite comfortable in my shell.” I retorted as he turned to look at me.
“So you really won’t go and there’s nothing I can do to change your mind?” He asked.
“Nothing at all.” I dead-panned.
Five minutes later, I found myself maneuvering my way through the cafeteria while feeling more than a hundred pairs of eyes on me.
“Guys meet Kaylee.” Christian announced as I dragged myself to his lunch table where his so called friends were waiting.
I was currently mourning my wounded ego but a whole month of free chocolate was just too good to resist, plus no more homework for me. It was a good deal.
“Kaylee meet Aella, my cousin.” He said gesturing to a dark brown curly haired girl with Amber eyes.
She smiled warmly at me. “Hey! It’s so nice to meet you. We have AP English class together. We were in a group project together one time, remember?”
“Yeah, nice to meet you too.” I said giving her a small smile.
She was actually very nice and bubbly to everyone including me during the project, she reminded me a lot of Izzy.
“She really can talk!” a brunette guy seating next to her exclaimed, his dark brown eyes widening a bit in surprise as he stared at me.
“Shut up dude! That’s Jake, he’s a childhood friend. Warning, he can’t keep his mouth shut.” Christian said rolling his eyes at him.
“Sorry, I talk without thinking most of the time. Nice to meet you.” He said giving me a guilty smile.
“It’s OK, I get it. I’m kind of famous around here.” I joked laughing slightly.
“Last but not the least, Ryan. He’s also a childhood friend and he’s an asshole. Get off your phone.” Christian said glaring at the last guy who rolled his eyes and looked up at me.
His jet black hair that fell in front of his eyes and his dark clothes, the only thing that stood out in him was his bright blue eyes.
“Hey.” He said curtly before turning back to his phone.
I fidgeted with my sleeves not sure how to respond to that or if I should even respond.
“That’s how he is, I promise he’s nice when you get to know him.” Aella said breaking the awkward silence.
I nodded taking a seat next to Christian. Taking the sandwich from my bag that I usually sneaked to the library, I ate quietly as Christian talked with his friends.
They seemed very close but I couldn’t help but stare at Ryan. He barely talked or laughed along with them. How is he even their friend and what was up with his whole gloomy vibes?
Shrugging, I turned back to my sandwich. I shouldn’t care but he reminded me a lot of myself.
“So what’s up with you guys?” Aella brought up wiggling her eyebrows at us.
The question took me unaware so bad I literally started choking on air.
“I would also like to know.” a voice said as a girl came up to our table putting her hands on Christian’s shoulders.
There was no mistaken the melanin dark skin, dark eyes and the huge mountain of locs resting on her head plus the look of disdain etched on her face as she looked at me, it was Melissa. And Melissa was about to lose her hands if she didn’t get them off Christian.
Instantly the table went silent again and looking around, they all had irritated looks on their face. Good to know she wasn’t welcomed here.
I made a mental note to ask Christian about their history.
“What are you doing here?” Christian asked shrugging her hands off him as he turned to look at her.
Lucky her, she gets to keep her hands.
“It’s a crime if I come to see you?” she asked arching her brows at him.
“Whatever, I just came to remind you of our plans on tomorrow.” she said smirking at me. I turned to look at Christian, my blank face the opposite of what I felt inside.
“I can’t, I’m busy.” He said.
Busy, with what?” She frowned.
“Not what, who.” He said turning so his eyes were rested on me. “We have plans.”
I couldn’t help but smirk back at the gaping Melissa who walked away glaring at me.
Who’s laughing now?
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