Chapter 19
Authors message: Oh god undercover Xavier intact. Let’s see how this chapter turns out. ._.
Chapter 19
~Night of the Ball~
The clock in my room says 5:48 PM. I have exactly 30 minutes to get ready before I have to leave. Shay and Sutton are in my room helping me get ready while Bay and Ryder are waiting downstairs. I took a shower and then Sutton and Shay picked out my outfit. A black tux, a little small to show off my muscles threw the tux. Tight black pants and a red tie. They added Caiden’s favorite cologne on me so instantly he would love the smell. They gave me contacts that have video on them so they could watch what I was doing. Plus the blue contacts would stop my eyes from turning. Hopefully. They gave me an I.D. of the guy’s name I am going to be using. Vincent Watson. My name is on the guest list already. I grab my shoes putting them on. Shay and Sutton finish up my hair and told me to look in the mirror. I nodded and walked over to my tall mirror in my bedroom. “OH MY GOD! I LOOK HOT AF!” I shouted. “I would so bang you if you were straight.” Sutton implies. “Hell, I would bang myself if that was even possible.” I said and began to laugh. “You ready?” Ryder knocked on the door walking in. His jaw drops when I turn around. “Holy shit.” Ryder says still in shock. “Does it look ok?” I asked. “Hell yes.” He says and his eyes start to glow red. “Alright horny wolf out!” Sutton says shutting the door in his face. “Your limo is waiting at your services.” Shay tells me. “A limo?” I ask. “Yes. You need to look rich as possible.” Shay implies. A limo? A FUCKING LIMO? I never been in one of those but oh my god. I need to party in one of those things. Shay and Sutton open the bedroom door walking down first and me behind them. ”Dang boy. You clean up nice.” Bay says in shock. I am kind of in shock with myself still also. “I will see you at the party. We four are catering.” Ryder informs me giving me a kiss on the lips. He kisses me hard. I mean hard. Making sure I won’t forget about him. I smiled as he released and we all walked out of the house. They left first and I got into the limo right after. Holy shit balls! This limo is sick as fuck! I want to live in this thing! The black leather seats and the blue lighting around the mini bar is amazing. I poured myself some champagne and waited until we arrived at the Reynolds home. We pull at this big gate where guards stood. I heard the limo driver give the name off who was attending. I liked the name Vincent Watson. It is catchy but hot. We pull through the gates and beyond the tress, lied a huge glass mansion. Oh my god. My face dropped in shocked. This place looks like it was 2 football fields long. And really tall. The limo driver stops and the valet guy opens the door. “Welcome.” He says. “Thank you.” I said and nodded. I walked up the stairs heading up for the door. Game face on Xavier. GAME FACE ON! I tell myself over and over again before reaching the door. “Name and I.D.” Said one of the guards at the door. “Vincent Watson.” I informed the guard and handed him my I.D. He nodded and gave me back my I.D. “Have a good night Mr. Watson.” He smiles and lets me inside. There is a lot of rich people here. I can tell that for sure. “Would you like a drink sir?” Asked a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and seen it was Ryder. I smiled at him and took a drink. “You look so familiar young man. Have I seen you anywhere before?” Asked a British guy from behind me. I turned away from Ryder and looked at him. “I am not sure. My name is Vincent Watson. And you are?” “The name is Gray Reynolds. Owner of Reynolds Inc.” He informs me. Oh god. The head of the hunters right in front of me. “I don’t think so. But it is awfully nice to meet you Mr. Reynolds.” I said and shook his hand. Body guards are right behind him. He nodded. “You enjoy your night Mr. Watson.” He smiles and walks away with his guards following him. I see my target soon as I walk into the dance room. I decided to play a big move and run into him. I walk towards the dance floor and “Accidentally” ran into him. “Oh my god. I am such a cluts. I am so sorry.” I said and he looked up at me. “It is ok now.” He said and smiled at me. “I’m Vincent.” I said smiled back. “Caiden.” He smiled back. “That is a beautiful name.” I pointed out. “Let me get you a drink?” He asked me. “Of course. Thank you.” I smiled in his agreement. We walk over to the bar. “What would you like sexy?” He asked me. I started to blush. “Apple martini please.” I told the bartender. “I’ll have what he is having.” He smiled at me. “You have beautiful blue eyes.” He informs me. “Thank you.” I smiled. We exchanged glares looking at each other. “What do you do for a living Mr. Vincent?” He asked with a sincere look. “I am in med school right now. But my parents own Livingston Tech.” “Why is your last name different from your fathers?” “My mother died when I was 14. She was murdered in the woods on her hike one night. So I kept her maiden name. In her memory.” I informed. “I am so sorry. How did she die exactly?” He asked and I took a drink from my martini. I leaned in and whispered, “You may not believe me when I tell you but she was attacked by some sort of animal. She had claw marks everywhere on her body.” I leaned back in my stool brushing against him. “I believe you. There is things out there that you never knew would be.” He smiled at me. “I know what you mean.” I smiled back. “You have a beautiful smile.” I point out. He started to blush. I can believe I am going to have to hurt him. I mean he deserves it for being a hunter. Maybe if I get him drunk a little more he will start confessing some things. “Let’s get some shots over here.” I tell the bartender. ‘I like you. You have a little edge and your wild.” He says scooting closer to me. I wink at him taking a few shots. “I can’t believe we are treating my father’s ball like a club.” He tells me and laughs taking more shots. I can sense that he is getting a little drunk. We take some more shots and now I am feeling a little tipsy. “You want to get out of here? Come up to my room for a bit?” He whispered in my ear, rubbing his fingers threw my hair. I nodded. He grabbed my hand and walks me out of the ball. I wink at Ryder on the way out and he grinned. We walk upstairs with guards following. Really guards? I am trying to have fun here. He opened up his bedroom door and we walked inside. The guard shut it and Caiden locked it. Oh my god, this room…. You can see out into the woods from up here. He has a huge round circular bed in the middle of the room. Then he has a couch and chairs with a huge TV on the left side. On the right is his des. Then I spot my other target. The big city moral hanging up on the wall by his desk. “I love your moral. Who painted it?” I asked. “I honestly don’t know….” He started to laugh. “I just like the painting. It is beautiful…. Like you…” He added. I began to blush. XAVIER THING OF RYDER! RYDER! I tell myself in my head over and over. He grabs my hand and walks me towards his bed. He pushes me down and he takes off his shirt. Oh my lord. Those muscles. Why must you mock me? Is Bay trying to kill me? He leans down and kisses me. Kiss me with so much passion. Oh my god WHY IS PEOPLE DOING THIS TO ME? I kiss him back. Hating every bit of it. Well…. Sort of…. He take off my shirt and throw’s it on the floor. He kisses my neck and he sees my wound. It is barely there but he sees it. He leans off of me and his eyes widen. “A-Are-You a wolf?” He asks nervously. I look at him confused. “No… Why would you think that?” I asked. “Your wound… I seen those before. Many of times. My father is a wolf hunter. Head wolf hunter. And he wants me to do it but I don’t like to. But wolfs ae bad and they need to die.” He informs me. “I am not a wolf. You are way off baby.” I tell him pushing him down on the bed. “Then why do you have a bite?” He asked. “I was attacked. But I didn’t change into one. I thought I would but I didn’t. I am a Banshee though.” “Really?!” He asked in excitement. “Really.” I smile at him. “I can so make you scream in bed.” He says and starts to kiss me. “I am a coyote also.” I inform him. He pushes me off. I began to laugh. “Scared are you?” I wink at him. He gulps backing away from me. “Don’t bother yelling for your body guard. I already made him leave.” I point out. “Why are you doing this?” He asks. “”My father is a wolf hunter also. He is also a wolf. I am not going to hurt you. That is the last thing I want to do.” “Then why are you here?” “Because I need something. I need your journal about the wolfs and your plan behind that moral.” “Why?” “Because if I don’t your father can hurt a lot of innocent wolfs. I mean there are the bad wolfs but not all of them deserve to die.” I sighed sitting down on the bed. He comes over and sits next to me slowly. “I know. My best friend was a wolf and my dad killed her. She wasn’t bad at all. I tried to protect her. But he ended up hurting me too. He took away my Coyote boyfriend also. He killed him. I was a wreck for weeks, and weeks. I wanted him to stop hunting but he wouldn’t.” He informs and he starts to tear up. I can’t hit him and knock him out. He doesn’t deserve that. Not at all. “Your best friend’s initials were J.Y. wasn’t they?” I asked and he nodded. I reached over and wrapped my arm around him. “You re a really good guy you know that?” I asked. He started to blush. “You are too.” He smiled. He got up walking over to his moral. He took the painting down and punched in the combination. He took out a big journal and hands it to me. “Take good care of it. Can I trust you that you will?” He asks. I nodded. “Let me see your phone.” I tell him and he hands me over his phone. I put in my number. “X.R.?” he looked at me confused. “You will soon find out my name. But until I know I can trust you, you can work up to that friendship.” I smiled at him. “I hope we can be friends.” He smiles back. He gives me a hug. “You are hell of a good actor you know that?” He asked me. I laughed. “If you need anything, just call or text me.” I inform him and got up. “I’ll walk you out.” He says and grabs my hand. We walk down the stairs and out of the house. “See you around.” He tells me. I smile and got into my limo. He is actually a good guy. How can his father treat him like that? It is so stupid and it makes me angry. Caiden is actually a good person unlike his father. I open up the journal and start browsing through it. There is a lot of different wolfs. I skip to the back looking for what their plan was. Their plan is to take out the wolf population one by one. Why did they want us dead so badly? That is crazy as crap. We never did anything to these hunters. Why must they hate us? I got out of the limo and headed inside. I waited for Bay, Shay, Ryder and Sutton to arrive back. I wish they came with me but they couldn’t just leave in the middle of catering. Then Mr. Reynolds would know something was up. Bay slams the door open. “Why didn’t you stick with the plan?!” She shouted making me flinch. “Because I learned he was actually a good guy, and I don’t want to hurt someone that does not deserve to be hurt.” I informed crossing my arms. “HE IS NOT A GOOD GUY!” She shouts even louder. I rolled my eyes. What is her deal? Like so what I did not hurt Caiden. Is that a big problem? “Really? Last time I checked, I was the banshee. I can tell when someone is a bad person or not.” I said sarcastically. She starts to growl and her eyes turn red. “Ok, calm down. Here is the freaking journal.” I said and tossing it at her. “That’s the journal? Ryder asked glancing at it. I nodded in reply. “There plan is to take out every single wolf one by one….” Bay said worried. I shrugged letting them know I already knew that. “How are we going to stop them?” Shay asked. “I don’t know yet. We will figure out a plan.” She says and walks out with the journal. “So did you guys watch the footage?” I asked taking the contacts out. Shay, Ryder and Sutton nodded. “Was I a good actor?” I asked awkwardly. “Such a good actor.” Shay said sarcastically. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. Ryder walked into the kitchen and I watched him disappeared. Oh god he is mad now. “You’re plan was too intimate.” Shay informed me and she and Sutton walked out. Too intimate? How was I too…? No… That was impossible. I walked into the kitchen and see Ryder sitting on the island looking down at the ground. “Hey.” I said walking close to him. He nodded and looked back down. “Can you tell me what I did wrong?” I asked worried. He looked at me and just stared. I hate seeing him like this. I really do. “You and Caiden was way to intimate. I just don’t see why you two were so clingy.” He tells me. I walk over to him cupping my hands onto his face. “I did not mean to be too intimate. I was just going with the plan. What I had to do in order to get that journal. I did not want to kiss him but I had to. And I am truly sorry that I had too. But I love you. And I don’t want some acting to ruin what we have with each other.” I tell him still looking him into the eye. “I love you too. And I know it was just an act. I just got jealous of what you was doing. The way he was touching you was making me beyond furious. But I trust you when you say he is a good guy. Who knows maybe we can use him in the future to our advantage. All I know is if someone touches you like that again I will kill them. And that is the truth.” He informs me. I put a smile on my face after he said that. That made me feel so much better.
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