My eyes snap open, as I wake back to the cruel world I am forced to reside in. I sigh, and take in the landscape. It's all the same- cold snow covering large trees, volcanoes surrounding me, and the footprints of the different creatures who roamed this place.
I could smell The Merciless. She is closer, quite near one of the volcanoes. It was almost as if she had remembered the single, small survivor who lived through the massacre, and had also spent years searching. Soon, we would clash, as two beasts ready to complete our purpose in life.
I still remember what happened back then like it was yesterday...
The Merciless peered at me as I hid in the crevice. Trembling, I tried not to look at my mothers bloody body, not to listen to her as she struggled to breathe. But I couldn't help it. My eyes quickly glanced at her... I've been trying to get the images of her broken body out of my head ever since I saw it. But trust me when I say it is impossible to forget seeing your own mother slowly die...
The Merciless was shrouded in darkness. I could barely see her. She didn't bother to go after me- she knew that there was no way she could get in- even her claws were too big to fit.
Snorting, she growled at me, then turned and strode away. I didn't dare move a step forward until she had disappeared into the horizon. Shivering, I slowly turned to look at my mother again.
She was only just alive, weak and helpless. She gazed at me with her melancholic eyes. A tear formed, and trickled down her cheek. Her entire body was a crimson red in her own blood. With her back broken, there was no way she could move. She could only watch as I wept over her body.
'I'm sorry mother...' Those words somehow formed with my trembling breathe. My mother had no response- she was too weak to do anything. Even if her back was not broken, she had lost too much blood. She just watched me... not taking her beautiful emerald eyes off of me.
'P-p-please don't l-leave me... I don't want to b-be...'
I couldn't say the word. I just couldn't. Even though I knew that the second my mother would die, I would be all... alone. It was something all raptors feared- having no pack mates, no friends or family to have your back. To live a lonely life of isolation and misery. But what was worst was the fact that, once my mother died, I would become the last of my kind- I couldn't find another pack, for no other members of my species existed. I would be doomed to live a life that simply was not worth living- a life with no purpose.
My mother blinked. Even now, I had no idea what she was thinking as she lay there, waiting for deaths jaws to take her... She must have been so afraid.
'Mother... I don't know how I will survive... I have no one... They're all dead...'
More tears appeared in her eyes. I finally crawled out of my hiding place, meekly watching her. There was nothing I could do to help her. I moved to my mother, and crouched next to her. Weeping, I nuzzled her, and held her hand in mine. She didn't peel her eyes away from me.
'I should have tried to help you, mother... I just stood there like the useless creature I am... I'm so sorry...'
I could sense her heart beat... it was slowing down, gradually. I suddenly felt something inside... something I didn't understand. Mixed in with my intense fear and sadness, I could feel something else...
My mother shut her eyes, unable to keep them open much longer. There were only a few seconds left before her life would leave her. I didn't let go of her hand... even though, only a few moments later, I felt it go limp and cold. Her heart then slowed to a stop.
I sat in silence for a minute, taking it all in- the fact that I would never see my mother smile with her green eyes, the fact that she was gone forever, the fact that I was the last one.
'No...no! This can't be happening!' I cried, nudging her in panic. 'You cannot be dead!'
No response.
Her hand slipped out of mine. I could not move, for shock had taken over my body.
I was condemned to spend my entire life alone.
I grabbed her scarlet, wet body in my arms, and rested my head on her.
Everyone is dead... I thought to myself. I will never experience love or happiness again.
I cannot let things end like this... I muttered to myself. I looked up to the stars... my mother was up there- she had to be. I refuse to believe death to be the end.
Mother! I know you are listening! I screeched, lifting my lips and snarling as tears streamed down my face.
I will get everyone revenge... I promise!
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