Chapter 17
Katniss POV:
"Truth or Dare?" I ask Peeta as we sit on the couch.
"Dare." Peeta replies with a smirk. I'm surprised he said dare, he normally would do truth.
"Okay... I dare you to try and kiss me with your eyes closed."
Peeta shrugs and closes his eyes. He leans in closer to me and I can tell he will miss me. So to give him a surprise I leaned in closer and made sure he got my lips. When his lips connected with mine, a tingle went through my whole body. I close my eyes and let the kiss sink in a bit deeper before I break away. When I open my eyes, Peeta is looking at me with a pout. "I was supposed to end it." Peeta cutely complains. I chuckle. "Your turn."
"Truth or Dare."
"D-A-R-E." I spell out for him.
"I dare you to go upstairs into our room and get changed into the outfit that is on the bed." I raise an eyebrow. Is there an outfit on the bed? I smile and shrug before standing up and heading upstairs.
After the end of the creaky stairs I walk into my room and see there is a outfit. In front of me was a white lace singlets and jeans. Very casual but it looked pretty. I quickly place the clothes on and slip on the black flats that were positioned at a straight angle on the ground.
I then walk downstairs again and see Peeta, looking smart, waiting for me. I smile at him and I entwine my fingers in his.
"You have a good taste."
"I must have." Peeta tells me before leading my outside.
"Katniss?" I gasp when I see Peeta kneeling down on one knee beside me in the meadow.
"I know this probably to soon but I don't care." Peeta confesses before continuing. Peeta takes my hand in his and holds out a small box. "Katniss Everdeen?"
"Yes." I answer quietly.
"I have loved you ever since I was 5. No other girl would be as wonderful and beautiful as you." I start silently crying tears of joy. "I can't live without you Katniss. I'm half a heart without you by my side. I would like to ask one small thing of you?"
"What might that be?" I say with a big smile on my face.
"Will you promise me, that sometime in the future you will marry me?"
"Yes." I reply quickly. "Yes I will Peeta, yes." Peeta paints a beaming smile on his face before slipping on the promise ring. I start crying out loud. Peeta stands up and I immediately hug him. He tumbles back a metre before regaining his balance and returning the embrace. I give him a big kiss on the cheek, still crying.
"I love you so much Peeta."
"Me too." I reluctantly break away from the hug and admire my promise ring. Peeta gave me a diamond heart ring with two smaller diamonds guarding the heart.
"Oh thank you Peeta." I give him a quick kiss on the lips again before letting more silent tears spill even though I am happy completely inside and out.
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