I've fallen off the regular posting schedule... this is what happens when I try to set a schedule... oh well.
Now who is ready for a date with Director Orson Callan Krennic!???
I don't own anything.
Krennic brings you to a corner diner. It's not very large, but it's a cozy place. Plus, the food is delicious, which is a bonus to this interview/apology/date. For some reason, you're going to call it the Inologate, which is just a mix of the three words. Your roommates are probably rubbing off on you too much, especially Felici.
While on the Inologate, the first thing you notice is that Krennic is much more relaxed than you've ever seen him. He tends to smile more, and even pulls some stupid jokes that most people would call him retarded for even saying. But not you. It's almost the opposite when he's like this. You find him to be a much more enjoyable and approachable man to be around when he's like this.
Between the fun and games, Krennic—sorry, Orson—asks you about your job at the computer labs. His first question concerns how you got into it. You explain to him that you have always liked working with technology. You had considered joining the Rebellion when you went to enlist. But the Empire was using cutting edge technology and you enjoyed the fast pace the Empire demanded out of their workers. He continues to ask you other questions, prodding around the edges of your personal life and work life. In a way, it was like an interview with Orson except he was much less formally dressed for the occasion than you were. He kept the tone much lighter than what the normal interview tone was as well.
Orson finally lets you ask questions of your own. So you do. "Why would you choose to continue working with me?" You ask. "I believe I've failed your standards more than enough times." At least, that's how he acted.
Orson shakes his head. "You haven't failed my standards. In fact, you've exceeded them." He pauses and gazes off into the distance, as though he's searching for a teleprompter to write out what he should say next. You know he wants to say more so you remain quiet until he reverts his yes back to you. Krennic lightly taps the handle end of his fork against the tabletop as he speaks. "I'll admit, I haven't worked with a lot of people, but you're the most energetic out of the ones I have. You certainly don't hold back to try everything."
You smile. That's good. Orson doesn't think you're terrible. "My friends say I am too persistent at times," you tell him. You remember how Merrit even joked that your persistence was going to wind you up into the form of her live punching bag. "They say I'm the most likely to get punched in the face for being stubborn."
He laughs, and it's a surprisingly rich and deep sound from his throat. "I have gotten punched in the face for being too stubborn about a situation. But it was worth it because I ended up being right." He slips the waitress his credits card as she passes by. "Dinner's on me tonight. Should we go out again, the tab's on you."
"Go out again? Are you considering this a date?"
Orson blushes slightly, making him seem to lose a few years. "Call it as you please, (Name)," he says in almost a shy voice. "I do have one more request after this. Would you like to see the sunset on Rikon? I have heard it is one of the richest ones in the galaxy and I know you have not seen a sunset in nearly four years."
You nod. "Yes!"
Orson smiles at your enthusiasm. "Excellent." You hang out with Orson until he receives his credits card back. He stands up and helps you up. Then the two of you walk up across the street one of the nearest high rises. You ride the elevator up to the fourteenth floor, where he brings you up a flight of stairs to the rooftop. The sky has already turned orange-reddish and a large golden ball of plasma is slowly lowering itself down to the green treetops on the horizons. Above your head, purple and blue hues sprawl across the sky. You can't help but smile at the beauty.
Orson walks to the edge of the rooftop and swings his legs over the wall that acts as a railing. He dangles his feet and swings them back and forth slightly. "Isn't it nice?" He asks.
You nod as join him in sitting on the wall. "Really nice." You smile as the sun radiates off the ground, giving it a rich golden color. The buildings in the town are pitched of blue, purple, and orange. The radiating heat brushes against your skin. It's like a dream.
You look at Krennic. His eyes are fixated straight ahead. He has never looked so calm. The light shines off his face, highlighting some of the creases under his eyes. He actually looks really handsome.
Wait, what?
You shake your head and avert your eyes back to the town. You've been staring at Orson too long. Orson frowns and turns your way. "Something wrong?"
"No? Why?"
"It's nothing... " he trails off and decides to pretend he didn't even mention it. "(Name), I have a question."
You wonder it its along the lines of 'Please be my apprentice again?' What he actually says surprises you. Again. Krennic is just full of surprises today. "What do you think of me?" Orson asks. "Be honest."
Honest? He wants an honest answer? That's going to be hard. You think about it. Do you hate him? Do you enjoy his company? Is he the right master for you? Is he just another asshole of the Empire? Maybe something in between. "I think you do your job well."
He frowns. "So you define me by my work and not as a human being?"
"You asked for my honest opinion."
He's quiet for a long time. Finally he whispers "I suppose I did." He falls into silence and you fall in after him. You can't help but wonder why he sounded disappointed as he spoke. Did you say something?
The two of you sit there until the sun dips behind Rikon's trees and only a sliver of red glows at their tops. The rest of the town is decorated with spots of yellow from the lanterns. That's when Krennic breaks the silence. "I should get those documents signed. The Grand Moff will be pissed if I don't finish them." He mutters something under his breath and you aren't able to make out what he said. Though based off the certain movements of his mouth and the number of syllables you can hear, you're pretty sure he said "Fuck you, Tarkin."
"I should probably head back too," you say. He nods and leads you out of the building, into the streets, and towards the hotel.
You walk together, side by side. You're awfully close next to him and every now and then you either tap forearms or hands. This goes on until you reach the front of the hotel. "When's Tarkin supposed to return to the Raider?" You ask.
"Not until next month, I believe," Orson says.
You smile. "Good. That means I can do whatever I want for a month."
He laughs softly. "Honestly, I thought the same thing earlier." He then looks you dead in the eye and his playful expression disappears. "So will you become my apprentice again?"
You hold out your hand. "I'll see you tomorrow, Director Krennic? 08:00? Sharp?"
"08:30," he smiles and grips your hand. "By the workshop with the Raider in it. We've got a lot of work to do." He shakes your hand. You then become aware that he's shaken it a few shakes too many and you haven't fought back. Krennic seems to realize this too. He releases your hand and enters the hotel lobby, you in tow. "Good night, (Name)."
"Good night, Orson." You and Krennic start heading opposite ways when something stops you. "What did you dream of yesterday?" You shout to him.
Krennic walks backwards as he calls to you across the room. "I dreamed about failing. Failing to save someone I care about." He turns on his heel and leaves.
Failed date or no? And who was Krennic dreaming about? Well, the question may or may not be answered. We shall see.
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