The People
Zorya spent last few days in comfort of Walnia's camp, she couldn't call them enemies anymore, but she could not call them allies either, since none of them understood her language except Darius, but she was eager to learn their customs, about their religion, about their kingdom and most importantly their language. Here nobody dared to disrespect her, afraid of their king, because Darius used to be very protective of his previous Queen.
But Zorya didn't need any protection, she could defend herself if that was necessary, she already proved herself on the battlefield. Whatever Darius was doing with this pagan woman, he probably had a good reason.
Darius was surprised that Zorya could read, she was much more educated that he expected her to be, he managed to write some instructions for her on how learn language and alphabet of Walnia, and practice with at the times, and she was progressing quite well.
"I know that your new wife is going to be this pagan woman, she seems rather nice for a savage." Jonah said standing beside his brother, Darius.
"Be careful with your words, she is your future queen, and I would not like to hear you addressing her like that brother." Darius said.
"If I didn't know you, I would say that you care about her." Jonah said.
"I am being a suitable husband."
"Our people will not accept her so easily, she will need to change her religion, she will need to become civilized, or our nobles will eat her alive." Jonah said.
"You don't know her like I do, she is much stronger then she looks. And nobody will dare to cause her any harm or they will have to deal with me."
"All I am saying is that we could find a way for us to take this land easier, and that you could merry any other beautiful Christian woman at home." Jonah said.
"Jonah, I was married to a beautiful, Christian woman once, but out kingdom needs a stronger Queen. You might not understand that, but Zorya is a right person for that. Proper manners and custom of our Kingdom can be learned, but a passionate and a strong warrior and such an intelligent tactician can only be born." Darius said.
"Maybe you are right brother, the time will show. But I cannot deny that she is a strong warrior." Jonah smiled.
Zorya was playing with her wolf, her body was finally healed, and so was her spirit, but at the same time she was afraid, soon, she was going to leave the place she has been calling home forever, a home of her ancestors, and imprint into the unknown.
"Go Kreshnik catch it!" Zorya yelled throwing an improvised ball she made of the old cloth and some rope. Accidentally she thrown it into Jonah's face making Kreshnik jumping on him as well trying to catch the ball. Jonah yelled in fear, and Zorya panicked.
"I am so sorry Jonah! I didn't mean to!" She said trying to improvise the language of Walnia.
Darius could not hold his laughter after seeing his eldest brother like that.
"Don't worry about it princess, he deserved it and besides, if you are going to be my queen, you should never apologize for anything." Darius said with a smile.
"But I would still kindly ask her to keep her wolf away from me...Is it really coming to the castle with us?" Jonah asked.
"Of course. I promised that to my queen." Darius answered and Jonah groaned making Zorya chuckle in response.
"As much as I find interesting to spend time with both of you, we need to prepare to go, today we are going to confirm our alliance with Gora Nevskaya and then we will sail to Walnia.
"We are leaving today?" Zorya asked immediately feeling her heart beating faster.
"Yes, our people can't wait anymore." Darius said.
"I understand." Zorya said.
Soon the army of Christians and Zorya were prepared to meet with pagans. Darius was riding in front of the colon of the few soldiers, Zorya was on the horse right by his side. Both dressed in black, with their weapons close to them, looked like the most powerful rulers on the world. But deep inside, Zorya was praying to all the gods that she won't have to use her weapon against her own people. They soon entered the gates of Gora Nevskaya. Suddenly, Zorya felt like a stranger.
"My greetings King Darius...And you traitor." Boris said as soon as she saw them. His pagans were armed in case that Boris decides to strike.
"As we informed you King Boris, we are coming in peace to offer you the alliance, because I believe that you will not be able to continue to fight this war, and I could easily summon more soldiers from Walnia, but then we would only have unnecessary bloodshed." Darius said as he got off from his horse. Zorya jumped from her horse as well looking at her brother, the one that decided to burn her alive.
"And how can we trust that you won't come back?" Boris asked.
"I will contribute you with gold and ships, as long as you contribute me with fur and food. Also we will fight together in case that one of our kingdoms is in danger. As a sign of trust I will take your sister, princess of Gora Nevskaya, as my wife and my queen." Darius calmly said.
"She is not my sister, she is a traitor and she is worthless to our people, you may do what you want with her, but that will not make me trust you." Boris said.
"When I was about to be burned on that stake, people bowed to me Boris, do not forget that, maybe that means nothing to you, and maybe you can't see it but I am sacrificing the life I could have here for the safety of our lands, and I am fulfilling the promise I made to Yaropolk, that I will not allow our lands to perish." Zorya said.
"Don't you dare to mention our brother! You betrayed him, and our pagan blood. This war is going to continue!" Boris said.
"I don't think you are right son. This time, we shall let the people make a decision." Vadim walked over with Mira by his side. Zorya didn't control her emotions when she saw her parents, who now looked so old, almost ancient and so tired from everything in life. She run into the arms of her mother and hugged her tightly, as well as her father who gratefully returned the hug.
"You have been terribly broken after your brother died and that is alright my son. But together with all the people, we have decided that they should be the one who will vote and make a decision." Mira said.
"I am old son, and I know that the King is nothing without his people. This is the time to let them rule instead." Vadim said.
"Fine, then what have the people decided?" Boris asked
"That we shall have a peace, and that King Darius will have Princess Zorya as his wife." Mira answered.
"Then let it be that way for now." Boris said. He had no other choice but to surrender to the will of people or he might end up losing his status of a King considering everything he had done and what influence it had on the people.
And that is how people have chosen to give their princess for a chance to have a peace.
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