I sat in the snow. Winter had come, and six years had passed since my massacre. I knew that The Survivor was looking for me. I knew he wanted to kill me after what I had done to his mother.
I have been waiting for him. Waiting for our final battle. I could smell him- he was on his way.
I got up, snorting, expelling cold air from my nostrils. I moved towards the direction of his scent- he was moving to a nearby volcano.
That shall be where our final battle shall take place.
I trudged onwards, knowing that two raptors shall walk into this battle, and only one shall walk out.
'Son... You shall watch from wherever you reside up there in the sky, and witness a battle greater than any that Earth has ever seen. His pack took your life from me, and I cannot allow even one of them to stay alive. I will fight until the very end- I will never accept death. He can break my body, but he shall never break my will.'
I stopped, by the side of the volcano. No snow lay here- it was too warm. Smoke was wafting out from the top, floating up to the sky. I shut my eyes. This is it.
When I opened them, I saw The Survivor, standing through the mist. I could only see his silhouette, but he had grown so much. He was large for a Deinonychus, and seemed to be a completely different individual to the weak little baby I left for dead all those years ago.
The mist cleared, revealing his navy feathers and white bands. I could smell his fear- and why wouldn't he be afraid? After all, he was about to face the killer of his mother, and the strongest Utahraptor of all time.
I was not ready to die. I had spent so long, building up strength to go from a useless runt to a legendary god in these lands.
I saw The Survivor lift his lips and growl at me. I could see in his emotive brown eyes memories of his pack, of his mother.
'Your pack took from me the only creature I ever loved. I promised to him I would kill every last one of you in his memory...' I snarled, taking a step forward. Nearby creatures watched The Survivor, shocked to see such a foolish creature dare challenge me.
'...And now, I shall finish what I started!!!' I roared, confidently. My mouth gaped open, with saliva flying out. He too screeched, and sprinted at me, fury and hate in his eyes.
We jumped into the air, and flew towards each other, both of us fighting for the memory of our loved ones.
We clashed. I felt my body ram against his smaller one, knocking all the oxygen out of his lungs. We slammed onto the rocky ground, and I pinned my opponent to the ground.
He looked up at me, terrified. 'I am here, fighting for my beautiful Sprinter. I will not lose!' I snarled, digging my claws into his body.
He growled back at me, filled with anger. Quickly, he squirmed out of my arms. Before I could tighten my grip on him, he slipped out and ran around me. Don't run from me... I thought, lifting my lips. Seeing him made me feel sick. I could still see the dead body of my son, flashing in my mind, reminding me of why I was here.
I screeched in annoyance. The Survivor quickly pounced onto my back, and locked his claws into the skin covered by my black feathers. 'It hurts! But I cannot dare give up! I am here, TO AVENGE MY SON!'
I shook my body, but The Survivor hung on, slashing at my back.
'Stop it! Stop hurting me!'
Blood seeped out of my wounds.
I cannot lose to such a creature...
I rolled onto my back, crushing The Survivor in the process. He immediately let go of me. I staggered up, then stared malevolently at him.
'I am going to make you suffer!' I screeched thunderously, as I thrust my claws into his stomach. I drilled them in, deeper and deeper, pressing him against the ground. I could feel my claws puncture an organ. Blood dribbled from his mouth. I lifted him into the air with a single arm, and threw him away.
I watched, as he skidded across the ground, grazing himself and leaving a trail of blood on the floor. He slid to a stop, and weakly, The Survivor raised his head and looked at me. I was slouched, tired from the fight. 'How has he not died yet?' I whispered to myself, surprised.
I have promised my son that I would kill ALL of the pack members. I must keep this promise! I must not dare let this creature live! For his sake!
The Survivor slowly raised himself up with his arms. We stared each other down, growling softly.
Suddenly, there was a loud rumble that came from the ground. For a second, I froze. I turned to look at the volcano, and saw a very bright flash of light.
Instantly, I opened my jaws and screamed in pain, shutting my eyes. They were so sensitive to light, and if I hadn't foolishly looked in the exploding volcanoes way, this would have never happened.
I cried out in agony, begging for the pain to stop. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, as some creature pounced onto my body. I snarled, instantly snapping my eyes open. I knew exactly who it was...
I grappled at him with my hands, and whenever i caught him, I tugged, but my grip was not good enough, thus his torso slipped away. Finally, I caught him, and ripped him away with ease. I threw him to the ground. Before I could kill him with my sickle claw, he scampered away, and ran behind a large rock. Lava was flowing down the sides of the volcano, and a huge pyroclastic flow was engulfing anything in its way. Debris was thrown our way, flying towards us.
'A pyroclastic flow? There is no way I will survive that... I have to kill The Survivor before it reaches me! Then, I shall die in peace.'
I screamed a war cry, and began to run towards The Survivor. He clambered up the rock, and watched me from its top. Blood splattered from his wounds, onto the rock.
'These are your final moments, Survivor... I shall now be redeemed!'
I pounced up from the ground, remembering my son. He shall finally be granted the revenge he deserves.
I felt the wind blow through my feathers. The Survivor jumped off his rock, growling. He kicked my face, and I was sent backwards through the air.
I sent him a look of pure rage. I was so close to ridding the world of him!
Suddenly, I felt an indescribable pain in my body, and with no warning, I couldn't feel my lower torso.
I looked down in horror, only to see some of the debris from the volcano slice through my body.
I crashed to the ground, as my own blood splattered across me. I could not feel my legs, or my tail. Just an unbearable pain.
I could only think this to myself, for I was too weak to scream out these words, though I wanted to do so more than anything. I wished for the world to hear the final screams of The Merciless, so they would see that, though I was a monster, I could still feel fear and sadness, just like everyone else.
I cannot die! The Survivor has won this battle, and though he shall die with me, he has still won! No... I cannot accept this... I have to fight! I PROMISED I WOULD KILL HIM FOR MY SON!
Weakly, I dug my claws into the ground, and tried to drag whatever remained of my body around, so I could carry on with our battle.
But, the pain was too much. I winced, and stopped trying to move and lay my head on the ground.
It truly is over, isn't it? I cannot fight any longer... Sprinter... I'm so sorry... I tried, I truly tried my best... if it wasn't for this volcano, I would have won...
Tears streamed out of my eyes. But these were not normal tears- they stung as they formed, and felt more thick than usual.
These were tears of blood.
My fear of death, as well as the fact that I failed my son, began to overwhelm me. I trembled, afraid. Has the world truly seen the last of me? The last of The Merciless? Was I destined to meet an end as cruel as this, and be forgotten by time itself? Was all my work from runt to apex predator for nothing? If this is how it ends, then my life was not worth living. I should never have existed. There was no point.
As my vision blurred, I saw something in front of me... a young, red Utahraptor.
He looked at me, sadness in his eyes.
Son... I... I took the wrong path... If I had kept my promise, and died protecting you from those Iguanodon, none of this would have ever happened.
Slowly, he turned away, and began to leave.
Son...? SON! ! STOP! PLEASE! DEATH IS COMING FOR ME, HELP ME PLEASE! DON'T GO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! PLEASE COME BACK! DON'T LEAVE ME! I broke the promise that I swore I wouldn't break...
He stopped, then turned around, and looked at me with his melancholic, blue eyes. To finally see him without those devastating scars...
I'm sorry, son... I left you to die, when I should have stayed, and fought to the death...
He just watched me. Then, he shut his eyes.
'I forgive you...' He spoke. Then, he disappeared.
Son... I thought, shutting my eyes as I felt my final tear trickle down my cheek. The pain began to fade away. I was in my final moments...
I drew my final breathe.
You are the only thing I ever loved... you were my light, in this world of darkness...
Read 'The One Who Hunted The Merciless' to see The Survivors point of view.
(I noticed that this is more popular than The One Who Hunted The Merciless, but this is meant to be read after that one...)
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