Vampire/Werewolf: First Place
The First Place winner of Werewolf/Vampire is KnightofEmpires. Check out the book below!
'Wolf & Hood' by KnightofEmpires
Interview with KnightofEmpires:
1. Can you briefly introduce your story and tell us why you think it won first place? Why do you want readers to consider reading it?
Wow. Double whammy question out the gate. Okay. Personally, I hope it's because those that read it fell in love with the characters and the twisted perspective on this well-known tale. It's packed full of wit, humour, mystery and of course some hot budding romance. I try and write work that I would enjoy reading myself and if others do, well that's a bonus. :)
2. Who/What is your source of inspiration when it comes to writing?
I love fairytales and mythology, I collect fairytale books as a hobby. Don't remember how it started but I now scour the thrift stores for old covers and beautiful illustrations to collect of the classic tales. Secret Sauce: Most of these ideas come to me in the shower haha. I have always had an active imagination and when I sink my teeth in an idea I tend to chew on it till I get something I can spit out onto paper (aka my laptop).
3. Do you have any other passion or talent besides writing?
Am I a human being? (debatable) But yes I have quite the collection of hobbies from Photography to horseback riding, sculpting, Archery, running into the wild bush, collecting the shiny rocks, being a bad plant parent and doing Canadian things. Like drinking maple syrup from a bottle, going skinny dipping in frozen lakes and moose calling and apologizing far too often. (Joking-sort of). XD Some of those I 've done.
4. What comes first, the plot or characters?
Both? First I was driven by the plot and a sense of my characters base personalities and features. Then I started to write, my characters took over my keyboard with a vengeance and became the source driving the direction of the plot. It's like a dance with each new chapter we grow closer to one another and by the end of the book, I'm sure even the readers will know this dynamic pair inside and out.
5. How do you come up with the titles to your books?
I was very tongue and cheek about this one. I wanted it to sound like "Little Red Riding Hood" without being too direct. So it is based on the main characters' last names, Ally Hooman and Vincent Wolf.
6. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Time and detail work. I never have enough time to write and it kills me :( I am trying to schedule it into my calendar like a proper adult but my career often takes precedence. I also have trouble remembering to pop in little clues and details to foreshadow some big things to come so I have made a world-building book just for this and will be fine-tuning and fleshing some of the earlier chapters to beef it up for the finale! (It's gonna be a doozie!)
7. What is your favourite genre to write in? Any new genre you want to attempt?
Fantasy/ Romance, but somehow it never stops there it is always peppered with action, mystery or humour. What can I say I like my books like I like my pizza; hot and loaded with a variety of toppings! Yum.
8. What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses as a writer?
Let's rip off the bandaid and start with the weaknesses.
The Bad: 1. Consistency. I do not always tell the truth of when I will update. It is supposed to be every Thursday but doesn't be surprised if I slip it in on a Friday or the Monday after. You have been warned XD. 2. Details: once again super important when writing Mystery I wish to be better at adding little details and whiffs of foreshadowing for my readers.
Strengths: 1. Loveable characters: I at least I hope you find them entertaining cause they are my adorable children, who often talk back to their mother- I mean author when I try and put them in certain situations. The sassy. 2. Humour? And I say this with a question mark cause I don't know if you're laughing, I just hope you find it at least mildly amusing and I'll be satisfied.
9. Have you ever thought of pursuing writing as a profession? Or are you currently planning to do so?
For now, it is an addictive hobby. But, don't get me wrong, to have people pay to read my work would be an amazing honour and one that I will perhaps strive toward once this book is done.
10. What drew you to Wattpad? Do you have any favourite Wattpad story?
I actually joined Wattpad as a reader way back when then fell off when life got busy and popped back on this year for the long winter. XD When I was cooped up and decided to try my hand at spinning my daydreams into tales. I have so many favs to list them all now would be impossible. Please take the time to check out my reading lists on my page. All those authors are fantastic writers from an array of genres and deserve all the attention and praise. Go check it out! Right now!
Fun questions section:
11. How many languages can you speak? Or are there any languages you wish to learn?
I speak English, Pig Latin (lol), French and like 1/2 Japenese. I would love to learn Gaelic, to pay homage to the motherland and so that no one could understand me! haha. Or Elvish, cause it always sounded so pretty in Lord of the Rings.
12. If you had 3 wishes from a genie, what would they be?
Unlimited breadsticks at the Olive Garden? Haha. Honestly, I don't know. Maybe the winning lotto numbers so we would have enough money to open an off the grid retreat centre for mental health and relaxation. Then I could finally buy the pretty black Fresian horse I always wanted. XD Or to have wings. I used to have flying dreams all the time as a child and I want it to be real gosh darn it!
13. If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?
100% All of the above. It's peppered with a bit of everything. On a good day a Rom-com, a bad day some drama. There is always action and science fiction? Why not!
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