Glisten is a twinkie (crack story)
Glisten was currently posing in front of a mirror.
"Heyyyyy cutie you lookin pretty fineeee~~~" he chuckled to himself, continuing to pose
"Dude wtf" Sprout said behind him
Glisten turned around glamorously, posing again "why hello there handsome how ya doing~"
Sprout raised an eyebrow "you realize me and Cosmo are dating right" "yea, so?~"
Sprout rolled his eyes like the emo he is and walked away, saying nothing.
"Zamn, bbg, harsh" muttered Glisten.
He decided to walk around Gardenview, winking at men. Brightney noticed this "um Glisten what are you doing" she asked him
"Just walking. Why do you ask." He narrowed his eyes, flipping his 'hair' majestically "because you've been flirting with every dude you pass, you f*g"
Glisten gasped dramatically "says YOU, lesbian!" Brightney narrowed her eyes "I'm one of the only people here who's straight"
Glisten flipped his hair again walking off "whatever helps you sleep at night, closeted swine"
Glisten soon approaching Astro making out with Dandy
"Hey moon-boy, wanna swoon over me?~" Dandy's pupils flickered red and he slowly stood up
"Dandy, please-" Astro said in the most gay way possible, sounding like he was moaning
"You listen here you prissy roach, you keep away from my kitten or you will face the wrath of the alpha" Dandy said, his eyes now red and he was growling
Glisten simply smooched Dandy's cheek, making Dandy gag, then he smooched Astro's cheek, making him moan, and then he walked off
His day of being a twink ended with him wrestling Vee, her shattering his face and him ripping out her tail
The end :)
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