Chapter 3 - Gathering Information + Chapter 4 - Love?
I'm not dead XD
Also, I'm bad at starting things, so ignore how horribly this chapter starts-
-Chapter Start-
Error was sitting in the Anti-Void crocheting as he often did several times a day. He wasn't making a Sans like he normally would though. Error was making something completely random. He hadn't seen Fresh in a while and he was getting worried. Error went searching in different AU's earlier to look for Fresh, but he still was unable to find him. He wasn't worried about Fresh. That's not why he went looking for him. Error was worried that Ink had found Fresh or Fresh had somehow met Ink. Error sighed softly and stopped knitting, looking down at what he made. It was a blanket. A really long blanket. Error mentally cursed at himself for making it. He'd wasted a lot of materials that could have been used to make more Sans.' Error folded the blanket up and threw it to the side, whipping his head around when he heard the sound of a portal opening.
Error summoned his strings expecting Ink to come out of the portal, since he was, and should be, the only one who could access the Anti-Void besides him. He was quite surprised when Fresh stepped out of the portal instead of Ink. "fReSH?" Fresh closed the portal and looked over at Error. "Hey, Broksi!" Fresh said, jogging over to Error, making him back away from him since he was too close. "hOw dID YoU geT heRE?" "By portal" Error shook his head. "i MEaN, hOW WeRe yOU AbLe To MaKE A pORTAL heRe?" Fresh tilts his head slightly in confusion. "What do ya mean by that? I just made a portal to here like I do ta any other place or AU. Is there some reason why I shouldn't be able ta make a portal here?" Error sighed and shook his head saying, "nO" and lying. No other Sans besides himself and Ink should have been able to get into the Anti-Void, but maybe, Fresh wasn't a Sans. The question is, if he wasn't a Sans, then, what else could he possibly be? "wHy ArE yOu HeRe aNyWAY?" "I wanted to see if ya would like ta hang with me!" Error went silent for a moment before starting to slowly backing away from Fresh. "uM...nO..I wOuLD nOT lIkE To bE HanGeD..." Fresh stared at Error for a good minute, making him uncomfortable, before laughing. "I don't mean hang as in I'm gonna hang ya! I mean hang as in hang out, broski!" A slight blush of embarrassment crept onto Error's face. "o-oH, i KnEW ThAT" Fresh laughed again, "So, will ya hang with me?" Error nodded after a moment of silence. "yeAh" "Haha, sweet!" "sO...WhAt dO We dO..?" "Well-" Fresh cut himself off with a gasp when he saw the pile of puppets Error had.
He immediately ran over to the pile and sat beside it, picking up a few of the puppets. "Did ya make these, broski?" Error walked over at Fresh, nodding slowly. "yeAH WHy?" "They're rad!" "oH, Um, tHaNKs..?" Fresh grinned and kept looking at the puppets for a moment before looking at Error. "Can ya make a doll of me?" Error glitched slightly more at the word "doll." "thEY arEN'T dOLlS, fReSh. THey'Re pUpPeTS." Fresh raised a brow and looked at the puppets again. "Are ya sure they aren't dolls, broski? They look like lil dollies ta me." Error glitched again and sat down a few feet away from Fresh. "thEy aRE pUppeTS nOt DOlLs." Fresh glanced over at Error. "They're basically tha same thing, brah" Error twitched and threw his arms up in the air. "B@$1ç@L1Ÿ 7h3 $@m3 7H1Ñg?! 7H£¥ @R3 ñØ7! ¥Øü p1@¥ W|7h dØłŁ$! ¥øÜ dØñ'7 p1@¥ w|7h pÙPP£7$! ¥Øù m@Ñ1pÜł@73 7H£1r @Ç71Øñ$!" Error said, summoning his strings and wrapping them around the arms and legs of ChessTale Sans, moving his arms around. Fresh watched Error move the ChessTale Sans puppet around for a moment before bursting into laughter.
It wasn't one of his fake laughs that he always did though. It was a real laugh. Fresh didn't take a moment to acknowledge the fact that he was to actually feeling an emotion which was supposed to be impossible since he was a parasite. He'd do that later. Error desummoned his strings, the puppet of ChessTale Sans going limp and falling to the ground, and huffed, looking at Fresh. "wHaT'RE yoU lAugHiNg At?" Fresh didn't reply just yet as he was still laughing. After a moment or so, Fresh calmed himself down and looked down at the smaller glitching skeleton. "You're cute when you're angry" To Fresh, Error looked like one of those small anime girls raging because someone said anime is Japanese cartoon. (No, I didn't mess something up in that sentence-) And for once, Fresh wasn't lying. He wasn't making up a compliment to make Error feel better about himself like he did with some of his other friends. He genuinely meant what he said. Error felt his face heat up at the taller skeleton's words. He went silent for a moment trying to process what was happening. Was he flirting with him..? No, that couldn't be right. He was probably just being nice. Yeah, that's all it was and that was all it could be. Error tried to say something, but that just came out a flustered mumbo jumbo.
Fresh laughed and this and said, "You're also cute when your flustered." which caused the glitch to get even more flustered than he already was before. His glitches increased significantly as did the blush on his face. He felt a crash coming on, so he tried to calm himself down to prevent that from happening, but to no avail. Just a moment later, he froze up and crashed. A loud beep sound emitted from him and a message reading, "Error.exe has crashed.....Rebooting......" popped up. Fresh raised a brow as he read the message and waited for Error to finish rebooting, waving at him and saying, "Ya aight, broski?" When he finally came through. Error blinked a couple of times before looking at the rainbow skeleton and nodding after a moment or so. "i'M fIne" Fresh nodded and studied Error for a moment. "What was that?" Error raised a nonexistent eyebrow, realization crossing his face after a moment. "i crAshEd. IT's a tHinG tHat hAppeNs tO cAlM mE dOwN. iT hApPEnS SoMeTiMes fOr dIffErENt rEaSoNs. tHis tIme iT hApPENeD bEcaUsE i wAS eMbARrASsED." The glitch said, explaining what a crash was since he knew Fresh was going to ask that question judging by the look that was on the skeleton's face. Fresh nodded, "So, what are tha other reasons?" Error went on to explain the other things that could make him crash, thinking nothing much of Fresh's question and telling him what he wanted to know. Fresh took a mental note of everything Error said about his crashing.
He had a notepad on the inside of his jacket, which he would write all of his mental notes down on later. The one thing that he made sure to remember was that water could make Error crash if it got in his eye sockets. That information could be useful, and they could use that as an advantage. Error mentioned that the amount of time it took him to reboot would vary depending on different things like, how angry he got, how flustered he got, how much water got in his eye sockets and other things like that. Fresh also took that into a special note that would most definitely be useful. Once Error finished explaining his crashing to Fresh, the rainbow said, "That's weird." causing the glitching skeleton to nod in agreement. "iT iS, bUt I cAn'T rEaLlY dO anYthIng abOuT iT." Fresh went silent again, just watching Error continue to make the puppet of him which was about halfway done. "Actually, do ya have a puppet of yourself?" Error put the unfinished Fresh puppet down and rummaged around in the pile of puppets beside him, pulling out a puppet of himself a moment later. "yeAH, whY?" Fresh took the puppet from Error, the skeleton glitching slightly more when he did, and looked at it. "Can I have it? I just realized it doesn't make sense for me ta have a puppet of myself. I should have a puppet of ya instead since we're friends now. Ya can keep makin' that puppet of me n' add it ta your collection. If ya do decide to give me this I'll take it as a friendship present and I'll bring ya something tomorrow for my friendship present ta ya." 'Friends' Error felt himself smile at that word. He had a friend; someone he could trust. That made him feel happy for the first time in a long time. "yOU cAn hAVE tHe pUpPeT, bUt yOu dOn'T haVe tO giVe mE anyThiNg iN rEtuRn." Fresh looked at Error for a minute when he smiled, as he never saw him smile before, and smiled back at the smaller skeleton after a moment or so. He put the puppet of Error inside of his jacket. "I want ta get ya somethin' n' return, broski!" Error nodded and went back to working on the puppet of the rainbow skeleton in front of him. "alRigHt iF yoU reAllY waNt tO"
Fresh grinned and nodded, laying on his side as he watched his new friend work. After about fifteen minutes, Error put the puppet down. He wasn't done with it, but he had gotten a tug on his soul which meant he had to go do his job that he hated ever so much. The destroyer sighed and set the unfinished puppet to the side before standing up. "i haVe tO Go." Fresh hopped up and looked at Error. "We can hang out more tomorrow, right?" Error nodded then waved at Fresh, saying a small goodbye before opening a portal and hopping through it. Fresh took a peak through the portal before Error closed it, getting a glimpse of the AU he went into. "CardTale..." After a few minutes, Fresh opened up a portal to CardTale and hopped through it, following Error once he found him, which didn't take long since all he had to do was follow the trail of dust that was on the ground. The parasite stayed behind a tree, just watching the destroyer destroy. Fresh trailed Error through the AU for a few minutes before stopping. Ink had told him Error was a murderer that likes to destroy and kill for fun, yet it didn't seem like it. Most killers he had run into like Dust, Cross, or Nightmare had a dark vibe around them while they killed. They also had the biggest grin imaginable in their face. When he witnessed Error kill he didn't look like that at all. He almost seemed sad...Fresh shook his head. He was just looking to deep into things. Ink told him Error was a threat to the Multiverse that needed to be taken down, and that's what he was, right...?
Chapter 4 - Love?
Joy.... Was that what he felt or was it happiness? Maybe it was both. What was the exact definition of joy and happiness anyway? People sometimes cry tears of joy so maybe it wasn't joy he felt if it's that strong of an emotion that it makes people cry. So he felt happiness then, right? No, people cry tears of happiness too or so he's heard. If it wasn't joy or happiness he felt then what did he feel? Well, he was laughing, but laughter isn't an emotion. People laugh because they found something humorous or amusing, but neither of those are emotions, are they? Fresh let out a small sigh. Emotions were already complicated if you could feel them so the fact that he never felt them and didn't understand them just made everything even more complicated. Maybe he was just imagining he felt something. Yeah, that was probably it. His mind was just messing with him. There was no way he felt an emotion. He was a parasite. It was impossible him to feel anything and that's how it would always be.
Fresh sat up and hopped off of the bed he was laying in. He should probably go and find Error. He was most likely out destroying another AU or he was in OuterTale. He'd check there first. Fresh was currently in ChefTale, since he didn't have an AU of his own he chose this one to live in. Of course, he had to kill everyone and contain the human's soul so no resets would happen, but that wasn't hard to do. Everyone here was a chef, baker, or some kind of cook after all. Fresh yawned then made a one way portal to OuterTale, looking through it to see if Error was there and he was. He was sitting on the edge of the cliff, his legs dangling off of it as he looked up at the stars, lost in thought.
Fresh stepped through the portal and closed it behind him, standing there and watching Error for a small moment before starting to slowly and quietly walk up behind him. He was so close to the edge. If he got pushed a little bit he'd fall in. Just one little push was all it took and then... Fresh shook his head and pushed the thought away. He couldn't do it. He felt a small twinge in his soul at the thought of Error dying. Sadness, maybe? No, he was just imagining things again. Fresh sat himself down right behind Error, making him jolt and snap out of his thoughts, his glitches flaring up. "Hey, broski!" Error moved himself a good distance away from Fresh, his glitches calming slightly. "hEY, fReSH."
"Ya looked deep in thought. What were ya thinkin' about?"
"noThInG reAlLy." Error muttered to himself, not feeling the need to tell Fresh what he was thinking about which was him in some kind of way. "dID yOu cOMe hErE bEcAuSe yOu WAnTeD tO hAnG ouT aGaIn?" He asked looking over at the colorful skeleton. Over the last couple of days, they had been hanging out a little bit. They mostly just sat and watched the stars together of talked in the Anti-Void and that was it.
"Yeah but instead of just watchin' tha stars n' talkin' could we go skatin'?" Error raises a nonexistent eyebrow in confusion. "sKatInG...?"
"Yeah, ya do know what skatin' is, right?"
Error was silent for a second, mentally debating on whether to lie or not, but just decided not to. There was no point in doing it anyway. He shook his head. "nO, i dOn'T kNoW wHat sKatInG Is."
"Really? That's tha first time I've heard anyone say that. I'm guessin' ya also don't know how ta skate either." Fresh stood up and started skating around in a circle, since he was wearing heely's at the moment instead of normal shoes. "Well, that's aight. I can teach ya show ta skate!" Fresh made a portal to ChefTale. "Follow me!" Error got up after a moment and followed Fresh through the portal, looking around afterwards. "tHIs iS cHeFTalE iSn'T iT?" Fresh closed the portal and nodded. "Yes, why?"
"i dOn'T rEmeMBeR evEr... tHiS iSn'T yOuR aU, iS iT?" Fresh shook his head. "No, it's not. My AU was destroyed so I chose this one ta live in."
"wHAt WAs ThE name oF yOuR aU?"
"UnDeRFrEsH..." Error muttered to himself. He didn't remember Ink ever making an AU called UnderFresh or destroying the AU if Ink did make it for that matter. Then again, he did have a bad memory, but he always made puppets of the Sans' he killed. In this case, he wouldn't have one because Fresh was standing right in front of him but even if he didn't manage to kill Fresh he'd still have his AU's Frisk's soul, which he didn't have. And wouldn't Fresh be scared of him since he was the one who destroyed his AU? As far as he knew he was the only one going around destroying AU's. Nightmare and his gang would terrorize the monsters and maybe kill all of them but never destroy one. "dO yOu kNoW wHo dEstRoYeD yOuR aU?" Fresh shook his head. "No, unfortunately not. I didn't get ta see their face." Well, that explained why Fresh wasn't scared of him. He did say he hadn't met or seen him before. "wAS tHis AU alReaDy lIkE thIs wHeN yOu gOt hErE?" Fresh nodded and started pushing the couch and tv to the side to clear out the living room area. "It was already empty when I got here so I'm assumin' that it was destroyed by tha same person that destroyed my AU."
"i seE..." It was already destroyed when he got there. That didn't make since. If he was the person that destroyed the AU then he wouldn't have left it empty. He would have destroyed the AU's code and completely destroy it. All of this wasn't adding up so Fresh had to be lying about the AU already being destroyed but why? Was he hiding something and if so what and why?
Error snapped out of his thought with a little jump when Fresh waves his hand in his face saying, "Hello? Ya there, Broksi." Error backed away from Fresh and nodded, looking around. "uH, yEaH. i'M hERe. WHy'D yOu MovE aLL oF The fUrNitUre OuT Of ThE lIvInG RooM aND uPStairs?" He asked.
"We need room ta skate n' alla tha furniture was in tha way so I moved it! Now we have an open place ta skate it! What's yer shoe size?"
"mY sHoE sizE? UHm, i dOn'T kNoW."
"Ya don't know? How do ya not know?" Fresh asked, Error giving a small shrug in response. "Well, that's alright. You'll just hafta keep tryin on skates until one pair fits ya. I have plenty. Just wait here a sec." Fresh went upstairs into his room and came down about five minutes later with a heap of skates. "yOU wAnT mE To tRY aLL oF tHeSE oN?"
"No, of course not. That would take forever. Just let me see one of yer slippers for a minute." Error raised a 'brow' but did as Fresh asked and took one of his slipper's off, giving it to Fresh. Fresh took one of his heelys off and put Error's slipper on. "Ya have small feet so we can take out alla tha skates that are bigger than my foot and that fit me." Fresh tossed Error his slipper back and took out about half of the skates. "Yer foot isn't that small so we can take out a few more." Fresh took out a few more skates which left about ten pairs left. "There. Just try these on until one pair fits ya." He passed a pair of skates over to Error, him trying them on one by one, stopping when a pair fit. "N' there we go!" Fresh took the other skates and put them back upstairs in his room, coming back downstairs to see Error shakily stand up only to fall right back down on his butt a moment later. Fresh could help but laugh. "Pfft-" Error looked over at Fresh, glaring at him slightly. "wHAt'Re YoU LauGhiNg At?" Fresh held his hands up and walked over to Error. "Nothing! Nothing! I swear!" Error just grumbled to himself and tried to stand up again, falling on his butt once more. Fresh put his hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh and pointed to the wall. "Use tha wall ta help ya stand up." Error nodded and kind of just butt scooted over to the wall and stood up again, leaning on the wall for support. Fresh skated around in a circle, chuckling at Error. "Ya look like a baby giraffe that's just learning ta walk."
"oH, sHuT uP. iT'S nOt mY fAulT. tHIs Is My FirsT tIme DoInG ThIs." Error grumbled, shakily trying to move forward.
"Tha first thing ya need ta do is learn how ta keep yer balance so you want ta set yer feet a little ways away from each other n' crouch down slightly. That'll keep ya from toppling over. Once ya got that down pick up one of yer feet n' try ta walk. If ya can do that then you'll be able ta keep yer balance when yer learning how ta glide."
Error nodded and did as Fresh said, attempting to walk, but of course falling down. It took about twenty minutes for Error to learn to walk without falling down. He still fell down maybe once or twice, but that was fine.
"Now that ya can walk ya can learn how ta glide." Fresh started teaching Error how glide, which was proving to be difficult but he didn't mind. It eventually got to a point where Error got annoyed at Fresh for laughing at him and snapped a little. "wOUlD yOu sTop lauGhInG aT mE aLReaDy?! iT'S NoT FUnNY aNd mY ARSE hUrTs liKe HECK!" Error paused and raised a brow in confusion. "FUNK. SHIZ. RADHOLE." Error looked at Fresh. "tHe HECK? arE YoU dOinG ThAt?" Fresh laughed and nodded. "Ya need ta stop usin alla that unrad lingo." Error groaned and mumbled to himself. "Someone's a lil grumpy." "wELL oF cOuRSe I aM. i'D lIkE To SEe YoU fAlL oN YoUr ARSE fOr OnCe. tHaT'D bE fUnNy." Fresh laughed and skated around ins circle. "Sorry, broski, but I won't be fallin' I'm a pro at skat-" Fresh cut himself off with a yelp when Error suddenly stuck his foot out and tripped him up, causing him to fall face first on the floor. Luckily, he shades didn't break. Fresh hissed in a small bit of pain and sat up, looking over at Error. "What was that-" Fresh cut himself off when he saw Error laughing. "...for." He mumbled, finishing his sentence after a moment. "pFfFFtHaHaHa! tHat'S WHat YoU gEt FoR lAuGhInG At Me ALl of thOsE tiMEs I fElL! hAhA! tHaT wAs BEtTer tHaN yOu fALlInG oN YouR bUtT!" Fresh sat there just looking at Error as he laughed. He'd never seen Error smile let alone laugh. He always had this blank look in his face and he occasionally looked sad so to see Error all happy and smiling made his nonexistent soul skip a beat.
"W-wHy ARe yOu LOOkIng aT me lIkE THat....?" Fresh shook his head and smiled softly. "Nothin', nothin'. It's just, that's the first time i've seen ya smile. Ya should smile more. Ya have a beautiful smile." Error felt his face flush yellow at the other's words. "u-uHM, ThAnKs...? U-Uh I-i hAvE tO Go noW. I-i'Ll SeE yOu LatEr." Error took the skates off and rolled them over to Fresh before making a portal to the Anit-Void. "bYE." Fresh gave a small wave to Error as he watched him go through the portal and back to his 'home.' He sighed softly and laid on his back, taking his shades off and setting them side. He put his arm over his face, an image of Error's smile just set in his mind, his soul beating faster the more he thought about it and Error. How was this possible? What was this feeling? Was it... love?
-Fate's POV-
Fate had a scowl set on her face as she watched the two skeletons interact with each other. She wasn't stupid. She knew what would happen if things continued as they were now, but she wouldn't let that happen. She'd do something, anything, even if it was something small to kept them away from each as long as she could.
Destiny sighed softly as she watched Fate from afar. She knew Fate was planning something, but it's not like she'd be able to do anything about it and she was fine with that, because Destiny knew whatever Fate did Error and Fresh would still end up with each other because they'd work it out somehow. They were destined to be together after all.
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