Chapter Fifteen
My legs were shaking as I walked into a room. A man with a bit of hair confronted me. "Landon, I see you have come. Please have a seat and you may begin." His very deep voice said, I take the sheet of paper he handed me slowly.
Trembling I unwillingly grab the pen from his hands and started writing.
What would your family think of your spouse? The question read. I look back up at the man and back down at the paper, I write, If they suck they suck, my parents know what I want in a relationship. Hopefully they will accept this person.
These last days I haven't thought a lot about my family. They're probably worried sick, just staring at the dock that I went to. I'll be back soon, I thought. I promise.
What would your spouse work as? Stupid question, they think I'm a freaking gold digger, that's stupid.
I write down the words, Gold digger, bull, shit. Hopefully that answer will stun this guy with me right now and others. I wonder if Eliza got the same questions I got, that would be even more shitty with gold diggers. Clearly, people here don't have decent things to ask and do so they ask this crap. I almost find it funny they asked that, like at least they aren't being sexist.
Who should the breadwinner be? The men or the women. Which is nice until you see the fact that it's kind of private to ask these questions, because I just looked underneath the question I just answered.
If you had to choose between saving your loved one or saving the world, who would you save? I think back to the game of mafia. I sacrificed myself for Eliza. With victory comes sacrifice and without sacrifice, your victory means nothing. But that wouldn't stop be from trying to do both, it's the most logical answer. I circle both of the options and continue with the list of dumbass questions.
If your girlfriend has been raped, would you still like to get intimate with her? What kind of question is that? Atlantis and King Zenthilha is setting me and Eliza up for failure. It makes sense now. "Do you ask all these questions for other people?" I lean in towards the shady man. "No, it's just to get to know your preferences." He answered, my eyes glared at him. He thinks that specific question is for preferences? That question is for a bullshit personal answer that I will not give. I'm not answering this personal question. Thank you very much. :) I put the smiley face at the end so... you know. They won't wanna kill me as much as they do now, I'll have the easy way out, I think. I hope so, this question brings back a lot of different emotions that I experienced that day when Eliza told me.
Fourth question: who do you prefer in taste? Three pictures, a girl with big boobs, big lips and big eyes. Hmmm, I'm not into plastic surgery. The second girl with curly hair and glasses, with a very..... very revealing shirt. My eyes sting from just looking at it for 3 seconds. Or the third girl with literally Barbie life style. Someone needs to help this Barbie doll. But why the hell is every kind of like with plastic surgery now a days. It's kind of freaky. Next to the three pictures I sketch my own version of someone I might like. Kind of like Eliza, not really but it's close. I circle it and write, surgery bitch on top of the page. Ok, let's continue.
Last question: kill Eliza, or Kill yourself. I felt my eyes dancing and flickering with flames, I wanted to punch Zenthilha right now, in the jaw. "What the hell is this?" I stand up, showing the guy. "I don't know, I just ... what the hell are your answers?" His eyebrows furrowed closely together. "I'm done." I open the curtain and walk out into the field.
I could feel him still staring at me from behind. The blank spot for my answer was left unanswered, I hope the parish in hell.
A few seconds after I saw Eliza come out with a broken face. Tears drying on her face with her eyes watery, but at the same time I could see rage and anger. Trying not to spiral out of control.
"After this.... we have to..... changed into the clothes." She headed for the small teepee looking tents and entered with her clothes. I went with the other one next to hers. The clothes were... interesting, interestingly bad. Well, not bad but not good. They have a freaking blue shirt with stripes that don't even actually buttons! What kind of shirt doesn't have buttons? Wrecked shirts. I'm not going for the beach boy look right now.
So with no choice what clothing I have to wear this old shirt and some black straight pants. I'm just so confused and lost. Making my way out of the dressing nightmare room I see Eliza, already standing in a line next to the other "normal" girls. If she's a normal girl then I have to be a normal guy. Unless I'm a sea freak which I am unaware of.
Minutes after minutes and more minutes. People came and went but they mostly stayed, scared of what would happen they would shrink themselves smaller. The didn't want this, they wanted a happy life with someone they truly loved. Some were ripped from another's grasp, prospering, crying. It was heartbreaking.
"We are starting the match making in 1 minutes. If you haven't answered your suggested questions yet, please do so right now. Thank you." The megaphone projected its voice though probably the entire city of Atlantis. My ears were already hurting after they finished talking. I wonder how they're gonna get a match for me after I gave them some shitty answers. The things I wrote wouldn't help anyone in any situation. If they make me rewrite it, I'm gonna write everything I wrote but even longer. So I have the pleasure of seeing them get annoyed and mad.
I tried to stand as close to Eliza as possible but considering the circumstances, the closest we can be was ten meters apart. If that's their definition of close then I don't know what is. "Attention, Amphibians and Humans. We will now start the Matchmaking. Please wait patiently for your name to be called to a small group of people. After, you will get instructions from a helper, please OBEY the rules they give you. Thank you." My heart was beating at the speed of 150, I could only heart the pumps and thumping of my heart. I tried to listen to even single word that announcer said. Obey the rules.
That's a bad thing, I can't follow rules, you know what I do to rules? I break them. Sounds a lot more crazy then you think. My school records would take you 30 minutes to finish looking at, maybe 10 detentions every school year. 4 suspensions and maybe 2 expulsions. Not that bad, but the reasons for those are pretty funny. I can't even think of what was funny about it, my heart is just taking over. It's just thumping, faster and faster. My stomach was twisting and turning, churning and crap.
I think I have diarrhea. I was joking but I couldn't even smile at the joke I just made. "Can Elizabella Kwiatkowski, Bruce Hart, Ryan Mornings, Lisa Manning, Kayla John and Derek Ferguson please follow me." The Man that consulted me before asked. Not this Moron again. First ones called up! Yay!
Our footsteps and shuffles echoed every step. A eerie silence followed when we met with the Guy. "Right, take a look at one another." He said, I look around and see three amphibians, One phibian and two Humans. Us. "Who looks appealing to you?" He asked, I sigh at the question. Looking straight to Eliza for guidance.
"There's no other way." She mouthed, looking down at her feet sadly. Her dried tears were still visible to the eye, her eyes were watery and her hands were at her lap.
"Now, I meant the opposite species as you." He corrected, "Imma take this pretty lady, right here." A amphibian slithered over, a slur to their voice. "Lovely, see?" The guy pushed Eliza forwards, she glared at him with daggers.
"What's your name?" I ask him, "Will," he replied, "Ok, Listen Will. How do you feel about the word, No?" I ask, "Now, that's not a very nice word is it?"
"You're talking to us like we're kids, maybe you should see yourself." His face turned red with fury. Am I scared of this bozo? No. You know what my favourite word is? No. Great word, must've used it a billion times in my life so far.
"No," Eliza said, "Excuse me?" The snake said, "No," she repeated. As he proceeded to try to touch her.
"No," Eliza said again, a bit harsher. "Say it one more time, Love Cake." He threatened, "No," she said one last time, "C'mon guys! You'll love each other once you get to know one another." Will pushed, "No," I said, "I'll force you then."
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