Chapter Twenty-Seven
I really hope I don't die, I thought. Saying it over and over again. With Landon with me I feel even worse. I don't know why I decided to join him but that's what life does to you. I wasn't ready to die and I don't think I'll die.
"Welcome, friends." The man greeted, "Hi, Landon. Promise me that we won't die." I said, "I promise." He answered, pretty quickly.
"Zenith? Are these your friends that took your reign away?" The man asked, Zenthilha emerging from the dark hollows of the cage. "Is this supposed to be the big twist?" I loosen my hair from its place, I didn't leave it in a ponytail. "I think so?" Landon questioned his own answer.
"What are they doing here?" Zenthilha snarled, "To beat the hell out of you, to threaten you, to make you feel bad." He answered, "Darryl, I'm going to place 500 years of Atlantic justice on you where you burn in Hell! This is absurd!" Zenith yelled, his head turning red, "It's time for you the fall, Zenith. Friends, will you help me?" Darryl asked, "Are we killing him?" Landon asked, his arm wrapped around my shoulders, I smile, the beaming quickly fading away.
"Quite frankly, yes. If I'm being honest. Zenith betrayed me, backstabbed me." He glared, I could see fire flickering in his eyes.
"We want something, but if you got hold of him, why would you want us here?" I asked, "To hurt him more." "Darryl, we aren't going hurt Zenith. I've already hurt him once. Your actions will most likely hurt him the most." Landon stepped in, Darryl groaned, rolling his eyes as he waits for us to say what we want.
"We want the gem that you stole from O.W.L." I smirked for the first time in forever. "The Chaos gem....." Zenthilha stammered, looking at her chest.
"You're apart of O.W.L now." He regained his posture instantly after his surprised face deflated. "Is that a surprise? Looks like I like to surprise you easily, Zenthilha." I said, pushing my shoulders back to look more strong and confident. "I'll give it to you, if you don't kill me." He grinned wickedly, "Deal."
His hands shoot out a large blue stone, almost like a ying and yang pattern. Half blue and half orange. "If this falls into the wrong hands you better watch out. I won't be here to still around and tell you it's powers. Tell your boss I said hello." Staring at the stone I look to Landon. His face was hard and rough. My heart pounded even more as I continued to look at him. "Let's go," he finally said.
Darryl seized his sword, riding it up in the air. "Darryl, what are you doing? We made a deal." Zenthilha grunted, "Oh brother, deals and promises were made to be broken." A loud wail hit my ear drums.
I didn't dare look because I knew if I did my mind would never be the same. "It's okay, just remember what he did to this place." Landon calmly said, I dug my head into his shirt, trying to calm myself. Landon placed his hands on the back of my head, looking down at me with innocence. The waters light reflecting off of his face. My face was still on his chest, my heart rate was still beating fast. "You okay?" He asked, I can feel his head on the top of mine. "Better then before, at least I think so." I murmured, "Let's get out of here." I let go and looked up at him and nod.
As I jump up into the air onto the island again I wait for him. His body landing flat with sand flying everywhere around him. "Landon?" I nudge at his shoulder, "These shitting waters." He groaned, "I didn't realize how long this took us." I mention, looking at the sunset in front of us.
The colours reflecting onto the waves of the ocean. "The sea, the waters, it's all such a strange place." As I look down, I see his hands moving to mine. "It is," I say, "It's been a long journey." "It hasn't been that long, only about a week or so." "What's the difference?" Landon asked, rolling my eyes again before beaming at him. "Wait, What the-"
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