Chapter Two
This chapter is really sucky, please disregard how bad it is. I tried to fix it as much as possible but it still sucks.
"Stand up!" I wiped away some spit from my mouth with my shoulder, "The King is speaking to you!" A guard pushed at me, my hands were in hand cuffs behind my back. Old and rusty hand cuffs, probably lost in the sea for years.
"Who are you?" My voice turned more hostile then I intended it to be. "King Zenthilha of Atlantis. You, don't belong here." His voice slurred, he was drunk, that's good. "Who says I don't?" I stood up.
"Elizabella," Eliza walked out from a walk of water behind the King. She avoided my eyes, a sword in her hands. Kneeling on the floor on her knees, the swords tip on the marble ground.
"Now rise." He coughed out, clearly intoxicated. How do people drink here? How do they pee?
"Execute him," "That wasn't apart of the deal." She squinted her eyes, "I said, Execute him." I could tell his temper was running short. One big question I have, why the hell is he even a freaking king? He's clearly intoxicated, if he's like this everyday how is Atlantis even still alive. "That isn't apart of the deal." Her teeth clenched together, her voice was more tougher and her fist were clenched.
King Zenthilha walked down from his throne, stumbling to walk down the steps to the ground. His hand grappled onto Eliza's jaw, "You will do as I say, Elizabella. Or your life will parish." He gashed his teeth out, hissing out every word he says. "So... Eliza, can you not kill me?" I said, echos sounding over and over again. She stayed silent, not saying a single word, still continuing to walk over to me.
What the hell, I bet this Zenthilha guy does voodoo. "Be brave," She said again, the memory that isn't so old flashed through my head, "How am I supposed to be brave when you're about to kill me?!" I stood in front of her. death. I always wondered how I was gonna die, I never thought by a girl I kind of knew, that's just messed up.
"Be brave," she repeated, "focus and be brave." Her sword was swing back behind her shoulders. As she swung I felt the world slow, a slow moving world. My eyes flash with a great light. As the light subsided, I saw myself unharmed. The sword flew across the dome like a air pocket, small drops of water twisting into the sword, infusing it's power. A cold feeling washed over me, I stared at the King. Unharmed. The sword clattered on the sand.
"Run!" She yelled at me, the hand cuffs broke free from my hands and I ran as fast as I can. "You know what gravity is?" I shout. Ignoring the question, she grabbed my hand and ran away, jumped up onto the surface. The land.
"What the hell." "Listen, we have to get as far away from here as possible." She said, "Wait, why would I ever trust you after you gave me that so called grass weed?" I asked, "I made a deal with King Zenthilha, he didn't stick to it. I should've known." She rubbed her eyes forcefully. "He sounds like a Asshole if I've ever seen one." I scoffed, "Your modern literature slangs aren't really meant to cheer people up. I hope you know that." "Eh, I call people assholes all the time."
"Landon, you belong down there. You belong in the oceans." Her head tiled slightly to the right, "Why the hell would I belong in a place that is ruled by a crazy drunk king, that reminds me a lot of some stupid ass?" She let out a sort of laugh, a laugh that you try to hold in but you can't and you don't want to. "A stupid ass is a person who made a lot of bad mistakes, King Zenthilha has made too many to count." "Fair enough," I say, "I don't belong there," Eliza sat on the shore, kicking her feet at the water. "Why not?" "I told you that I'll tell you when I feel like it. But all I'm telling you right now is that I don't belong there and I never will." She hid her face behind his hair, shielding her eyes from me again.
"Six more days till the Matchmaking, I have six more days to train you." She sighed at what she said, "Train? Who says I need training?" "Listen, Landon. If you wanna go back down there, then you need to prove to King Zenthilha that you belong down there." "What if I don't wanna go back down there?" I scrap at the sand next to me, "then you have no choice. If I'm able to have you develop a skill before the last day then you'll be accepted back to Atlantis." "Listen, Eliza." I hiss her name like it was a curse, "If I don't wanna go down there then don't hold me against my will, if I don't wanna go then I DON'T wanna go." My voice was stern, holding my own ground. The fresh smell of the ocean and the tropical plants around us give the island a aroma.
"But you need to go, Landon! To save Atlantis!" Eliza's eyes went wide, quickly standing up walking around the island in circles. "What are you saying? I can't save Atlantis, what do I even need to save Atlantis from?!" Questions were whirling in my head again like a whirlpool. "I can't tell you, Landon." Eliza stood I front of me, her eyes shown a bright aqua blue. "What the hell?" "Stop asking questions!" Anger rising from her chest, "What? Why?!" "STOP!"
Water raised from behind her, her eyes flashing and glowing between a Light ultraviolet and a dark blue. A small miniature tsunami, rose from ten feet high. It came closer and closer. Eliza's hands flew down gracefully to her sides. It revealed a shield, she gasped, she trailed off, magnified by the orb. I ran as fast as I can before I actually die. The shield reflected light off of my eyes, blue eyes with yellow patterns dancing across, following me. Eliza stepped closer to the orb, her pointer finger elegantly touched the shield, a shock of electricity, like a shock wave spread across the land maybe a bit over 15 feet. Elizabella was on the sand, her feet intact to the ground, one hand scrapping at the sand. "What the hell is that?"
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