Rescue pt.2
So this chapter takes place just after Ethan decides to save Lex, it's happening at the same time as the last chapter.
Lex was interrupted from her crying about an hour later by Sherman. She didn't know where she was being taken but she knew that it couldn't be good. Sherman dragged her to the staff room and held up the razor that was used to kill Frank.
'End of the line, infidel, may your death throes echo through Drowsy Town to awaken the wiggly one.' Lex knew that this was the end for her but she hoped that she might be able to bargain, at least gaining some time to think of an escape.
'Come on, Sherman, it's me, Lex. I've seen you in ToyZone every week for the past two years. Haven't I always helped you out?' Lex saw Sherman's expression change to one of slight guilt, Lex knew that she was winning.
'You're in retail, it's your job to help me.' Lex could see the cogs turning in Sherman's brain as he tried to convince himself that Lex deserved this.
'Well, it's not my job to do favours. Who set aside those ponies so you could get 'em before the little girls they were made for?'
'Yeah, and if you let me go, I'll help you out again.'
'You have ponies?'
'If you let me loose, I'll get you all the ponies your sick, little heart desires.' Lex hoped that the idea of more ponies would be able to keep Sherman at bay, at least for a while.
'Hmm, I don't know if there are enough ponies in the world for that.' Shit! Lex hoped that that was enough to distract Sherman. At least she had one more thing up her sleeve.
'Well, there are some extras in the store room. We were supposed to ship 'em back because the colours are all messed up.'
'One of a kind mis-paints?' Oh thank god, Lex hadn't underestimated Sherman's love for ponies. Suck a fucking creep.
'You better not be fucking with me.'
'No, no, not to a loyal customer.'
'Okay, take me to the ponies and I'll murder you later.' So Lex wouldn't be let go, she didn't think she would. But she knew that she had to think of an escape quickly, before Sherman found out that Lex through the ponies away. At least she was away from the razor and had been untied.
'Okay, oh, thank you, Sherman. And about those mis-paints.' Lex drove her knee into Sherman's stomach. She knew she should have probably thought of a more concrete plan, but she couldn't resist seeing harm come to one of the people that had made her job a living hell.
'I threw 'em in the fucking trash!' God that felt good. Just as Lex started to run she was suddenly tripped by Sherman grabbing onto her ankle. Caught by surprise, Lex toppled to the ground. Lex felt a feeling of dread wash over her a Sherman crawled closer to her while she was still stuck it the vulnerable position.
'When they mess up the colours, it makes them more valuable!' Sherman grabbed Lex by her hair and smashed her face into the ground multiple times, almost knocking her unconscious and almost certainly breaking her nose. Maybe she had actually underestimated his love for ponies after all.
'Those were collectors items and you killed the ponies! And now I'm going to kill you!' Is he seriously that upset about the ponies? That was the last thought that Lex had before she realised that Sherman's arms were wrapped around her neck. She was surprised by how strong Sherman's arms were but quickly forgot about that, being no longer able to breath. She struggled for air, only being able to get enough air to remain conscience. The overwhelming fear she felt, knowing that these were her final moments, was almost more suffocating than the actual fact that she was being choked. She felt as though time was slowing down, until it seemed to come to a stop. Her fear and stress from the day hit her like a cannon ball and she felt as though she could cry for the rest of her life, and she probably could, considering that her life was about to end. In the overwhelmingness of it all she decided to do the only thing she could think of, something that had helped her through the toughest parts of her life, and there were a lot of them, she began to sing. It was an original song, she wasn't sure where the lyrics were coming from but they flowed out of her like a river, they felt as natural as a song that she had known from birth, one that she had always known the lyrics to. As she sung she felt a warmth build up inside her, a sense of security and calmness, and although they were strange emotions for her to have just before her death, she was still grateful. Just as she felt her song coming to an end and Sherman's strong arms regain their hold around her throat, she heard a voice.
'You're not dead yet.'
'Wha- what?'
'Alexandra Foster, my name is General John MacNamera. And I'm going to help you through this.' What? Where did this guy come from? And why did she feel an odd sense of familiarity from him? On one level she had definitely never met him before, but on another she felt like there was something in his voice that reminded her of something, she just couldn't place what.
'First, you need to subdue your assailant.' This guy is very commanding.
'I'm authorising you to use my firearm.' A gun? Does that mean that she had to murder someone? Well if it meant saving Hannah then Lex would do anything. Lex knew that things have changed, there is no law anymore, there are just people who are alive, and people who are dead. Lex reaches her arm out to try and grab the gun.
'I can't reach it.'
'Yes, you can, your sister has a power and so do you. Reach into the Black and White. You must manifest this weapon in your reality.' What is this guy talking about? A power? Is this why Hannah always says all that weird stuff? Lex definitely remembered her sister saying something about Black and White. Lex could see that she would have to ask questions later, as the General began to sing, a calming yet empowering tune.
'Look me in the eye now, Lex, and make a solemn vow, to become your best self now. That time has arrived now, Lex. When your Friday's black, it's time to lead the pack.' Although Lex didn't really understand what the man was talking about, she felt a sense of strength coming back to her, a need to protect those she loves.
'I can show you the past but only you can walk it. If Wiggly is birthed who knows what we've unlocked. Time has run out, what will you do?' As the General sung the final verse of his strange song, Lex felt a power surge through her arm and she suddenly felt something heavy land into her hand. She had done it.
'I'm going to kill you.' Lex wiggled out of Sherman's grasp and managed to fall onto her back, aiming the gun toward Sherman's head. Lex shot, hoping that she had hit her target. Unfortunately, Lex still didn't have the luck that she had been missing all her life. She missed by a few centimetres, the bullet going right over Sherman's shoulder. She saw Sherman quickly recover from the sound of the shot, a new anger in his eyes as he leaned down, this time with the razor in hand. Lex knew there was no getting out of this. Just as she was about to feel the blade cut into her skin she saw something launch at Sherman, knocking him to the ground. Just as Lex was silently celebrating she noticed an intense pain in her neck. She reached her hand up to where the pain was and felt something wet. She retracted her hand and saw that it was covered in blood. She felt the blood begin to drip down her neck and soon it was covering her shirt. She saw the room start to spin and her vision begin to blur as the adrenaline that had kept the pain at bay started to dissipate and the pain from both her nose and neck overwhelmed her. The last thing she saw was someone leaning over her.
'Lex you need to wake up. We need to save Hannah, please wake up.' Lex felt herself being shaken awake. She felt something tight around her neck and immediately assumed the worst. She was still in Sherman's arms, about to die. She slowly opened her eyes, hoping to see anything but the walls of ToyZone and Sherman's face. As her vision adjusted to the light she saw the most incredible thing she had ever seen. She let out the breath that she didn't know she had been holding and started crying. Then she started laughing. She looked into the eyes of her boyfriend and enjoyed the fact that they were both alive, everything was finally okay. Lex saw Ethan's mouth moving and she had to focus to be able to discern what he was saying.
'-Okay Lex?'
'I said are you okay? We need to find your sister.' Lex had forgotten about her sister.
'Hannah!' Lex tried to stand up but her legs gave way beneath her and Ethan caught her.
'Woah, okay, take it easy.' Ethan sat Lex back down and looked her over. Lex's vision was still pretty blurry and she was having trouble concentrating.
'Lex, how many fingers am I holding up?' The fingers were blurry and sort of merged together but Lex felt like she was still able to tell how many there were.
Concussion, I suspected as much.'
'Wait, how many fingers are there?'
'Three.' Ethan smiled at her before a worried expression took over his face.
'What are we going to do with you, huh?'
'We have to go get Hannah, I'll manage.' Ethan didn't look convinced.
'Maybe we should find somewhere for you to hide.'
'I'll be fine!' Lex tried to stand up again but needed to hold onto Ethan for support.
'You are definitely not well enough to get across the mall.'
'I guess, Bu-' Their decision was made for them when they heard loud footsteps coming toward them, as well as chanting of "Wiggly Wig!" Ethan swept Lex into his arms and ran before anyone could find them.
'Ethan put me down! I can run by myself!'
'You know bloody well that you can't! I'm going to find a place for you to hide and then go and get Hannah.'
'Fine, but you have to promise not to die!'
'I promise.' Ethan saw a bathroom up ahead and he carried Lex into the baby changing room. 'This should work for now, it locks from the inside so hopefully that will keep the people at bay for a while. Lock it behind me and when you hear this knock:
"Knock Knock, Knock Knock Knock."' Ethan knocked on the wall. 'Open the door. Don't open the door for anyone else, no matter what they say.'
'Fine, but you have to give me a kiss before you go.' Ethan leaned down and gave Lex a quick but soft kiss.
'See you soon.'
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading this story and supporting me! I wanna get to know you all more, so what are your favourite ships? Mine are probably Drarry, Prinxiety, Alice X Deb and Ethan X Lex.
Love Y'all!
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