Yeosang is taken aback because of his soft voice, he hopes Wooyoung doesn't see him visibly gulp. There is suddenly a dull ache on his arm but he doesn't pay attention to it since Wooyoung is all that is in his mind.
Unable to speak, Yeosang just nods, and watches him walk away to his table where he sat, waiting. He takes another order then begins to make them both. Taking a deep breath, he clams himself down, unsure of why he felt so nervous.
He could speak to Wooyoung today, hoping to be friends because he likes talking to San and Mingi. Once he finishes up the drink, Yeosang makes his way to him, his hands shaking for some reason. Sure he was shy when meeting new people but he's never been this nervous to the point that it had physical affects.
With his tired manner and his arm feeling slightly painful, Yeosang is not in the right condition to serve as he takes large strides to Wooyoung, eyes fixed firmly on the guy, that he doesn't realise someone's bag on the floor and stumbles slightly when approaching him, enough for the drink to tip and spill over Wooyoung's legs.
"Oh my gosh I burnt you!" Yeosang panics, this is not how their encounter was supposed to go. He repeatedly says sorry and hands him napkins to wipe his legs.
However, Wooyoung doesn't even flinch in pain despite the fact that he had been burnt, and he doesn't bother to wipe himself when he was handed the tissues.
His arm hurts way more and the drink didn't even touch his arm. Then it clicks.
Wooyoung snaps his head up sharply and stares at Yeosang, shocked, mouth wide open. Yeosang looks at his surprised face and apologises again, thinking he never wants to see his face again. He inwardly facepalms.
"I'm so sorry, I'll get you another drink for free, I'm not usually this clumsy... wait one minute I'll get a new one"
He turns around to quickly make a new drink but what Wooyoung says next makes Yeosang stop in his tracks and abruptly turn to him.
"Im pretty sure we're soulmates" He says, still staring at Yeosang, slowly lifting his sleeve to show his forearm, displaying 'Oh my gosh I burnt you!' Which makes Yeosang cringe at his embarrassing actions. He did not want that to be said on his soulmates arm.
In a daze, he also lifts his sleeve to show the words on his aching arm.
Wooyoung had always been skeptical about the words written on his arm. After reading them for the first time, he had become terrified of burning himself, always staying away from all things hot. It came to a point that people became worried for him, he even refused to move out for university just so he didn't need to cook, even after years, he is still afraid of burning himself.
The room feels silent as the two stare in shock. Yeosang can't believe it. Time stops as his life flashes before his eyes, thinking back to all those days he had put so much effort into finding his soulmate, all those days he'd come home disappointed and lonely, seeing others with their other half, all Yeosang had wanted was to be with someone and now, life finally gave him a chance to do so, without putting any effort into it, he just had to be his usual clumsy self.
Before Yeosang could say anything else, he continued apologising, he figures Wooyoung probably hated him and was hurting a lot since he dropped hot coffee on him.
"Its fine, I'm not burnt, I ordered an iced americano remember? It's a bit cold that's all, and my jeans are stained but I can get that off no big deal." Oh. Right. Yeosang is struggling not to smack his forehead as he realises his mistake. Wooyoung is way more calm than him as guilt is written all over his face. He stays silent, looking down and badly wanting to run away from this humiliating encounter, thinking that he probably is weirded out by Yeosang.
Instead, Wooyoung just smiles brightly at him, flashing his teeth and Yeosang might have died a little inside.
"You're Yeosang right? from the dance class, it's hard to forget you when you looked so cool back then, everyone was talking about you after that" Wooyoung gives him an encouraging smile, looking up at him since Yeosang was still standing and he was sitting.
Yeosang shyly smiles back, also displaying his pearly teeth, which Wooyoung notes are slightly pointy, making him look like a vampire, which he thinks is extremely attractive. "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you I haven't danced in like ten years, I honestly liked your dance better, I can tell that you're more experienced than me" Yeosang genuinely compliments him, remembering how entrenched he felt when watching Wooyoung dance.
His compliment must have also come off as flirtatious as Wooyoung blushes, looking down to smile.
"Kang Yeosang get on the till!" Crap. His manager was shaking his head at him slacking on the job, Yeosang groans, looking at him then turns to writing with an apologetic look on his face.
"This meeting was definitely too short, tomorrow is dance class, I'll see you there," Yeosang takes a shaky breath before continuing. "we should talk for longer next time. I'd like to get to know you better Wooyoung."
Wooyoung looks at him, grinning widely. "Me too. See you later Kang Yeosang."
"Wait! You didn't even get to have your drink, I'll quickly make you a free one"
"I guess I'll just have to come back another day for it" he says, and walks out the door with a wink, making Yeosang's heart flutter slightly. He hopes the stain on his pants washes off.
Yeosang arrives home after the eventful day. He is too exhausted to do anything so he gets into bed straight away. His eyes threaten to close but his mind is telling him to stay awake since he needs to freshen up.
He lays there for a bit and stares at the ceiling, just thinking back on the day, and about Wooyoung. Yeosang thinks he's really lucky to have such a cool soulmate, but then becomes worried that Wooyoung won't like him. From his first impression of the guy, it seems like they're complete opposites. Where he was outgoing and sociable, Yeosang was not. Wooyoung was everything he wanted to be. Being an introvert sometimes made him so frustrated that he wished he wasn't like how he is, he just wished he could be more confident.
That was years ago, Yeosang doesn't hate himself now, but these thoughts did crawl back to him at times, when he is left alone with his thoughts after a long day.
He just hopes Wooyoung doesn't leave him, he seems to hang around people like himself, San and Mingi are equally as loud and outgoing as him, what if he gets annoyed with him? Worries and doubts fill his head as if he is under a waterfall, drowning in them. He ends up falling asleep emerged in his thoughts.
When Yeosang wakes up, it is 5.30am. He's been sleeping for almost 12 hours, and since he didn't eat anything when he came home yesterday, his stomach was churning painfully and his throat was rumbling too. He feels way too groggy due to the excess sleep so he goes to take a shower since he forgot to take one last night.
When he's out, he goes to the kitchen to make breakfast. His classes start at 8 and he has almost two hours to spare so he makes something nice to eat, usually grabbing a cereal bar on the way out or even skipping breakfast because he always ran late.
He arrives at school and meets up with Yunho as they have the same class together. Yeosang remembers that he hasn't told anyone yet about his discovery, he wonders if Wooyoung has told his friends.
Yunho greets him with a slap on his back, making him jerk forward a bit, and he decides to tell him about Wooyoung later, maybe at dance class, he can wait.
The rest of the day goes by as usual, the meet with Jongho at lunch then they all hang outside since none of them have lessons. Jongho does not stop talking about the dance class, clearly too excited for it, Yeosang thinks.
"Hyung you have to do a dance off again! You looked so cool last time, I've been telling everyone that my hyung is the guy who won the dance off without any experience at all". Jongho held his shoulders, shaking them roughly and Yeosang just shook him off.
"I'm flattered that you think I'm cool but I could never do that again, I almost combusted last time because I was so embarrassed. I wish I had lost, I wouldn't have gotten all that attention. Besides Yunho's the best at dancing, go nag at him." Yeosang turns Jongho around and pushes him to Yunho, who gives him a death glare.
When the school day is over, they head to the dance studio where their class takes place, and Yeosang has to be honest with himself, he's slightly nervous to see Wooyoung again. After the abrupt stop to their shocking meeting, they didn't get the chance to say goodbye properly. Just thinking about him gives him butterflies.
When they enter, Yeosang scans the room. Wooyoung and his friends are nowhere to be found, and he sighs a breath of relief, deciding that he's not ready to face him again. Yunho walks around, supposedly looking for his dancer friends, and when he doesn't find them, he goes back to Yeosang and Jongho.
"Yeosang, you met San and Mingi last time right? but you didn't meet Wooyoung, he's my friend too, I'll introduce you to him when he comes". Yunho says, patting him on the back.
Yeosang just nods, playing along with the fact that he apparently hasn't met Wooyoung yet, even though their meeting was one he'll never forget.
After a long minute, Yeosang turns his head towards loud cheering, and his eyes lock with Mingi, who is walking in with San and Wooyoung, all clearly excited to be here. Mingi waves at Yeosang and beckons the others to go to him. Once the three approach Yeosang, Yunho and Jongho, they all say hi, Wooyoung smiles brightly at him, which makes his heart stutter and his cheeks burn as he shyly smiles back.
"Hey guys! I want to introduce my friends to you, since we're close, I want all of us to be close" Yunho says, then points to Jongho. "This is Jongho, he's our baby, a year younger than us", which earns a lot of coos from the other guys, San pinching his cheeks and Mingi ruffling his hair, wich is not appreciated by the baby, who pouts in annoyance.
Yunho carries on playing host. "I'm aware that you two have met Yeosang a few times so we only need to introduce Wooyoung. Yeosang, this is Wooyoung. Wooyoung, this is Yeosang"
His cheeks are dusted a light pink as Wooyoung stares at him with a mischievous smile. By the way San and Mingi are not mentioning anything, Yeosang guesses that he hasn't told his friends that they were soulmates yet.
He chooses this moment to inform his friends of his recent discovery but Wooyoung suddenly grabs both of Yeosang's hands and pulls him forward. He stumbles a bit, and stops a centimetre away from him, their faces way too close that Yeosang's eyes go crossed for a second, blurring his vision.
Their friends around them have stopped their conversations and are staring at them wide eyes which makes sense as Wooyoung grabs Yeosang's shirt and pulls him closer, enough to make their noses touch.
Wooyoung isn't done when he lets go as he now holds Yeosang's face with both hands, angling him to look into his eyes, even though they're the same height.
"Yeosang, will you date me?"
It's Yeosang's turn to widen his eyes as he hears shocking words come out of his mouth. He considers it for a second. It makes sense right? That soulmates date. It makes it easier for them to get to know each other better. Yeosang shyly nods, cheeks squished against Wooyoung's hands, and mutters a soft "yes".
The two stand there staring at each other contentedly until San breaks it by demanding an explanation.
"You two literally just met and now you're dating? Wooyoung, I know you told me you think he's hot but don't go pouncing on him already, I don't know what I just watched but that was intense." San mutters the last part quietly, even though everyone still hears it, and Yeosang blushes.
Wooyoung releases his hold on his cheeks and instead grabs his hand with a gentleness that makes his heart flutter.
"Yeosang and I are soulmates, we found out yesterday at the cafe he works at, we-"
"W h a t! My Hyung has finally found his soulmate after desperate years of trying!" Jongho runs up to them to pull both into a crushing hug and Yeosang feels a bit embarrassed at Jongho's comment, he didn't want Wooyoung to know that he'd been 'desperately searching' for him.
Mingi looks like he's doing a complicated math calculation when a light bulb switches on in his head.
"Wait, so that means... omg Yeosang burnt you! Where? did it hurt?" Mingi pulls Wooyoung away from Yeosang and checks his face then arms then-
"No! I didn't get burnt". Wooyoung swats Mingi's hands away. "he dropped an iced drink on me and it turns out he forgot it was iced and thought he burnt me". Yeosang chuckles in embarrassment, not wanting to relive that story.
Yunho pats both of their heads, taking advantage of his height, and congratulates them, it seems like they're getting married with all the happy faces and best wishes everyone is sending them.
It's 4:00 when the dance class is over and Yeosang is feeling very hot and sweaty. He quickly bids his friends goodbye, eager to go home and take a shower, but is stopped by Wooyoung. He seems tired too, with sweat trickling down his neck, Yeosang tries not to look at it and gulps.
"Can we exchange numbers, you know, so we can meet up sometimes since we don't see each other at school much" Wooyoung hands over his phone with expectant eyes. So Yeosang does the same, then he leaves with a wink, making Yeosang blush.
When Wooyoung gets home, he gets on his phone straight away, checking if Yeosang has messaged him. It was blank. Maybe he had to make the first move.
Wooyoung has noticed that Yeosang was more introverted compared to him, which is one of the things he likes a lot about him. Just the way he blushes or looks down when he gets shy, which is a lot of the time, makes him smile. It was cute.
He didn't want to seem so eager to meet since they just exchanged numbers, but he was eager. And impatient. So he plucked up the courage to be the first to text.
Hey 👋🏼
He didn't know what else to say, thinking that asking to meet up already would scare him off. Wooyoung doesn't have to wait long for Yeosang to respond though.
Ok now it's Wooyoung's turn to say something. He rolls round his bed, thinking of what to say, then Yeosang's profile goes from online to offline, making him thinks he's already bored him to death. Stressed, he tried to get the other online again, and without thinking, he presses call.
Wooyoung yelps, tossing his phone on the bed, the ringing of the phone loud and clear. He can't believe he's calling Yeosang, he never calls anyone, always preferring to text.
He prays Yeosang doesn't pick up, not knowing what to say if he did.
Dang. Wooyoung quickly grabs the phone, not sure if he'll be able to say anything over the loud banging of his heart.
"Hey. Yeosang". He doesn't want to mention that the call was an accident so he decides to say what he's been thinking about for days.
"I know it's quite sudden to say this already but can we meet up... this week? Like a date... unless you're busy of course I don't mind any time" Wooyoung mumbles the last part and resists the urge to smack himself for sounding so desperate.
There is a long pause from the other side and Wooyoung isn't sure if Yeosang is still in the line, or if he was so appalled by his suggestion that he hung up.
After a long second, he hears violent chocking and coughing. Wooyoung sits up, surprised by the sudden sound and asks if he's okay.
"I'm fine, I just dropped some tea nothing serious." Yeosang's cheeks heat up in embarrassment and he's very glad Wooyoung isn't there to witness it. He was just extremely surprised with Wooyoung's suggestion and isn't sure if he wants to meet up this soon already.
But him being the kind of person he is, he's too scared to reject Wooyoung so he ends up agreeing to meet up.
"Ok. I'm cool with meeting up, how about Thursday?" Yeosang wants to kick himself. Two days to mentally prepare himself? He silently pleads Wooyoung to push the date further back.
"Yes! Thursday is great, I'll see you then. It was nice hearing your voice" and Wooyoung abruptly hangs up, slapping a hand over his mouth for slipping out that last part, Yeosang would definitely think he was weird.
He lies down on his bed, sighing, he has two days to recover from that embarrassing phone call, also hoping that Yeosang would forget about his strange comments.
Time seems to not be on his side as Thursday appears in a blink, and Wooyoung is stumbling in his room, rushing to put his clothes on. They didn't even set a place to go so he didn't know how to dress, so he went with the safe, casual option, with ripped jeans and a jumper, thinking that Yeosang would be shocked if he suddenly showed up in a tuxedo.
It was getting colder so he put on a puffy coat and headed out to where they planned to meet up.
He left a bit early in order to be the first one there. This was one of the ways he likes to subtly tell someone that he likes them. By the time Wooyoung arrives, Yeosang is already there, patiently waiting for him, while scrolling on his phone. Something about that scene makes Wooyoung's heart flutter uncontrollably, Yeosang's petite figure not making it any easier for him to calm down.
When he walks up to him, Yeosang looks up from his phone, eyes brightening when he sees him.
"Oh you're early" he says, smiling wide enough to flash his cute teeth.
"So are you" Wooyoung replies and Yeosang chuckles, it's deep and rich and Wooyoung decides that that's a sound he wants to hear every day.
"I don't know if you had anywhere in mind but I'd like to take you somewhere special to me, but I don't mind anywhere else if you don't want to..." Yeosang trails off, unsure if Wooyoung had wanted to go somewhere specific.
"No no! I don't mind anywhere, take me wherever, I just want to be with you wherever it is"
Both of them blush and decide to blame the cold air for the sudden rush of blood to their cheeks.
Yeosang leads them to the place as they walk quietly with occasional words. The walk isn't long and they arrive at a skate park in minutes.
Wooyoung didn't know what to expect when he was being led somewhere but he definitely wouldn't have thought he was being taken to a skate park, Yeosang doesn't seem like someone who skates, but now imagining it, he looks super cool in his head.
He grabs two skates and hands one to Wooyoung, who takes it with apprehensive hands. Yeosang notices the unreadable expression he has on his face.
"I was hoping you didn't know how to skate, it seems like you don't. I can teach you" he smiles softly at him, taking his hand and leads him further in the park, putting the skateboards on the ground.
He steps on the board with one foot and Wooyoung follows his actions, wobbling slightly.
"You push with one foot and once you've got a good speed, you can put both feet on the board, like this" Yeosang glides a few metres away then back to Wooyoung.
"I'm not sure about this" Wooyoung looks nervous, it's his first time seeing him in a different state from confident.
Yeosang smiles and takes both his hands and pulls him closer, looking into his eyes. "If you don't want to do it, it's totally fine, we could go somewhere else of you want". Yeosang strokes his hands with his thumbs.
"No no, I want to try it, but you have to hold me the whole way, no letting go alright?" Wooyoung's face is dead serious as he steps into the board, squeezing the life out of Yeosang's hand.
He guides him as he hesitantly pushes off his feet making the board move a few feet. It seems okay so far he thinks. Feeling confident, he pushes harder until Yeosang is jogging slightly to catch up since their hands are still entwined.
"Ok, I think I can do it without holding you, I want to try at least" Yeosang nods and lets go. He skates off to a distance then back to Yeosang, looking at Wooyoung from afar, he cheering loudly in celebration and swiftly makes his way to his boyfriend.
On the way back, the board wobbles slightly as Wooyoung's feet we're uneven on the board, making him stumble and fall off, landing on his hands and knees.
Yeosang rushes to him and helps him up. "Are you okay? That sounded painful" he helps him stand up.
"This is all my fault. I'm so sorry for bringing you here. I don't know why I thought this was a good idea I'm so stupid..." Yeosang puts his hands on his face, feeling guilty, Wooyoung probably doesn't want to look at him.
"Hey, it's totally fine" Wooyoung puts a hand on his shoulder, moving his hands from his face, revealing an expression of guilt from the boy. "Everyone's fallen before, this one didn't even hurt" Wooyoung runs in a circle and jumps around to show that he was perfectly fine, earning a shy laugh from Yeosang.
"How about this, I sit over here and you show me all the cool tricks you know, skater boy" he suggests and sits down on a bench.
Wooyoung's patient gaze captures Yeosang for a second and he suddenly feels too embarrassed to do any tricks, worried that he'll mess up under the immense pressure of his gaze.
But Wooyoung's eyes aren't at all pressuring or expectant, in fact, he smiles gently, seeming to be perfectly content with just observing him, which, in turn makes him feel shy for the millionth time today.
He decides he wants to make their date more fun so he skates off to the ramps to show off the tricks he's learnt over his years of riding.
He rides at an exhilarating speed, a smile forming on his face already as he is reminded of why he loves to skate. Yeosang manages to get in a bunch of flips and slides before he skates back to Wooyoung, not wanting to do anymore just incase he fell after all of his efforts in not making a fool out of himself.
He hops off the board and walks towards Wooyoung, who looks mesmerised at what he had just seen.
"Those were some of the tricks I know how to do. I know they're not exactly impressive but I-"
Yeosang's words are cut off when Wooyoung hurriedly jogs to him, grabs his shirt and connects their lips together.
They stay still in that position for a moment as Yeosang is frozen, shocked at the sudden gesture. Nevertheless, he recovers after a few seconds and closes his eyes.
Wooyoung feels Yeosang's eyelashes brush against his cheeks as he closes his eyes, which gives him the confidence to start moving his lips, and breathes a sign of relief as Yeosang moves his lips too.
Wooyoung's hands move from clutching his shirt to around his neck, and Yeosang also lifts his hands to rest at his waist.
The world seems to pause around them as they kiss, unable to focus on anything else, unpausing once they both pull away, smiling shyly at each other.
"Those tricks were impressive, you looked really hot" Wooyoung turns red, not meant to say the last part out loud and Yeosang chuckles, a sound so deep it makes his insides shrink.
"Thank you, I've been skating for as long as I can remember, so it all comes pretty naturally to me"
"Stop trying to be so modest, you looked so cool, and you can dance, what can't you do?" Wooyoung pokes his chest teasingly, making the other blush.
They stay for a bit longer, Wooyoung wanting to learn a trick, despite not even knowing how to skate a few feet. Once it starts to get dark, the two make their ways home, walking hand in hand.
"I had a lot of fun today, really. Thank you for taking me here" Wooyoung says, swinging heir hands a little.
"I'm glad you liked it, I come to this skate park often, especially when my mood is down, just the feeling of skating makes me feel great. I was gifted my first board from my grandmother before she passed, she told me to ride when I feel sad, and when I'm happy, and I still do. I guess it's why it's special to me, but I don't know.." Yeosang trails off, feeling shy all of a sudden after his mini backstory.
"Cute" Wooyoung giggles, swinging their hands higher as they walk in a comfortable silence, both feeling happy that this day went well.
They arrive at Wooyoung's house first and they say goodbye at the door.
"You didn't have to walk me all the way here but thank you" Wooyoung smiles
"It's ok, your house is on the way to mine so it makes sense to drop you off" Wooyoung nods and quickly pecks his cheek before running inside.
Yeosang's face heats up despite the cold weather and his insides do multiple somersaults. Wooyoung had offered him to stay for a bit. Apparently once his mum heard the news of him finding his soulmate, she had been very eager to meet him. But it was slowly getting dark so he politely declined, also wanting to look more presentable when meeting Wooyoung's mother, not wanting to be dirty and sweaty from skating all day.
Once he's home, showered and eaten, he lies in bed, mind trailing off to Wooyoung, who makes his heart flutter even when he's not here. Yeosang has never thought he'd be able to find someone's good as Wooyoung. Everything about him makes him a step closer to falling in love, his loud laugh, his optimism, his confidence. He was everything Yeosang wishes he was.
He groans into his pillow, felling embarrassed at his lovesick thoughts, swearing never to reveal them, not even in ten years.
Wooyoung closes the front door, announcing that he's home, his mum rushing to him smiling widely.
"Dear you're back! Where's your boyfriend? I thought I told you to invite him over!" She frowns.
"Mum it's already late and he's busy, he'll come another day" He quickly dodges her death stare and runs to his room.
"You're just embarrassed to introduce me to him! I'll meet him someday!" He hears his mum call out from the hallway. He chuckles at her eagerness to see Yeosang, then hops into the shower to freshen up.
Once he's relaxed in his room, he fiddles with his phone, debating weather or not to text Yeosang. He thinks Yeosang is really cool, there is something about him that just makes time stop for Wooyoung as he stares at him. Everything he did is endearing, from his skateboard tricks or his amazing dancing, to little things like his soft smiles and they way he looks down and covers his face whenever he's embarrassed.
He must've saved the world in a past life to have gotten the most perfect soulmate he could ask for.
Yeosang never gave off shy vibes to Wooyoung, ever since their dance off, he'd always look for him in the crowds, or silently observe him in dance class. And after watching him skate, he confirmed that Yeosang isn't shy at all, especially when he's doing something he enjoys. He always has that aura where it seems like he doesn't care whoever is watching, it was just him, which made Wooyoung fall for him even more.
Of course, his little stutters and blushing is also a massive bonus that makes him want to coo and give little kisses on his face.
All this thinking about Yeosang was making Wooyoung exhausted, since his heart always ran miles when thinking about him, so he called it a day and went to sleep, thoughts still on a certain someone.
At school, Yeosang is with Yunho at class, both of them not listening l to the professor, immersed in their own conversation instead.
"You kissed?!? And why am I just finding out about this now young man!" Yeosang shushes him, Yunho is practically screaming.
"I was going to text you guys what happened but I was so exhausted I fell asleep" he says, earning a wink from the taller boy.
"Exhausted ey, what did you two do to put you in that state huh" Yunho is now jabbing his finger at Yeosang's side.
"Ow- get your mind out of the gutter we only kissed" he pushes the poking fingers away from him and shifts away from him, only causing him to wrap his arm around his shoulders to pull him closer.
"So... who started the kiss" Yunho said, whispering very loudly. "Wooyoung". Yeosang replied quickly to give the guy the info he wanted, pink blooming on his cheeks when he replayed the moment in his head.
But he can't help laughing when Yunho starts squealing when he finds out that Wooyoung initiated the kiss.
Once their class is over and it's lunch, Yunho practically begs for them to look for Wooyoung and his friends. They have never crossed paths at lunch before so Yeosang didn't bother looking for them. Even then, Jongho and Yunho still made him take a tour around the place to look for them.
The searching paid off once they hear someone calling their names, they all turn to see San waving them over, Mingi turning Wooyoung around who had his back to them.
The three make their way to the others and take a seat, Yeosang sitting next to Wooyoung, who immediately takes his hand in his.
"So I heard you two kissed" Mingi says, earning a smack from Wooyoung.
"Why would you say that straight away! It sounds like that was all I talked about"
"This because it was," San interjects, "Its the first thing you told us, not to mention that you repeated many times how soft his li-"
"Ok I get it" Wooyoung says, slapping a hand over San's mouth.
Yeosang's blush is prominent against his fair skin, smiling shyly at San's comment. Did he really talk about his soft lips? He can't help but feel a bit embarrassed as all their friends look at the two.
It doesn't help when Wooyoung turns to him to cup his cheeks. "Stop blushing" he murmurs, covering his cheeks with his hands. "It's a huge turn on, so stop"
His comments cause him to blush even more, more so due to embarrassment as Yunho whistles at them and the Jongho fake gags.
When Wooyoung lets go, Yeosang gets a wave of confidence as their friends are cheering for them, happy for them. He feels happy too.
He pulls Wooyoung back to him, wrapping his arms around his neck and bringing their lips together. He feels him pause for only a second, probably frozen in shock that Yeosang did such a bold thing. They hear everyone cheer, not just his friends, but other people too.
This kiss is short lived as his confidence suddenly deflates and Yeosang shyly pulls away, Wooyoung smiles giddily and takes his hand again.
All the commotion coming from their table attracts more people looking in their direction. And a certain individual to approach them.
~~Ooh who do you think it is ??
Is the story going too fast? I feel like it is ☹️ but I'm not sure 👉🏼👈🏼
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