[11] Throwing plates and double dates
[Soooo I really wanted Gwen to be taller than MJ, dunno why thought it would be cute. I didn't know what's Amandla's height but I though "okay she's probably not that shorter than Zendaya, imma just pretend she magically got few inches." Nope. Amandla is like, 1,6m... So I fixed the height in the chapters where I said Gwen was much taller than Michelle. Okay, that's it.
And yup, I changed the name of this fic, kinda wanted to edit it entirely... so...
It was a terrible idea, and Peter knew it.
He was aware that there were thousands of ways to fuck this up, to reveal his identity, to leave the city in danger and whatnot. Yet he still couldn't say no to the girl a night ago when she asked him for a favour.
He was waiting for her in one alley in their neighbourhood, overthinking things as usual. He wouldn't gain anything from this trip but he still felt the need to do it- to make her happy. Visiting her friend's mom probably meant a lot to her when she was so desperate she asked him to take her there.
Of course, the girl could just take a bus but it was way too slower, so by the time she would come home, it would be too late and her parents would already find out about her little trip. Plus, you don't have the bus that goes there every five minutes.
"Hey, I'm here." The girl said breathlessly. Peter wondered if she had been running to make it on time.
"You ready?" Spider-Man asked her, stretching his arms.
The plan was to swing out of New York city towards the small town where her friend lived. Of course Peter couldn't carry both of their weights entire time, so they would catch breaks here and there. He didn't want to ask for Tony's help even though the guy had plenty of ways to travel, because Peter knew Tony Stark wasn't that kind of person to waste his helicopter or plane on some unimportant girl.
"Yeah." She said, deep in a thought.
"Hey don't worry, you're safe with me." He smiled at her.
"I do know that, but I just feel kinda bad now because I know how hard this will be for you." She massaged her temple with two of her fingers, clearly frustrated with herself.
"Don't worry about me."
The plan itself worried Peter too, but he wasn't concerned for himself. He just hoped they wouldn't crash into something (even though he was pro at swinging with his webs) or that she would fall and the web he was planing to strap their torsos together would break. If it breaks (even though it was impossible for his webs to break that easily) then Bambi would have to hold for her dear life.
"Alright." A sigh escaped her lips as she moved closer to the hero, to his back. Peter shot a web out of his little device and carefully and neatly wrapped the strings around his torso and hers, connecting them together. When the work was done, she just wrapped her legs around his hips, as if he was giving her a piggy back ride, and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"You okay like that?" He asked.
"Am I okay like that? You're the one who has to carry me on your back like I'm your backpack!"
He chuckled at that. He was trying to keep calm since she was literally glued to his body. He could feel her little heartbeat. It was beating like crazy.
Deciding to not stay in the silence full of tension any longer, he shot webs at the first higher building he saw, and they swung into the air.
The girl's arms instantly wrapped tighter around his neck, and he couldn't say he minded.
Having her on his back didn't bother him at all. Sure, he was a little heavier but they were still moving through the air gracefully and quickly. Buildings and houses were passing by quicker than they would if you would be driving in the car. The wind was blowing against their skin and rushing past their ears.
Truth to be told, Peter was sad Bambi was literally glued to him and he couldn't purposely drop her just to scare her and then catch her mid air. He always wanted to do that, but it didn't matter. He didn't want the brunette to get a heart attack.
Having her face buried in his shoulder was enough to make him smile.
He was surprised the girl wasn't screaming and yelling like the first time, when he saved her while the store was burning.
She was probably more concerned now about other things, and he was one hundred percent sure her eyes were closed.
It was daytime, but his eyes searched around for the Green Goblin anyways. If that little incest decided to attack now, both of young teens were in very big trouble. He didn't know how was he supposed to protect her if anything happens.
Ned didn't know anything about this, so didn't May, or anyone.
After a while when the distance between the buildings decreased, what mean they were slowly getting out of the city, Peter caught a sight of truck driving out of the city. He carefully swung towards the vehicle and when they were low enough not to make a huge noise when jumping in its back, he let go of the web and both of them landed with a soft tud.
His webs would usually last for three hours, but Bambi brought a pocket knife. Carefully not to hurt any of them, she cut through the web. They both lowered themselves so the truck driver wouldn't see them.
"You okay?" He asked. Those were the first words spoken between them in over ten minutes.
The brunette beside him nodded. Her eyes were fixed on the blue sky above them and the clouds slowly moving through the air.
"Are you worried about something?" He made sure his voice was gentle, not pushy at all.
"Just worried about the conversation with his mom. She seemed very unstable the last time I saw her." She admitted truthfully, finally meeting the hero's eyes. Her eyes were big and brown, full of unknown questions and fear.
"It is going to be alright, I am sure of it."
"Thank you for doing this." The girl sighed sadly.
"It's no problem."
"I feel so selfish making you do this." Bambi sat up and pulled up her knees to her chest. "I didn't think at all about your responsibilities as... other you. I feel like I dragged you in my stupid teenage drama. I am so sorry."
"Where's all of that coming from all so sudden?" His eyebrows furrowed and he sat up from his lying position too. "You're not making me do anything. I wanted to do this."
"But you have more important things to do, right? Like, saving the city or your usual Avenger duties, whatever they are." She sniffled.
"Sure," he shrugged. "But sometimes even I need to do little things that would make me forget about all those responsibilities."
Girl's red lips stretched into a tiny smile at that.
"You know, sometimes I hate being Spider-Man." He admitted to her, earning a confused look on the girl's face. "It gets pretty lonely. You can't live both of your lives like you want to."
"What do you mean?"
"Avengers, like Tony Stark for example, they all have just one life. Everyone knows who Ironman is, and his life isn't separated because of it. Mine is. I have to live my life in fear someone will find out my identity." Peter never really talked about those things to anyone, but he felt like he could tell anything to Bambi Moody. "I can't have too many friends either. I used to like one girl last year, and she didn't know about me being Spider-Man. It gets tiring: disappointing all those people, because in the middle of anything and everything you just have to flee. People don't trust you anymore because they know you're keeping something away from them, and you can't tell them what."
"That really sucks." She told him. "How come no one can know who you are, though? Everyone knows who the Avengers are."
"It's different..." his voice trailed off. He was sure the girl figured out he was a teenager, but he didn't want to verify it by telling her he wanted to live normal life and have normal experience as teenager before telling the world. "Everyone treats you differently. I don't want that. Plus, I'd be putting people I care about in constant danger."
"I understand that. You would have to completely change your lifestyle." She said carefully, then locked eyes with the hero. "Look, I know you probably think I'm friends— if you can call this friendship anyways," she rambled, "—that I'm friends with you just because you're Spider-Man. I'm not. You're a good person and genuinely fun to have around. I'm one hundred percent sure we would be friends in your... other life."
And Peter smiled at that because they were. Peter Parker and Bambi Moody were good friends even when he wasn't Spider-Man.
"Yeah, I think so too."
They finally arrived at their destination.
The house Bambi's eyes wouldn't take off looked like it just came out of horror movie. Peter was sure it didn't always look like that, it was something the energy radiating off it.
Emptiness, sadness, pain and death.
And he wasn't exaggerating.
The garden in front of the house had few dead plants growing out of it. Tomatoes looked like they were rotting, and tulips looked like they hadn't seen water in ages. The fact that it was winter made the whole thing worse, because plants can't really grow out during cold times, what meant these plants were there since warmer weather. The tree next to the house was cut down.
There was a small dog house in which lied big Rottweiler with the saddest expression an animal could have. Its black fur was all brown from the mud and it looked sticky. The bowl for food next to its big paws was empty, and the bowl for water was completely dry.
The house wasn't too big. Things were thrown out of it all around it: old washing machine, closets, chairs, toys. It looked like the woman had nervous breakdown and threw all the stuff out of her house through the front door or one window that was entirely broken. The pieces of glass were still below it on the grass.
There were at least four trash bags sitting in front of the pavement, waiting for someone to pick them up.
It seemed to be colder there than in New York. The hero was actually afraid to let the girl go in that house all alone.
"This is it." The girl said in quiet voice. Her eyes were wide open, as if she wasn't trusting her eyesight either.
"Was it... always like that?" He asked her, pointing at the house.
"No." She simply answered.
Bambi took a big breath and just as she was about to take another step closer to the house that was still far away, Peter couldn't help but grab her wrist.
"You sure you don't need any help?" He asked. He was nervous to leave her with that crazy woman all alone. Who knows what could happen with just two of them in there, specially since the woman apparently wasn't emotionally stable.
"Are you worried about me?" She managed a little teasing smile.
"Of course I am."
It looked like she was a little taken back by statement. "It's going to be fine, Spidey. If anything goes down, you'll be right here." With that, he was forced to let go of her hand.
Without giving him a second glance, the brunette walked towards once happy home. Peter watched her carefully as she entered the little door in the fence that went all around the house. The dog raised its head as she entered and stood up on all four paws. The girl smiled at that, but didn't stop to pet it.
Peter shot his web at the nearest house and got on its roof, watching his friend from the above. He couldn't stop tapping his foot against the roof, his worrying making his skin itch.
Bambi rang a bell and patiently waited till the door opened. The boy wasn't able to see the woman's face, but he heard surprised: "Oh, Bambi! Come in!"
The girl smiled politely at the woman before entering the house, disappearing completely from the boy's sight.
It was quiet for a long time. Peter felt like he had been sitting on the roof for hours, if not longer, hugging one of his knees closely to his chest and resting his chin on the knee cap. There was no yelling or noise, nothing that could signal that Bambi was in danger, yet his Spidey senses still didn't allow him to rest.
No furniture was thrown out of the window. The silence was consuming, even the wind blowing against dry leaves could be heard.
Just as he thought things would go smoothly and just as a sigh of relief escaped his mouth, the dog suddenly raised his head towards the house and its ears twitched. Peter jumped on his feet.
Yelling. Lots of shrill yelling, words that the boy couldn't make out, but it didn't sound like Bambi's. Shouting and screaming continued on for a full minute, making every inch of Peter's nerve system twitch in worry and anxiety.
Then, a sound of something being smashed against the hard surface made crows that sat on the tree branches fly away in the hurry. The dog started barking loudly and howling. Peter was ready for action: he jumped down and was just about to run towards the house when the front door suddenly swung open.
"GET OUT!" The woman screamed and Bambi was pushed out of the house as if she was a teenage boy just coming out of the closet to his parents.
She wiped her cheeks and hurriedly walked out of the yard, the dog still barking as she passed it.
"What happened?" Peter asked as his eyes traced the girl's body if she was injured. "Are you alright?" He asked in worry as he got closer to the brunette.
"I'm fine." She sniffled. Her eyes were glued to the floor, as if she didn't want to look at the hero in the face.
"Bambi..." he trailed off once when his eyes landed on the deep cut slashed across the girl's cheek.
Bambi finally lifted her gaze. Her nose was runny and her cheeks were flushed. The brown eyes were full of tears.
"It's alright." She wiped her nose with her sleeve. "She threw a plate at me," she said with a bitter laugh coming out of her throat. "What can I say? That woman knows how to make her guests feel welcomed."
"Why did she do it?" He asked with a horror as he watched a drop of blood slowly running down her face to her jaw. "Did you say something offensive? Did you—"
The girl bursted in tears at that.
Gently, Peter grabbed the girl by her elbow. "Okay, let's get away from this place, yeah?"
Just a few minutes later, they found themselves on the top of the abandoned building that looked like no one went in there for years.
Bambi sat with both of her knees pulled up to her chest. Her ponytail was messy, as if she just came out of years long war, and the trace of blood on her cheek completely dried off. The cut still looked pretty fresh.
Her gaze was distant and eyes puffy. Her red nose was till runny.
They sat in silence. The only thing that could be occasionally heard was Bambi's sniffling. It felt like those calm moments before the storm.
"She's right," after a long time, she spoke in raspy voice. "It is my fault."
"How can you say that?" He asked. "It was his choice. It wasn't your fault."
"But it is," she let out a heartbroken sob. "I had known he was depressed for months. I knew he was getting through something. If I told his mother earlier, she could have found help. But I didn't. I didn't think it was a big deal. I never thought he was so unhappy that he would end his life."
"And that's exactly why it isn't your fault. You couldn't have known," he reassured her.
"Maybe if I wasn't so stupid and oblivious—" she began angrily.
"No, do not put yourself down." Peter said.
The girl just shook her head and looked away. She stayed quiet for a while, until she spoke up again. "My grandparents died when I was young. I suppose you don't know why."
"I don't."
"It was my birthday. My grandparents were around fifty something years old, so they were still working. I was spoiled little kid, and wanted them to visit me in the morning before school." She wiped a tear that was threatening to slide down her cheek. "My parents told me that my grandparents can't make it because they would be late for their work. I didn't listen.. I wanted to see them in the exact moment." She laughed bitterly. She looked so mad, so disappointed in herself. "Of course they could visit after my school and after their job, but I was stubborn. Grandpa had to drive super fast so they wouldn't be late for their job."
Peter could only imagine what happened next. MJ told him about Bambi's grandparents, but the story behind their deaths made the whole thing ten times sadder. He couldn't even guess what the young girl was feeling when she found out about it. It was her birthday.
"That day, I swore to myself I would never cause any more deaths. It was my fault they died. If they went straight to work, they wouldn't crash." She finished, and her expression darkened. "Now it happened again. Maybe I didn't cause it, but I could have prevented it."
It was funny, because Peter told himself that too when uncle Ben died. He remembered how he felt: full of sorrow and hate towards himself. He could never forgive, and he could never break his promise.
He moved closer to the brunette and without asking for a permission, pulled her in his embrace. She was all tensed up, but after a few moments she visibly relaxed. Her shoulder slumped and she fully leaned in the hug, letting all worries disappear. Peter moved his palms in small circles on her back, just holding her close as he sighed into her shoulder.
He didn't know how to make her feel better. There weren't any words that would make her think differently, he knew that because he was going through the same thing. There was no point in trying to convince her that it isn't her fault, because those words wouldn't get to her mind.
"Does the cut on your cheek hurt?" He asked quietly while they were still in hug.
"A little bit. It's not that deep."
"Do you want to go home?"
"Not yet. This is nice."
He smiled at that.
"Dude, where were you the whole morning?" Ned's voice came out of the other end of Peter's phone. "I called you like, ten times."
"Sorry, I was busy." Peter answered. He had just came home from the little trip Bambi and Spider-Man had, and he was tired.
"Anyways, I called you for some New Year plans," his friend gushed excitedly.
"Oh. We're planning something?" Peter winced. He wasn't expecting that, since the New Year's Eve was in two days. For him, it was a little too late to be planning anything. Plus, he was too afraid to be partying when the Green Goblin never really slept. If that guy didn't celebrate Christmas, he doubted he had anything to do on New Years's eve. "Ned, I don't know... you know I can't—"
"Gwen invited us." Ned interrupted.
"What? Why us?"
"Her little group and her are celebrating at her house. She wanted to invite MJ, so she said we could come along." He explained. "Anyways, more things went down this morning. I'm at MJ's, you should come. She's having a crisis."
"She's having a what?"
So it turned out Michelle Jones indeed was having a crisis.
She was lying on the edge of her bed with head hanging down. She looked like she had twelve hours a sleep and it still wasn't enough. She wore oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, her hair was all messy like lion's.
Ned was spinning in the chair, and was completely opposite. He had the brightest smile across his face and looked like a star full of energy.
"Oh, hey Pete, finally you join us!" He said happily, still spinning in the chair.
"What's up?" Peter nodded confusedly at his friend on the bed.
"Someone has a date tonight." Ned wiggled his eyebrows mid spin.
Peter's jaw dropped as he looked at Michelle. "With whom?"
"What do you think, genius?" Michelle groaned into her palms. "Gwen."
"No way." Peter found himself smiling.
"Yes way." Ned confirmed excitedly and jumped off the chair before clapping his hands.
Michelle groaned even louder and turned around so she was lying on her stomach, pillow covering her head.
"Why is that bad?" Peter asked, seeing the girl didn't seem to be too happy.
"Are you kidding? That's great." She sighed. "But I'm the problem. I can't do it."
"Of course you can." His eyebrows furrowed at the girl's statement.
"She's too scared." The other friend said. "She threw up when Gwen asked her."
"I can't do it." MJ repeated with green face, as if she was getting sick again. "You don't get how chill Gwen is."
"Hey, you're chill as well!" Peter reassured her. "When you... talk about death and all that..."
"Yeah, but I have no idea how to act around a girl!" She whined. "I can't face her all alone."
The trio was quiet for a moment after that, until the silence full of thoughts was interrupted by Ned's loud gasp.
"Oh my god, I know!"
"What?" The other two teenagers asked in unison, both confused.
"You said you can't face Gwen alone?" The boy pointed out, and Peter could see little wires turning in that boy's head. "So what if you don't have to?"
"What, you mean cancel the date?" Peter titled his head.
"Pff, you wish you had my mind," the boy grinned. "Double date."
MJ's eyes widened, and she suddenly sat up straightly. "That's a great idea!"
"Yeah, Mary Jane and Harry would definitely agree to it, I don't see why not." Peter shrugged.
"Not with those two." Michelle shook her head. "Mary Jane is apparently sick."
Suddenly, both pair of eyes were on Peter. Realisation slapped him across the face, and he knew what this would lead to.
"Absolutely not." He swallowed down, but his throat seemed dry. "Absolutely not."
"Why not?" Ned whined. "You like Bambi... and you two are cute together."
"Yeah but she's getting through a lot right now. We can't force her to go on a date with me."
The memory of Bambi'd heartbroken look in the eyes after Spider-Man dropped her home would definitely burn into his mind. No one deserved to be that sad, specially not people with such good hearts... but life didn't care about how good you are. Life isn't kind to anyone, not even to those who deserve it.
Her heartbeat during the ride home was beating slow against his back, almost too painfully slowly Peter was actually afraid the girl would pass out of sadness. She couldn't say a word without holding back a sob. The worst of it all, Peter felt so guilty, because he was the one who took her there. He was the one who agreed on her idea.
"Look, maybe that's exactly what Bambi needs, no matter if she likes you or not." Ned tried again. "Maybe she does need a distraction."
"I will text Gwen, but Bambi doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to," MJ added. "But if sue says yes by some miracle, would you go?"
A date with Bambi would be awesome, even if it was a double date. The only problem in Peter mind was that Bambi just lost a relationship (that was more than just platonic) with someone. He couldn't just fill that void. He couldn't be someone who's job is just to help her get over it.
"Yeah. I guess I would." He finally said, even though he wasn't sure if he meant it.
If he was ever gonna go on a date with Bambi Moody, it would be once when she was sure that's what she wanted.
Michelle ended up texting Gwen, and Peter went home, deciding it was no use just waiting for Gwen's reply at MJ's. He was positive he wouldn't go on a double date with Bambi anyways, since the girl would probably say no, and honestly, he was okay with that. This wasn't about him anyways.
It was afternoon and the boy was watching TV with aunt May, stuffing handful of popcorns in his mouth while lying in that kind of 'pass me remote' style, when the screen of his phone suddenly lighted up.
MJ: Bambi said yes.
Few popcorns fell put of Peter's mouth at that. He stared at his phone screen for what seemed to be forever. He didn't feel like doing flips in joy. He was terrified.
What was ironic because, it was only gonna be a double date because Michelle was nervous, but he never really expected Bambi to say yes. He was ninety percent sure she would turn them down, specially after what happened in the morning.
"May... I need your help."
So that's how they ended up doing same scenarios like they did before the homecoming. It was all last minute arrangement, and he needed to look good.
They both ran around their apartment, frantically searching for everything and anything. May was deep in the closet, throwing out clothes that were definitely not an option, meanwhile Peter took one quick shower and spent twenty minutes styling his hair (in the end, his hair pretty much looked the same).
He didn't want to be extra, because; was it really a date date or was Bambi just being supportive? Sure the real reason why she accepted the offer was because Gwen and MJ.
His nerves were getting to him. At least ten outfits were thrown at him to try out, and none of them really looked promising. They either looked like overdressing or too effortless.
With shaky fingers, they all arranged the time and place. They would meet at a sushi restaurant, nothing too expensive.
Since it was winter, Peter decided to wear white turtleneck and his casual winter jacket. He though about wearing his blue plaid shirt, but since that's the type of clothing he usually wears, he came to the conclusion it was too casual.
He sprayed his entire body with men cologne and fixed his hair for god knows what time when May warned him about the time.
"Don't worry, you look handsome." She gave him a wink as she rubbed his shoulders.
"Thanks, May." He straightened up as his chest rose up with a deep breath he took.
"Just watch out for the seaweed. It can get sticky for your teeth."
"Okay, got it."
May gave him a kiss on the forehead and wished him luck once again when the boy opened the door to leave. Once again he checked his phone before heading into the cold winter night.
Barely ten minutes later, he was at his destination. The small sushi restaurant. He wasn't sure if MJ ever even tried sushi. He guessed it wasn't her idea. It looked nice and cosy and wasn't too crowded.
He swallowed down thickly, quietly reminding himself Bambi wasn't doing this because of him. He wondered how come the girl even accepted the offer after a rough morning she had.
He spotted MJ in front of the restaurant, waiting. He thanked the dear lord that he wasn't late, but early.
"Hey, MJ." He barely managed.
"What's up with you? You sound like you just went though castration." She made a sour face and looked him up and down. "At least you look good."
Peter swallowed, even though there was barely salvia in his mouth.
"Nothing, just nervous. How come Bambi agreed to this?" He tried extra hard to sound normal.
"I was surprised too," she shrugged, them added, "no offence."
"None taken."
"Look, here they're coming. Stop being so nervous, you're making me nervous." Her body posture straightened up and she tucked a part of her hair behind her ear.
Peter inhaled sharply as the two other girls came in the view.
Gwen looked like a goddess. She wore emerald green turtleneck that fitted her body tightly, showing off the beautiful structure of her waist. That shade of green really looked good on her dark skin and black afro hair. Down her waist she wore black ripped skinny jeans that made her look a little taller and black boots with heels. Around her waist there was a belt with silver buckle. Over all of that, she wore beige coat and black scarf.
Bambi on the other hand, looked very lovely. She wore white cable knit sweater with wide collar, and plaid tight skirt. He wondered how come the girl wasn't freezing cold. On her feet, she wore black platform Doc Martens. Her chin and nose were tucked in a scarf and her ears were covered by a knitted hat with pompon.
After noticing her outfit, your eyes would immediately fall on her face, where a big plaster was taped over a deep cut she got that day.
"Hey guys!" Gwen greeted cheerfully like a little ray of sunshine. Bambi's lips just stretched into a little polite smile. Peter could tell she was still sad.
"Hello." He said breathlessly.
"Shall we go in?" The dark skinned girl ask as she took a step closer towards her date. MJ tightly pressed her lips together in response, obviously trying to keep cool.
"Yeah, let's go." She shrugged, desperately trying to keep her facade on.
The other girl flashed her a bright smile before heading towards the entrance, her date following along. They all entered the restaurant and found a table. Bambi and Peter sat opposite of the other two girls. The boy once heard someone say that when you're sitting opposite of a person you're with at a caffe bar or anywhere, really, your main goal is to talk. When you sit next to each other, you expect more of... physical contact. He didn't know wether or not that was true or not, but oh well.
Gwen and MJ instantly began looking at the menu, commenting their options with eyes wide, like they were little kids at the chocolate factory. Peter smiled at the sight. MJ didn't seem as nervous as she said she would be. She looked like her usual self, just a little bit shy.
"You gotta try this one!" Gwen pointed at an option on the menu, and their dialogue seemed to fade somewhere in the background as Peter fully focused on Bambi.
"What will you choose?" He turned to... his date... who wasn't really his date... but more like moral support to her friends...
"Oh... I don't know. Never tried sushi before." She admitted.
"I have, just once." He told her with a nod of his head.
"Is it good?" The brunette asked hopefully.
"Well, you will either love it or hate it."
"Great." She said sarcastically.
They took their orders and waited. The two girls were talking about everything and anything whole the time, laughing at each-other's jokes and often making a small physical contact: like when Gwen would playfully punch MJ's shoulders or lean in for just a few seconds.
Meanwhile, both Bambi and Peter looked like deers caught in headlights.
They would both observe the other two in awkward silence.
"And to say they needed moral support." Bambi quietly commented after some time, nodding at the two girls.
"Right?" He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Hey, thanks for doing this anyways. Michelle really was nervous today."
"It's no problem. I guess I need something to relax." She said with a small smile.
"How you doing, by the way?"
"Not very well, if I'm being honest." Her eyes glued to her hands that were clasped in her lap. Peter got a sudden urge to take that hand and squeeze it hard, but he didn't.
"You will get through it. I know you can."
"Thank you. You're so kind." She put one of her hands on top of Peter's as if she was reading his mind. Her hand was cold, refreshing, her palm smooth and gentle. The cooling contact was gone as fast as it appeared.
"So, you guys celebrating New Year with us?" Gwen suddenly decided to added the two in the conversation, looking at MJ, then at Peter.
"I just heard about it today, but sure, why not?" Peter shrugged. "We never really make plans."
"Yeah because you're always like, too busy." MJ rolled her eyes. "You always have to flee somewhere."
That made Peter's heart drop to his stomach. Bambi was already suspicious of him, but now Michelle talking about him always leaving and fleeing was literally the definition of what he told Bambi earlier that day, and he was terrified the girl would connect two and two.
"Yeah, the Stark Internship never really allows me to rest." He quickly said, hoping the girl would cut it off.
"That's sad. I hope you wouldn't get called in the middle of the New Year celebration." Gwen said just as the waitress arrived with their sushi.
Peter really hoped the Green Goblin wouldn't decide be in his manic state on New Year's Eve. He also hoped he wouldn't just confirm the statements made by MJ by having to flee from this double date as well.
Bambi was looking at her sushi as if it was threatening to kill her. Gwen took picture of it first, them dug in like it was the greatest thing in the world. Bambi fumbled with the chopsticks, but she couldn't properly hold them, so Peter demonstrated to her.
After few moments, she finally got it right, though still looked unsure.
Peter decided that double date was basically just group of four hanging out together, and that was it. Sure, the term 'double date' did seem bone thrilling and something unforgettable, but it wasn't a big discovery for an individual. He enjoyed hanging out with this group, and all nervous feelings faded away pretty quickly after Gwen made them talk all together.
Though it would probably be different if the two pairs were actually in relationship- there would be more physical contact, but nothing else.
"You two would be really cute together." Bambi said lowly at some point after finishing her sushi when MJ went to the restroom.
"You guys would too." Gwen smiled at her friend.
Bambi smiled too, but she looked too deep in a thought. She didn't look uncomfortable or sad, just as if her mind was wandering somewhere far.
Peter pressed his lips tightly at Gwen's statement as he tried to suppress a smile. Bambi's friend approved of him, and he was glad.
After paying, they walked around the park all together, just talking about anything, mostly about plans for New Year's Eve, and how fun it would be with the seven of them. Bambi still looked distant, but she did crack a little smile at MJ's jokes.
Peter noticed Gwen and MJ were holding hands while they walked, and he was happy for his friend, meanwhile his hands were tucked deeply into his pockets, freezing from the cold weather.
"Are you cold in that skirt?" He asked Bambi. Her cheeks were red and her nose was a little bit runny.
"I will survive, don't worry." When their eyes met, she smiled.
"I wouldn't want you catching a cold just two days before New Year celebration." The boy said and gently pushed his shoulder against her in a teasing way.
The shorter girl just chuckled at that.
After a while, they all went to their homes. Peter decided to walk Bambi all the way home, since they did live in the same neighbourhood and he was afraid to let her walk home alone at the cold night.
While they walked, they were having a small conversation.
"Listen, I know what you're probably thinking," the brunette began. "That I'm doing this... for some kind of shortcut to get over my... friend, or some kind of rebound..."
He did indeed though about that, but knew it would never be her intention to hurt anyone. He kept his mouth shut, waiting for her to continue.
"I'm not." She exhaled. It was so cold Peter was able to see her breath exiting her mouth. "Yeah, I did this because it's been rough lately and I need something to distract myself, but I also did this because I wanted to. I like hanging out with you. You're kind, fun and caring, and I am glad I went on this... double date." She finished, trying to avoid Peter's gaze at all costs. It was obvious she was feeling nervous.
The boy's heart jumped out of his chest.
"Okay. I am glad you went too." He decided, still being too happy to form anything more than that.
They reached the girl's doorway, and for a moment they just stood there, looking at each-other in comfortable silence that was interrupted by Bambi's sneeze.
"Look's like you are cold after all." Peter chuckled.
"Maybe a hug would warm me up." Bambi suggested shyly, and the boy's heart did double flip, even though it wouldn't be the first time hugging her. However, he obliged and with the biggest smile stretched across his lips, pulled the smaller girl into the best hug he could give, full of warmth and genuine love.
He could feel her relaxing in his arms, and deja vu washed over him.
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