Forests, lakes, and rivers, clouds and winds, stars and flowers, stupendous glaciers and crystal snowflakes - every form of animate or inanimate existence, leaves its impress upon the soul of man.
-Orison Swett Marden
987 AD
When Vladimir the Great, the great Prince of Novgorod, grand Prince of Kiev and a ruler of Kievan Rus returned from the Greek town Korsun back to Kiev in triumph after he married the Greek princess Anna, something changed.
The great and once cruel pagan ruler was baptized, as well as his twelve sons and many of his supporters. He destroyed the wooden statues of Slavic pagan gods which he had raised himself just eight years earlier.
The statues of the gods were burned or hacked into the pieces, even statue of Perun, the supreme God was thrown into the river Dnieper. Vladimir had called the people of Kievian Rus, the rich, poor, beggars and slaves, to come to the river and be baptized, or they will become his enemy.
Large numbers of people came; some even brought infants with them. They were sent into the water while priests, who came from Korsun for the occasion, prayed for their souls.
To commemorate the event, Vladimir built the first church of Kievan Rus called St.Basil where his body and the body of his new wife were to repose. Another church was built on top of the hill where pagan statues stood before.
But that was not the end of the Slavic paganism, some of the pagans were not afraid to oppose Vladimir, many of them didn't consider that man worthy enough to sit on the throne, and rule over them, once when he had accepted the false God, and wanted to make his people to do the same.
They refused to be baptized with the rest of the people, they believed that once they done it, their soul will be doomed and they will never be able to enter Вырай (Vyray). In Slavic mythology, that was the place where birds fly for the winter and souls go after death, the paradise for those that deserved it with their fiery spirits, and their raging axes that fight their way to the glorious death.
And so, the large group of pagans had tried to fight forces of Vladimir the Great, and restore people's faith in Slavic gods, but they could not prevail. On that bloodstained night, their gods didn't allow them to have a victory, but they allowed them to escape trough the mountains.
The pagans started their new life in the area called Magadan, near the mountain called гора Невская (Gora Nevskaya) by which their pagan nation was named.
There, pagans continued to live, fight the battles against Christians and build their houses and temples for more then a hundred years
. They believed in Perun, the supreme god of Thunder, Svarog, the god of the Sky and father of Perun, Veles, the god of earth, Belbog, the white god of the light, and Crnobog, the black and evil god, Vesna the goddess of spring and Morena the goddess of winter and war.
They believed in good spirits that protected their loved ones and their homes, and the evil spirits that wanted to harm them. They feared Koshchey the Deathless the evil wizard whose death was hidden in many parts of the woods and Baba Yaga, the wicked goddess of Death. But more then everyone they respected Mokosh, mother nature and the one that protects woman in childbirth.
These legends and stories about the gods will be explained and introduced more as we go further into the story.
Gora Nevskaya was ruled by the man who lead the pagan forces against Vladimir The Great, and later lead them into the new life, but he had died in war, currently Gora Nevskaya was ruled by his great grandson Vadim The Wise, and his gorgeous and brave wife Mira whose name had a meaning "peace".
Both King and Queen were wise, and a good warriors. Man and woman were equal in Gora Nevskaya, they trained and fought together on the battlefields, they both were considered wise enough to make a important decisions when it came to war tactics, but when the woman was in the divine state of carrying a child, the man had to take the best care of her no matter what happened.
Vadim and Mira had three children, twin boys named Boris and Yaropolk, who were around 20 years old. They were cheerful, spirited, boys who loved getting themselves into a trouble which they considered fun. They both had blonde hair like their mother and black eyes like their father.
They also had a daughter, who was 18 years old, the twins were so protective of. She was born in the dawn, on the holly day of Масляница (Maslyanica) so she got a name Zorya which had a meaning dawn and also the guardian goddess.
The Zorya are the two guardian goddesses, known as the Auroras. They guard and watch over the doomsday hound, Simargl, who is chained to the star Polaris. Zorya Utrennyaya, the Morning Star, opens the gates of the Sun Gods palace every morning for the sun-chariot's to leave. At dusk, Zorya Vechernyaya—the Evening Star—closes the palace gates once more after his return.
Zorya Utrennyaya is depicted as a warrior goddess, fully armed and courageous, and was invoked to protect against death in battle.
Zorya was just like the warrior goddess she was named after, the brave warrior, already experienced in the battles against Christians, always fully armed and prepared for the strike, protective of her family, as much as they were protective over her.
The life in Gora Nevskaya was as peaceful as it could be, everyone provided for the food on the farm together, and raised the cattle for the meat and fur to remain warm for the cold and cruel winters.
They also fought together and for many years they successfully were able to remain safe from the Christians that sometimes tried to take away their lands. They were good farmers and the bloodthirsty fighters, and that is how they were able to survive many years, build the village that they have now, and attract many others that wanted to remain true to their previous gods.
That is why, Gora Nevskaya was becoming bigger problems for the adjacent Christians that were living around their nation.
Hello everyone, this is my new story, I really hope that you will like it and support me in my writing!
Thank you everyone for reading!
I would just like to mention that English is not my first language, so excuse me for my the mistakes. I am really trying my best!
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