1.) Mal
Kella Possible is the daughter of world-renowned super spy Kim Possible and famous sidekick Ron Possible (nee Stoppable). There was no way Kim was taking that last name.
Kella had it pretty good. Her parents were head of the royal guard and protection of the United States of Auradon, she was trained to be the best fighter ever since she could walk, she got to attend one of the most prestigious schools in the kingdom Auradon Prep and most of all, she was loved, but all that came crashing down on her 12th birthday.
Her parents travelled to the Isle of the lost to resolve the gang violence and feuding but tragically lost their lives in the crossfire. The King and Queen, heartbroken at the loss of their close friends and allies, adopted Kella as their own.
Ever since then, Kella has been a shell of her former self. She distanced herself from her best friend Lonnie, rarely smiles or laughs, and while she does help around the school, she mainly keeps to herself.
The only person she really talks to is Ben, who has been by her side and a shoulder to cry on ever since her parents died. He's like the brother she never had and the only one who has managed to make her laugh in 4 years.
But when Ben announces that he wants to invite the children of some of the most wicked villains to Auradon Prep, Kella is...hesitant, to say the least. It's not that she hates them per se. She just finds it difficult to be around the people who last saw her parent's alive.
Still, she stands by Ben's dream and is willing to look past that and give the VK's a chance at a better life like her parents tried to 4 years prior.
Evie is harmless, DEFINITELY smarter than she appears to be, but harmless nonetheless. She's kind to Kella, and Kella, in her own way, is kind back.
Jay is...irritating, to say the least, with his constant flirting and overall cockiness, but he's a good sparring partner, which earns Kella's respect.
Carlos is Carlos, who hates Carlos? Kella sure doesn't
The only problematic one is...Mal
Her weird obsession with FG's wand is enough to make Kella suspicious, but when Ben becomes infatuated with Mal, Kella definitely knows somethings up! But with no evidence or proof, Kella has to bite her tongue, sit back and observe...which is a little tricky when you're the honorary sister to the crown prince and his personal bodyguard.
Ever since that date and Mal dove headfirst into the enchanted lake to save Ben (albeit she had to be saved herself), something changed. Kella began to see a softer side to Mal and see her as a girl who had to fight to survive and missed out on all the experience of being a kid. She began to admire her and der I say...fall for her?
But how could that be? Mal is Maleficent's daughter, the woman who cursed a kingdom to 100 years sleep just because she wasn't invited to a party, and Kella is the orphan daughter of two world-class spies. They couldn't be falling for each other, could they?
But it's like her mother Kim always said...anythings possible for a Possible...
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Character Bio⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Luca Hollestelle as Kella R. Possible
"My mom always said anythings possible for a Possible...who knew falling for you was one of those possibilities."
Hair colour: Strawberry Blonde
Eye colour: Hazle/Green
Age: 16
Height: 5'2-5'3
The name Kella is of Irish origin, meaning Warrior
She also has freckles and a small scar under her left eye on her cheekbone, and she got it from where she saved Ben when they were 5.
Her middle name is Rufus, and she is incredibly embarrassed by it. Kim nearly had fit when she saw what Ron had written on the birth certificate and didn't talk to him for a week. Ben and her uncles like to tease her, which usually results in them getting punched in the arm...hard. They are the only ones who can get away with it, though...for now.
Although she is an honorary princess and sister to ben, she is not in line to be queen and is instead the leader of the military, security and protection of Aurodon.
There are constantly loads of references to Kella helping and saving people in weird and unusual ways off screen (like Kim in the show)
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Character personality⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Kella used to be a bubbly, energetic girl, being more like her father in terms of personality, whilst still inheriting her mother's sarcasm and levelheadedness, but ever since her parent's death, she became colder and distant towards others.
She can be abrasive and snarky at times, especially if you're new to her, but has been known to apologise if she truly offends someone (especially if Ben tells her to).
She is intelligent and can read a person almost instantly. That's partly why she's so intrigued by Mal, as she finds her hard to read. She's not the most social, preferring to observe and blend into the background.
The only person she acts friendly to is Ben and her uncles, and she is (to a lesser degree) nicer to Lonnie as they were friends before her parent's death. She feels terrible at how she treated her and pushed her away, but Kella still holds on to her guilt and is not ready to mend their friendship yet.
Due to her parent's death, she developed an intense inferiority complex and believed herself to be somewhat of a failure compared to her parents. She is scared that someday everyone will end up like her parents if she doesn't become the best. She has a strong work ethic, almost to the point of obsession.
She also suffers from night terrors and usually goes to Ben for comfort, but when he's too busy or asleep, she wonders the hall and makes herself hot chocolate in the kitchen (hot chocolate isn't her favourite drink, but it's comforting and nostalgic to her as her parents used to make it for her when she had bad dreams)
She is an expert martial artist and strategist. She is in line to be the royal military leader simultaneously as Ben's coronation and is well practised in wielding many weapons. She is also stronger than the average person, incredibly agile and a good climber (thanks to her father)
I can't stress this enough that even though Mal and Kella will get together, she will not return to the person she was before her parent's death. Kella still has her demons and inferiority complex, but to a much lesser degree, she is more open to friendship and other people. She smiles more and is calmer and less abrasive.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Key plot moments/facts⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
being adopted by the royal family, she does have some sway in the political decisions, and if anything happened to Ben, she would become the regent queen. Still, Kella doesn't want the crown, preferring to focus her time on the military and protective services. She often jokes that that's the only reason she keeps Ben alive and saves him so she doesn't become queen regent.
One night Mal will meet Kella in the kitchen. She makes Mal hot chocolate, and they unintentional bond and confides in each other over their want to make their parents proud.
Kella will be the one to rescue Mal from the lake, not Ben
Ben is so wrapped up in showing off to Mal and pointing at things that Kella and Mal end up spending more time together instead
While both Mal and Kella may be aware of their feeling for one another, Kella is reluctant to act on them as she doesn't want to upset Ben, she still doesn't know he's under a spell and thinks his feelings are real, so she rejects Mal. this causes Mal to create the anti-love potion
When Queen Leah confronts Mal, both Tim and Jim (Kella's uncles and Kim's brothers) will also be there, as it is speculated that Maleficent was responsible for Kim and Ron's death.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Misc Characters⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
(this was just for a bit of fun)
Emma Stone as Kimberley-Ann Possible (Deceased)
"I know I didn't marry you for your brain Ron but Rufus? Seriously!?"
"He was the best man at our wedding. What more could you want!?"
Andrew W. Walker as Ron Possible (nee Stoppable) Deceased
"How about when your mom and I get back, we'll all go out for Bueno Nacho, okay?"
"Not everything can be solved with Nachos, Dad!"
"I beg to differ, ask you're Mom...that's how I proposed."
James and Oliver Phelps as Tim and Jim Possible (Alive)
"Hicka-bicka-boo?" "Hoo-sha!"
"Are we too old to be saying that, Tim?" "Definitely not, Jim."
✧༺♬༻Songs and Playlist ༺♬༻✧
(just an Idea you don't have to use these if you don't want to their just songs that inspired me)
What Is This Feeling? from Wicked
Art and Outfits
Can you guess what these outfits are inspired by???
Descendants 1 (Everyday)
Descendants 1 (Formal/Party)
Descendants 2 (Everyday/Isle)
Descendants 2 (Formal/Party)
Descendants 3 (Formal/Party/Everyday)
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