Hey guys, I finally decided to post a new chapter, and it took me some time to decide what will be the ending for book.
I decided to go for a bitter sweet ending, and it is only a few chapters left!I hope you will like this chapter.
Enjoy your reading!
If you are able, please provide me some feedback, with votes and comments!Love you all!
The war stole the laughter away from those who were once happy. The war stole away lives from so many people, and Walnia became dark, as if it turned into a graveyard of the fallen soldiers, burying away all the light that was once shining in the their innocent eyes.
Because that is what war does, destroys, the great leaders, the most beautiful countries, the unbreakable spirits of the young people who always end up first in the lines, seeing too much, until they burst, until they cannot take it anymore.
The war simply refused to end so easily, no matter how much time Walnia fought back, Mongols would return, stronger, fiercer, indefatigable, and nobody could help Walnia anymore. Gora Nevskaya could perish, and become as empty as Walnia, while trying to help King and Queen fight this terrible war. But after Queen Zhanna was defeated, there was no point in making people of Gora Nevskaya fight.
But they refused to surrender, they refused to hand over their lives in the hands of those who will put them in chains, and hold them, like an animals, torture them, and keep on reminding them of failure they are, a weak army, that was unable to defend the holy Kingdom of Walnia.
The war raging on for many years, and Zorya was slowly giving up, sometimes at night, she wished she could break, and cry herself to sleep, wished she could just close her eyes, and shut away from the whole world, forgetting that her life became a tragedy. Death was the only way to end it, but that was too easy, too gentle for a warrior like her, and there was a man she loved, the man who would never let her do that.
Darius was the strongest among them all, maybe because he was blind, and unable to see his people suffering, but if he was suffering, he made sure that nobody in this world saw his suffering either. He refused to let go of his home, and hand it over to the Mongols, wishing to keep it safe, so one day, when the time comes, his children will come back, and live their happy lives there.
"I will never let my Kingdom fall, not while I am still breathing, not while the Sun still shines on this damned sky, not while the grass grows under our feet." Darius would promise to his people, and they gave their best to believe his powerful words.
King Darius the Dark is going to protect his people, he is going to fight for Walnia, his Queen, the strong, feral she-wolf that is howling at the whole world with her anger, and sorrow. But the whole kingdom, can't simply remain on their backs.
In was one battle after other, and Zorya has lost the count on how many people she had killed, their faces stopped haunting her in her dreams a long time ago, because death became something so ordinary, something so normal, but it shouldn't... Her life should never turn into this, the passion for war, for fighting was over, and nobody could bring that back, because she got used to it, now it was a monotonous and sorrowful every-day life.
Today Zorya fought in another battle, she killed, and screamed in the agony for those whose life she took, tired of not feeling guilt for killing so much, tired of suppressing her own tender soul.
Death, after death, army of Walnia couldn't take it anymore. Once again, they will withdraw in their homes, bury the fallen soldiers, and watch pale, broken people dressed in black, crying for the lives that have been lost.
"Pull back!!! Pull back now!!!" Zorya screamed at her soldiers watching them as they began running back in panic. But there was so little of them, because most of those people, were on the ground, dead.
"Darius!!! We must pull back!!! We can't fight them anymore!!! " Zorya screamed. But for one painful moment, there was no answer, and her beloved husband, was nowhere to be seen.
"Darius!!!!" Zorya screamed as her hands trembled, knowing that the moment where one of them will die could come so fast, in a blink of an eye, but she was selfish enough to wish for her own death, before losing Darius, because she could not move on without this man.
"I am here!" Darius yelled back, as he tried his best to crawl to his wife. The blood covered his body, and Zorya knew well that it wasn't someone's else's blood, she knew that her King was wounded.
"Help him!" Zorya ordered running to her husband and helping him get back up on his feet.
"They are going to enter Walnia, we cannot prevent them anymore...." Zorya said to her husband, remaining frightened from her own words.
"I know my love....I know..." Darius managed to say, staining her cheek with blood by touching it as gently as he could.
"We need orders!" One of the soldiers said.
"Take me home young man, to the place, where my children used to grow up..." Darius ordered. The soldiers hesitated, seeing that their King could be on the edge of his own existence.
"Do what he said! Now!" Zorya ordered and then looked back at her wounded husband.
"And you! Don't you dear to speak like a dying man! Because you are not, this war is not over for you yet! I will now allow that!" Zorya said.
As soon as they managed to come back to the Kingdom that was about to fall, people with horror written all over their faces awaited for them, hoping that what they heard was a lie, and that they will not see their home falling in the arms of an enemy just yet, praying that their time id not coming, praying to remain ad see the sun for another day, in their home.
"People of Walnia!" King Darius yelled, suddenly soothing every single soul in Walnia.
"The enemy is coming, they will take our home, disgrace the graves of our ancestors, and of those we have lost. They will destroy everything they come across. But not us, not single one of them will touch us." Darius yelled.
"What are you talking about?" Zorya asked her husband.
"Take only what you consider necessary to survive the cold winter, and follow me and your Queen into the mountains." Darius answered.
"But my King, what about our home?" One of the people asked.
"Burn it to the ground. Burn everything, your home, the forest, the fields, and the animals. Do not leave anything for our enemies. They will never be able to survive the winter in the place like this, and they will all die of hunger and coldness."
"My King, is this your final order? To burn our kingdom?" One of the man asked.
"It is not our Kingdom anymore. Walnia has fallen, but it doesn't mean that the people of Walnia have to die as well. Listen to your King, burn the kingdom, destroy every single inch of it, and someday, when the time is right, we shall come back, and rebuild it, together as one." Zorya said.
"As you wish." One of the man said.
The words, of the King and the Queen traveled across the kingdom, and soon, it was in the flame, killing everything inside of it, and allowing people to escape, taking only the weapon, food and the most valuable memories with them.
"How is this going to end Darius?" Zorya asked gently holding her wounded husband and helping him walk.
"I don't know my love and I am afraid that I will not be there with you to find out about it." Darius answered his wife holding onto his wounds.
"Of course you are, don't even dare to question it, you are going to be there when the Walnia is rebuild and when our children come there again, we both are!" Zorya answered, refusing to even look at her husband, feeling that he is weaker, that his spirit is broken, and that maybe, he is right about what he is saying, that maybe he will not be able to see how is the war going to end.
The flame waved to the all the brave souls, as they were leaving, burning, destroying, merciless, and awaiting for the next conquer.
The fields, the houses, the castle burned, as the books about the old gods, turned into the ashes.Far away, in the mountains, the brave people of Walnia decide to hide away, until they can return home again.
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