Whatcha talkin' about?
'Everyone is acting so strange, why is that? And shouldn't I be included?' Everyone and I already left the restaurant and went home. I was so deep in thought about everyone else, I didn't realize my older sister was speaking to me. "Hello? Hello? I am about to smack you sis, listen to me!" I looked at her in surprise "Oh! Hey Zoe, what's up?" She looked at me, mad but then pouted. "You have been spacing out ever since you came back, it is movie night with your big old sister." She paused and looked away "But if you don't want to do movie night, it's oka-" "No! no no, I just have something on my mind.." Zoe turns back at me. "Movies can wait then...What's on you mind?" She sits down right next to me, while looking at me with worry.
I give a small smile, then sigh. "Everyone at the restaurant was acting weird, they gave me looks and glances, I don't know what's going on, I asked Zane, but he just shrugged it off, which makes me feel like there is something going behind my back. Do you know what's happening ?" Zoe thinks for a second, after I asked. After a while she shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "Got no clue. But it must be important for you not to know." "What? What could be so secretive for me not to know whats going on?" I look at her, like I was going to get some answers out of her, and she just hugged me. "Hopefully this all rolls over, but in the meantime, detective Zoe is on the case." I smile. It was quiet until Alex breaks my door and yells "I AM HERE!! TO HELP MY SISTER WITH THE INVESTIGATION!" Zoe then threw a light shoe at him "YOU'RE TOO LOUD!!" "SAYS THE ONE YELLING BACK AT ME!!"
----- 2 hours later -----
'Two hours....They have been chasing each other down for..TWO HOURS...' I am sitting on the couch in the living room watching the two grown babies fight. It was almost 11pm. I bet the neighbors are still awake or ready to file a complaint for distribution in the middle of the night. I decided to stop the fight. I went to the kitchen, opened a new tub of Ice Cream, and yelled still facing the counter with the ice cream "WHO WANTS ICE CREAM?!" Silence. Then suddenly footstep start rushing at me from behind. I turn around and the twins were standing right there with smiles, as if the fight never happened. I roll my eyes a sigh. "You two are children..." we all had ice cream and watched movies for the rest of the night. Zoe and Alex said they'll get to the bottom of everything, and I trust them to figure it out.
A/n: Yea its short but hey its done...later than expected...I went to a wedding yesterday and I am now...dadada da! SICK! yay! But anyways I'll leave you alone.
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